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If the interpreter fails to hear or understand a concept , or a term , he or she may ask the speaker to repeat.

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Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:A: How do you and your housemates like the co - up? I'm thinking of joining it myself.

B: We like it quite a bit. We get some very fresh produce. And both staples and fair prices. But it certainly hasn't saved us time. The co - up doesn't carry everything. So we still wind up going to the supermarket too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing. I wish the co - up solved those items. I've been talking about it with some of the other members.

A: What do members have to do? Just to pay a membership fee?

B: Yeah. There is a fee, and there are meetings. But attendance isn't required. But we do have to work there for an hour every week, which isn't too bad. Once you are there, you can get your shopping done.

A: I wouldn't mind working there some time. You get to learn about the products. But is the food free of additives? That will be the main reason I join. I'm a convert from junk food. Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides.

B: Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticides - free. They also have ultamine supplements and soy and Toufu and that kind of thing, lots of health food in shop there. So if source health oriented, the co-up is.

A: I'd like to try it just for a month or so. Then if you like it, you can join for a longer periods. And it becomes cheaper. A six month membership costs as much as 5 individual months.

B: Sounds pretty easy. Maybe the next time I run into you again, it will be in the checkout line in the co-up.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Memberships in a food co - up.

B.Tile benefits of health fond

C.Shopping in the supermarket.

D.The current cost of food



听力原文:Jeremy runs into a problem. He intends to hold a conference for online gamers about 500 attendees. He has set up all the arrangements such as location and accommodations based on this number. But over 200 people have registered than expected. It will be overcrowded and he will be penalized by the online gamers association. Jeremy wanted to get in touch with them to ask for help, but nobody responded. He thinks of selecting people from the registers to take part in extra sessions, but this will not fix the problem. Now he is watching nervously as the attendees are arriving.

What problem does the speaker mention?

A.Jeremy is ill and cannot preside the conference.

B.The conference will be forced to cancel due to the bad weather.

C.Attendees has over-registered for a meeting.

D.Jeremy cannot get in touch with the online gamer association.



Part B

Directions: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.

听力原文: When a consumer finds that all itern she or he bought is broken or in some other way does not reach the standard of the manufacturer's claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty. or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumers may use to gain satisfaction.

A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the“higher, up”the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be tackled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.

Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they can not get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.

Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the itern in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, “The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear”is better than“this stereo does not work”.

The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a stemp further. She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers'rights.

When a consumer finds that his purchase has a fault in it, what is the first thing he should do?

A.Complain personally to the manager.

B.Threaten to take the matter to court.

C.Write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase.

D.Show some written proof of the purchase to the store.




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Judy: Hi, Tom!

Tom: Judy. I haven't seen you in weeks. Where have you been?

Judy: In Florida.

Tom: What vacationing! While the rest of us is studying on the campus in February cold?

Judy: Not exactly. I spent most of my time under water.

Tom: I don't understand.

Judy: I was on a special field trip. I went with my marine biology class.

Tom: So you went scuba diving. What were you looking for, sunken treasure?

Judy: You might say so. The sea's full of treasures. All kinds of strange fascinating organisms. Our class concentrated on studying plankton.

Tom: I thought planktons were too small to be seen.

Judy: That, s common misconception. The term plankton covers a wild variety of freely flowing plants and animals, from microscopic one cell organisms to larger ones, such as the common jellyfish.

Tom: Jellyfish maybe large enough to be seen. But they are transparent, aren't they?

Judy: Yes, most planktons have transparent tissues as protected camouflage, it makes them practical in visible to predators.

Tom: But not invisible to your biology class, I hope.

Judy: By concentrating, I was able to see the outlines of lots of different plankton plants and animals. In fact, our professor even took photographs of Greeber Quadata which are small oceanic snails.

Tom: How would the snails show up in the photographs if they are transparent?

Judy: We scoured it, Greeber Quadata, with harmless green dye. Since particles of the dyes stuck to their tissues, the snails appeared in green outline in the photographs.

Tom: That sounds like an interesting trip. But I think if I've been in Florida in February, I'd much rather spend my time just swimming and lying in the sun.

How did Judy spend most of her time in Florida?


B.Lying on the beach.

C.Taking photographs of the beaches.

D.Scuba diving.




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Susan: Tom, where are you going?

Tom: To the post office. I am going to send some pockets to Leeds. Do you know the best way to send them?

Susan: Well, if your need is for a record of posting and delivery rather than compensation for loss, recorded delivery is particularly suitable for sending documents and papers of little or no monetary value. Tom: Well, what can we send for recorded delivery?

Susan: All kinds of inland postal packets except parcels, airway and railway letters and parcels. The service does not apply to mail for the Irish Republic.

Tom: I see. How do I post them?

Susan: You should get a Certificate of Posting form. from the container in the post office and follow the instructions shown on the reverse. The certificate will be your record of posting.

Tom: Can I send anything in the post?

Susan: No, you can't. You must not send bank notes, currency notes, and some valuable things because there is no special handling in the post. Recorded delivery mail is carried with the ordinary unregistered post. And there is no special security treatment.

Tom: How do we use recorded delivery?

Susan: Well, when your letter or packet is delivered it is signed for by the recipient and a record is kept by the post office. The post office does not undertake to deliver recorded delivery or any other mail, to the addressee in person, but to the address shown. You can obtain confirmation of delivery by completing an Advice of'Delivery form. either at the time of posting or later. This form. will be signed by a post office official, not by the addressee of the recipient. A fee is payable, which is lower if the form. is handed in at the time of posting.

Tom: Is there any compensation for loss?

Susan: Well, compensation is limited. Compensation may be paid for loss or damage, but will not be paid for money or any other inadmissible item. If you want a speedy service for articles of value with extra security of handling en route, and wish to have compensation in the event of loss or damage you should use registered post.

Tom: What can we send if we use registered post?

Susan: Any first-class letter or packet except airway letter or railway letter.

Tom: How do we post? I mean what should we do?

Susan: Well, you should make sure that the packet is made up in a strong cover and then, it is fastened with wax, gum or other adhesive substance. Hand the packet to the post office counter clerk together with the cost Of postage and the registration fee. Do not post it in the posting box. Make sure that the fee paid is adequate to cover the value of the content. The counter clerk will give you a certificate of posting which he has initiated with the date stamped.

Tom: Is there any special security for the registered post?

Susan: Yes. All registered mail receives special security treatment. Packing is very important because registration is not in itself a safeguard against damage. The contents of registered packets must be adequately packed.

Tom: How do we pack them? Do we have to use special envelopes?

Susan: Yes, you have to send the articles in one of the registered letter envelopes sold by the post office. These envelopes are already stamped for first-class postage and have the minimum registration foe.

Tom: What about the compensation?

Susan: Compensation will not be paid for the following articles; such as bank notes, currency notes, trading stamps, coupons and some valuable things unless they are enclosed in one of the registered letter envelopes sold by the post office.

Tom: I see. How does it deliver?

Susan: The recipient on delive


B.airway parcels

C.mail for the Irish Republic

D.documents of little monetary value




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:W: Good morning, and welcome to today's broadcast of Seeing Both Sides. Today we have something very interesting for you—a very controversial topic. Is it a moral use of technology to take advantage of fetal tissue for medical experimentation? Owing to the use of human fetal brain tissue in such studies, usually obtained from elective abortions, ethical concerns have been focused on the relationship between abortion and transplantation activities. There is no uniform. code on the retrieval and use of human embryonal or fetal material for experimental and clinical research or application. Our guests today is Dr. Kim Benson, head of the Organization of Physicians for Responsible Research. We are going to discuss the moral and medical implications of this new area of research. Good morning, Dr. Benson, let's begin by hearing the arguments in favor.

M: Well, scientifically speaking, (1) it's clear that fetal tissue is quite a gold mine. It's been proven to be extremely successful in grafting new tissue for use with burn victims. Research is being done into other potential uses as well.

W: It is well known that Reverend William Cooper has quite different a voice about this issue. He thinks that it is extremely important to do everything possible in terms of research to alleviate human suffering. But at the same time, (2) he also points out that people can't ignore the fact that fetal tissue is a product of abortion, which many consider to be an act of murder. He says it is just not right to kill another person to benefit yourself, it is immoral to use the life of a fetus in this way. What do you say to Reverend Cooper' s opinion?

M: Yes, I suppose some people could say abortion is an act of murder, (3) but it's really important to clearly separate issues here. You can' t ignore the fact that abortion is legal in this country at this time. Certainly, while we may recognize that as a grave human tragedy, it is a fact that it happens frequently, thousands of times every day. If this is the case, it makes good medical sense to derive any benefit from it that we can. Isn't the tragedy perhaps minimized if this tissue can be used to further hmnan life? And, indeed, in terms of using this tissue to create new, healthy, living skin for burn victims, are we not in some small way allowing that life to continue?

W: That's one way of looking at it. (4) However, people like Reverend Cooper have another way of looking at this issue. They think that the life of that fetus deserves every opportunity to grow and develop as an individual—that using these victims is simply adding insult to injury. Can the health interests of a living child be weighed against a child whose death is an accomplished fact, when the murderer promises to kill no more children, in fact, he promises to use the wealth derived from the murder to keep your child, and thousands like her, alive? And really, Dr. Benson, can you seriously mean to imply that the benefit this tissue provides for skin grafts for burn victims balances the fact that a human life and all its potential has been taken without its consent?

M: Maybe you have a point there, and I'm sure many people would agree with you, (5) but the flip side of the issue is that our greatest moral obligation is to the living. As long as abortion is legal, as long as those fetuses are not developing into full-fledged human life, it seems we must devote our energies to concentrating on and helping in every way possible those who are alive and suffering.

W: What exactly do you mean, Dr. Benson? Are you condoning abortion?

M: It doesn't matter whether or not

A.it is helpful to the burn victims and has other potential uses.

B.the usage of the fetal tissue rationalize the practice of abortion.

C.the usage of fetal tissue brings a new beginning for the organ transplant.

D.the usage of fetal tissue puts an end to the tragedy of abortion.




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文: As we all know, when machines work they give off a lot of noise. And the noise can sometimes be very unpleasant or annoying. As a result, people have been trying to find ways to reduce noise. Although it may sound a little bit strange to you all, one of the best ways to make machines quieter, in cars, for example, may be to make them noisier. The source of this paradox is electronic anti-noise, which creates sound waves to cancel out unwanted noise, such as rattles, blares, etc. Now although the idea dates back to the 1930s, it's only recently that the advances in computer technology have made anti-noise a commercial possibility. Take France for example. Here industry spends a fortune to get rid of noise. We all know how unpleasant it is, for people working in factories and ordinary people at home enjoying their leisure can be affected by noise. Delicate machines are affected by noise as well. The government has passed a lot of regulations concerning acceptable levels of noise.

Noise is costly to industry. In the first place, just following a single regulation can cost one to two billion US dollars in the textile industry, they say. Then secondly, of course, vibration can cause damage to machinery. Even very small vibrations can cause parts to wear out and equipment to fail. And naturally enough this gets onto the price of the product. About 5-15% of the price of a product comes from noise and vibration cost, as estimated. At present, methods used to dampen down noise and vibration rely on techniques that are thirty or forty years old. These usually involve wrapping the noisy or vibrating component in anything from cotton to concrete. But it is often expensive and inefficient. The modern electronic anti-noise devices don't reduce sound. Instead, sound is used to attack sound. The trick is to hit this sound wave with other waves in a carefully controlled way. It may not be possible to eliminate the noise completely. But engineers can build systems to eliminate specific kinds of noise and vibration. The new systems can deal with repetitive noise. This unfortunately means that there is not much that can be done about one of the noise, like someone trying to learn to play trumpet, but they can handle fairly regular things, like engine noise.

A French company has developed a technique which uses microphone and the micro- processor. The processor measures the sound and directs the speaker to broadcast sound waves that are out of phase with the engine noise. The company claimed that it would make the car engine quieter, if not completely 100% silent. There are a number of other areas of application in the noisy industrial environment of today. One system which the company is developing is to minimize the noise of aircraft engines and helicopter vibrations. Now anti-noise systems will be able to reduce noise in a cabin of an airplane to more acceptable levels. Another area which affects ordinary household nowadays concerns the noise which electricity and gas fires create. The electricity companies spend a lot of money each year cutting the harm of transformers, trying to quiet the noise and maintaining the equipment that is constantly affected by vibrations.

If they can get rid of or even stop the vibrations, manufactures can increase the production speed. But of course people working in noisy work places are perhaps more affected than anything by the effects of noise. Anti-noise can also create zones that are quiet in noisy work places. To create such a zone, you do two things. First, microphones are suspended around the work place.

A.has been in use since the 1930's.

B.has accelerated industrial production.

C.has just been in commercial use.

D.has been invented to remove all noises.




Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:S: I'm sorry. I just don't agree with you at all.

P: Look. Take the example of an international student applying for university admission. If the student has a 500 on the TOEFL or an 80 on the Michigan Test, most admissions officers will accept the applicant. The student with a 499 or 79 won't be considered. The officer won't even look at transcripts.

S: Right. But I think that proves my point, not yours.

P: How?

S: Well, it's the admissions officer who decides how to use the test. The TOEFL and the Michigan are good English proficiency tests, but that's all they are. And English proficiency is necessary for success in an American university, but so are several other factors, including good academic preparation.

P: Good academic preparation is more important.

S: Maybe. I don't really know. But what I'm trying to ex-plain to you is that admissions officers should use the proficiency test as one of many considerations, and as such, they really shouldn't insist on a rigid cut-off score like 500 or 80.

A: Isn't this the basic disagreement that Paul thinks the tests are bad in themselves, and Sally believes that the tests are good, but that many people don't use them for their intended purpose.

P: I don't agree with having the tests, Professor Ayers, and that's my position.

S: But Pat, what would you do to evaluate the English proficiency of a student ten thousand miles away without a standardized test?

P: I admit that's a big problem.

S: It sure is.

A: Okay, class, for wednesday, let's consider the problem of evaluation without standardized tests like the TOEFL, the SAT, GMAT, and GRE. Paul says that there ought to be an alternative. Sally doesn't seem to believe that there is an appropriate alternative. Please bring in your ideas and suggestions, and we'll discuss them.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.Admission standards at the University of Michigan.

B.The use of standardized tests for college admissions.

C.The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

D.Evaluation without standardized tests.




Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:S: I'm sorry. I just don't agree with you at all.

P: Look. Take the example of an international student applying for university admission. If the student has a 500 on the TOEFL or an 80 on the Michigan Test, most admissions officers will accept the applicant. The student with a 499 or 79 won't be considered. The officer won't even look at transcripts.

S: Right. But I think that proves my point, not yours.

P: How?

S: Well, it's the admissions officer who decides how to use the test. The TOEFL and the Michigan are good English proficiency tests, but that's all they are. And English proficiency is necessary for success in an American university, but so are several other factors, including good academic preparation.

P: Good academic preparation is more important.

S: Maybe. I don't really know. But what I'm trying to ex- plain to you is that admissions officers should use the proficiency test as one of many considerations, and as such, they really shouldn't insist on a rigid cut-off score like 500 or 80.

A: Isn't this the basic disagreement that Paul thinks the tests are bad in themselves, and Sally believes that the tests are good, but that many people don't use them for their intended purpose.

P: I don't agree with having the tests, Professor Ayers, and that's my position.

S: But Pat, what would you do to evaluate the English proficiency of a student ten thousand miles away without a standardized test?

P: I admit that's a big problem.

S: It sure is.

A: Okay, class, for wednesday, let's consider the problem of evaluation without standardized tests like the TOEFL, the SAT, GMAT, and GRE. Paul says that there ought to be an alternative. Sally doesn't seem to believe that there is an appropriate alternative. Please bring in your ideas and suggestions, and we'll discuss them.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.Admission standards at the University of Michigan.

B.The use of standardized tests for college admissions.

C.The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

D.Evaluation without standardized tests.




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文: Interview with PAUL RAY:

AD: How did you discover the Cultural Creatives?

PR: When in 1986 I co-founded American LIVES, I was less interested in traditional market research and more in how America was changing. One of the first things we discovered in our research was that a clear cultural change was happening: not just change in one area of people's lives, but in many areas, from environmental issues to consumption patterns, from media preferences to the purchase of food products. We also discovered that the people who were changing were a definite subculture and part of a longer-term pattern. Although most Cultural Creatives in our surveys thought they were alone or part of a very small group, it turned out that they represented a sizable and fast-growing portion of the American population, now reaching over 50 million.

AD: How do you explain this impression of Cultural Creatives that they are not part of a larger group?

PR: Cultures are generally self-maintaining, and the Cultural Creatives differ from the official culture of the U.S.: i. e., the modem culture, which is a culture of getting and spending, a culture of materialism, a culture of big government, big corporations, and big media. That official culture is adhered to by just under half of Americans. The other half of Americans doesn't believe in it at all. Mainstream media usually describe Cultural Creatives as isolated individuals often labeled as tree huggers, protesters, New Agers, etc. When Cultural Creatives follow the news media, they see they are hardly mentioned, and therefore come to the false conclusion that they are only part of a very small group. Another reason why Cultural Creatives believe they are alone is that when you go to the workplace, you are supposed to check your values at the door. Cultural Creatives in the average workplace don't express themselves as such. A third reason is that in the process of becoming a Cultural Creative, one frequently has to shed old friendships, old marriages, old careers, because their views were changing in ways others weren't. This is a very individualized process, the benefit of which is that it really lets you change. The cost is that you believe you are unique and the only one going through this process.

AD: You indicate that there are 50 million Cultural Creatives in the U.S. and 80 million in Europe. What are the reasons for their rise?

PR: In part this is because our planet is in deep trouble. There is a daily drumbeat that we are moving into a crisis period for humanity. People who are good at synthesis, like most Cultural Creatives, see that if we continue our way of life we will be in deep trouble. At the same time there are personal changes happening at a psychological and spiritual level. Today, for the first time in human history, people who are interested in an inner life have access to every esoteric tradition in the world. Access to information about personal growth is enormous. Access to information about what is going on around the planet is never ending~ In short, better information, large crises at the social level, and miniature crises at the individual level all contribute to more and more people being exposed to the opportunity to deal with personal change.

AD: Why are there so many women among Cultural Creatives?

PR: Women as both wage earners and homemakers feel the contradictions more in our society. They feel more subtle, institutional discrimination. If a society inherits disfunctional institutions then it is often the people with intelligence, skills, and an alternative perspective who are going to come up with be

A.people's lives

B.environmental issues

C.consumption patterns

D.media advertisements

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