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One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I caught a fish alive. Six,

seven, eight, nine, ten, But I kept it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? The little one upon the right.

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The time between American businessman Dennis Tito's and a South African businessman Mark Shuttle worth's space travel is ______.

A.one year

B.two years

C.three years

D.four years



Seven Excuses Not to Go to College

Think college is for other kids, and not for you? Wrong. Don't give up on college before you take a good look at it.

One. "I can't go to college — nobody in my family has ever gone."

In every family, someone has to be first. Why not you? True, being first can be hard. On the other hand, being first is likely to be a source of pride, for you and your family.

Two. "I've been in school for 12 years. That's enough! I just want a good job."

Give college a chance. It's not like high school or junior high. For one thing, in college you pick a major — a subject area that you want to learn about. As for that good job — the best jobs and the best salaries go to college grads.

Three. "I can't go to college because I can't afford it."

Most students get financial aid to help pay for college, and most aid is based on need. This means that the less money you have, the more aid you might get.

Four. "I can't go because I don't know how to apply or where I want to go."

Tell your high school counselors you want to go to college fairs, where colleges introduce themselves to students. Ask them how to write to schools for information. Try to visit colleges that interest you. Keep at it. After a while, you'll get a feel for differences among colleges, and start to know what you want.

Five. "I can't go to college — I don't know what I want to do with my life."

Join the crowd. Thousands of college freshmen haven't decided on a major or on a career. That's how college helps. It exposes you to all sorts of subjects you've never heard of before. College is a great place to learn more about careers you'll love for life.

Six. "I can't go to college, because I just won't fit in."

Not so. Most colleges have students from many backgrounds. Homesick? Need a hand? Look for people with your interests or your background in the African-American club, on the soccer field, or in a Korean study group. Remember, college is a great place to meet new kinds of people with different lifestyles. And the more people you understand and feel comfortable with, the better prepared you'll be for the world after college.

Seven. "College is too hard for me."

Not you, too! Most students worry about being good enough for college, so you're not alone. One idea: In high school, don't just study — learn how to study. Most good students have strategies for studying. Once you learn how to study, chances are you'll do fine. Still need help? Professors are really helpful, and so are the tutors.

When you are considering colleges, you usually have already studied for

A.8 years.

B.10 years.

C.9 years.

D.12 years.



One Friday morning Mike gets up late. When he gets to the door of the classroom, Mr. Green, his math teacher, says, "You are late again. Now how many times are you late this week?"

"Three times," says Mike.

"Why are you late for class?"

"Because I get up late."

"Why don't you go to bed early?" asks the teacher.

"It isn't my fault, Mr. Green. The TV play is over at about eleven." says Mike.

"Now please give me your homework." says the teacher.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it." says Mike.

"But why can't you do it?" asks the teacher.

"Because the first part of the homework is too easy. I don't think I need to do it. The second part is not easy. I can't work it out. So I can't do it," says Mike again.

It's the third time for Mike to be late.





听力原文: An American Airlines DC-10 jetliner packed with holiday travelers crashed in a fireball moments after takeoff from the world's busiest airport Friday in the worst air disaster in United States history. There were no survivors. The death toll was set by American Airlines at 272-279 passengers, three crew members and 10 flight attendants. Two of the passengers were not originally reported because they were airline employees granted free passage. The jetliner bound for Los Angeles lost one of its three engines as it rose from the runway at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.

What happened this Friday?

A.A jetliner crashed soon after it took off.

B.There was an accident at the airport.

C.Three crew members were granted free passage.

D.Chicago's O'Hare International was announced the world largest airport.




Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:M: One thing you listeners don't know about me is that I used to weigh an incredible three hundred pounds. Ever since I started the Moment of Science Weight Loss Program, though, I've Been slimming and trimming until i'm now in the spectacular shape you see today.

W: Don't... you look the same as you always have.

M: Well, OK. But I 60 fidget.

W: You fidget? What does fidgeting have to do with weight?

M: Maybe a lot! Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota did some experiments to try to figure out why some people gain weight more than others do.

W: Boy, I can relate to that. Some people can eat whatever they want and they never seem to gain a pound.

M: In this study, volunteers were given a thousand extra calories a day — about two cheeseburger's worth of extra intake.

W: This kind of study I'd like to be in!

M: Well, anyway, they also wore special devices that recorded how much they moved — you know, walking up and down steps. Everybody gained weight, but some people gained much less than others. The culprit? Fidgeting.

W: You mean just drumming your fingers or scratching your neck or something?

M: Any motion takes energy to perform. And little motions like rearranging things on your desk or stretching your hack, if you do them all the time, start to add up. We generally only think of large motions, like exercise, as burning calories. But people who have the fidgets may be doing a slow, steady burn all day long.

According to the man, he used to be ______.

A.quite slim

B.on diet

C.extremely overweight

D.doing exercises to lose weight



Three neighbors, Harry, Fred, and Paul, each have three cars, one two-door, one four-door, and one five-door. They each own a Buick, a Ford, and a Toyota. None of the same make of cars has the same number of doors. Harry’s Buick has the same number of doors as Fred’s Ford. Paul’s Buick has the same number of doors as Harry’s Ford. Harry’s Toyota is a two-door and Fred’s Toyota is a four-door. Who has a five-door Toyota?



―Five ? Four ? Three ? Two ? One ? See ya! ‖ and Chance McGuire, twenty-five, is airborne off a 600 –foot concrete dam in Northern California. In one second he falls 15 feet, in two seconds 60 feet, and after three seconds and 130 feet, he is flying at 66 miles an hour. McGuire is a practitioner of what he calls the king of all extreme sports. BASE—an acronym for building, antenna, span (bridge) and earth (cliffs)—jumping has one of the sporting world’s highest fatality rates: in its 18-year history, forty –six participants have been killed. Yet the sport has never been more popular, with more than a thousand jumpers in the United States, and more seeking to get into it every day. It is an activity without margin for error. If your chute malfunctions, don’t bother researching for a reserve—there isn’t time. There are no second chances. Still, the sport may be a perfect fit with the times. Americans may have more in common with McGuire than they know or care to admit. America has embarked on a national orgy of thrill seeking and risk taking. The rise of adventure and extreme sports such as BASE jumping, snowboarding, ice climbing, skateboarding, and paragliding is merely the most vivid manifestation of this new national behavior. The rising popularity of extreme sports speaks of an eagerness on the part of millions of Americans to participate in activities closer to the edge, where danger, skill, and fear combine to give weekend warriors and professional athletes alike a sense of pushing out personal boundaries. According to American Sports Data Inc., a consulting firm, participation in so-called extreme sports is way up. Snowboarding has grown 113 percent in five years and now boasts nearly 5.5 million participants. Mountain hiking, skateboarding, scuba diving—their growth curves reveal a nation that loves to play with danger. Contrast that with activities such as baseball, touch football, and aerobics, all of which were in steady decline throughout the 1990s. The pursuits that are becoming more popular have one thing in common: the perception that they are somehow more challenging than a game of touch football. ―Every human being with two legs and two arms is going to wonder how fast, how strong, how enduring he or she is,‖ says Eric Perlman, a mountaineer and film maker specializing in extreme sports. ―We are designed to experience or die.‖ Questions 1—3 Complete the following sentences with information given in the passage in a maximum of 4 words for each blank. 1、 _______ rates doesn’t stop people from getting into BASE jumping every day. 2、 The rise of extreme sports manifests the national behavior of _______ and ________. 3、The combination of fear, skill and danger gives both amateurs and professionals a sense of ______. Questions 4—5 Choose the best answer according to the passage. 4、 Which of the following activities reveals a nation that loves to play activities closer to the edge? A. Touch football. B. Baseball. C. Scuba diving. D. Aerobics.5、 What does Eric mean by saying ―We are designed to experience or die‖? A. Life with great challenges is a meaningful one. B. Life without great experiences is very common.C. People may die while doing extreme sports. D. Extreme sports are essential parts of human life.

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