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20. The English gentleman declared that the Dutch were more frugal and industrious.

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Analyze the morphemic structure of the English words gentlemanliness and unlockable, using a labeled tree diagram to illustrate the morphemic structure of the word under analysis.(1)gentlemanliness(2)unlockable




Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

Did these prejudices prevail only among the meatiest and lowest of the people, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any, opportunities of correcting them by reading, travelling, or conversing with foreigners; but the misfortune is that they infect the minds and influence the conduct, even of our gentlemen; of those, I mean, Who have every title to this appellation but an exemption from prejudice, which however, in my opinion, ought to be regarded as the characteristical mark of a gentleman; for let a man's birth be ever so high, his station ever so exalted, or his fortune ever so large, yet if he is not free from national and other prejudices, I should make bold to tell him that he had a low and vulgar mind, and had no just claim to the character of a gentleman. And in fact, you will always find that those are most apt to boast of national merit, who have little or no merit of their own to depend on.



Did these prejudices prevail only among the meanest and lowest of the people, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any, opportunities of correcting them by reading, traveling, or conversing with foreigners; but the misfortune is, that they infect the minds, and influence the conduct even of our gentlemen; of those, I mean, who have every title to this appellation but an exemption from prejudice, which, however, in my opinion, ought to be regarded as the characteristic mark of a gentleman; for let a mans birth be ever so high, his station ever so exalted, or his fortune ever so large, yet if he is not free from national and other prejudices, I should make bold to tell him, that he had a low and vulgar mind, and had no just claim to the character of a gentleman. And in fact, you will always find that those are most apt to boast of national merit, who have little or no merit of their own to depend on, than which, to be sure, nothing is more natural: the slender vine twists around the sturdy oak for no other reason in the world but because it has not strength sufficient to support itself.



Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally. His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States. He was, in fact, one of the most successful writers of his time in either country, delighting a large general public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Thoreau in the United States. The respect in which he was held was partly owing to the man himself with his warm friendliness, his good sense, his politeness, his gray spirits, his artistic integrity, his love of both the old World and the New. Thackeray described Irving as a "gentleman, who, though himself born in no very high sphere, was most finished, polished, witty; socially the equal of the most refined Europeans". In England he was granted an honorary degree from Oxford—an unusual honor for a citizen of a young, uncultured nation—and he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature; America made him ambassador to Spain. Irving's background provides little to explain his literary achievements. A gifted but delicate child, he had little Schooling. He studied law, but without zeal, and never did practice seriously. He was immune to his strict Presbyterian home environment, frequenting both social gatherings and the theater.

The main point of the first paragraph is that Washington Irving was______.

A.the world's first man of letters

B.a writer who had great success both in his own country and outside

C.a man who was able to move from America to England

D.a man whose personal achievements made him able to sell works



阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently i...

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently in different cultures. In earlier times there was a tendency for manners to become increasingly formal, and this was often viewed as progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries having good manners was seen as an important part of one’s education and social class, and it was necessary to be taken as a lady or a gentleman to get ahead in the world.   In the 20th and 21st centuries, manners have gradually become more relaxed and informal. The hosting of dinners and other social gatherings are no longer the exclusive privilege of the wealthy elite (精英), and private clubs are being gradually replaced by more open meeting places. So the manners of the salon (沙龙) are gradually combining with the manners of the pub. Clothing is a good indication of the changes in manners, as can be seen in the following examples.   It is surprising that the wearing of hats indoors by males is once again becoming acceptable. Students in North America often wear baseball caps to class. In many countries the wearing of hats indoors by males was once acceptable even in very polite society, but over the years this became considered as a lower-class behavior. and was thus discouraged in both the middle and upper classes. The young people who wear hats indoors do not realize they are actually restarting a very old cultural tradition.   A comparable development for females is the wearing of jeans. Many females now wear jeans on a daily basis, either at home or at work. Some see this as a symbolic declaration that they are now modern women, not girls or ladies. Some girls, like boys, wear baseball caps both indoors and outdoors.   Sneakers and shorts are now acceptable for either males or females in a variety of non-athletic situations. Some companies have rules requiring informal dress such as jeans or sneakers on Fridays (called “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”), and others permit it almost all the time. In these companies, and many others, it is acceptable to call the bosses by their first names. 1 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A、Changes of manners over time.

B、Formal manners in the earlier times.

C、Different manners in different cultures.

D、Development of manners in different classes.

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