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If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...

IfIf [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If,If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...IfandIf [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If. Then what areIf [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...IfandIf [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If

A、If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If

B、If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If

C、If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If

D、If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...If

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If [图], [图] and [图]. Then what are [图] and [图...

If,and. Then what areand?







If [图],then what are [图] and [图] respectively ?...

If,then what areandrespectively ?







If [图],then what are [图] and [图] respectively ?...

If,then what areandrespectively ?







【填空题】AV Clip 21: [图]AV 21 Autism _Awareness_ -...

【填空题】AV Clip 21:AV 21 Autism _Awareness_ - Ten Things You Should Know.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. Number four, ask very (1) ___________questions about things that we're interested in. For example, if somebody really loves airplanes, then you can ask them what is the biggest airplane that was ever made. Having very detailed questions about things we understand helps us to know where the conversation is going and makes it comfortable for us when talking to you. Number five, please don't get (2) ____________with us if we don't look at you or make eye contact. We most likely are giving you our (3) _________________, we just tend to not look at people who are talking to because it helps us to (4) ________________what we're hearing and saying. And the last thing that I want to share with you is that if you meet someone with an autism spectrum disorder, then you have met one person with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorders are very (5) _________________ and they affect people in many different ways. For example, one person might absolutely love surprises while the other person is (6) ______________________at surprises. The ten things that I talked about in this video are very informative and they apply to lots of people on the autism spectrum. But you have to remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is (7) ___________________________. If somebody that you know has an autism spectrum disorder, I highly encourage you to do your research to talk to them to find out what makes them the way that they are and what you can do to help them feel more comfortable (8) ______________________________you. Because I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say, we really just want to be understood and I think that that's what autism awareness is all about. Thank you so much for watching and I hope that this video has helped you understand a little bit more about those of us with autism spectrum disorders.



【填空题】AV Clip 20: [图]AV 20.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 20:AV 20.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. (1)______________is one of the most common health problems that can happen during pregnancy. It affects as many as (2) _______________ of pregnancies in Ireland and can lead to serious problems for both mom and baby. Certain women are at higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. For example, if you are overweight, if you have a family member with diabetes, if you had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy or depending on your (3) _________________. If you are at risk, you will receive a blood test for gestational diabetes between (4)____________________ of pregnancy. If you are diagnosed, there are day-to-day changes you can make to stay healthy. How much exercise you get and what kind of food you eat can have important effects on your health and your baby's health. But what happens when you have gestational diabetes and how can diet and exercise help? Food and drinks are broken down in your (5)__________________, the sugar they contain is absorbed into your bloodstream. But sugar needs insulin to work. Insulin is made by the (6) _______________ and helps sugar get into your cells. Insulin acts like a key that lets the sugar move from the bloodstream into the cells of your body where it is used for energy. Pregnancy hormones change the way insulin works in your body. In the later stages of pregnancy these changes make it difficult for insulin to (7) _______________ the cells and allow the sugar to enter. This is what is known as (8) __________________. Some insulin resistance is normal in pregnancy. What this means is that your pancreas needs to work extra hard to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. When you have gestational diabetes, your pancreas is not able to keep up, as a result, too much sugar is left in the blood. However, a carefully planned diet with (9) ____________________ carbohydrates and no added sugar can make it easier for your body to manage the sugar in your blood. Exercise will also help keep blood sugar low, as it improves influence ability to unlock the cells and uses of sugar for energy. If blood sugar is controlled, your chances of a healthy pregnancy are the same as a non-diabetic mom. This makes diet and exercise powerful tools for a healthy pregnancy. However, if blood sugar is not well controlled, this can lead to problems in both mom and baby. In a study of (10) ___________________ pregnant women around the world, researchers found a link between high blood sugar in mom and babies that had grown too big.



【填空题】AV Clip 18 Mental Health First Aid [图]AV ...

【填空题】AV Clip 18 Mental Health First AidAV 18 Mental Health First Aid.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following summary. In a typical first aid class we learn things like CPR what to do if someone was choking. But would you know what to do if someone was (1) . There are now mental health first aid classes to help educate people on what to do in those kinds of situations. One in four Americans in any given year will experience a mental illness. It could be depression, anxiety, psychosis or even the (2) . So it’s a high likelihood that we might run into someone with a mental illness. It really does run the gamut on things, and it’s something that could have been just occurring, or something that has been a (3) problem. Actually mental illness (4) , from children to the elderly. We can learn how to perform CPR, the Heimlich maneuver but how do we go about recognizing problem signs? This program has an action plan, called algee—ALGEE, which stands for (5) for risk of suicide or harm, (6) , give reassurance and information, encourage (7) help, and encourage self-help and other (8) . And that can help you remember how to react to someone who may be in crisis. Anyone who comes in contact with the general public might be able to help. We teach classes around the country, like community centers or at police academies, universities, anywhere where people can access education. So the first thing that we’re talking about with people and these classes is the awareness. Certainly that mental illness is real and common. But it’s also treatable and people can (9) from mental illnesses, just like a physical illness. However, there is still a strong (10) associated with mental illness. (11) . Or they don’t understand what’s happening to them. They don’t understand why they’re feeling the way they are feeling. (12) .



Suppose [图], [图], and [图]. Then what are [图] a...

Suppose,, and. Then what areandrespectively ?







Suppose [图], [图], and [图]. Then what are [图] a...

Suppose,, and. Then what areandrespectively ?







Global Warming and Climate Change

What Are Global Warming and Climate Change?

Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures. This is caused primarily by increase in "greenhouse" gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

What Is the Greenhouse Effect?

The term greenhouse is used in conjunction with the phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect.

Energy from the sun drives the earth's weather and climate, and heats the earth's surface;

In turn, the earth radiates energy back into space;

Some atmospheric gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse;

These gases are therefore known as greenhouse gases;

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature on Earth as certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy.

Six main gases considered to be contributing to global climate change are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) (which is 20 times as potent (强有力的) a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide) and nitrous oxide (N2O), plus three fluorinated industrial gases: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Water vapor is also considered a greenhouse gas.

Many of these greenhouse gases are actually life-enabling, for without them, heat would escape back into space and the Earth's average temperature would be a lot colder. However, if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, then more heat gets trapped than needed, and the Earth might become less habitable for humans, plants and animals. What Are the Impacts of Global Warming?

For decades, greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide have been increasing in the atmosphere. But why does that matter? Won't warmer weather be nicer for everyone? Rapid Changes in Global Temperature

A documentary aired on the National Geographic Channel in Britain on August 9, 2003 was titled What's Up with the Weather. it noted that the levels of carbon dioxide, for example, were currently at their highest levels in the past 450,000 years.

Increased greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect is feared to contribute to an overall warming of the Earth's climate, leading to a global warming ( even though some regions may experience cooling, or wetter weather, while the temperature of the planet on average would rise).

However, it is the rapid pace at which the temperature will rise that will result in many negative impacts to humans and the environment and this is why there is such a world-wide concern. Extreme Weather Patterns

Most scientists believe that the warming of the climate will lead to more extreme weather patterns such as:

More hurricanes and drought;

Longer spells of dry heat or intense raja (depending on where you are in the world);

Scientists have pointed out that Northern Europe could be severely affected with colder weather if climate change continues, as the arctic begins to melt and send fresher waters further south.

It would effectively cut off the Gulf Stream that brings warmth from the Gulf of Mexico, keeping countries such as Britain warmer than expected;

In South Asia, the Himalayan glaciers (冰川) could retreat causing water scarcity in the long Super-storms

Mentioned further above was the concern that more hurricanes could result. The link used was from the environmental organization WWF, written back in 1999. In August/September 2004 a wave of severe hurricanes left many Caribbean islands and parts of South Eastern United States devastated. In the Caribbean many lives were lost and there was i






Online games, social-network websites, and chat rooms are empowering and motivating for teens and help with their development. When adults look at teens today, they think what they are doing is different and seem to be wasting a lot of time. And those activities seem quite foreign. But when we look closely at what kids are doing, its not much more different than what their parents did. They are hanging out with their friends, finding romantic partners, and trying to identify themselves. Todays teens are being raised with technologies that allow them to have self-directed learning on their own terms, in their own time. This gives the teens a feeling of freedom. This is very different from how kids learn in school when they are handed a set body of knowledge required to master by their teachers. Teens are motivated to engage online because they are either driven by interest or friendship. And there are some specific findings according to a research: One major finding is that there is a generation gap in how parents and teens view the teens online activities. Adults think the activities draw their attention from school work and are left in the dark about what their teens are doing online. Teens, on the other hand, understand the value of the Internet and are motivated to participate. Another finding shows that teens are not taking full advantage of the Internet. They are using the social networks to chat and post photos and make friends, which are important to their development, but they are not making use of other existing opportunities to learn about astronomy, foreign languages, and other subjects only a few clicks away. Teens are also improving their social skills online by learning the basic social and technical skills needed to interact in todays digital world. Pressure from those of the same age also takes on a new role online. Teens are reporting that they are more motivated by those of their age online with public spaces that allow the teens to interact and provide feedback to one another. While teens are using the Internet for both social and intellectual development, they are also facing significant challenges on how to manage their relationships online.

The writer is probably______.

A.a parent

B.a teenager

C.a teacher

D.a researcher

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