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The Puritans had already drawn lines of distinction between the secular and religious spheres.

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The fundamental distinction between competence and performance is discussed by







Holly drape is to some extent used as religious symbol






The traditional distinction between products that satisfy needs and those that satisfy wants is no longer adequate to describe classes of products. In today's prosperous societies the distinction has become obscure because so many wants have been turned into needs. A writer, for instance, can work with paper and pencils. These are legitimate needs for the task. But the work can be done more quickly and efficiently with a word processor. Thus a computer is soon viewed as a need rather than a want.

In the field of marketing, consumer goods are classed according to the way in which they are purchased. The two main categories are convenience goods and shopping goods. Two lesser types are specialty goods and unsought goods. It must be emphasized that all of these types are based on the way shoppers think about products, not on the nature of the products themselves. What is regarded as a convenience item in France (wine, for example) may be a specialty good in the United States.

People do not spend a great deal of time shopping for such convenience items as groceries, newspapers, toothpaste, razor blades, aspirin, and candy. The buying of convenience goods may be done routinely, as some families buy groceries once a week. Such regularly purchased items are called staples. Sometimes convenience products are bought on impulse: someone has a sudden desire for an ice cream sundae on a hot day. Or they may be purchased as emergency items.

Shopping goods are items for which customers search. They compare prices, quality, and styles, and may visit a number of stores before making a decision. Buying an automobile is often done this way.

Shopping goods fall into two classes: those that are perceived as basically the same and those that are regarded as different, Items that are looked upon as basically the same include such things as home appliances, television sets, and automobiles. Having decided on the model desired, the customer is primarily interested in getting the item at the most favorable price. Items regarded as inherently different include clothing, furniture, and dishes. Quality, style, and fashion will either take precedence over price, or they will not matter at all.

Specialty goods have characteristics that impel customers to make special efforts to find them. Price may be no consideration at all. Specialty goods can include almost any kind of product. Normally, specialty goods have a brand name or other distinguishing characteristics.

Unsought goods are items a consumer does not necessarily want or need or may not even know about. Promotion or advertising brings such goods to the consumer's attention. The product could be something new on the market as the Sony Walkman once was or it may be a fairly standard service, such as life insurance, for which most people will usually not bother shopping.

A word processor can be looked on as satisfying a need rather than a want if

A.it is used at home to do paper work.

B.it is used by a writer to type a novel.

C.it becomes the only means to an end.

D.a writer does not want to use it.



Various meditative techniques all requires

A.modes identical to religious services.

B.restless repetition of a certain prayer.

C.continuous movements of taiji.

D.a great deal of mental concentration.



听力原文: India says its soldiers have ambushed and killed seven Afghan militants trying to sneak into Indian Kashmir from Pakistan.

A top army officer says the seven men, carrying machine guns and ammunition, were killed in an early morning encounter in the border district of Punjab, northwest of Jammu. He says the army ambushed the men after receiving information about the infiltration attempt. He said all seven belonged to the Pakistan-based Al-Badr guerrilla outfit. He said more than 160 militants have been killed this year in the area. Pakistan-based Islamic guerrilla groups have been fighting Indian security forces in Kashmir since 1989.

India says hundreds of these guerrillas cross over each year into Indian Kashmir from their camps in Pakistan, where they are groomed in religious schools and receive weapons training. Pakistan denies the charge, saying it gives only moral support to the rebels.

Which one of the following is NOT true?

A.Indian soldiers have ambushed and killed seven Afghan militants.

B.More than 160 Afghan militants have been killed this year in the area.

C.Pakistan-based Islamic guerrilla groups have been fighting Indian security forces in Kashmir since 1998.

D.The guerrillas receive weapons training in their camp in Pakistan.



How Jazz Began

After slavery was abolished in 1863, those former slaves who were in and near New Orleans found themselves surrounded by many different kinds of music.

Among the freed slaves, two very different types of music developed from the African rhythms that had formed the basis for the Negroes' work songs. One line of musical development led to the creation of religious songs, which were called spirituals. The other produced songs that were not religious, but worldly; these songs were called blues.

In the years following the end of the Civil War in 1865, a whole new musical world opened up to the freed Negroes. They have had musical instruments when they were slaves, but these were mostly stringed instruments. Now they were able to use professionally-made wind instruments. Many of these were horns that had been left behind by soldiers in the northern and southern armies. The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments, inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices. At first, they played the hymns and marches familiar to them. But these musicians were basically singers, and when they blew on the horns they tried to produce what they could hear "singing" in their minds. Through these "singing horns", the marches and hymns developed a rhythm they had never had before. The horns also gave the players the addition of two "blue" notes—a flattened third and a flattened seventh. This was characteristic of Negro singing that became a basic characteristic of jazz.

There was still another element contributing to the development of jazz. This was a kind of piano music which was called ragtime(拉格泰姆音乐). In ragtime, the piano player keeps a steady beat with his left hand while his right hand changes the beat in unexpected ways. This produces an effect called syncopation(切分)—another characteristic of jazz.

The first important jazz band was a group led by Buddy Bolden, a barber. In 1895 and 1896 Bolden was known as the "King" among New Orleans musicians. When Bolden played for outdoor dancing in a park, his playing was powerful enough to attract all the dancers from another park a block away. "Calling my children home" was how Bold- en described this.

For Bolden's band and others that grew up around it in New Orleans, each player could compose his music while he was playing it; the music was improvised(即兴创作), not written in advance. Usually there was no piano because these bands served many purposes: playing for dances at night, marching in daytime parades, playing for funerals or riding around the city on wagons to advertise products. As a result, the piano in jazz developed in a separate line of its own until the 1920s.

As the nineteenth century became the twentieth, Negro bands were being heard more and more on the streets of New Orleans. Included in the crowd of listeners who followed them were black youngsters such as Louis Armstrong, The new music excited young white musicians, too, and soon there were white bands trying to copy this Negro style. of playing.

But the "blue" tones that came so naturally to the Negroes were not easy for the white musicians. For them, the ragtime rhythms were easier than the curving roll of Negro music. The white musicians created the foundation for what is now called Dixieland jazz.

At first, jazz was known as "good-time music"; it was mainly music for dancing. In New Orleans, and in other towns in the United Sates, jazz was most often heard it sections of the town where "respectable" citizens were not supposed to be seen. Thus, in New Orleans, this young style. of music became popular during the first twenty years of the twentieth century in Storyville, a section of the city where streets were lined with dance halls and bars, along with even less acceptable places for entertainment.

In 1917, du






听力原文: Officials in the Philippines feared that almost all of the 1800 residents of Guinsaugon died in the massive landslide that buried the village on eastern Leyte Island on Friday. Authorities say only 57 people have been found alive, and that the chances of finding more survivors are fading. At least 46 bodies have been recovered. Philippine president Gloria Arroyo has deployed the military for rescue and recovery efforts. Several countries including the United States are supplying monetary and military aid. Matthew Lussenhop at the US embassy in Manila says the US navy ships Harper's ferry and the carrier Essex were already in the area on military maneuvers. They'll be sent to the landslide area to help with relief efforts. "Essex ship has a lot of capability to ad- dress these kinds of humanitarian disasters, specifically what's out there needed to be worked out." Officials say rescue efforts have been hampered by continuous rain, blocked road and unstable mud.

How many residents died and how many have been found alive in the landslide?

A.About 180; 57.

B.About 180; 75.

C.About 1,800; 57.

D.About 1,800; 75.



听力原文: The International Red Cross in Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988. It tells the story of men and women who in the course of the major events of the last 150 years have given assistance to victims of war and natural disasters. The organization was established in 1863 and was based on the idea by a Swiss businessman called Henry Durant. He had witnessed the heavy casualties of the battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing. He had seen the lack of medical services in the great suffering of many of the wounded who simply died from lack of care.

The International Red Cross or Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationalities. The symbol of the organization was originally just a red cross. It has no religious significance. The founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland. However, during the rest of the Turkish war, the Turks felt that the cross could be seen as a fence to the Muslim soldiers and the second symbol, the red crescent, was adopted for use by national organizations in the Islamic world. Both are now official symbols.

The museum was built in memory of those

A.who died in wars.

B.who worked to help victims.

C.who lost their families in disasters.

D.who fought in wars.

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