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问答题 1. Can you list the other principles and strategies of intercultural communication?

2. What is the intercultural communication competence? 3. What do you know about the contest of intercultural communication competence? 4. What will you plan if you have the chance to study abroad in the future? 5. What will you plan if you have the chance to travel abroad in the future?

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If you know much about speaking rules and strategies, about social and cultural background, you can handle real life conversational situations.()




What kind of interesting things can you find in Embassy Vacation Resorts? You can enjoy all the restful and relaxing views such as______.



案例分析 Directions: In this section you are suppo...

案例分析 Directions: In this section you are supposed to analyze the following cases from the perspective of intercultural communication. Then write an analysis about 100 words on the cultural differences and cultural understanding in the case. Crossing cultures for business can be frustrating when it interferes with getting the job done. Most Americans are very time sensitive when it comes to meetings and deadlines. If the meeting was to commence at 2:00, then all parties are to be present at that time. While the Chinese do not view time as an absolute but more as a suggestion. Concern is not expressed for a meeting starting late or ending at a different time. The same can be applied to deadlines. If a report is due on Friday, an American would be waiting for that report to be received before the end of business day while the Chinese would not worry if it showed up several days later.



Communication Skills

Make no mistake, learning any language to proficiency takes thousands of hours, but learning enough to be able to communicate reasonably well is not so difficult. If you can read this in English but have trouble communicating face to face, then you're at the right place. We provide plenty of hints about how to improve your communication skills in the English language. You'll also find some detailed suggestions on how to read and understand more. Because face-to-face communication is quite different from reading and writing, there are two main ways to learn a language. What you should read first depend on your goals.

1. For Reading

If the main reason you want to learn is for reading information on the Internet or in books, magazines, letters or newspapers, then you can focus on studying the written language.

2. For Communication

If you're hoping to travel, use English for work or to communicate with your friends, then you can concentrate your efforts on the spoken language.

3. For Help with Writing

If you need to write in English then you'll need to combine the studies of both spoken and written language. Skill at communicating is almost a prerequisite for someone who wants to write because it helps a lot with syntax and grammar, giving the student a feel for the language. Gaining skill at reading is also necessary, because good writing is different from normal speech.

What should one do when one intends to learn how to communicate with others?

A.One can assess how appropriate the courses you're considering buying.

B.One can focus on studying the oral and written language.

C.One can concentrate one's efforts on the spoken language.

D.One can read information on the Internet or in books, magazines, or newspapers.



【简答题】1. Talk about the following statements and...

【简答题】1. Talk about the following statements and try to clarify the misunderstandings of mental health. 1) Myth: Mental health problems don't affect me. 2) Myth: Children don't experience mental health problems. 3) Myth: People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable. 4) Myth: People with mental health needs, even those who are managing their mental illness, cannot tolerate the stress of holding down a job. 5) Myth: Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health problems. People with mental health problems can snap out of it if they try hard enough. 6) Myth: There is no hope for people with mental health problems. Once a friend or family member develops mental health problems, he or she will never recover. 7) Myth: Therapy and self-help are a waste of time. Why bother when you can just take a pill? 8) Myth: I can't do anything for a person with a mental health problem. 9) Myth: Prevention doesn’t work. It is impossible to prevent mental illnesses.



【填空题】As you can see from the example (1), they ...

【填空题】As you can see from the example (1), they added information provided by (2) and color pictures will make getting to the bank faster. That is the (3) of the multimedia, i.e. making (4) more useful and easier to (5). In the example, say you want to go to a (6) in another town, or in another city. A multimedia (7) will usually stop huge amounts of information (usually on CD-ROM), so that you can also get the same (8) for other communities. This type of information (9) makes computers much more valuable for the user. By adding multimedia to your (10), you can make computers more interesting and much more fun.



听力原文: Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mine to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It's amazing how different the style. or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you are ever in a bookstore or a department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too, I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. It was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because as they were playing the game, they continued to compliment one another and to talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading.

It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Listening to different styles of conversations.

B.Listening to the content of different conversations.

C.Listening to how salesmen talk to different people.

D.Listening to conversations in public.



听力原文:Conversations are really kind of interesting. I guess it's a kind of hobby of mine to listen to conversations that I can hear in public. It is amazing how different the style, or the tone or the content of different conversations can be and to listen to the differences in the language that people use when they speak to different people.

If you're ever in a bookstore or department store, it's interesting to hear how the same salesperson talks to different people. There're other interesting places to listen to conversations too. I think, and one place that I've found is on bus trips. People often talk to each other as if no one else were there. I guess they think people can't hear their conversations.

Recently I was on a bus, and I was listening to a conversation of two people behind me. I can't really say I was listening. I guess it would have been hard not to hear it. it was amusing to listen to the two people, though, because they were playing a kind of language, uh, word game about states and state capitals. One person would say the name of the state, and the other person would say the name of the capital.

It sounds like a kind of simple game that doesn't involve much language, and you wouldn't think that it would involve very much conversation, but actually this wasn't the case because they were playing this game. They continued to compliment one another and talk about how much they knew about history and how many of the other things that they could or couldn't remember about those places from their trips or from their reading. It was really kind of fun to listen to them.


A.Criticizing others on bus.

B.Amusing people in pubic.

C.Enjoying talking to people.

D.Listening to people's in public.

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