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Unit 4 医学英语名词化结构的翻译作业,请留意标红色字...

Unit 4 医学英语名词化结构的翻译作业,请留意标红色字体的地方。 1. In many cases a simple cause may be responsible for failure of the ulcer to heal. 2. Septic thrombosis occurs in adjacent small blood vessels, and the detachment of fragments of infected blood clot accounts for the septic embolism which may complicate a relatively insignificant abscess. 3. The method of making cultures of tissues gives the possibility to observe the formation and development of the living cells. 4. Chemotherapy or endocrine therapy, begun soon after the completion of primary therapy and continued for months or years, delays recurrence in almost all patients and prolongs survival in some. 5. The study of ophthalmology is very hard, and it takes a long time to become an excellent eye specialist. 6. Access to insulin by those who require it is a subject of special concern to international health agencies and national health authorities.

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Unit 5 医学英语中否定结构的翻译作业,请留意标红色字...

Unit 5 医学英语中否定结构的翻译作业,请留意标红色字体的地方。 1. At his final follow-up, he reported no change in hearing and no episodes of vertigo. 2. Never give morphine to unconscious patients, patients who have head injuries, those with respiratory depression, or those without pain. 3. The pathogen is not sensitive to all the chemicals. 4. Careful clinical studies by Shoemaker failed to demonstrate any significant effect of steroids when used in the treatment of shock. 5. Your data seem to indicate that after 40 minutes of ischemia there is little that can be done by the clinician to reverse the initial necrosis. 6. The endocrinologist doesn’t expect premature pregnancies are encouraged.



Unit 6 医学英语中被动句的翻译作业,请留意标红色字体...

Unit 6 医学英语中被动句的翻译作业,请留意标红色字体的地方。 1. In a number of studies, the cases are documented poorly. 2. No significant change in frequency was found in the control group from pretest to posttest. 3. Since some side-effects such as nausea, skin rashes and vertigo are frequently encountered, the drug should be discontinued at the first sign of them. 4. The question of whether a long duration of computer use at work challenges musculoskeletal health has long been debated. 5. From many studies around the world it has been estimated that the mean prevalence of active epilepsy (i.e. continuing seizures or the need for treatment) is approximately 8.2 per 1,000 of the general population. 6. The names and blood types of both the recipient and the donor as well as the cross-match should be carefully examined before transfusion because incompatible RBCs or the destruction of recipient RBCs by antibody may result in haemolysis.



医学英语长句(一)翻译作业: 1. The results of this p...

医学英语长句(一)翻译作业: 1. The results of this prospectively randomized, adequately powered, international, multicenter trial add level 1 evidence to the long-standing discussion about the role of lymphadenectomy in advanced ovarian cancer and once more underline the importance of the use of proper research methods in generating clinical evidence. 2. The second half of the 20th century saw many other changes in perinatal care, including the development of technologies for both visualizing the fetus (ultrasonography) and tracing its heart rate before and during labor, as well as the development of neonatal intensive care units and the evolution of neonatology into a distinct subspecialty. 3. Each of these measures have strengths and weaknesses; some rely on only data from the patient, some require complete joint counts by clinicians, and some require laboratory tests to measure inflammation. 4. New methods to achieve tight glucose control are needed that are practical and can be administered to all persons with type 1 diabetes, including methods of insulin delivery, better forms of insulin, and practical, affordable methods of noninvasive self monitoring that can be coupled to patient-specific insulin treatment regimens. 5. The information thus obtained is of no value unless the physician is familiar with the ways in which various maladies affect the body to be able to select and correlate the pertinent facts in any given case and to recognize the clinical pictures which they indicate.



医学英语长句(二)翻译作业: 1. It is only through an...

医学英语长句(二)翻译作业: 1. It is only through an understanding of the impact of the multiple etiologic factors in disease on the host that the mechanisms whereby they disturb normal physiology can be elucidated, only then can one grasp a truly basic understanding of disease processes and lay a groundwork for satisfactory symptomatic or curative procedures. 2. The onset of chronic leukemia is frequently so insidious that it is accidentally discovered when a blood count is obtained for other reasons or when the patient reports to his physician that he has noted a few enlarged lymph nodes or felt, while bathing, a firm left upper quadrant abdominal mass. 3. Many sudden cardiac arrest patients can survive if witnesses act immediately while ventricular fibrillation is still present, but successful resuscitation is unlikely once the rhythm deteriorates to asystole. 4. One should not wait for incontrovertible evidence to make the tentative diagnosis of active rheumatic fever in patients who are thought to be usually susceptible;for example,in those with a known rheumatic valvular lesion, or with a history of previous episode of typical rheumatic fever of with a history of rheumatic heart disease in a parent or sibling, particularly if their illness follows a streptococcal pharyngitis. 5. The current organ policy is shaped largely by two important laws: the first is the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 1968, adopted in all fifty states, which granted individuals the right to decide before death whether they wished to donate their organs; the second is the Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 , which aimed to encourage organ donation by establishing an organized organ matching and procurement network , while outlawing the buying and selling of human organs or the direct compensation of organ donors and their families.




请同学们按照科技英文的翻译方法翻译下文,翻译过程中认真学习慕课《医学英文翻译》(西安交通大学、朱元主讲)相关词语转换、定语从句、长句的翻译等内容,注意截止时间,按时上交作业。这次翻译的成绩将占本课程最终成绩的40%,希望大家能够重视! Highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes from delayed fluorescence The inherent flexibility afforded by molecular design has accelerated the development of a wide variety of organic semiconductors over the past two decades. In particular, great advances have been made in the development of materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), from early devices based on fluorescent molecules to those using phosphorescent molecules. In OLEDs, electrically injected charge carriers recombine to form singlet and triplet excitons in a 1:3 ratio; the use of phosphorescent metal– organic complexes exploits the normally non-radiative triplet excitons and so enhances the overall electroluminescence efficiency. Here we report a class of metal-free organic electroluminescent molecules in which the energy gap between the singlet and triplet excited states is minimized by design, thereby promoting highly efficient spin up-conversion from non-radiative triplet states to radiative singlet states while maintaining high radiative decay rates, of more than 10 decays per second. In other words, these molecules harness both singlet and triplet excitons for light emission through fluorescence decay channels, leading to an intrinsic fluorescence efficiency in excess of 90 per cent and a very high external electroluminescence efficiency, of more than 19 per cent, which is comparable to that achieved in high-efficiency phosphorescencebased OLEDs. The recombination of holes and electrons can produce light, in a process referred to as electroluminescence. Electroluminescence in organic materials was first discovered in 1953 using a cellulose film doped with acridine orange, and was developed in 1963 using an anthracenesinglecrystalconnectedtohigh-fieldcarrierinjectionelectrodes. Electrical charge carriers of both polarities were injected into the organic layers, and the subsequent carrier transport and recombination produced blue electroluminescence originating from singlet excitons; that is, fluorescence. According to spin statistics, carrier recombination is expected to produce singlet and triplet excitons in a 1:3 ratio, and this ratio has been examined for many molecular systems. The singlet excitons produced decay rapidly, yielding prompt electroluminescence (fluorescence). Two triplet excitons can combine to form a singlet exciton through triplet–triplet annihilation, which results in delayed electroluminescence (delayed fluorescence). Direct radiative decay of triplet excitons results in phosphorescence, but usually occurs only at very low temperatures in conventional organic aromatic compounds. The first demonstration of phosphorescent electroluminescence using ketocoumarin derivatives in 1990. However, the very faint electroluminescence was observed only at 77K, and with difficulty, and was assumed to be virtually useless even if included in rare-earth complexes, which should also involve both singlet and triplet excitons in electrical excitation. In 1999, efficient electrophosphorescence was first demonstrated using iridium phenylpyridine complexes that achieve an efficient radiative decay rate of ~106s-1 by taking advantage of the strong spin–orbit coupling of iridium. An internal electroluminescence efficiency of almost 100% was achieved, providing convincing evidence that OLED technology can be useful for display and lighting applications. In the work reported here, we used a novel pathway to attain the greatest possible electroluminescence efficiency from simple aromatic compounds that exhibit efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) with high photoluminescence efficiency. Figure 1a shows the energy diagram of a conventional organic molecule, depicting singlet(S1) and triplet(T1) excited states and a ground state(S0). It was previously assumed that the S1 level was considerably higher in energy than the T1 level, by 0.5–1.0eV, because of the electron exchange energy between these levels. However, we found that careful design of organic molecules can lead to a small energy gap (ΔEST) between S1 and T1 levels. Correspondingly, a molecule with efficient TADF requires a very small ΔEST between its S1 and T1 excited states, which enhances T1→S1 reverse intersystem crossing (ISC). Such excited states are attainable by intramolecular charge transfer within systems containing spatially separated donor and acceptor moieties. The critical point of this molecular design is the combination of a small ΔEST, of≤100meV, with a reasonable radiative decay rate, of >106s-1, to overcome competitive non-radiative decay path ways, leading to highly luminescent TADF materials. Because these two properties conflict with each other, the overlap of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital needs to be carefully balanced. Furthermore, to enhance the photoluminescence efficiency of a TADF material, the geometrical change in molecular conformation between its S0 and S1 states should be restrained to suppress non-radiative decay. Limited orbital overlap generally results in virtually no emission, as has been shown in benzophenone derivatives. Therefore, it was previously assumed that a high photoluminescence efficiency could never be obtained from molecules with a small ΔEST. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to realize a high photoluminescence efficiency and a small ΔEST simultaneously.



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