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HSUPA is an evolution of ______ to improve the data transmission rate in the uplink.

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On Mother' Day, it's customary to speak about the sacrifices our mothers made to improve our lives. But mothers also deserve credit for the pivotal (关键的) role they've played in the history of human evolution. Prehistoric mothers did nothing less than seed the development of our species' remarkable intelligence.

The story begins at least two million years ago, when our brains started to grow larger, eventually making humans the most cognitively advanced species on earth. This evolution was not without its difficulties, particularly for mothers. That's because, some five million to seven million years ago, soon after the human lineage (世系) branched from the ancestors of chimpanzees (黑猩猩), another peculiarity increasingly came to mark our ancestors: walking upright on two legs, or bipedalism.

The evolution of bipedalism gradually altered our ancestors' skeletons. By the time brain size began trending upward, the shape of the human pelvis (骨盆) had changed to accommodate the muscle attachments that facilitated walking (and running) in a more vertical posture. As a result, parts of the birth canal narrowed, making the passage of big-brained infants increasingly difficult.

The combination of big brains and constricted birth canals was an obstetrical problem for early mothers and no doubt led to high rates of maternal and infant mortality. The infants who survived were the ones whose heads were small enough to squeeze through narrowed birth canals, but to thrive outside the womb, human development favored big brains. And so natural selection encouraged the early birth of human fetuses, before they had finished gestating (孕育). For that reason, our babies are born in immature, helpless states compared with those of the apes.

Had it not been for the natural selection of enlarged brains, our species would have evolved in a completely different direction. There would be no theory of relativity, no knowledge of "entangled" particles or the human genome; we'd have no great art, music or novels. The excruciating (极痛苦的) pain and trauma of childbirth are the cost our species has paid for its fancy cognition. And mothers continue to pay the debt.

But that's hardly all prehistoric mothers gave us. They also may well have touched off the evolution of language from the sounds they made to reassure their helpless infants. Baby chimpanzees, after all, can cling to their mothers' hairy chests and contentedly ride along, nursing on demand. But human infants, born immature, lack that dexterity. Before the advent of devices like baby slings, the burden of carrying helpless infants presented a dilemma for early mothers as they foraged for food and water.

The purpose of the author in wring this passage is ______.

A.to celebrate Mother's Day

B.to commend the role of the female in the history of human evolution

C.to have a general review of human evolution

D.in honor of mothers all over the world



Like the theory of evolution, the big-bang model of the universe's formation has undergone modification and ______, but it has______ all serious challenges.








Like the theory of evolution, the big-bang model of the universe's formation has undergone modification and ______, but it has______ all serious challenges.








Evolution of Sleep

Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic (脑电图)sense we share it with all the primates (灵长类)and almost all the other mammals(哺乳动物) and birds. (46)

There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life-style. of the animal. Predators (捕食者) are much more likely to dream than prey. (47) In dream sleep, the animal can't move and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli(外部刺激). (48) The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today, when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized(不能动) by deep sleep than the smart ones.

But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved? (49) Wilse Webb of the University of Florida and Ray Meddis of London University have suggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quiet on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep.

(50) This is an interesting notion and probably at least partly true.

A. The point seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals.

B. Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep.

C. While prey are in turn much more likely to experience dreamless sleep.

D. Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal's vulnerability(易受伤), the function of sleep is to decrease it?

E. It may extend back as far as the reptiles(爬行类动物).

F. Human being is likely to dream.




Productivity is the yardstick by which socioeconomic revolutions are measured. Plows initiated the agrarian revolution by greatly improving the productivity of farmers. Engines, and (1)_____ electricity, (2)_____ the industrial revolutions by (3)_____ improving the productivity of workers in manufacturing and transportation. If there is to be a true in formation revolution, then computers will have to (4)_____ the pattern with information and information work.

Information technology has (5)_____ begun to improve productivity, and it has even hurt it in some cases; it takes longer to wade (6)_____ those endless automated phone answering menus (7)_____ it does to talk to a human operator. (8)_____, productivity will rise (9)_____ computers and communications are used in the Information Marketplace to relieve people of brain work (10)_____ industrial machinery relieved us of physical work.

The Information Marketplace will give (11)_____ to two great new forces that will drive (12)_____ in the twenty-first century. (13)_____, most people and companies buy new computers because the hardware has faster processors or more storage capacity, or because it is fashionable to own a new model, (14)_____ because competitors have bought them and "we can't afford to fall behind." Imagine the (15)_____ of a company buying a new device be cause the motor turns at a higher (16)_____, or because it's in vogue to do so, or because the competition just bought that model (17)_____ of whether the machine can move any more earth in an hour!

Let's explore how the Information marketplace might help us in the (18)_____ quest to get more results for less (19)_____. To do this, we will first examine a series of "faults"—ways in which computer technology is (20)_____ today, because of either technological or human weaknesses. Correcting these faults will be the first step toward increasing our productivity. Making the Information Marketplace easier to use will be the second step.







Evolution of Computer Architecture



  The study of computer architecture involves both hardware organization and programming/software requirements. As seen by an assembly language programmer, computer architecture is abstracted by its instruction set, which includes operation codes (opcode for short), addressing modes, registers, virtual memory, etc.



  I/E: Instruction Fetch and Execute

  SIMD: Single Instruction Streams and Multiple Data Streams

  MIMD: Multiple Instruction Streams and Multiple Data Streams Figure 1Tree Showing Architectural Evolution from Sequential Scalar Computers to Vector Processors and Parallel Computers

  From the hardware implementation point of view, the abstract machine is organized with CPUs, caches, buses, microcodes, pipelines, physical memory, etc. Therefore, the study of architecture covers both instruction-set architectures and machine implementation organizations.

  Over the past four decades, computer architecture has gone through evolutional rather than revolutional changes. Sustaining features are those that were proven performance deliverers, we started with the Von Neumann architecture[1]built as a sequential machine executing scalar data. The sequential computer was improved from bit-serial to word- parallel operations, and from fixed-point to floating-point operations. The Von Neumann architecture is slow due to sequential execution of instructions in programs.


Lookahead, Parallelism and Pipelining[2]

  Lookahead techniques were introduced to prefetch instructions in order to overlap I/E (instruction fetch/decode and execution)[3]operations and to enable functiorial parallelism. Functional parallelism was supported by two approaches: One is to use multiple functional units simultaneously, and the other is to practice pipelining at various processing levels.

  The latter includes pipelined instruction execution, pipelined arithmetic computations, and memory-access operations. Pipelining has proven especially attractive in performing identical operations repeatedly over vector data strings. Vector operations were originally carried out implicitly by software-controlled looping using scalar pipeline processors.


Flynn's Classification[4]

  Flynn introduced a classification of various computer architectures based on notions of instruction and data streams in 1972. Conventional sequential machines are called SISD (single instruction stream over a single data stream)[5]computers. Vector computers are equipped with scalar and vector hardware or appear as SIMD (single instruction stream over multiple data streams)[6]machines. Parallel computers are reserved for MIMD (multiple Instruction streams over multiple data streams)[7]machines.

  An MISD (multiple instruction streams and a single data steam)[8]machines are modeled. The same data stream flows through a linear array of processors executing different instruction streams. This architecture is also known as systolic arrays for pipelined execution of specific algorithms.

  Of the four machine models, most parallel computers built in the past assumed the MIMD model for general-purpose computations. The SIMD and MISD models are more suitable for special-purpose computations. For this reason, MIMD is the most popular model, SIMD next, and MISD the least popular model being applied in commercial machines.


Parallel Computers

  Intrinsic parallel computers are those that execute programs in MIMD mode. There are two major classes of parallel computers, namely, shared-memory multiprocessors and message-passing multicomputers. The major distinction between multiprocessors and multicomputers lies in memory sharing and the mechanisms used for interprocessor communication.

  The processors in a multiprocessor system communicate with each other through shared variables in a common memory. Each computer node in a multicomputer system has a local memory, unshared with other nodes. Interprocessor communication is done through message passing among the nodes.

  Explicit vector instructions were introduced with the appearance of vector processors. A vector processor is equipped with multiple vector pipelines that can be concurrently used under hardware or firmware control. There are two families of pipelined vector processors.

  Memory-to-memory architecture supports the pipelined flow of vector operands directly from the memory to pipelines and then back to the memory. Register-to-register architecture uses vector registers to interface between the memory and functional pipelines.

  Another important branch of the architecture tree consists of the SIMD computers for synchronized vector processing. An SIMD computer exploits spatial parallelism rather than temporal parallelism as in a pipelined computer. SIMD computing is achieved through the use of an array of processing elements synchronized by the same controller. Associative memory can be used to build SIMD associative processors.


Development Layers

  Hardware configurations differ from machine to machine, even those of the same model. The address space of a processor in a computer system varies among different architectures. It depends on the memory organization, which is machine-dependent. These features are up to[9]the designer and should match the target application domains.

  On the other hand, we want to develop application programs and programming environments which are machine-independent. Independent of machine architecture, the user programs can be ported to many computers with minimum conversion costs. High- level languages and communication models depend on the architectural choices made in a computer system. From a programmer's viewpoint, these two layers should be architecture-transparent.

  At present, Fortran, C, Pascal, Ada, and Lisp[10]are supported by most computers. However, the communication models, shared variable versus message passing, are mostly machine-dependent. The Linda approach using tuple spaces offers any architecture- transparent communication model for parallel computers.

  Application programmers prefer more architectural transparency. However, kernel programmers have to explore the opportunities supported by hardware. As a good computer architect, one has to approach the problem from both ends. The compilers and OS support should be designed to remove as many architectural constraints as possible from the programmer.


New Challenges

  The technology of parallel processing is the outgrowth of four decades of research and industrial advances in microelectronics, printed circuits, high-density packaging, advanced processors, memory systems, peripheral devices, communication channels, language evolution, compiler sophistication, operating systems, programming environments, and application challenges.

  The rapid progress made in hardware technology has significantly increased the economical feasibility of building a new generation of computers adopting parallel processing. However, the major barrier preventing parallel processing from entering the production mainstream is on the software and application side.

  To date, it is still very difficult and painful to program parallel and vector computers[11]. We need to strive for major progress in the software area in order to create a user-friendly environment for high-power computers. A whole new generation of programmers need to be trained to program parallelism effectively. High-performance computers provide fast and accurate solutions to scientific, engineering, business, social, and defense problems.

  Representative real-life problems include weather forecast modeling, computer-aided design of VLSI[12]circuits, large-scale database management, artificial intelligence, crime control, and strategic defense initiatives, just to name a few. The application domains of parallel processing computers are expanding steadily. With a good understanding of scalable computer architectures and mastery of parallel programming techniques the reader will be better prepared to face future computing challenges.


  [1] the Von Neumann architecture: 冯·诺依曼体系结构,由匈牙利科学家Von Neumann于1946年提出。其基本思想是“存储程序”的概念,即把程序与数据存放在线性编址的存储器中,依次取出,进行解释和执行。

  [2] Lookahead, Parallelism and Pipelining: 先行(预见)、并行性和流水线技术(管线)。

  [3] I/E (instruction fetch/decode and execution):取指令(指令去还)。

  [4] Flynn Classification:弗林分类法,M.J. 弗林于1966年提出的、根据系统的指令和数据对计算机系统进行分类的一种方法。

  [5] SISD(single instruction stream over a single data stream):单指令单数据流(或single instruction single data).

  [6] SIMD (single instruction stream over multiple data streams):单指令多数据流(或single instruction multiple data).

  [7] MIMD (multiple Instruction streams over multiple data streams):多指令多数据流(或multiple Instruction multiple data).

  [8] MISD (multiple instruction streams and a single data steam):多指令单数据流(或multiple instruction single data).

  [9] up to:应由某人担任或负责。如:It is up to them to decide. 应由他们决定。这一句可译为“这些特性由设计者考虑决定”。

  [10] Fortran, C, Pascal, Ada, and Lisp: (分别是)Fortran语言、C语言、Pascal语言、Ada语言和Lisp语言。

  [11] vector computers:向量计算机;向量电脑;一种数组计算机(an array computer)。

  [12] VLSI: very large scale integration超大规模集成电路;大规模积体电路。



The opposite of adaptive divergence is an interesting and fairly common expression of evolution. Whereas related groups of organisms take on widely different characters in becoming adapted to unlike environments in the case of adaptive divergence. We find that Unrelated groups of organisms exhibit adaptive convergence when they spot similar modes of life or become suited for special sorts of environments. For example, invertebrate marine animals living firmly attached to the sea bottom or to some foreign object tend to develop a sub- cylindrical or conical form. This is illustrated by coral individuals, by many sponges, and even by the diminutive tubes of bryozoans. Adaptive convergence in taking this coral-like form. is shown by some brachiopods and pelecypods that grew in fixed position. More readily appreciated is the streamlined fitness of most fishes for moving swiftly through water; they have no neck, the contour of the body is smoothly curved so as to give minimum resistance, and the chief propelling organ is a powerful tail fin. The fact that some fossil reptiles (ichthyosaurs) and modem mammals (whales, dolphins) are wholly fishlike in form. is an expression of adaptive convergence, for these air-breathing reptiles and mammals, which are highly efficient swimmers, are not closely related to fishes. Unrelated or distantly related organisms that develop similarity of form. are sometimes designated as homeomorphs (having same form).

Organisms that could be classified as homeomorphs are ______.

A.whale and dolphin

B.halibut and whale

C.ichthyosaurs and dolphins

D.invertebrate marine animals and vertebrate marine animals



According to Weis in the 5th paragraph, the theory of evolution ______.

A.is fundamental to the development of modem genetics, molecular biology and geonomics

B.is a political issue

C.is based on genetics, molecular biology and geonomics

D.has increased our understanding of human health



Christianity is the long-exiting religion mainly found in the Western world, in which it is God that creates everything in the universe, not excluding human beings. This is creationism. In contrast, modern science believes that evolution is the answer to the question of who created the world. This is the theory of evolution.

Evolution has been challenged by those believing in the creation theory of the universe, The apparent conflict between religious and scientific explanations of creation and evolution has left a century-old legacy of suspicion and outright acrimony. In the United States, many are not willing to accept the theory of evolution and some even argue against the teaching of evolution to school children. For example, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to eliminate evolution from its state science standards, and would also eliminate it from the state science tests. The result was to discourage Kansas schools from teaching evolution. People for the American Way Foundation commissioned a study of how the public felt about teaching evolution and creationism in public schools. Its results, published in the March 11,20010, Ann Arbor News, led with "An overwhelming majority of Americans think that creationism should be taught along with Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools..." 72. The battles between science and Christianity have run through Western history since the Enlightenment when science replaced religion as a dominant force in Western society. The theory of evolution was widely believed during the fluorescent years of science development. Why are evolutionists severely challenged by creationism currently? One reason may be that some people believe science has come to its end and it can never explain the final secrets of the universe, thus resorting to creationism and taking it as the only way to understand the origin of the universe.

73. While few experts suggest an actual convergence of the two views is possible, creative dialogue is on the upswing. New organizations are forming and others are expanding whose aim is rapprochement between science and religion. More than 100 organizations worldwide, many of them in the U. S., now provide forums for creative exchange of religious and scientific perspectives.

This article approaches the issue of science and Christianity by claiming that science and Christianity are compatible to each other, not conflicting with each other.




SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

The theory of evolution by natural selection was put forward in the 1850s independently by two men. One was Charles Darwin; the other was Alfred Russel Wallace. Both men had some scientific background, of course, but at heart both men were naturalists. Darwin had been a medical student at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor proposed that he might become a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge. Wallace, whose parents were poor and who had left school at 14, had followed courses at Working Men's Institutes in London and Leicester as a surveyor's apprentice and pupil teacher.

The fact is that there are two traditions of explanation that march side by side in the ascent of man. One is the analysis of the physical structure of the world. The other is the study of the processes of life: their delicacy, their diversity, the wavering cycles from life to death in the individual and in the species. And these traditions do not come together until the theory of evolution; because until then there is a paradox which cannot be resolved, which cannot be begun, about life.

The paradox of the life sciences, which makes them different in kind from physical science, is in the detail of nature everywhere. We see it about us in the birds, the trees, the grass, the snails, in every living thing. It is this, the manifestations of life, its expressions, its forms, are so diverse that they must contain a large element of the accidental. And yet the nature of life is so uniform. that it must be constrained by many necessities.

So it is not surprising that biology as we understand it begins with naturalists in the 18th and 19th centuries: observers of the countryside, bird-watchers, clergymen, doctors, gentlemen of leisure in country houses. I am tempted to call them, simply, "gentlemen in Victorian England ", because it cannot be an accident that the theory of evolution is conceived twice by two men living at the same time in the same culture—the culture of Queen Victoria in England.

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