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The pathological change(s) of silicosis is(are)

A、acute suppurative inflammation

B、the finding of large bronchi near the pleura

C、left ventricular hypertrophy

D、silicotic nodule and chronic pulmonary fibrosis

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The issue of climate change is now very, very critical indeed. Let me try and explain to you frankly what I see, from the policy-makers point of view, as the two difficulties we've got to overcome and how we overcome them. //

The first is that I think there is a clear recognition round the world now that something is happening to our climate—people are experiencing it and feeling it. Nonetheless, the timeframe. over which some of these things are going to impact is certainly beyond any very short-term political cycle, and often stretches significantly into the future. That's one issue. //

And the other issue is that there has grown up round the world, a debate, that sometimes I think takes place on a quite false basis but nonetheless is there, that somehow there is a trade-off between economic growth and environmental protection, so that if we improve the protection of our environment, we may inhibit our ability to grow and to enjoy rising living standards. //

Now each of these two issues has to be confronted. How do we do that, is the real question. The first is how do we get the world to think long-term about this? We have to continue to build a very strong base of support and agitation for change, not just in the political world but in civic society as well. I think that is enormously important, the pressure on this has got to come on governments from people, not merely on governments from their own internal mechanisms. //

We are committed to the Kyoto Protocol. We believe it is essential that we have that implemented. We in our country will abide by our Kyoto targets, but I just want to make one point to you. When I asked for an analysis to be done by David King and his colleagues of what the true scale of the challenge was, we learned that even if we were to implement the Kyoto Protocol, it falls significantly short of what we will need over the next half century if we are to tackle this problem seriously and properly. //

So even, and this is a tall order in some ways at the moment, if we succeed in getting support for the Kyoto Protocol, we are still, even having done that, only in the position of having achieved a first step. It will be an important recognition, but it is only a first step and we need to be building a clearer understanding of the fact that even with Kyoto we are still a long way short of what we actually need to do. And we've got to build support in the political institutions of which we're a part in order to make sure that case is properly understood. //

I think we have to make sure that this occupies, as an issue, a central place in political decision-making beyond any election or parliamentary cycle. It's beyond the life of any government. It's beyond the life of any passing political phase. It has to be there, central in the politics of each country, built up not just from support within government, but from support within civic society over a period of time. //

The second point is about the conflict between the supposition that we need to grow continually and that we cannot grow unless we degrade our environment. That is the importance of a Climate Group that involves not just states and cities but also business so that there are practical, clear examples of how good environmental policy is also good business policy and is right for growth. If you look in the 12 years 1990 to 2002, we in Britain cut our emissions by about 15 percent whilst we were growing at 30 percent. It is possible to do. //

Showing that cities and states and businesses can do good environmental policy and actually reap an economic benefit is enormously important because that debate about some supposed trade- off between environmental protection and economic growth is still there. We may all, in this room, believe that that argument has been resolved long ago, but I can tell you there is



The combined age of Frasier and Niles is 88 years.

The combined age of Niles and Daphne is 76 years.

The combined age of Frasier and Daphne is 80 years.

Figure out each person's age.



Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.The stereotype of Germans is changed slightly.

B.The British is disliked for their arrogant behavior.

C.Germans fail to improve their standing.

D.Germans are more popular than the British.



Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The wireless phone is expected to change its way of selling products.

B.The annual sales of cellphone will amount to U.S. $1 billion in 2004.

C.Avril Lavigne phone will be popular throughout the world quickly.

D.Curitel hopes that the handsets will use the GSM phone network.



The Development of PR

The rise of multinational corporations, global marketing, new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.

Surprisingly, since modern PR was largely an American invention, the U. S. leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries. Ten years age, for example, the world’s top five public relations agencies were American-owned. In 1991, only one was. The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate planning activities, compared to about one-third of U. S. companies. It may not belong before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.

Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race? Firstly, Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs. Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country. Secondly, American lag behind their European and Asian counterparts in knowing a second language. Less than 5 percent of Bur son-Marshall’s U.S. employees know two languages. Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage. Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language. Finally, people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs. In the financial PR area, for instance, most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas, their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The Economist, publications not often read in this country.

Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “foreign” would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such thing as foreign.

According to the passage, U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened because of______.

A.shrinking cultural differences and new communication technologies

B.increased efforts of other countries in public relations

C.an unparalleled increase in the number of public relations companies

D.the decreasing number of multinational corporations technologies



Our knowledge about the health of living dolphin

populations is sadly incomplete. The grave danger is

that some unique and fascinated dolphin species will 【S1】______

be gone. Urgent action is needed to avoid the deaths of

hundreds of thousands of dolphins that accidentally 【S2】______

killed every year. Some years, the figure has surpassed

half a million worldwide—all because of human

activities. This is more than 10 time the number of large 【S3】______

whales that were slaughtered in the early 1930s, the

worst years of whaling.

Dolphins may be dying because of pollution

from dumping at sea, oil spills and farm pesticides and

other chemical runoff that enters the rivers, particularly 【S4】______

in the Mediterranean and off the east coast of the United

States. For some cases, food poisoning from red-tide 【S5】______

organisms may have been the cause.

It is not enough for humans to stop killing dolphins

and some other sea animals for food or other sources. 【S6】______

We must reserve a place for it in the sea. They 【S7】______

need habitat, as did all animals—places free from 【S8】______

fishing nets, oil spills, pollution and too many ship 【S9】______

traffic. We must also consider all the species in

the dolphins' food chain. Which fish are the dolphins

eating? Which fish and other organisms are the

fish eating? To protest habitats, all these things must 【S10】______

be taken into account.




Which of the following is NOT true about the House of Commons in Britain?

A.The House of Commons is the most powerful part of Parliament.

B.General elections for the House of Commons are held at least every 6 years.

C.The ultimate authority for law-making is in the House of Commons.

D.The House of Commons consists of 651 members of Parliament.










The Role of Pressure Groups in Britain

General Elections in Britain are usually held only once every five years. Governments can seem to be remote from the people they represent. The process of protesting about government actions is very slow, even though everyone is permitted direct contact to their member of Parliament.(46)

Pressure groups will seek to influence those who have political power, such as members of Parliament.(47)If members of a pressure group feel that there is public support from outside their group for their demands, they will tell members of Parliament about this.

Pressure groups will thus seek to get support from the public. A powerful way of doing this is by making use of the mass media.(48)Meanwhile, the group will have to be sure of its facts, and fact-finding is thus an important part of its work. Up-to-date information can be made known to members of Parliament and to the general public.

Pressure groups will not only seek to make their causes known to government but also try to inform. and influence the public.(49)

Pressure groups may support political parties, but will lay stress only on some of their policies. For instance, the Monday Club will support the more right-wing policies of the Conservative Party.(50)


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.

B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.

C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.

D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.

E Governments always stay close to the people.

F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


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