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In humans SRY is the male determining gene.

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Which statement concerning satellite EPIRBs is TRUE ________.

A.Once activated,these EPIRBs continuously send up a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon

B.The coded signal identifies the nature of the distress situation

C.The coded signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registry

D.If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB,it will transmit default information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode



Establishing business relation is the first step for starting international trade.


Even if almost nothing is known about the neuroanatomy of symboling, a great deal is known about the evolution of mind (or "minding," if mind is considered as a process rather than a thing), in which one finds symboling as the characteristic of a particular stage of development. The evolution of minding can be traced in the following sequence of stages. First is the simple reflexive stage, in which behaviour is determined by the intrinsic properties of both the organism and the thing reacted to—for example, the contraction of the pupil of the eye under increased stimulation by light. Second is the conditioned reflex stage, in which the response is elicited not

by properties intrinsic in the stimulus but by meanings that the stimulus has acquired for the responding organism through experience—for example, Pavlow's dog's salivary glands responding to the sound of a bell. Third is the instrumental stage, as exemplified by a chimpanzee knocking down a banana with a stick. Here the response is determined by the intrinsic properties of the things involved (banana stick, chimpanzee's neurosensory-muscular system), but a new element has been introduced into behaviour, namely, the exercise of control by the reacting organism over things in the external world. And, finally, there is the symbol stage. In which the configuration of behaviour involves nonintrinsic meanings.

The first two stages exhibit a characteristic of the evolution of all living things: a movement in the direction of making life more secure and enduring. In the first stage the organism distinguishes between the beneficial, the injurious, and the neutral, but it must come into direct contact with the object or event in question to do so. In the second stage the organism may react at a distance, as it were—that is, through an intermediate stimulus. The conditioned reflex brings signs into the life process; one thing or event may serve as an indication of something else—food, danger, and so forth. And, since anything can serve as a sign of anything else(a green triangle can mean food, sex, or an electric shock to the laboratory rat), the reactions of the organism are emancipated from the limitations that stage one imposes upon living things, namely, the intrinsic properties of things. The possibility of obtaining life-sustaining things and of avoiding life-destroying things is thus much enhanced, and the security and continuity of life are correspondingly increased.

Which of the following is TRUE of the first stage of the evolution of mind?

A.The living things are unable to distinguish the beneficial, the injurious, and the neutral.

B.It is not necessary for a living thing to come into contact with another thing.

C.The intrinsic properties of things are the limitations imposed upon the organisms.

D.The first stage is characterized by the contraction of the pupil under increased stimulation by light.



Which statement is TRUE ________.

A.Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio logbooks under any circumstance

B.Urgent communications do not need to be entered in the GMDSS radio log

C.Both of the above

D.None of the above



听力原文:W: Hi, Paul, are you ready for your Speech Club presentation this evening?

M: Yeah, I' m going to discuss robots.

W: Robots? You mean those machines that walk and talk like in the movies?

M: No, industrial robots like those used in the automobile and electronic industries.

W: I saw an article about that kind of robot the other day. There were pictures of robots welding cars, but they certainly didn’t look the way I thought robots should look.

M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fiction. In industry, robots are designed to do a specific set of operations, such as welding car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans.

W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals, and a mechanism, such as an arm, to carry out instructions, right?

M: Right. Tiny computers become the brain of these robots. The computer sends signals, in the form. of electronical impulses, and move an arm and a claw. The claw is the hand that does particular kinds of work.

W: OK. But we' ye had machines on assembly lines doing work for people for years. That’s what started the industrial revolution, remember?

M: But each of those machines can only perform. a single operation and it takes months to modify them. The new industrial robots can each do a number of tasks. And it’s easy to reprogram them to perform. totally different operations. That’s one reason why they're becoming so popular.

W: They increase productivity too, don't they? I read that even though they're still quite expensive, they often cost less per year than a worker doing the same job. I imagine robots will be used more and more.

M: Exactly. So now that you know all about the next industrial revolution, you don’t have to come to Speech Club tonight.

What kind of robots does the man refer to?

A.Agricultural robots.

B.Industrial robots.


D.Electrical robots.



听力原文:W: Hi, Paul, are you ready for your Speech Club presentation this evening?

M: Yeah, I' m going to discuss robots.

W: Robots? You mean those machines that walk and talk like in the movies?

M: No, industrial robots like those used in the automobile and electronic industries.

W: I saw an article about that kind of robot the other day. There were pictures of robots welding cars, but they certainly didn’t look the way I thought robots should look.

M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fiction. In industry, robots are designed to do a specific set of operations, such as welding car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans.

W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals, and a mechanism, such as an arm, to carry out instructions, right?

M: Right. Tiny computers become the brain of these robots. The computer sends signals, in the form. of electronical impulses, and move an arm and a claw. The claw is the hand that does particular kinds of work.

W: OK. But we' ye had machines on assembly lines doing work for people for years. That’s what started the industrial revolution, remember?

M: But each of those machines can only perform. a single operation and it takes months to modify them. The new industrial robots can each do a number of tasks. And it’s easy to reprogram them to perform. totally different operations. That’s one reason why they're becoming so popular.

W: They increase productivity too, don't they? I read that even though they' re still quite expensive, they often cost less per year than a worker doing the same job. I imagine robots will be used more and more.

M: Exactly. So now that you know all about the next industrial revolution, you don’t have to come to Speech Club tonight.

What kind of robots does the man refer to?

A.Agricultural robots.

B.Industrial robots.


D.Electrical robots.



听力原文:W: Hi, Paul, are you ready for your Speech Club presentation this evening?

M: Yeah, I'm going to discuss robots.

W: Robots? You mean those machines that walk and talk like in the movies?

M: No, industrial robots like those used in the automobile and electronic industries.

W: I saw an article about that kind of robots the other day. There were pictures of robots welding cars, but they certainly didn't look the way I thought robots should look.

M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fiction. In industry, robots are designed to do a specific set of operations, such as welding car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans.

W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals, and a mechanism, such as an arm, to carry out instructions, right?

M: Right. Tiny computers become the brain of these robots. The computer sends signals, in the form. of electronic impulses, to move an arm and a claw. The claw is the hand that does particular kinds of work.

W: OK. But we've had machines on assembly lines doing work for people for years. That's what started the industrial revolution, remember?

M: But each of those machines can only perform. a single operation and it takes months to modify them. The new industrial robots can each do a number of tasks. And it's easy to reprogram them to perform. totally different operations. That's one reason why they're becoming so popular.

What kind of robots does the man refer to?

A.Agricultural robots.

B.Industrial robots.


D.Electrical robots.



听力原文:W: Hi, Paul, are you ready for your Speech Club presentation this evening?

M: Yeah, I'm going to discuss robots.

W: Robots? You mean those machines that walk and talk like in the movies?

M: No, industrial robots like those used in the automobile and electronic industries.

W: I saw an article about that kind of robots the other day. There were pictures of robots welding cars, but

they certainly didn't look the way I thought robots should look.

M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fiction. In industry, robots are designed to do a specific set of operations, such as welding car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans.

W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals, and a mechanism, such as an arm, to carry out instructions, right?

M: Right. Tiny computers become the brain of these robots. The computer sends signals, in the form. of electronic impulses, to move an arm and a claw. The claw is the hand that does particular kinds of work.

W: OK. But we've had machines on assembly lines doing work for people for years. That's what started the industrial revolution, remember?

M: But each of those machines can only perform. a single operation and it takes months to modify them. The new industrial robots can each do a number of tasks. And it's easy to reprogram them to perform. totally different operations. That's one reason why they're becoming so popular.

What kind of robots does the man refer to?

A.Agricultural robots.

B.Industrial robots.


D.Electrical robots.



Some business books are like a CD recorded by a one-hit-wonder pop star. On the CD, the star's original hit is padded with dross hurriedly bundled together to cash in on the star's ephemeral fame. Consumers, at the end of the day, regret not having bought just the original hit song.

Work force Crisis grew out of an article by the same authors that appeared in the Harvard Business Review in March 200,1. Called It's Time to Retire Retirement, it achieved fame of a sort when it won the McKinsey Prize, an award granted annually to the "most significant" article to have appeared in the publication during the previous year. It gained even more fame by association, being joint winner that year with what turned out to be Peter Drucker's last article What Makes an Effective Executive for the publication.

Now here is the CD extension of that original hit. It takes the basic thesis of the article that the long-standing corporate practice of investing heavily in youth and pushing out older workers must change, "or companies will find themselves running off a demographic cliff as baby boomers age" and puffs it out to the 200-plus pages that hook publishers demand as a minimum.

The authors' original article was already on shaky ground in stating that, as baby-boomers retire (people born between 1946 and 1964, the oldest of whom are just now reaching 60), "there won't be nearly enough young people entering the workforce to compensate for the exodus". An article in the August 2003 issue of Organizational Dynamics, by Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, had already knocked that idea on the head. Mr. Cappelli took issue with the popular rumour that the retirement of baby boomers will bring about a shortage of labour. At least in America, there are all sorts of ways in which the labour market will compensate. Many baby-boomers, for instance, will work longer; and although the next generation is some 16% smaller than the baby boom generation? the generation after that is bigger than both of them. Then there is migration and offshoring to smooth the imbalance even further.

Curiously, both sides cited the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in support of their case: Mr. Cappelli quoting its estimate that the US labour force will rise from 153m in 2000 to 159m in 2010; Mr. Dychtwald and his colleagues saying that the bureau "projects a shortfall of 10m workers in the United States in 2010". First there are statistics; and then there is what you want them to say.

The debate has moved on from being about labour shortages to being about the waste of resources involved in allowing workers to retire at what is, given current life expectancy and standards of health, the relatively young age of 60 65. To give Work force Crisis its due, it dwells only briefly at the beginning on statistical pyrotechnics to prove that "a large and prolonged worker shortage could severely reduce our standard of living". It then eases into a discussion about ways in which companies can redesign work in order to bang on to the workers they want to hang on to, regardless of age, in an era when people hop from employer to employer like never before. But it is more like elevator muzak than the hit first recorded in the Harvard Business Review.

The word "ephemeral" in the first paragraph probably means ______.







Philosophy of Logical Analysis Modern physics and physiology throw a new light upon the ancient problem of perception. If there is to be anything that can be called "perception", it must be in some degree an effect of the object perceived, and it must more or less resemble the object if it is to be a source of knowledge of the object. The first requisite can only be fulfilled if there are causal chains which are, to a greater or lesser extent, independent of the rest of the world. According to physics, this is the case. Modern analytical empiricism differs from that of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume by its incorporation of mathematics and its development of a powerful logical technique. It is thus able, in regard to certain problems, to achieve definite answers, which have the quality of science rather than philosophy. It has the advantage; as compared with philosophies of system-builders, of being able to tackle its problems one at a time, instead of having to invent at one stroke a block theory of the whole universe. Its methods, in this respect, resemble those of science. There remains, however, a vast field, traditionally included in philosophy, where scientific methods are inadequate. This field includes ultimate questions of value; science alone, for example, cannot prove that it is bad to enjoy the infliction cruelty. Whatever can be known, can be known by means of science; but things which are legitimately matters of feeling lie outside its province. Philosophy, throughout its history, has consisted of two parts inharmoniously blended: on the one hand, a theory as to the nature of the world, on the other hand, an ethical or political doctrine as to the best way of living. (A)The failure to separate these two with sufficient clarity has been a source of much confused thinking. (B)Philosophers, from Plato to William James, have allowed their opinions as to the constitution of the universe to be influenced by the desire for edification: knowing, as they supposed, what beliefs would make men virtuous, they have invented arguments, often very sophisticated, to prove that these beliefs are true. (C)Morally, a philosopher who uses his professional competence for anything except a disinterested search for truth is guilty of a kind of treachery. And when he assumes, in advance of inquiry, that certain beliefs, whether true or false, are such as to promote good behavior, he is so limiting the scope of philosophical speculation as to make philosophy trivial; the true philosopher is prepared to examine all preconceptions. (D)When any limits are placed, consciously or unconsciously, upon the pursuit of truth, philosophy becomes paralyzed by fear, and the ground is prepared for a government censorship punishing those who utter "dangerous thoughts" -in fact, the philosopher has already placed such a censorship over his own investigations. Intellectually, the effect of mistaken moral considerations upon philosophy has been to impede progress to an extraordinary extent. I do not myself believe that philosophy can either prove or disapprove the truth of religious dogmas, but ever since Plato most philosophers have considered it part of their business to produce "proofs" of immortality and the existence of God. They have found fault with the proofs of their predecessors—Saint Thomas rejected Saint Anselms proofs, and Kant rejected Descartes—but they have supplied new ones of their own. In order to make their proofs seem valid, they have had to falsify logic, to make mathematics mystical, and to pretend that deep-seated prejudices were heaven-sent intuitions. All this is rejected by the philosophers who make logical analysis the main business of philosophy. They confess frankly that the human intellect is of profound importance to mankind, but they refuse to believe that there is some "higher" way of knowing, by which we can discover truths hidden from science and the intellect. For this renunciation, they have been rewarded by the discovery that many questions, formerly obscured by the fog of metaphysics, can be answered with precision, and by objective methods which .introduce nothing of the philosophers temperament except the desire to understand. Take such questions as. What is a number? What are space and time? What is mind, and what is matter? I do not say that we can here and now give definite answers to all these ancient questions, but I do say that a method has been discovered by which, as in science, we can make successive approximations to the truth.

According to the passage, Amess appearance at last years meeting showed that ______.

A.he liked to enjoy the California sunshine

B.he was too busy to care for himself

C.he was particular about his clothes

D.he paid no attention to himself

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