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Make a comparison among orthologs, paralogs and xenologs.

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同源序列可分为两种: (orthology)和 (paralogy)。






Ask most people to list what makes them like someone on first meeting and they'll tell you personality, intelligence, sense of humor. But they're probably deceiving themselves. The characteristic that impresses people the most, when meeting anyone from a job applicant to a blind date, is appearance. And unfair and unenlightened as it may seem, attractive people are frequently preferred over their less attractive peers.

Research begun in the early 1970s has shown that not only do good looks influence such things as choice of friends, lovers, and mates, but that they can also affect school grades, selection for jobs, and even the outcome of a trial. Psychologist Ellen Berscheid of the University of Minnesota and psychologist Elaine Walster, then at the University of Wisconsin, were among the first researchers to deal with the topic of attractiveness. Their seminal 1974 paper on the subject showed that the more attractive a person, the more desirable characteristics others will attribute to him or her. Attractive people are viewed as being happier, more sensitive, more interesting, warmer, more poised, more sociable, and as having better character than their less attractive counterparts. Psychologist Karen Dion of the University of Toronto has dubbed this stereotypical view as: "What is beautiful is good".

Our current work at old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, with colleagues and students, focuses on the role that appearance plays in judgments made about people. Our studies have been done in a variety of settings: basic research laboratories, beauty and cosmetics industry labs, plastic and reconstructive surgery practices, psychiatric hospitals, and psychotherapeutic consulting rooms.

One topic that has led to many avenues of research is how attractiveness influences sex-typing—the tendency of people to attribute certain stereotypical qualities to each sex. Besides being perceived as sensitive, kind, interesting, and generally happy, attractive people tend to fit easily into sexual stereotypes, according to a study done by Barry Gillen, a social psychologist in our department.

Gillen speculated that attractive people possess two types of "goodness", one related to and the other unrelated to their sex. To test this hypothesis he showed a group of students photographs of both men and women of high, moderate, and low attractiveness, as determined by the previous rankings of students according to a seven-point scale (contrary to popular belief, researchers usually don't use the Bo Derek scale of 10). The judges were asked to rate the subjects according to the masculinity, femininity, and social desirability scales of the Bern Sex Role Inventory. Gillen's study found that attractive women were perceived as being more feminine, and that attractive men were viewed as being more masculine than their less attractive counterparts. This suggests a second stereotype: "What is beautiful is sex-typed."

One implication of Gillen's work that we wanted to test was whether good looks are a disadvantage for some people, especially women, in work situations that conflict with sexual stereotypes. By the late 1970s, there was already a sizable body of literature documenting the problems women face because of sex-role stereotypes. We speculated that attractive women might be at a real disadvantage when they aspire to occupations in which stereotypically masculine traits—such as being strong, independent, and decisive—are thought to be required for success.

To test that possibility we did a study with Gillen and Steve Burns, a student in our department, in which professional personnel consultants were hired to rate a "job applicant's" suitability for six positions. We matched the positions for the skill required, the prestige offered, and the degree of supervisory independence allowed. Two jobs were stereotypically masculine (automobile salesperson, and

A.appearance that hinders his/her inclination

B.intelligence that triggers his/her interest

C.appearance that touches off his/her inclination

D.sweet personality and sense of humor that arouses his/her interest











In recent years, teachers of introductory courses in Asian American studies have been facing a dilemma nonexistent a few decades ago, when hardly any texts in that field were available. Today, excellent anthologies and other introductory texts exist, and books on individual Asian American nationality groups and on general issues important for Asian Americans are published almost weekly. Even professors who are experts in the field find it difficult to decide which of these to assign to students; non-experts who teach in related areas and are looking for writings for and by Asian American to include in survey courses are in an even worse position. A complicating factor has been the continuing lack of specialized one-volume reference works on Asian Americans , such as biographical dictionaries or desktop encyclopedias. Such works would enable students taking Asian American studies courses(and professors in related fields)to look up basic information on Asian American individuals, institutions, history, and culture without having to wade through moun- tains of primary source material. In addition, give such works, Asian American studies professors might feel more free to include more challenging Asian American material in their introductory reading lists, since good reference works allow students to acquire on their own the background information necessary to interpret difficult or unfamiliar material.

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

A.Recommending a methodology.

B.Describing a course of study.

C.Discussing a problem.

D.Evaluating a past course of action.

E.Responding to a criticism.




Stress can be defined as an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person. This definition includes three concepts important to the overall study of stress: (a) situational demands or stressors cause persons to adapt; (b) individuals tend to react and adapt in different ways to the stressors they are presented, and (c) some form. of physical and/or psychological responses will occur. Therefore, internal characteristics may determine physical and emotional responses exhibited by individuals as a result of stressors. There are two distinct types of stressors, those without and within. Without stressors originate outside individuals and include such things as environmental or work-related demands. Within stressors are those from within individuals. These stressors tend to include individuals' personal values, attitudes, and self-concepts. There are three major types of stressors: environmental, organizational, and individual. Stressors are found to emerge from the environment and individuals. Internal characteristics would be stressors from within individuals.

Internal characteristics are identified in numerous documents and cited as major sources of individual stress. Researchers have found that internal characteristics could contribute to individuals' susceptibility m stress and that these factors may even dictate how individuals handle the stress that they encounter; they state that internal characteristics actually contribute to the amount of stress individuals are able to tolerate. A large number of the negative experiences of beginning vocational individuals emerge from internal characteristics.

The role-related stress is a function of the individual's personality and job preparation. Perceived professional competence has been found to be a source of stress for many individuals. Individuals have been known to experience stress because of their lack of occupational confidence in a particular work or particular environment. Rapid changes in the world and technologies have caused individuals to feel incompetent and experience stress due to their inability to always remain current and up-to-date in their areas of expertise.

Job satisfaction and individual stress are found to be strongly correlated. The amount of stress and degree of job satisfaction experienced by individuals directly influence the quality of individual work life. A list of events revealed recently is closely related to individuals' life satisfaction that could affect their stress and performance at work. These events included marriage, divorce, pregnancy, death of a loved one, and change of residence.

According to the author of this passage, the term "stress" can be defined as

A.an individual's response to an external action.

B.a process of one's adaptation to the situation.

C.a demand an external situation places on a person.

D.physical and psychological demands on a person.




Stress can be defined as an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person. This definition includes three concepts important to the overall study of stress: (a) situational demands or stressors cause persons to adapt; (b) individuals tend to react and adapt in different ways to the stressors they are presented, and (c) some form. of physical and/ or psychological responses will occur. Therefore, internal characteristics may determine physical and emotional responses exhibited by individuals as a result of stressors. There are two distinct types of stressors, those without and within. Without stressors originate outside individuals and include such things as environmental or work-related demands. Within stressors are those from within individuals. These stressors tend to include individuals' personal values, attitudes, and self-concepts. There are three major types of stressors: environmental, organizational, and individual. Stressors are found to emerge from the environment and individuals. Internal characteristics would be stressors from within individuals. Internal characteristics are identified in numerous documents and cited as major sources of individual stress. Researchers have found that internal characteristics could contribute to individuals' susceptibility to stress and that these factors may even dictate how individuals handle the stress that they encounter; they state that internal characteristics actually contribute to the amount of stress individuals are able to tolerate. A large number of the negative experiences of beginning vocational individuals emerge from internal characteristics.

The role-related stress is a function of the individual's personality and job preparation. Perceived professional competence has been found to be a source of stress for many individuals. Individuals have been known to experience stress because of their lack of occupational confidence in a particular work or particular environment. Rapid changes in the world and technologies have caused individuals to feel incompetent and experience stress due to their inability to always remain current and up-to-date in their areas of expertise.

Job satisfaction and individual stress are found to be strongly correlated. The amount of stress and degree of job satisfaction experienced by individuals directly influence the quality of individual work life. A list of events revealed recently is closely related to individuals' life satisfaction that could affect their stress and performance at work. These events included marriage, divorce, pregnancy, death of a loved one, and change of residence.

According to the author of this passage, the term "stress" can be defined as______.

A.an individual's response to an external action

B.a process of one's adaptation to the situation

C.a demand an external situation places on a person

D.physical and psychological demands on a person



There are at least two causes of anxiety: conflict and stress. As an example of the former, we can rarely predict the precise consequences of what we do, but we are awarded (oz cursed) with the intellectual capacity to anticipate the advantages and disadvantages which may arise for any action we may be contemplating. Very commonly we axe faced with a choice between several courses of action, all of which we have reasons for or against. This state of affairs -- in psychological jargon, multiple approach-avoidance conflict -- accounts for a great deal of our worrying: worrying, that is, about what to do.

The other major source of worry is the dreadful things which may happen or have happened to us or to those we care for. Among the most stressful of these are death, illness, loss of work, money problems, marital problems and retirement. Such worries have a rational basis, but we are curiously irrational in the way we pursue them. For example, fear of death is as strong among young adults as among the elderly and it does not seem to be reduced by any sort of religious faith, including the belief that there is life after death. It is equally surprising that objective measures of anxiety suggest that we are as worried the hour before having a tooth filled as when we face a major medical operation.

How do we deal with worries? Psychiatrists point to a number of defensive devices we can use to turn them aside. We can avoid the situations which induce them, one of the example being that some people refuse to fly in airplanes. We can deny that we have the worry at all, which may be risky if the worry is well-founded. Alternatively, we may repress it. These are hazardous; the former may lead to free-floating, clinical anxiety, while the latter is a way of saying that many physical troubles seem to be primarily emotional in origin. Temporary relief from anxiety can be obtained through engaging in a variety of coping behaviors. These include many of the commonest items of our behavioral repertoire. Smoking, drinking, sleeping, eating, taking physical exercise, daydreaming: all can be used to reduce anxiety when the occasion demands it. It is when they fail that worrying or anxiety threatens to become a clinical problem.

Of course, some people worry more than others, whatever the circumstances. So far I have been discus- sing the state of anxiety, which is largely the product of the amount of stress an individual experiences. But anxiety is also a personality trait, closely related to Eysenck's neuroticism dimension, and the genes we inherit may make us likely become worriers. The importance of constitutional factors is underlined by the fact that people rarely have breakdowns for the first time later in life, despite the fact that stress-inducing events become more frequent as we get older.

One of the main reasons why people worry about the future is that they ______.

A.are aware of different possible consequences resulting from their actions

B.want to avoid problems they think they may meet

C.are incapable of analyzing the actions they should take

D.know what the results of their actions will be

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