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How does the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence guide the international relation of China? 如何理解和平共处五项原则对中国处理国际关系的指导作用?

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&8226;Look at these sentences and the five passages chosen from a booklet entitled "How Do I Get Into Export". The book explains steps to successful exporting.

&8226;Which clip does each sentence refer to?

&8226;For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Commitment: Developing export markets can be costly in terms of time, money have the commitment required to make a success of export? Entering new markets and developing them usually takes considerable time and effort. You must take a long-term view. Consider how many resources and how long it takes to break into a new regional market in Australia. The time and cost can be multiplied several times when you are looking at an overseas market.


Finance: Breaking into any new markets requites considerable funds (airfares, accommodation, advertising, sales promotion, new brochures, training of overseas sales agent, etc.). Does your company have the financial strength to commit say $ 30,000 or more for the year or two it may take to develop a new overseas market?

Discusses your plans with the international Department of your bank to ensure that all the financial aspects are covered and viable. Gain an understanding of international trade finance. Discuss costing-for-export with your accountant, and transport/packaging requirements with a customs agent or forwarding agent.


Become familiar with common terms used in international trade. The Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE) and the major trading banks have reference booklets. The Australian Institute of Expert provides courses.


Select one or two likely markets and undertake desk research to identify their characteristics. Most first-time exporters start with New Zeatand. Many are also interested in the USA, but that is an enormous and complex market.

In making a detailed market study the following should be considered:

?whether the country selected already imports the product (import statistics will show how much and from where)

?what import duties the product would attract

?other barriers to imports, such as import licensing

?frequency and cost of shipping or airfreight between Australia and the market

?regulations, such as quarantine and labeling standards, consumer protection rules, and product standards

?whether cultural differences need to be taken into account. 'Read economic and social literature on the target market to understand its fundamental characteristics.


The desk research should have indicated the market with the most potential and you should now be in a good position to visit the target market. The main purpose of the visit will be to study its special characteristics, the opportunities/competition at first hand, seek a suitable agent or distributor, and jointly draw up an appropriate marketing plan to introduce and expand the sale of your product. These are all very important considerations, and more than one visit will probably be necessary. Choosing the right agent, for most Companies, is probably the single most important step. Do not rush this step.

A long-term approach has to be taken in projecting how to crack the world market.



Finland is an enormous land of lakes and forests; its the largest, totally unspoiled area in Europe. Around 65% of Finland is made up of forests. The genius of the Finns lies in their commitment and coexistence with nature. On the other hand, nature in Finland is such an overwhelming factor that it would be impossible not to adapt oneself to it. With an area of 1,090 square kilometers, Lake Paijanne is Finlands second biggest. Its waters are so clean that you can drink right from them. The lake is one of the most beautiful in the country and offers one of the most panoramic views, thanks to the many small rises in the land, which allow you to admire the unspoiled and boundless countryside. The population of Finland amounts to fewer than five million inhabitants. The Finns, who make up the basic nucleus of the population, came originally from the Urals and immigrated to the territory of present-day Finland in the early centuries of the Christian age. For almost a thousand years this people lived organized in tribes, which was family based.



Part B

Directions :

Read the short speeches on, the health effects of smoking given by five doctors. For questions 61 to

65, match the name of each doctor to one of the statements (A to G)given. below. Mark your answers



There is no safe cigarette and no safe level of consumption. Some smokers think that switching

from stronger to milder cigarettes makes smoking safer, but this isn't true. For smokers usually

swallow the smoke deeper, or they often smoke the cigarettes to the shortest length. So, even if

you do make the switch but don't make these changes, the health benefits are very small when

compared to the benefits of quitting.


Anyone who smokes is at a risk of being harmed physically. As you continue to smoke, your

body learns to depend on cigarettes and you can smoke more and more. Just three cigarettes a day

can spark potentially fatal heart disease, and women are particularly at risk. It is never too early for

cigarettes to cause damage; it can start with the first cigarette.


There are many short-term health effects of smoking. A major consequence is decreased lung

function. This often leads to shortness of breath, constant cough and tiring easily during exercise.

Smoking also reduces the ability to smell and taste and causes early ageing of skin. Often people

don't realize that a smoking-related disease could be developing for years before it is detected. A

" smoker' s cough" or shortness of breath are early signs of problems which can be fatal.

Jocelyn :

For women, cigarette smoking increases the risk of a number of sex-specific health problems.

Smoking women can experience irregular periods. Smokers that are on the pill have a greater risk

of heart attack, stroke and other diseases. What' s more, stroke doesn' t only affect elderly people.

People in their 20s and 30s also die from strokes caused by smoking.


Many young women regard their smoking as short term, and don't believe they will develop

the long-term health effects of smoking. Often there' s a sense that you can just quit sometime in

the future. However, your current smoking is doing you damage, and it won't be easier to quit at

a later stage. The time to quit smoking is sooner rather than later. Smoking women in the family

way can have difficulties during childbirth.

Now match the name of each person,( 61 t0 65) to the appropriate statement.

Note : there are two extra statements.


[A] Smoking affects all, though it is more damaging to women.

[B] Smoking is always damaging regardless of what cigarettes to be

[C] The longer you smoke, the more difficult you will give it up.

[D] Damage can be done as soon as you start smoking.

[E] Smoking will cause the early ageing of the women in the family way.

[F] People often overlook the early signs of the deadly problems resulting from smoking.

[G] Male smokers are more likely to develop smoking-related diseases than female smokers.

61. Paula



?Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about loss of control downward in management.

?Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to?

?For each statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Managers control other employees. This is a vital function of management that varies only in degree and style. One area of change threatens to reduce the degree substantially: the "dilution" of control downward. A key function from the beginning, control shares the collective essence of management with planning, organizing, staffing, and directing. Some would add two more: innovating and representing. Today, many prefer a less autocratic-sounding word, but the logic remains convincing: Somebody must "run things". By implication, monitoring that process is also necessary if an effective, profitable organization is to be realized.


Some control has already been diluted when the authority to make decisions in the bosses name is delegated. Needed especially as organizations grow larger, delegation almost inevitably generates tension. Managers know they should and must delegate, for many reasons. No matter how skilled and experienced, one person can neither do everything nor make all necessary decisions. Even if that superhuman ability existed, the development of promotable subordinates would be compromised.


Regardless of how necessary and desirable, however, delegation remains difficult. Typically, managers view letting a "less qualified person" do the job as illogical. They also fear potential loss of power and control. Despite such resistance, recent years have seen greater pressure to delegate. Those who like to invent terminology might call the new situation "delegation-plus', or perhaps "macro-delegation". Even the basic word might be ready for retirement.


In other words, long-existing delegation of authority down the chain of command has been supplemented greatly by widespread "empowerment". Decision-making has been "pushed downward" with a vengeance. Emphasis has been placed on decentralization and multiple teams. Causes are both philosophical and practical. Some see a pervasive paradigm shift. A vigorous effort is being made in benchmark firms not only to seek constantly better ways to do things but to do so more democratically, for assumed long-run effectiveness. One way to do this is to push organizational decision-making downward. Practically speaking, this effort is complemented by widespread downsizing. The restructuring that accompanies it often means reducing the number of middle managers. In the resulting "flat" organizations, those who remain wield broader spans of control or management, meaning they have more people to supervise.


Despite its popularity and even urgency, downward shifting provokes serious questions. Is it possible to reduce a manager's operational control too much? Is the concept of "diminishing returns" likely, as in economic theory? The trend has been long ongoing; if that point does exist, how close are we? Is endless decentralization logical? Delegation per se does not have to compromise management control; should not, in fact, provided the needed skill exists. But the danger is always present.

However managers are afraid of losing control, the pressure to delegate has been seen recently.



The Role of Pressure Groups in Britain

General Elections in Britain are usually held only once every five years. Governments can seem to be remote from the people they represent. The process of protesting about government actions is very slow, even though everyone is permitted direct contact to their member of Parliament.(46)

Pressure groups will seek to influence those who have political power, such as members of Parliament.(47)If members of a pressure group feel that there is public support from outside their group for their demands, they will tell members of Parliament about this.

Pressure groups will thus seek to get support from the public. A powerful way of doing this is by making use of the mass media.(48)Meanwhile, the group will have to be sure of its facts, and fact-finding is thus an important part of its work. Up-to-date information can be made known to members of Parliament and to the general public.

Pressure groups will not only seek to make their causes known to government but also try to inform. and influence the public.(49)

Pressure groups may support political parties, but will lay stress only on some of their policies. For instance, the Monday Club will support the more right-wing policies of the Conservative Party.(50)


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.

B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.

C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.

D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.

E Governments always stay close to the people.

F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.




It can be inferred that the idea of "an organic relationship between the self and the cosmos" is necessary to the thinking of the five writers because such a relationship ______.

A.enables them to assert the importance of the democratic ethic

B.justifies their concept of the freedom of the individual

C.sustains their faith in the existence of an individual

D.is the foundation of their humanistic view of existence



It can be inferred that the idea of "an organic relationship between the self and the cosmos" is necessary to the thinking of the five writers because such a relationship ______.

A.enables them to assert the importance of the democratic ethic

B.justifies their concept of the freedom of the individual

C.sustains their faith in the existence of an individual

D.is the foundation of their humanistic view of existence



It can be inferred that the idea of "an organic relationship between the self and the cosmos" in paragraph 4 is necessary to the thinking of the five writers because such a relationship

A.is the foundation of their humanistic view of existence.

B.justifies their concept of the freedom of the individual.

C.enables them to assert the importance of the democratic ethic.

D.denies their faith in the existence of intuition and imagination.



It can be inferred that the idea of "an organic relationship between the self and the cosmos" in paragraph 4 is necessary to the thinking of the five writers because such a relationship _____.

A.is the foundation of their humanistic view of existence.

B.justifies their concept of the freedom of the individual.

C.enables them to assert the importance of the democratic ethic.

D.denies their faith in the existence of intuition and imagination.

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