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Prosperous Suzhou is a 13-meter-long painting created by _____.

A、Zhang Zeduan in the Song Dynasty

B、Xu Yang in the Qing Dynasty

C、Tang Yin in the Ming Dynasty

D、Wang Wei in the Tang Dynasty

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Exterior Painting

Getting Started

Painting the exterior of your house is a huge job. But the rewards are great too. With a minimum investment in tools and materials, you'll save thousands of dollars, extend the life of your siding and increase the value of your home. Best of all, you'll make it look like new again. While you may spend less than $1,000 on painting tools and materials, the same job done by a pro (专业人员) could easily cost $5,000 to $ 10,000 or more. Savings come at a cost, though. A good paint job requires countless hours of careful preparation. Plan to devote and entire summer to prepare and paint even a medium-size house.

Completing a top-quality exterior paint job requires more than patience and perseverance. You'll need a sharp eye, a steady hand and a bit of practice to paint straight lines. In addition, you'll need the strength to move and sat up tall ladders, and the confidence to work from them once they're in place.

Applying topcoats (the final coats of paint) doesn't require much equipment beyond what you've already accumulated for scraping and priming. We recommend buying at least two top-quality synthetic-bristle brushes for applying the latex paint (乳胶漆): one brush ($ 15 to $ 20) for large areas and a brush( $ 9 to $ 12) for detail work.

For applying paint to large areas of shingles (屋顶板), stucco (涂饰墙壁的灰泥) or brick, buy a roller (滚筒).

Paint Stores Can Help With Colors and Quantities

Choosing exterior paint colors that complement (与……相配) the architectural details of your house and fit the character of your neighborhood is the first step to a great paint job. Check out bookstores and libraries for books on the subject. You'll find brochure's (小册子) at the paint store with collections of historic colors. Many paint stores have designers who can help you choose colors, or you could hire a designer or architect.

Buy a quart (夸脱) of each color you've chosen and paint the entire color scheme on a small area of your house before committing to gallons (大量使用).

If you don't like the results, change the colors and try again.

Next take rough measurements of your house, noting the type of surface. Count the doors and windows. With this information, paint store employees can help you calculate the amount of paint you'll need.

Buy the best paint you can afford. Good-quality paint is easier to apply,

covers better and lasts longer. We recommend buying, paint with a slight sheen, either satin or eggshell. It's more fade resistant (不易退色) and easier to clean than flat paint.

Cheek the Weather

?Avoid painting in direct sunlight. The heat dries the paint too fast, making it nearly impossible to avoid blistering (起泡) and peeling (剥落).

•Avoid painting on very windy days. The wind causes the paint to dry too fast and can blow dirt into wet paint.

•Don't apply latex paint when the temperature is below 50 degrees F unless it's formulated for cold-weather application. Read the label to be sure.

•Don't paint when there's a chance of rain.

Plan a Strategy for the Most Efficiency

In general, work from the top down. Paint large areas first and details last. Where two colors meet, allow time for the first color to dry before returning to apply the second color. For example, paint the window sash( the movable part) early in the day and return to paint the frame. around the sash.

Avoid These Common Problems

Brush marks left at the beginning and end of a brush stroke are a common problem that's easy to avoid. Start every brush ,stroke in an unfinished area, at an edge, or against door or window trim. Then brush toward the finished area and sweep the brush up and off the work in the same movement. If you stop the brush and them lift it off or set the brush down o






Right now there is a sale of 19th-century European Paintings and sculpture in the museum.




D.stone paintings



Right now there is a sale of 19th-century European paintings and sculpture in the museum.




D.stone paintings



Imagine you found out that ideas invented by a computer were rated higher by independent experts than ideas created by a group of humans asked to perform. the same task. Would you praise the designer of the "creative computer" for a great achievement or would you question why human talent -- usually so potent in coping with complex cognitive challenges -- created such poor ideas? Or maybe you would question your view of the notion of creativity. In fact, such a scenario was played out when we used a simple computerized routine to generate ideas and compared them as superior to human ideas when they performed the same task?

Creativity is considered the ultimate human activity, a highly complex process, difficult to formalize and to control. Although there is a general agreement regarding the distinctive nature of the creative product(idea, painting, poem, and so on). there is a controversy over the nature of the creative process. Some researchers hold that the creative thinking process is qualitatively different from "ordinary" day-to-day thinking, and involves a leap that cannot be formulated, analyzed, or reconstructed -- the creative spark. Others adopt a reductionism view that creative products and the outcome of ordinary thinking, only quantitatively different from everyday thinking.

Because creative ideas are different from those that normally arise, people often believe that such ideas require conditions dramatically different from the usual. The notion goes that, in order to overcome mental barriers and reach creative ideas, total freedom is necessary -- no directional guidance, constraints, criticism, of thinking within bounded scope. Then ideas can be drawn and contemplated from an infinite space during the creativity process. This view prompted the emergence of various idea-generating methods: brainstorming, synectics, lateral thinking, random stimulation, and so on, all of which consist of withholding judgement and relying on analogies from other members in the group of on randomly selected analogies. This family of methods relies on the assumption that enhancing randomness, breaking rules and paradigms, and generating anarchy of thought increase the probability of creative idea emergence.

Do these methods work? A number of researchers indicate that they do not. Ideas suggested by individuals working alone are superior to ideas suggested in brainstorming sessions and the performance of problem solvers instructed to "break the roles, get out of the square, and change paradigms" was not better than that of individuals who were not given any instruction at all.

The failure of these methods to improve creative outcomes has been explained by the unstructured nature of the task. Reitman observed that many problems that lack a structuring framework are ill-defined in that the representations of one or more of the basic components -- the initial state, the operators and constraints, and the goal -- are seriously incomplete, and the search space is exceedingly large. Indeed, many ill-defined problems seem difficult, not because we are swamped by the enormous number of alternative possibilities, but because we have trouble thinking even of one idea worth pursuing.

According to this passage, ideas invented by a computer ______.

A.are never superior to human ideas

B.tend to be superior to human ideas

C.are not necessarily superior to human ideas

D.can no doubt to be invented by human subjects



Chinese painting is also known as ink and _____ painting.







What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Study paintings by other artists.

B.Go to her father"s art exhibit.

C.Show the instructor his sketches.

D.Change me color of the sky in the painting.



To do exterior painting by yourself, you have to buy painting tools and materials, which are probably worth ______ dollars at the most.

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