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A job opening has been announced. Which of these answer choices will be the best opening sentence in an application letter?

A、You seek a master Web engineer, and I need a job; we are perfect for each other!

B、Dr. Matthew Wang, IT director at Qinghua University, told me that you have an opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking, data management, and innovations.

C、Please consider this letter my application for your opening in the IT Department.

D、Do you need a Web engineer with over three years of experience?

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更多“A job opening has been announc…”相关的问题


According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? ______.

A.Sean Martinovich couldn't run around with the other boys in the playground now.

B.Hopefully, Sean Martinovich can smile over the next three months.

C.Sean's parents, Steve and Wendy Martinovieh don't believe the technology will restore the cheeky smile.

D.For Doctor Bartlett the microsurgery is just a minor and easy case.



Which of the following is most nearly analogous in its cause and condition to the problems which the author describes as limiting the present success of African- American cinema?

A.A rock-and-roll band considers its music unappealing to a mainstream audience, changes to a more palatable sound, and fails anyway.

B.An author decides that he would have a better niche in a fringe literary market, and sells his work there, but with little profit.

C.An artist decides that his oeuvre of paintings is not commercially viable, and resigns himself to make unpopular but artistically dignified work.

D.A marketing executive decides that a product won't sell, and thus restricts its availability to a certain loyal market.

E.A film actor realizes that he could be more successful working in theater, and though he achieves success, finds he misses his old form



Which of the following is most nearly analogous in its cause and condition to the problems which the author describes as limiting the present success of African- American cinema?

A.A rock-and-roll band considers its music unappealing to a mainstream audience, changes to a more palatable sound, and fails anyway.

B.An author decides that he would have a better niche in a fringe literary market, and sells his work there, but with little profit.

C.An artist decides that his oeuvre of paintings is not commercially viable, and resigns himself to make unpopular but artistically dignified work.

D.A marketing executive decides that a product won't sell, and thus restricts its availability to a certain loyal market.

E.A film actor realizes that he could be more successful working in theater, and though he achieves success, finds he misses his old form



— Read the on the opposite page about an awards scheme for companies.

— Choose the best sentence from below to fill each of the gaps.

— For each gap 8 - 12, mark one letter (A - G) on your Answer Sheet.

— Do not use any letter more than once.

— There is an example at the beginning, (0).

The region's best smaller companies

Once again, readers of this magazine have the chance to vote for the region's best companies. (0)The awards will be presented at a dinner in Birmingham on May 17.

The pattern established in the first year, of awards for Best Established Company, Best New Company and Best Entrepreneur, will of course continue. However this year sees a new category, that of Best Communication with Investors. 【8】______

The Established Company of the Year will be one whose success has lasted for more than just a couple of months or years. Its share price will be performing above the average for its sector, but that is not the only measurement which will be taken into account. 【9】______ Above all, the winner will be professionally managed, in a way that deals equally well with good and bad trading conditions.

The New Company of the Year 'will have gone public last year, but will already have shown its growth and management qualities. 【10】______ In fact three early winners have already been successful in this second category, as well.

The Entrepreneur of the Year will be someone with a proven track record of expertise in setting up and providing leadership to one or possibly more businesses. He or she will have created an organisation that can deal with the demands placed on it as a public company. 【11】______ The winner will have maintained a balance between that original energy and the need to adapt as the company grows.

In our new category, Best Communication with Investors, the winning company will show that it is engaging in two-way dialogue with both actual and potential investors. 【12】______ All of these communication channels will be carefully tailored for the intended audience. In addition, the company is likely to distribute press releases by electronic means, to maximise its opportunities for publicity.

Nominations for awards were invited several months ago, and reduced by the judges to a shortlist of three in each category. The shortlisted companies are described below, together with details of how to vote. Please get your vote to us no later than 31 March.

A. It will, in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long,

B. In order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to prove it.

C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of means, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions.

D. The judges will also consider the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth and development.

E. At the same time, this structure must not stifle the spirit that led to the company's initial SUCCESS.

F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly important part which this factor plays in a company's success.

G. The competition, which is now in its tenth year, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller public companies based in this area.



which of the four statements in true of tidal wave?

A.It is the regular rise and fall of ocean waters.

B.It comes definite times of each day.

C.It comes rushing in suddenly and unexpectedly.

D.Scientists can hold back a tidal wave.



According to the article,which of the following is NOT true?

A.Scientists can predict when seaquake will hit land.

B.Seismograph is used to predict when a tidal wave will hit land.

C.Holding back a tidal wave is out of the question.

D.True tides rise and fall regularly.



Albert Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known. He formulated theories of relativity, successfully described the nature of the universe and came up with the most famous equation in the world. David Beckham is the footballer whose skills and precision have made him one of the most gifted sportsmen of his generation. Who is more intelligent? How Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (MI) dares us to put these two men on neighboring pedestals. Instead of regarding intelligence as a single quantity measurable by pen-and-paper tests, Gardner, an education professor at Harvard University, divides human intelligence into no fewer than eight separate categories ranging from mathematical to musical competence. (4)His ideas have provoked vigorous debate about how one defines intelligence. Gardner’s point is that quantity measures only one capacity, the sort of mental agility that is valued in academic achievement, and that this single number does not do justice to human potential. So he has created his own spheres of achievement. Some categories are easily reconcilable with general perceptions about IQ. For example, ―linguistic‖ intelligence confers a mastery of language, and is the preserve of such people as poets, writers and linguists. ―Logical mathematical‖ intelligence marks out people who take a reasoning approach to physical things, and seek underlying principles. Einstein is the standard –bearer of this group, which also includes philosophers. These two categories are the main components of what we generally think of as ―intelligence‖. ―Musical‖ intelligence characterizes musicians, composers and conductors. ―Spatial‖ intelligence is about being able to picture perspective, to visualize a world in one’s head with great accuracy. Chess players, artists and architects would rate highly in this category. Dancers, athletes and actors are lumped under the ―bodily-kinesthetic‖ heading; these individual, like Beckham, are able to control their bodies and movements very carefully. Then come two types of ―personal‖ intelligence-intrapersonal, the ability to gauge one’s own mood, feelings and mental states, and interpersonal, being able to gauge it in others and use the information. These two categories could be interpreted as emotional intelligence. Psychiatrists are particularly adept at the former, while religious leaders and politicians are seen as people who can exploit the latter. Charles Darwin is perhaps the perfect embodiment of the eighth intelligence –―naturalist‖. This label describes people with a deep understanding of the natural world and its objects. Zoologists and botanists can count themselves among this group. (5)These eight categories certainly reflect the fact that, in these areas, there is a spectrum of human ability ranging from the hopeless to the brilliant. But are these really intelligences, or could these competences be more accurately described as gifts or talents? Questions 1—3 Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage. 1、 What are the main components of ―intelligence‖ we generally think of? 2、 What kind of abilities does emotional intelligence involve? 3、 Which intelligences are represented by Einstein and Beckham respectively? Questions 4—5Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese. 4、 His ideas have provoked vigorous debate about how one defines intelligence. 5、 These eight categories certainly reflect the fact that, in these areas, there is a spectrum of human ability ranging from the hopeless to the brilliant.

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