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Professor Stephen Lucas points out that there are four objectives of opening a presentation. Which one is not mentioned by him

A、To get the attention and interest of your audience.

B、To create a positive relationship with the host.

C、To establish your credibility.

D、To preview the body of the speech.

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更多“Professor Stephen Lucas points…”相关的问题


Questions 27-30

Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

The professor points out that the university language centre ______.

A.would certainly be useful for the student.

B.is likely to be useful for the student.

C.is available for students.

D.has a wide range of materials.



Sunil Iyengar, the NEAs research director points out that

A.Hispanics are formerly considered the most reluctant readers before 2002.

B.college graduates have dramatically increased their reading ranges.

C.the increase has compensated for the decrease during the past 25 years.

D.it seems that American people as a whole are reading more than before.



England and France are separated by 22 miles of open ocean at their closest point. Attempts to swim the English Channel have been made by people of all ages and from various walks of life. Each swimmer is drawn to the famous channel for different reasons, but each has the same goal—to conquer the Channel.

The English Channel was first crossed in 1875 by Matthew Webb, an Englishman, who swam breaststroke from Dover, England, to Calais, France. Since then, over 3, 700 people have made approximately 4, 500 attempts on the Channel. Only 297 people (199 men and 98 women), however, have successfully duplicated Webb's remarkable achievement.

Cold water, rough sea, strong currents, heavy winds and jellyfish are among the many reasons why the success is so slow. Attempts are usually made between late July and mid-October when the water temperature reaches a tolerable level (57-62 degrees Fahrenheit). Swimmers and escort crews must wait for periods of calm seas and light winds lasting 10-20 hours. Much to the frustration of the athletes and their coaches and crews, the weather may only cooperate a few clays each year. Once in the Channel, swimmers are always at the mercy of the elements since temperature, winds and currents can change hourly. Quite often, luck and good timing play as important a role in a swimmer's success as proper physical training and mental preparation.

As a result of bogus claims of success, the Channel Swimming Association was established to authenticate all crossings. The Association also issues a list of knowledgeable navigators and provides invaluable advice to those intending to attempt the swim. Interested individuals should notify the Association of their plans several months in advance.

Most swimmers attempt to swim from Dover's Shakespeare Beach in England to Cap Griz-Nez, France. Matthew Webb's time of 21 hours and 45 minutes in 1875 has been significantly reduced to 7 hours and 40 minutes—a record set by Penny Lee Dean in 1978. In 1961, Channel swimming entered a new era when Antonio Abertondo from Argentina successfully completed the first double crossing (England-France-England) in 43 hours and 10 minutes. This record now stands at 17 hours and 56 minutes, set by New Zealander Philip Rush in 1985. Remarkably, Cindy Nicholas from Canada has successfully made a double crossing on five separate occasions. And, after years of trying, Jon Erickson from Chicago made the first and only triple crossing of the Channel in 1981 in 38 hours and 37 minutes.

Channel swimmers come in all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Two 12-year-old English schoolchildren have completed the Channel on separate occasions. James, a famous swimming coach, completed the swim in September of 1979 at the age of 58. Sixty-five-year-old Ashby Taylor and 47-year-old Stella Taylor are the oldest male and female swimmers currently on record. Swimmers with various disabilities (polio, blindness, missing limbs) have also been successful. These athletes, whether they ultimately succeed or fail, are shining examples of the indomitable human spirit.

Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A.For a swimmer, conquering the English Channel is the dream of a lifetime.

B.Many people have set shining examples in the marvelous conquering of the Channel.

C.The invaluable advice provided by the Channel Swimming Association is the key to success.

D.Luck and good timing play the most important part in the Channel swimmers' success.



The author points out that ______.

A.many kids aren"t learning for learning"s sake

B.paying kids to learn is harmful in the long run

C.pay-to-learn plan is defective, though understandable

D.it"s corrosive to pay kids for their performance on tests



Bill Rammell points out that ______.

A.Britain doesn't have enough graduates.

B.there are 6.8 million graduates in Britain.

C.other countries want to increase the number of graduates.



Guay points out that when theres a crisis, people will pay their attention to________



In the last paragraph, the author points out that ______.

A.there is limited room for behavioral change

B.unconscious thoughts and feelings are hard to rebuilt

C.conscious attitudes are more difficult to change

D.such social views as prejudice can be easily changed



Val MacDonald points out that baby boomers ______.

A.are more willing to talk to their parents

B.often take advantage of their parents financially

C.seldom think of sending their parents away

D.are likely to force their parents to accept their views



The author points out that Chalmers's theory needs to be improved in which of the following aspects?

A.the motive of some behavior. of America.

B.the underlying intention of America's support of globalization.

C.the reason why America seeks to its transcendent position.

D.the fact the America is not purely imperial.



根据以下资料,回答6~10题。Michael Marmot points out that health inequalities __ A) exist between anyone and the others B) only exist between the richest and the poorest C) disadvantage the richest more than the poorest D) seldom disadvantage the most well-off

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