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1. Please list the supplementary parts that are needed in a graduation thesis.

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What are included in Supplementary Part?




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1. You should assume that the tax rates and allowances shown below will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

2. Calculations and workings should be rounded down to the nearest HK$.

3. Apportionments need only be made to the nearest month, unless the law and prevailing practice require otherwise.

4. All workings should be shown.


The following 2011/12 tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.

Section A – BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted


Smart HK Ltd (‘Smart-HK’) is a company incorporated and carrying on business in Hong Kong as a professional training service provider. Smart-HK has a subsidiary in the PRC (‘Smart–PRC’) and is ultimately owned by a Bermuda company which also owns a subsidiary in Singapore (‘Smart-Singapore’). The four companies are collectively known as the ‘Smart-Group’.

Recently, the shareholders of the Smart-Group decided to divest the whole group to Acquirer Group (‘A-Group’). A full-scale due diligence exercise is to be carried out by the A-Group.

You are the person in-charge of the tax due diligence review of Smart-HK, with the aim to assess the Hong Kong tax position of the company and whether there is any potential tax risk leading to unexpected additional tax liabilities after its acquisition by the A-Group. To facilitate the review, you are provided with the following information:

A simplified chart of the Smart-Group indicating the shareholdings and major transaction flows:

An extract of Smart-HK’s management accounts for the preceding year, indicating the Hong Kong tax treatment of each item:

Additional information about Smart-HK’s operations:

(1) Smart-HK provides training services to its customers in Hong Kong and the PRC, depending on customers’ needs. Separate contracts are signed for training in Hong Kong (‘HK Contracts’) and the PRC (‘PRC Contracts’). Smart-HK sub-contracts all its obligations under the PRC Contracts to Smart-PRC which agrees to fulfil the contract obligations on behalf of Smart-HK and run the training sessions in the PRC for the customers. The sub-contract fee payable to Smart-PRC is agreed at 80% of the gross service fee under the PRC Contracts. For each training session, experienced trainers are sent from Smart-HK to assist Smart-PRC, but no cost is charged for this by Smart-HK. Other support provided in Hong Kong for the PRC Contracts include liaison with customers, arranging itinerary etc. None of the customers are related to the Smart-Group, and all the service contracts (both HK and PRC Contracts) are negotiated and signed in Hong Kong.

(2) Smart-PRC is responsible for preparing the relevant training materials for use in the training sessions. It has been agreed that the copyright for these materials will remain with Smart-PRC. By virtue of the licence agreement between Smart-PRC and Smart-HK, Smart-HK is granted the right to use the training materials in Hong Kong and Singapore. The royalty payable is based on 3% of the training revenue received. Smart-HK has entered into a sub-licence agreement with Smart-Singapore under which Smart-Singapore is allowed to use the training materials for a royalty at 10% of the training revenue received.

(3) Smart-PRC is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Smart-HK. Each year, Smart-HK has recorded a considerable amount of dividend income from Smart-PRC. Based on the management representation, Smart-PRC has been making a very good return from its investment activities in the PRC, and these investments are mainly funded by the large amount of cash received from Smart-HK by way of sub-contract fees.


As the tax advisor of Acquirer Group in charge of the tax due diligence review, prepare a report for the directors of Acquirer Group, addressing the Hong Kong tax issues set out below relating to Smart-HK, including supporting calculations where appropriate.

(i) The Hong Kong profits tax implications of the training fee revenue from the PRC Contracts and the sub-contract fee payable to Smart-PRC. Your report should cover the contemporary principles/rules determining the taxability of the net income of $200,000 from the PRC training service, the arguments both for and against the offshore claim made by Smart-HK, the role played by Smart-PRC and whether you agree with the current profits tax treatments by Smart-HK;

Note: For the purpose of this part only, you should assume that all amounts are charged on an arm’s length basis. (14 marks)

(ii) Assuming that the training fees from the PRC Contracts are taxable in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong profits tax implications, if any, to Smart-HK of the sub-contract fee paid to Smart-PRC, taking into account the current transfer pricing rules and practices in Hong Kong. Your report should cover the current views of the Inland Revenue Department on charges made between associated enterprises, as set out in Departmental Interpretation and Practice Note (DIPN) 46 ‘Transfer pricing guidelines – Methodologies and related issues’;

Note: You are NOT required to make detailed references to the Double Taxation Arrangement between Hong Kong and the PRC. (10 marks)

(iii) Assuming that Smart-PRC is not carrying on business in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong profits tax implications to Smart-PRC in respect of the royalty received and the Hong Kong tax compliance obligations of Smart-HK in this context; (6 marks)

(iv) Other than the potential technical risks as discussed above, any other information that you would request from Smart-HK in order for you to assess its level of tax compliance in the context of the Hong Kong tax regime, giving brief explanations as to why the information is required. (6 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is communicated. (4 marks)


Mr Chan, a Malaysian, has been working in Hong Kong for World Ltd, a company resident in Hong Kong (the ‘Company’) since 1 April 2004, at a monthly salary of $80,000. Due to a failure in an important business project, Mr Chan was asked to resign and he submitted his resignation letter to the Company’s director on 31 March 2012, notifying that he would terminate his employment with effect from 1 April 2012. However, his official last day of work in the Company would be 29 March 2012, after deducting two days of entitled annual leave.

Other details of Mr Chan’s termination arrangement and payment are as follows:

(I) His total termination payment represented the following:

(i) his final salary accrued up to 31 March 2012;

(ii) compensation for the remaining balance of his entitled annual leave days as at 31 March 2012 of 15 days, of $40,000;

(iii) compensation for loss of office as agreed with the Company’s director, representing one month of his salary. It has been the practice of the Company to pay an annual discretionary bonus equivalent to one month’s salary;

(iv) his entitlement payment from the Company’s provident fund registered under the Occupational Retirement Scheme Ordinance in the amount of $300,000 (Mr Chan and the Company had contributed equal amounts to the provident fund). The accrued benefit attributable to Mr Chan’s service was $120,000; and

(v) compensation for the loss incurred by him from having to sell his car in Hong Kong as a result of his termination of $10,000.

(II) The Company’s director agreed to pay Mr Chan an extra sum of compensation of $200,000 after six months from the date of his termination on the condition that he did not work for the Company’s competitors during this period.

Mr Chan is planning to move back to Malaysia. Before he goes back, he is interested in investing in residential properties in Hong Kong. With various ideas in mind, he has approached you for advice on how to plan his investment in a tax effective manner. His plans and ideas are:

(1) He will acquire one or two residential units in Tsimshatsui and lease them out for rental.

(2) The acquisitions will be financed partly by his personal savings (around 50%) and partly by bank mortgage loans. It is expected that the rental income will not be sufficient to cover the mortgage interest.

(3) The residential units need to be renovated before they can be leased out. A substantial amount of renovation costs is expected to be incurred after the acquisition.

(4) In two to five years’ time, he may consider disposing of the units if property prices go up to a satisfactory level.

(5) He has no idea as to how the properties should be owned, by an individual or by a special purpose company. However, for the former, he prefers to have the properties owned by his daughter who is single, has always been living in the UK and has no connection with Hong Kong. He believes that this will lead to a tax-free position in respect of the rental received. Alternatively, he is considering setting up a company in an offshore tax haven to hold the properties so that Hong Kong tax can be avoided; with minimal local tax payable in the tax haven country.


(a) Advise Mr Chan of the general principles used for determining the taxability of each item of the termination payment received upon his cessation of employment.

Note: You are NOT required to calculate his assessable/chargeable income or tax payable. (14 marks)

(b) Compare the tax implications for the rental income received from the residential units if the properties are held by:

(i) an individual; and (3 marks)

(ii) a special purpose company. (4 marks)

(c) Comment on the extent to which the tax planning ideas as described in note 5 above are feasible. (3 marks)

(d) Explain the tax implications arising from the disposal of the residential units in two to five years’ time, including how these may be affected by the different ownership structures. (6 marks)

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted


Mr Hui is working as the Regional IT Manager for GA Ltd (‘GAL’), a company incorporated and carrying on general insurance business in Hong Kong. As of 31 August 2012, Mr Hui will have reached the retirement age. He has been requested by his boss to extend his employment services for another two years, but with the following proposed changes in his appointment terms:

(1) The employment contract between Mr Hui and GAL will be terminated with effect from 1 September 2012.

(2) Mr Hui will set up a consulting company which will enter into a service agreement with GAL. Under the service agreement, the consulting company is obliged to provide IT related services to GAL and Mr Hui is designated as the individual to provide the required services.

(3) In return for the services provided by Mr Hui, GAL will pay a monthly fee to the consulting company in an amount equivalent to the monthly salary that Mr Hui currently receives. The payment will be made by direct bank transfer into the consulting company’s bank account. Moreover, a profit-sharing bonus will be payable to the consulting company on an annual basis, calculated based on the performance of GAL’s business for that year.

(4) Under the same service agreement, Mr Hui will be provided with an office together with secretarial and administrative support by GAL. However, he will not be allowed to take vacation for more than 30 days in a year.

(5) During the period of providing services to GAL, Mr Hui will continue to hold the title of Regional IT Manager, and will remain under the instruction and supervision of GAL’s Group IT Director, Mr Hui’s current boss.

(6) The service agreement also explicitly mentions that GAL does not act as the employer of Mr Hui and thus is not obliged to comply with any necessary employment regulations and reporting obligations. Mr Hui will undertake to enter into a separate employment contract with his consulting company so as to enable him to provide the required services to GAL. However, GAL will not be involved in, or responsible for, the arrangement between Mr Hui and his consulting company.


(a) Explain the criteria that the Inland Revenue Department will use to determine whether the proposed changes to Mr Hui’s appointment terms will be acceptable as a contract for consultancy services rather than of employment. Clearly identify the extent to which the terms specified in items (1) to (6) do/do not support the contention that GA Ltd no longer acts as Mr Hui’s employer. (11 marks)

(b) Assuming that the Inland Revenue Department considers that Mr Hui remains an employee of GA Ltd after 1 September 2012, advise on the tax implications, if any, including any compliance obligations imposed under the Inland Revenue Ordinance for Mr Hui, his consulting company and GA Ltd. (4 marks)


Compass Ltd and David Lo have been in a partnership, carrying on business as a manufacturer of computer games in Hong Kong for many years. For the year ended 31 March 2012 the partnership’s income statement contained the following particulars:


State, with reasons, the additional information that you would require in order to determine the profits tax payable by the partnership business for the year of assessment 2011/12.


(a) Take Care Insurance Ltd (‘TCIL’) commenced its life insurance business in Hong Kong on 1 October 2010. TCIL makes up accounts to 31 March each year and has submitted an actuarial report for the period from 1 October 2010 to 31 March 2012. The following information has been extracted from its accounts and the actuarial report:

Other information:

(i) All insurance contracts were executed in Hong Kong.

The director of TCIL understands that there are two alternative methods for ascertaining the company’s assessable profits under the Inland Revenue Ordinance:

(1) the ‘per cent premium’ method (under s.23(1)(a)); and

(2) the ‘adjusted surplus’ method (under s.23(1)(b)).

The director has approached you for advice on the two methods.


(i) Compute the assessable profits of Take Care Insurance Ltd for the years of assessment 2010/11 and 2011/12 under each of the two alternative methods, clearly identifying the basis period; (7 marks)

(ii) Advise Take Care Insurance Ltd, from a tax perspective, on the factors to be considered in choosing between the two methods. (4 marks)

(b) On 1 June 2012, Ms Yan purchased shares in a Hong Kong private company from her relative in Singapore. The contract for the purchase and sale of the shares was executed in Singapore. Neither the contract nor the transfer has yet been submitted to the Stamp Duty Office for stamping.


Explain Ms Yan’s obligations under the Stamp Duty Ordinance, clearly identifying the instruments, if any, that have to be stamped, and if so, how, when and by whom. (4 marks)





1. You should assume that the tax rates and allowances shown below will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

2. Calculations and workings should be rounded down to the nearest HK$.

3. Apportionments need only be made to the nearest month, unless the law and prevailing practice require otherwise.

4. All workings should be shown.

5. Ignore provisional tax and statutory tax reductions, unless specified otherwise.


The following 2013/14 tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.

Section A – BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted


Tee-fashion Ltd (T-fashion) is a company incorporated and carrying on business in England, engaged in the manufacture and sale of top-brand fashion. In a recent business strategy meeting, the directors of T-fashion have expressed an interest in developing the Mainland China (PRC) market, and have engaged a business consultant to draft a proposal for review.

The following is the proposed structure of the investment and other details:

(a) T-fashion will incorporate a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong, HK-Co Ltd (HK-Co), as the investment holding vehicle for the operating company in the PRC, PRC-Co Ltd (PRC-Co).

(b) HK-Co will also be the regional support service centre which will hire staff to provide accounting and other support services to the group including PRC-Co.

(c) HK-Co will receive subsidy income from T-fashion to finance its operations. The subsidy will be determined on the basis of 110% of the total annual operating cost before interest and royalty. The 10% premium is intended to be remuneration for HK-Co’s services in Hong Kong.

(d) HK-Co will borrow an interest-bearing loan from T-fashion to partly fund its own operation in Hong Kong, and to partly enable HK-Co to extend another loan to PRC-Co to finance the operations within the PRC. Both loans are interest bearing, allowing HK-Co to earn a small interest spread from PRC-Co. The two loan agreements are separate and independent.

(e) HK-Co will pay a royalty of $50,000 to Media-fashion Ltd (Media-fashion), which is another wholly-owned subsidiary of T-fashion in England. Media-fashion produces and owns a series of fashion show videos/films in support of the latest fashion trends promoted by T-fashion. Pursuant to the licence agreement signed with Media-fashion, HK-Co will pay a royalty in return for the right to use and exhibit some of these videos/films in the PRC.

The following structure chart demonstrates the basic mechanism:

The directors of T-fashion have approached a tax consultancy firm in Hong Kong to obtain tax advice on the major Hong Kong tax implications arising from the proposed structure.


As the tax manager of the consultancy firm approached by the directors of Tee-fashion Ltd (T-fashion), prepare a report for the directors, addressing each of the following issues from a Hong Kong tax perspective:

(a) Subsidy income received by HK-Co Ltd (HK-Co) from T-fashion:

(i) Discuss the Hong Kong tax implications of the subsidy income received by HK-Co from T-fashion. (3 marks)

(ii) Based on the prevailing transfer pricing principles and practice, discuss the issues surrounding the determination of the amount of the intra-group service fee, and comment on the cost-plus basis used to determine the subsidy income as remuneration for HK-Co’s services. (5 marks)

(b) Loan from HK-Co to PRC-Co Ltd (PRC-Co); and loan from T-fashion to HK-Co:

(i) Discuss the Hong Kong tax implications of the loan interest income received by HK-Co from PRC-Co of $66,000. (3 marks)

(ii) Discuss the Hong Kong tax implications of the loan interest payment made by HK-Co to T-fashion of $60,000. Based on your analysis, briefly comment on whether you consider that the proposed funding arrangements are tax effective. (3 marks)

(c) Royalty income received by Media-fashion Ltd (Media-fashion): Assuming that Media-fashion is not carrying on a business in Hong Kong, discuss whether the royalty income of $50,000 received from HK-Co will be subject to Hong Kong profits tax and if so, why. (5 marks)

(d) Based on the projected management accounts of HK-Co for its first year of operation:

Explain the Hong Kong tax treatment of the following items, including the relevant tax principles underlying their tax treatment:

(i) Depreciation of the computer system of $30,000; (3 marks)

(ii) Incorporation fee of $50,000; (2 marks)

(iii) Mandatory provident fund (MPF) contribution of $30,000. (3 marks)

(iv) Give an estimated calculation of HK Co’s Hong Kong profits tax liability, if any, stating any assumptions which you have made. (4 marks)

Note: You should ignore overseas tax and any double-taxation arrangements throughout this question.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is communicated. (4 marks)


You should assume that today’s date is 1 January 2014.

Mr Lee is a Hong Kong permanent resident earning salary income under a Hong Kong employment. In planning for his marriage in March 2014, Mr Lee is in the course of negotiating with a potential seller in respect of a property which he intends to acquire as the home for himself and his wife.

The property will be the first property Mr Lee has acquired in Hong Kong. The offered price is $21 million including a car parking space which is worth around $1·5 million. The seller is a company incorporated in Hong Kong which wholly owns the property (including the car parking space), and Mr Lee is only interested in acquiring the property and the car parking space, not the company. It has been proposed to Mr Lee that he could enter into two separate conveyances, one for the property and the other one for the car parking space, as this would minimise his total stamp duty costs.

In order to finance the acquisition, Mr Lee is considering the following proposals:

(1) Obtaining a mortgage loan from a local bank of up to 50% of the property value. The approximate annual interest cost of this loan is $400,000. Mr Lee has not yet determined whether the property and the bank loan would be held solely in his name or jointly with his wife.

(2) Selling shares in Mr Lee’s employer company. Mr Lee currently holds 100,000 shares in his employer company and an option to acquire another 200,000 shares. The 100,000 shares were awarded to him directly by his employer in 2010/11 as part of his performance bonus. These shares were registered in the name of Mr Lee at the time when the shares were awarded to him. The option for 200,000 shares was granted to him in 2012/13. By exercising the option, Mr Lee will have a total of 300,000 shares on hand. By selling them all on the market, he will be able to realise an amount which can finance up to 30% of the property value.

(3) Borrowing from his parents up to 40% of the property value. This loan represents the idle funds which his parents have placed on bank deposit to earn interest income. To compensate for their loss of interest income, Mr Lee would promise to give his parents $10,000 per month. Currently, Mr Lee lives with his parents but they receive no regular contribution from him. After Mr Lee gets married and moves out, his parents will continue living in their own, existing property.

(4) Borrowing from his employer up to 40% of the property value under the employees’ low-interest loan scheme. The preferential loan interest rate is much lower than that offered by the bank. The approximate annual interest cost will be $150,000, payable by monthly instalments by way of deduction from Mr Lee’s monthly gross salary. Mr Lee estimates that his monthly salary will be reduced to $52,000. The estimated benefit from the saving in interest cost is around $80,000 per annum.


(a) In respect of the proposed acquisition of property, set out all of the potential Hong Kong stamp duty implications for Mr Lee, including the proposal to minimise the duty payable by splitting the conveyances. If the information provided is not sufficient, state what other information relevant to Mr Lee is required. (12 marks)

(b) With reference to proposal (1), advise on all the possible Hong Kong tax implications for Mr Lee in respect of the bank mortgage loan interest payment. (4 marks)

(c) With reference to proposal (2), advise on all the possible Hong Kong tax implications for Mr Lee arising from the proposed exercise of the share option, and the sale of all 300,000 shares. Where applicable, you should also discuss in which year(s) of assessment any benefit would be assessed. (4 marks)

(d) With reference to proposal (3), advise on all the possible Hong Kong tax implications for Mr Lee arising from the proposed course of action, including the monthly payment of $10,000 to his parents and his eligibility for dependent parent allowance both before and after his marriage. (3 marks)

(e) With reference to proposal (4), advise on all the possible Hong Kong tax implications for Mr Lee arising from the proposed course of action, including the loan interest payable to his employer, the reduced monthly salary income and the estimated saving in interest cost. (2 marks)

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted


AB Co, a company resident only in Hong Kong, has several subsidiaries operating in Asia. AB Co is developing a new financial reporting system and intends to send its IT manager, Paul, to its Malaysian subsidiary for a period of four months to monitor and oversee the implementation of this new system.

Paul is a resident of Hong Kong holding a HKSAR passport. His remuneration will remain the same during his time in Malaysia and it will continue to be paid into his bank account in Hong Kong. All his travel and hotel accommodation costs in Malaysia will be reimbursed by AB Co. AB Co has also agreed to bear any additional personal income tax arising from the assignment. However, AB Co has not yet decided whether it will recharge Paul’s remuneration to the Malaysian subsidiary, though the assignment is initiated by AB Co.


(a) Advise AB Co whether it can claim a tax deduction in respect of Paul’s remuneration representing the four-month period of service rendered in Malaysia. (6 marks)

(b) Advise Paul whether his remuneration for the four-month period of service rendered in Malaysia and the travel and hotel accommodation costs reimbursed by AB Co will be chargeable to Hong Kong salaries tax. (7 marks)

(c) Based on Article 16 of the Double Tax Agreement (DTA) between Hong Kong and Malaysia (as extracted below), explain how the DTA may protect Paul’s remuneration from Malaysian personal income tax.

Hong Kong–Malaysia DTA Article 16 Dependent Personal Services, paragraph 2:

‘‘Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting Party in respect of an employment exercised in the other Contracting Party shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned Party if:

(a) the recipient is present in the other Party for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any twelve-month period commencing or ending in the taxable period concerned; and

(b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of the other Party; and

(c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment or a fixed base which the employer has in the other Party.’ (7 marks)


Red Ltd, a furniture manufacturer carrying on business in Hong Kong, makes up accounts to 31 March each year. In May 2005, Red Ltd purchased a two-storey factory building from a property development company at a price of $3,600,000 (including land cost). Details of the costs incurred by the developer of the building are as follows:

Each floor of the building has an area of 8,000 sq ft. Red Ltd immediately used the ground floor as a factory, and the first floor as a warehouse.

Red Ltd has decided to relocate its production to Dongguan, China in September 2014. It is now considering two alternative proposals for disposing of the two-storey building:

(1) Selling the building for its market value.

(2) Demolishing the building and redeveloping the site by constructing a 20-storey factory building for letting. A bank loan will be obtained to finance the redevelopment.


(a) Discuss whether Red Ltd is entitled to a depreciation allowance in respect of each floor of the two-storey building; and calculate the allowance for all relevant years of assessment. (7 marks)

(b) Advise on the Hong Kong profits tax implications to Red Ltd of:

(i) selling the building; and (4 marks)

(ii) demolishing the building and redeveloping the site. (9 marks)


You should assume that today’s date is 31 May 2014.

Derek Chan has been working as the group product director of Joyce Ltd (JL), a company resident in Hong Kong, for over ten years. As a result of a change in product line, Derek has been asked to leave his employment with JL as of 30 June 2014, and to agree not to join any competitor within the next two years.

JL has negotiated and agreed a termination package with Derek, which includes the following amounts:

(1) his last month’s salary of $70,000;

(2) accrued vacation pay of $105,000 (including some leave days brought forward from 2013); and

(3) a lump sum gratuity of $840,000.

Derek plans to move to Canada to live with his family on 15 July 2014. At Derek’s request, JL will pay the termination payment after his cessation of employment on 30 June 2014 but before he leaves Hong Kong on 15 July 2014. JL will also give Derek a letter stating that, ‘A lump sum amount of $1,015,000 is being paid to you in consideration of your agreeing to release the company from all claims you may have against the company arising from the termination of your employment.’ By doing so, Derek has been advised by a friend that he may have a good chance to avoid paying any tax on the payment because it will be treated as a tax-free capital receipt; and/or it is received after cessation of employment.


(a) Advise Derek Chan on the taxability of the termination payment under salaries tax. Where appropriate, suggest any tax planning ideas which may help minimise his salaries tax liability. (14 marks)

(b) Advise Joyce Ltd of its compliance obligations under the Inland Revenue Ordinance in respect of the termination of Derek Chan’s employment. (3 marks)

(c) Explain to Derek Chan the steps the Inland Revenue Department can take without instituting court proceedings, to recover the salaries tax payable by him for 2014/15. (3 marks)





1. You should assume that the tax rates and allowances shown below will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

2. Calculations and workings should be rounded down to the nearest HK$.

3. Apportionments need only be made to the nearest month, unless the law and prevailing practice require otherwise.

4. All workings should be shown.

5. Ignore provisional tax and statutory tax reductions, unless specified otherwise.


The following 2014/15 tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.

Section A – BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted


Lufer (HK) Ltd (Lufer-HK) carries on a business in Hong Kong as a wholesaler of smart phone accessories. Lufer-HK’s major customers are leading retailers in Hong Kong. Lufer-HK procures its products from Lufer (PRC) Ltd (Lufer-China) which is a wholly-owned foreign enterprise established in Mainland China as a subsidiary of Lufer-HK. Lufer-China operates as a manufacturer and is the sole supplier of products to Lufer-HK. Other than Lufer-HK, Lufer-China also supplies related products to other China customers under different specifications.

Lufer-HK is held by Lufer (UK) Ltd through a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Lufer (BVI) Ltd. The group structure is as follows:

Lufer-HK has signed an import processing contract with Lufer-China, under which the following have been arranged:

(1) Lufer-HK agrees to provide support to Lufer-China for the manufacture of the required products, in terms of product design, technical know-how, training and quality control. Special machinery together with moulds will also be provided for use by Lufer-China for manufacturing the products solely for sale by Lufer-HK. If Lufer-HK is required to send technical staff to support Lufer-China, a service fee will be charged to Lufer-China on a cost-plus-10% basis. However, no charge will be made to Lufer-China for the use of the machinery and moulds.

(2) Lufer-China agrees to be responsible for the provision of workers and a factory including utilities and facilities for the manufacture of the required products. In order to finance the renovation of the factory, Lufer-China received a loan from Lufer-HK at an interest rate of 4% per annum.

(3) Lufer-China will acquire raw materials from Lufer-HK at cost, and sell the finished products to Lufer-HK based on the selling price of similar products in the China market.

In the accounts of Lufer-HK, an interest cost of 3% per annum is recorded as payable to Lufer-UK in respect of a borrowing obtained to finance the loan to Lufer-China. The interest income receivable from Lufer-China at 4% per annum is also recorded as income by Lufer-HK. On the remittance of the interest from China to Hong Kong, China withholding tax at the rate of 7% is deducted by Lufer-China and recorded as an expense in the accounts of Lufer-HK.


As the tax consultant engaged by Lufer-HK, prepare a report for the company’s directors, addressing each of the following issues from a Hong Kong tax perspective.

(a) Profits earned from the sale of smart phone accessories:

(i) Whether the profits earned from the sale of smart phone accessories by Lufer (HK) Ltd to retailers in Hong Kong should be subject to, or exempt from, profits tax. Include an explanation of the general principles for determining the source of manufacturing profits and trading profits in Hong Kong, based on the Departmental Interpretation and Practice Note No. 21 entitled ‘Locality of Profits’ and other relevant court cases. (14 marks)

(ii) Whether Lufer (HK) Ltd is entitled to any deduction (including depreciation allowance) in respect of the cost of the special machinery and moulds provided to Lufer (PRC) Ltd for use in China. (8 marks)

(b) Funding of the loan made to Lufer (PRC) Ltd:

(i) The profits tax treatment of the 1% margin earned by Lufer (HK) Ltd on the borrowing obtained from Lufer (UK) Ltd at 3% per annum, and the loan extended to Lufer (PRC) Ltd at 4% per annum. Include an explanation of the taxability of the interest income received from Lufer (PRC) Ltd, and the deductibility of the interest expense to Lufer (UK) Ltd and comment on whether the loan arrangement is tax effective. (7 marks)

(ii) Whether the China withholding tax on the interest income earned from Lufer (PRC) Ltd is tax deductible to Lufer (HK) Ltd for Hong Kong profits tax purposes. (2 marks)

Note: You are NOT required to discuss the Arrangement between the Mainland of China and HKSAR for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is communicated. (4 marks)


John and Mary are married to each other and are permanent residents of Hong Kong. Each of them currently has full-time employment working for organisations in Hong Kong. Last year, Mary’s father passed away, leaving her a boutique business. Also, Mary is pregnant and expecting twin babies in two months’ time. John and Mary recently met with a local tax consultant to discuss their future Hong Kong tax positions. A summary of the major points discussed during the meeting is as follows:

(1) Based on the information from her late father’s lawyer, the boutique business is currently held through a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). The BVI company is cash-rich without any debt or liability, and does not own any asset other than the boutique business. The boutique is operated at a leased retail shop located in Hong Kong. Mary has been given a choice by the lawyer either to take over the shares in the BVI company or to own the boutique business directly. It is Mary’s intention to continue to run the boutique by herself.

(2) Mary has been invited by her brother to participate in an established partnership business following the recent retirement of one of the partners. Mary expects that in addition to her share of profits, she will draw a monthly salary from the partnership. If this is not tax effective, the partnership may engage John as an employee and pay the salary to him instead. On the other hand, Mary’s sister has recently graduated and is interested in being engaged as an employee of the partnership.

(3) John has recently signed a new employment contract with an organisation based in Mainland China (China Co). This new employment will commence in three weeks’ time. Under the new employment contract, John will be responsible for looking after both China Co’s Shenzhen factory and its Hong Kong operations, and thus is expected to travel extensively between China and Hong Kong. The tentative schedule shows that John will stay in Hong Kong for about eight months each year and spend the remaining four months in China. John negotiated his new employment terms during visits to China Co’s premises in China, and he also signed the contract there. The major items in the remuneration package include:

(i) A monthly salary of $100,000 (the take-home amount payable to John is $90,000 after withholding 10% for China’s individual income tax).

(ii) A lump sum incentive of $80,000 to encourage John to resign from his current employment.

(iii) A housing allowance of $30,000 to compensate for John’s mortgage loan repayment for his residence in Hong Kong.

(iv) Reimbursement of any additional China tax liability arising from his employment after adjusting for the 10% amount withheld from the monthly salary.

(v) A holiday package (flight tickets plus hotel) for John’s family up to a maximum of $60,000 per annum.

(4) The couple’s existing apartment is too small to accommodate themselves and the two babies, and the couple are planning to move into the residence currently owned and occupied by John’s parents. John’s parents will then move into the couple’s existing apartment. The couple jointly owns their current apartment and will continue to pay their mortgage loan instalments after the swap. The residence owned by John’s parents is free from any mortgage. John intends to pay a nominal rental to his parents each month for the use of their residence.

(5) The couple are financially independent. Each spouse files their individual tax return each year and pays their salaries tax according to the assessment issued in their own name. Their tax positions in the previous years have been simple and straightforward with their respective employment income as the only item in their tax calculations. After the birth of the twins, each spouse intends to claim one child allowance for Hong Kong tax purposes.


(a) Discuss the implications for Mary’s Hong Kong tax position in respect of the potential income earned (or losses incurred) by the boutique business in the event that Mary takes over the shares in the BVI company as compared to the alternative that Mary takes over the boutique business directly. You should also address the potential differences in the implications, if any, depending on whether or not Mary elects for personal assessment. (5 marks)

(b) Explain how a partnership is assessed for Hong Kong tax purposes, and the Hong Kong tax implications for Mary in respect of the partnership profit or loss shared by her and the salary drawn from the partnership. You should also discuss whether it will make any difference to the tax treatment of the partnership and/or the partners if the salary is received by John or Mary’s sister rather than by Mary. (4 marks)

(c) Explain whether John is assessable to Hong Kong salaries tax in respect of the income from his new employment, and if so, state on what basis and explain the Hong Kong tax treatment of the major remuneration items specified in the question. Note: You are NOT required to discuss the Arrangement between the Mainland of China and HKSAR for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. (9 marks)

(d) Analyse the major impact on the couple’s Hong Kong tax position arising from the proposed swap of residences between themselves and John’s parents. State any assumptions which you deem necessary. (3 marks)

(e) Comment on the proposed action intended to be taken by the couple with regard to their claiming the child allowance in respect of the twins, and advise on the amount of allowance for which they will be eligible. (4 marks)

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted


Metoo (HK) Ltd (Metoo-HK) carries on business in Hong Kong as a trader. Metoo-HK purchases its products from its wholly-owned subsidiary in Mainland China, Metoo (PRC) Ltd (Metoo-China), as follows:

Metoo-HK provides management support to Metoo-China and is responsible for promoting the products in Asian markets including Hong Kong. In recognition of Metoo-HK’s contribution, Metoo-China grants a 10% discount from the market selling price in respect of the products it sells to Metoo-HK. Metoo-HK files its profits tax returns in Hong Kong reporting all of its profits as assessable in Hong Kong.

During the year ended 31 December 2013, Metoo-China was investigated by the China tax bureau, as a result of which a transfer pricing adjustment was made to adjust the sales made from Metoo-China to Metoo-HK based on the market selling price. The sales income reported in the 2013 accounts of Metoo-China was $900,000. This amount was adjusted to $1,000,000 by the China tax bureau by removing the discount element, which it considered was not at arm’s length. Metoo-China was required to pay additional China corporate income tax of $25,000 as a consequence of this adjustment.

The management of Metoo-HK considers that the price adjustment in China is not fair to Metoo-HK and wants to know whether it is possible to revise its Hong Kong profits tax assessment for the year of assessment 2013/14.


(a) Based on the facts as stated and making reference to the Arrangement between the Mainland of China and HKSAR for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income (the DTA), explain the relationship between Metoo (HK) Ltd and Metoo (PRC) Ltd, and analyse the impact on the whole Metoo group arising from the pricing adjustment made by the China tax bureau to Metoo (PRC) Ltd. (4 marks)

(b) Explain the relevant Hong Kong tax law governing the circumstances in which a taxpayer is given the right to revise its tax assessment, and give an opinion as to whether Metoo (HK) Ltd can make a successful revision claim. (4 marks)

(c) (i) Making reference to the Departmental Interpretation and Practice Note No. 45 ‘Relief from double taxation due to transfer pricing or profit reallocation adjustments’ and the DTA, explain the different types of double taxation in the context of the DTA, and identify the type of double taxation to which the pricing adjustment made by the China tax bureau belongs. (7 marks)

(ii) Advise whether, and if so how, in terms of the DTA, Metoo (HK) Ltd may be able to apply for its Hong Kong profits tax assessment for 2013/14 to be revised. (5 marks)

Happy Club (the Club) operates as a recreational club in Hong Kong. The Club owns a clubhouse which provides basic catering and spa services to its members. All members are voting members, and all club facilities are restricted to members’ use only.

During the year ended 31 March 2015, the Club had the following receipts and payments:

In view of the unfavourable financial position of the Club, the Club’s management has made the following proposals:

(1) The catering services will be opened to non-members during lunch and dinner hours.

(2) The Club will acquire the car park adjacent to the clubhouse and lease it out for rental purposes. The acquisition will be financed by a loan from the Club’s founders. It is intended that the car park will be used by both Club members and the public.


(a) Explain the current Hong Kong tax position of Happy Club based on the information given for the year ended 31 March 2015. Note: Calculations are not required. (3 marks)

(b) Discuss the implications for and potential changes to Happy Club’s Hong Kong tax position if both of the proposals are implemented. Note: Calculations are not required. (10 marks)

(c) Explain the stamp duty implication, if any, to Happy Club arising from proposal 2. (7 marks)


(a) Joyce Ltd owns a commercial property (shop) in a major shopping mall. The market rent of the shop is $200,000 per month. On 1 January 2014, Joyce Ltd agreed to lease the shop to Fun Ltd for three years. The lease provides that Fun Ltd will pay to Joyce Ltd $100,000 per month plus 2% of Fun Ltd’s gross turnover each month from the business conducted in the shop. In addition, Fun Ltd agreed to pay Joyce Ltd a lump sum of $2,400,000 at the commencement of the lease in consideration for Joyce Ltd agreeing to accept a lower rent. The lump sum is not refundable.

In preparing its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014, Joyce Ltd apportioned the upfront payment of $2,400,000 over the term of the lease, and brought only $800,000 into its statement of profit or loss. However, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) assessed Joyce Ltd on the full upfront payment of $2,400,000 in the year of assessment 2014/15. Joyce Ltd disputes the decision of the IRD.


(i) Explain the profits tax and stamp duty implications of the lease arrangements for Joyce Ltd. (9 marks)

(ii) State, giving reasons, whether and if so, how your answer to part (a) above would differ if the lease also provided that under no circumstances would the rent payable each month exceed $200,000. (2 marks)

(b) Assuming that Joyce Ltd’s tax dispute with the IRD proceeds to litigation, list the advantages of having the case heard before the Board of Review, rather than in the Court of First Instance. (4 marks)

(c) Instead of leasing the property to Fun Ltd for three years, Joyce Ltd decided to grant a licence to Fun Ltd to occupy the premises for ten years. In consideration, Fun Ltd paid Joyce Ltd a lump sum of $20 million. This receipt was recorded in Joyce Ltd’s statement of profit or loss as arising from the ‘disposal of a fixed asset’.


Discuss the tax treatment of the $20 million received by Joyce Ltd from Fun Ltd. (5 marks)




Part B (10 points)

The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G. Some of the paragraphs have been placed for you. (10 points)

A. Yet thieves still reap a rich harvest. Inadequate protection of U.S. patents, trademarks and copyrights costs the U.S. economy $80 billion in sales lost to pirates and 250,000 jobs every year, according to Gary Hoffman, an intellectual property attorney at Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin in Washington. The computer industry loses upwards of $4 billion of revenues a year to illegal copying of software programs. Piracy of movies, books and recordings costs the entertainment business at least $4 billion annually.

B. With intellectual property now accounting for more than 25% of U.S. exports (compared with just 12% eight years ago), protection against international piracy ranks high on the Bush Administration's trade agenda. The U.S. International Trade Commission, the federal agency that deals with unfair-trade complaints by American companies, is handling a record number of cases (38 last year). Says ITC Chairman Anne Brunsdale: "Conceptual property has replaced produce and heavy machinery as the hotbed of trade disputes".

C. The battle is widening—U.S. companies filed more than 5,700 intellectual-property lawsuits last year in contrast to 3,800 in 1980—and the stakes can be enormous. In the biggest patent-infringement case to date, Eastman Kodak was ordered last October to pay $900 million for infringing on seven Polaroid instant-photography patents. In a far-reaching copyright case, book publishers scored an important victory in March when a federal court in New York City fined the Kinko's Graphics national chain of copying stores $510,000 for illegally photocopying and selling excerpts of books to college students.

D. Although the verdict is subject to appeal, the award underscores the growing importance of protecting intellectual property. That phrase may seem entirely too grand to apply to a song like If You Don't Want My Peaches, You'd Better Stop Shaking My Tree, but it actually encompasses the whole vast range of creative ideas that turn out to have value—and many of them have more value than ever. From Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse to Upjohn's formula for its anti-baldness potion, patents, trademarks and copyrights have become corporate treasures that their owners will do almost anything to protect.

E. In an economy increasingly based on information and technology, ideas and creativity often embody most of a company's wealth. That is why innovations are being patented, trademarked and copyrighted in record numbers. It is also why today's clever thief doesn't rob banks, many of which are broke anyway; he makes unauthorized copies of Kevin Costner's latest film, sells fake Cartier watches and steals the formula for Merck's newest pharmaceutical. That's where the money is.

F. One reason is that any countries offer only feeble protection to intellectual property. Realizing that such laxness will exclude them from much world trade as Well as hobble native industries, nations everywhere are revising laws covering patents, copyrights and trade names. Malaysia, Egypt, China, turkey, Brazil and even the Soviet Union have all recently announced plans either to enact new laws or beef up existing safeguards. In an effort to win U.S. congressional support for a proposed free-trade pact, Mexico last month revealed, plans to double the life of trademark licenses to 10 years and extend patent protection for the first time to such products as pharmaceuticals and food.

G. Companies are cracking down on pirates who steal designs, movies and computer programs. The battle is getting hotter—and more important. When Johnson & Johnson introduced a new fiber-glass casting tape for broken bones several years ago, executives at Minnesota Mining &



The second paragraph proposes that supplementary graded reading materials should ______.

A.be interesting enough to attract learners

B.be simplified so as to fit the learners' level of proficiency

C.take into consideration not only the learners' proficiency in English but also their reading interests

D.not be simplified and graded



The second paragraph proposes that supplementary graded reading materials should ______.

A.be interesting enough to attract readers

B.be simplified so as to fit the learners' level of proficiency

C.take into consideration the learners' proficiency in English and reading interests

D.not be simplified and graded



If you are going to buy a dictionary, then the number of words that the dictionary contains may be a measure of comparison that you will use in deciding which dictionary to choose.





1. You should assume that the tax rates and allowances shown below will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.

2. Calculations and workings should be rounded down to the nearest HK$.

3. Apportionments need only be made to the nearest month, unless the law and prevailing practice require otherwise.

4. All workings should be shown.


The following 2011/12 tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.

Section A – BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted


Organic World Inc (the Parent), a company incorporated in the US, has since September 2006 wholly-owned a subsidiary in Hong Kong, Green HK Ltd (Green-HK). Green-HK operates a retail store in Hong Kong and imports organic goods from the Parent and sells the goods in the store. It closes its accounts on 31 December.

Starting from January 2010, the Parent also has another wholly-owned subsidiary in China, Green China Ltd (Green-China), which operates a similar retail store in Mainland China but not in Hong Kong. Green-China has been performing very well in these two years, showing continuous increases in profitability, but Green-HK’s business has been declining significantly.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Green-HK called a meeting at which the following was discussed:

(1) The following extract of management accounts as at 30 November 2011 was presented:

(2) The Parent decided to cease the business in Hong Kong with effect from 1 January 2012. Before the store is closed on 31 December 2011, all the assets and liabilities of Green-HK would need to be cleared according to the following proposal:

(i) The land and store building would be sold to a potential purchaser, and the offer is still under negotiation. The tentative sale consideration is $12,000,000 comprising $11,000,000 for the land and $1,000,000 for the store building. The purchaser has counter-offered that if Green-HK were to demolish the building and sell the land site only, a higher offer might be considered. Based on Green-HK’s tax records, the land and building were acquired in July 2006 directly from the property developer at $10,000,000, 50% of which was attributed to the building. The CEO is wondering how the different modes of sale would impact the tax position of Green-HK. Moreover, the CEO is interested to know how much annual depreciation allowance the purchaser, who makes up his accounts to 31 March, might be entitled to claim if he continued to use the store as it is.

(ii) All the store equipment would be donated to a charitable organisation in Hong Kong. Any remaining minor furniture and fixtures not accepted by the charity would be scrapped. The CEO is wondering if the net book value of the equipment would be eligible for a tax deduction as a charitable donation, and whether it would be better if the equipment was sold first and then the sale money was donated to the charity.

(iii) To clear the trading stock on hand, Green-HK would sell it to Green-China at a price to be mutually agreed. Discussions with Green-China so far indicate that the deal would not be made unless the price was fixed at 30% below the usual market price. Although this is not desirable to Green-HK, it was expected that the Parent would consent to this deal. The CEO is concerned about the impact of the deal on Green-HK, especially in the light of the recent development of the transfer pricing principle in Hong Kong.

(iv) The amount due to the Parent of $15,000,000 would be waived by the Parent since Green-HK would not be likely to have the ability to pay. Green-HK’s records indicated that most of the amount represents the purchase cost of goods imported from the Parent for sale in the store in previous years but which remained unsettled.

(3) All staff members would be made redundant. On top of the statutory amount of redundancy payment, Green-HK was considering paying an additional gratuity representing two months’ salary. Before making the decision, the CEO wants to assess whether these payments would be tax deductible to Green-HK.

(4) Based on the tax records, Green-HK has brought forward tax losses of around $2,000,000 from 2010/11. The tax written down values for the plant and machinery pools are insignificant.


As the tax advisor to Green HK Ltd (Green-HK), prepare a report for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) addressing the tax issues raised in the meeting as follows, providing supporting calculations where appropriate.

(a) Sale of land and store building (per item (2)

(i) of the meeting notes): (i) The tax implication to Green-HK arising from the sale of the land and store building, including a computation of the applicable depreciation allowance for each year of ownership and in the year of disposal; (4 marks)

(ii) The impact of the potential purchaser’s counter-offer on the tax position of Green-HK; (4 marks)

(iii) The annual depreciation allowance that might be available to the purchaser upon his acquisition of the land and store building, assuming that the store continued to be used as it was. (3 marks)

(b) Donation of equipment (per item (2)

(ii) of the meeting notes): (i) Whether, and if so how, the donation would qualify as a tax deduction for Green-HK; (4 marks)

(ii) Whether, and if so how, the alternative suggested by the CEO would help Green-HK get the tax deduction. (3 marks)

(c) Sale of trading stock (per item (2)(iii) of the meeting notes):

(i) The tax implication to Green-HK arising from the sale of trading stock to Green China Ltd (Green-China) at the price suggested by Green-China;

Note: You are not required to discuss the transfer pricing implications in this part. (4 marks)

(ii) The impact of the current development of transfer pricing principles in Hong Kong on the suggested sale transaction. (5 marks)

(d) Waiver of inter-company balance by Organic Worldwide Inc (the Parent) (per item (2)(iv) of the meeting notes):

Whether, and if so to what extent, the waiver would be tax effective for Green-HK. If you consider it not tax effective, give suggestions. (4 marks)

(e) Redundancy payment and additional gratuity (per item (3) of the meeting notes):

Whether, and if so how, the redundancy payment and additional gratuity would be tax deductible to Green-HK. If applicable, give an alternative suggestion. (4 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in question 1 for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is communicated. (4 marks)


Antony and Rebecca are a married couple who are seeking professional tax advice on their tax positions. The following information relates to their affairs for the year ended 31 March 2012:

(1) Antony was previously employed by Mix and Match Ltd, a Hong Kong-listed company. On 1 March 2011, he was offered a lump sum payment of $300,000 to join Modern Home Ltd (MHL), an interior decoration firm resident in Hong Kong, as head designer. On 1 April 2011 he accepted the offer, received the payment and started working for MHL.

(2) His salary with MHL is $100,000 per month. Antony contributed 5% of his total salary to MHL’s Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme; MHL contributed 10% to the Scheme.

(3) Antony received a ‘housing allowance’ of $30,000 per month. However, he only spent $25,000 per month on rent, government rates and management fees associated with his rented flat. His employment contract states that his rental allowance is designed to enable him to afford accommodation in Hong Kong, and that it may be applied by him towards rent or a home purchase. MHL requires Antony to provide a copy of his lease and monthly rental receipts, but has never queried the fact that he does not spend the whole of his housing allowance on accommodation.

(4) MHL provided Antony with a new car (cost $500,000) which he could, and did, use for private (50%) as well as business (50%) purposes. MHL also provided him with a petrol station card taken out in the name of MHL. Antony charged all his expenditure on petrol, totalling $48,000, to this card.

(5) MHL paid a club membership for Antony at the Hong Kong Designers Club. The annual membership fee was $32,000 and the membership was in Antony’s name. Antony regularly used the club for entertaining MHL’s clients. His total entertainment expenditure at the club was $38,000, of which MHL reimbursed him $28,000 upon production of vouchers showing client entertainment and promotion.

(6) Antony received a share option in the year of assessment 2009/10 while he was working for Mix and Match Ltd. Under the terms of his share option, Mix and Match Ltd would either pay him the cash value of his option or provide him with shares. Antony could not insist on receiving shares. The option became exercisable in the year of assessment 2011/12. When Antony exercised his option, Mix and Match Ltd exercised its right to pay cash instead of providing shares; and Antony received $100,000.

(7) After work hours, Antony devoted his time to writing numerous articles on interior design for magazines and newspapers. From this activity, he earned $90,000 in the year 2011/12.

(8) Antony earned $15,000 in royalties in 2011/12 from a book on interior design that he had written the previous year. The publisher who paid him the royalties is based in Singapore, and the book was published and sold only in Singapore.

(9) Rebecca is a housewife. In her spare time, she sells home products to friends on behalf of a Taiwan company. For this purpose, the company sends her a stock of products each month, and Rebecca arranges home parties to which she invites friends and demonstrates the products. She earns a commission of 20% of the gross sales proceeds of the goods she sells on behalf of the company. In the year of assessment 2011/12, Rebecca earned commissions totalling $80,000.


(a) Advise Antony and Rebecca of their respective tax positions for the year of assessment 2011/12. Support your advice with a computation of Antony’s salaries tax liability. (25 marks)

(b) Advise Rebecca of the compliance obligations, if any, imposed on her under the Inland Revenue Ordinance in respect of her sale of home products on behalf of the Taiwan company. (4 marks)

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted


(a) Below is the group structure of P Ltd and its subsidiaries:

Under the current structure, P Ltd owns all the shares in A Ltd and B Ltd. A Ltd, in turn, owns all the shares in C Ltd. P Ltd is incorporated in Bermuda. A Ltd, B Ltd and C Ltd are all incorporated in Hong Kong. C Ltd owns a commercial property in Hong Kong, which is mortgaged in favour of the Citibank for an amount of $70 million.

It is proposed to restructure the group in January 2013 as follows:

Step 1: A Ltd will transfer 100% of the shares in C Ltd to B Ltd. The consideration will be $30 million payable to A Ltd, plus another $70 million payable direct to the Citibank on behalf of C Ltd.

Step 2: B Ltd will issue shares equivalent to 10% of its total new shareholdings to an unrelated third party for $4 million. The amount so raised will not be used in Step 1.

Step 3: A Ltd will then be liquidated.


Explain the stamp duty implications arising from the transfer of the shares in C Ltd (Step 1). Clearly identify any available exemptions and analyse the extent to which these exemptions may be affected by Steps 2 and 3 in the restructuring proposal. (11 marks)

(b) After the restructuring, C Ltd will lease the commercial property to B Ltd for four years. Under the lease agreement, B Ltd will pay C Ltd $50,000 per month plus 3% of B Ltd’s gross turnover each month from the business conducted in the property. The market rental of the property is $80,000 per month.


Explain the stamp duty implications of this leasing arrangement. (5 marks)


Home Design Inc (HDI) is a US corporation which is engaged in the business of purchasing furniture from factories in Mainland China and reselling them to customers around Asia, including Hong Kong.

HDI has engaged the services of an unrelated buying agent in Hong Kong, Buyer Ltd, to deal with suppliers on its behalf. Buyer Ltd is responsible for negotiating terms (as dictated by HDI) and placing purchase orders with suppliers’ representatives in Hong Kong, performing quality control services, and arranging shipment of the furniture either to HDI in the USA or directly to customers outside the USA according to the directions given by HDI.

In addition, Buyer Ltd maintains a showroom in Hong Kong, which potential customers visit from time to time to view samples. If buyers wish to place orders during such visits, they complete a purchase order form. which Buyer Ltd faxes to HDI’s office in the USA. HDI then follows up with customers out of its office in the USA. Buyer Ltd does not negotiate the terms of such sales. About 20% of all sales are made to customers in Hong Kong.


(a) Based on the Departmental Interpretation and Practice Note No. 21 entitled ‘Locality of Profits’, explain the practice adopted by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for determining the source of trading profits. (4 marks)

(b) Discuss whether Home Design Inc’s profits from the trading transactions should be subject to, or exempt from, profits tax. If you consider that the profits are subject to profits tax, advise how Home Design Inc could restructure its activities to ensure that the profits would be exempt from tax. (12 marks)


Auto Ltd is a company incorporated and carrying on business in Hong Kong. Despite continuous profitability since the commencement of its business, in the last year Auto Ltd has experienced a tremendous market downturn and incurred significant accounting losses. The sole shareholder of Auto Ltd, Mr Tan, is a non-Hong Kong resident. He understands that under his tax jurisdiction, tax losses incurred by a corporation can be carried back and applied to offset a corporation’s profits in the preceding year. Moreover, tax losses of a corporation resident in his tax jurisdiction can be transferred to another profitable corporation within the same group.


(a) Based on the Inland Revenue Ordinance, state the general rules governing the treatment of tax losses for corporations carrying on businesses in Hong Kong, assuming the corporations are not involved in any partnership. (4 marks)

(b) Mr Tan is considering disposing of the shares in Auto Ltd in order to capitalise the tax benefit arising from the tax losses carried forward by Auto Ltd.


Advise Mr Tan on the Hong Kong tax implications arising from the share disposal for the ability of Auto Ltd to carry forward its tax losses. (6 marks)

(c) If he does not sell the shares in Auto Ltd, Mr Tan intends to make a loan to Auto Ltd with interest in order to finance the company’s future operations.


Advise Mr Tan on the Hong Kong tax implications to Auto Ltd in respect of the interest incurred on this loan as currently proposed and, if appropriate, suggest a structure which will ensure that the loan interest will be deductible.

Note: You may assume that Mr Tan is not carrying on a money lending business when and by virtue of making the loan. (6 marks)




Part B (10 points)

Farm-raised pigs are dirty, smelly animals that get no respect. They’re also an environmental hazard. Their manure contains phosphorus, which, when it rains, runs off into lakes and estuaries, depleting oxygen, killing fish, stimulating algae overgrowth and emitting greenhouse gases.

41. ______. Pigs provide more dietary protein, more cheaply, to more people than any other animal. Northern Europe still maintains the highest pig-to-human ratio in the world (2-1 in Den- mark), but East Asia is catching up. During the 1990s, pork production doubled in Vietnam and grew by 70 percent in China— along densely populated coastlines, pig density exceeds 100 animals per square kilometer. The resulting pollution is “threatening fragile coastal marine habitats including mangroves, coral reefs and sea grasses,” according to a report released in February by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

As it turns out, there is a solution to the pig problem, but it requires a change of mind-set among environmentalists and the public. 42. ______.

The Enviropig is one of many new technologies that are putting environmentalists and organic-food proponents in a quandary: should they remain categorically opposed to genetically modified (GM) foods even at the expense of the environment? 43. ______. The most significant GM applications will be ones that help alleviate the problem of agriculture, which accounts for 38 percent of the world’s landmass and is crowding out natural ecosystems and species habitats. GM crops that can be produced more efficiently would allow us to return land to nature.

44. ______. U.S. Department of Agriculture scientist Eliot Herman has already created a less-allergenic soybean — an important crop for baby foods. Through genetic surgery, Herman turned off the soy gene responsible for 65 percent of allergic reactions. Not only was the modified soy less allergenic in tests but, as Herman explained, “the yield looks perfectly normal, plants develop and grow at a normal rate and they seem to have the same kinds of protein, oil and other good stuff in them.” Other scientists have reported promising results in shutting off allergy-causing genes in peanuts and shrimp. Should these advances be turned into products, organic soy or peanut products will be certifiably more dangerous to human health than comparable nonorganic products.

45. ______. In this climate, much of the needed research isn’t being pursued. Chances are, farmers will continue to grow their polluting organic pork, their allergenic organic soy and their neurotoxin-sprayed organic apples. Worse still, they will make sure that no one else gets a choice in the matter of improving the conditions of life on earth — unless, that is, others rise up and demand an alternative.

[A] Two Canadian scientists have created a pig whose manure doesn’t contain very much phosphorus at all. If this variety of pig were adopted widely, it could greatly reduce a major source of pollution. But the Enviropig, as they call it, is the product of genetic modification — which is anathema to many Westerners.

[B] In fact, although all commonly used pesticides dissipate so quickly that they pose a miniscule health risk to consumers, allergic food reactions to natural products kill hundreds of children each year. Genetically modified foods could greatly reduce this risk.

[C] Canadian biologists Cecil Forsberg and John Phillips, for instance, have constructed a novel DNA molecule that, when planted in a pig embryo, imbues the Enviropig with the ability to secrete a phosphorus extracting enzyme in its saliva. The results so far are dramatic — the new pigs can extract all the phosphorus they need from grain alone, without the phosphorus supplements that farmers now use. This reduces the phosphorus content of their manure by up to 75 percent.

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