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_______is a centuries-old mind and body practice in China.

A、Herbal medicine

B、Tai chi


D、Martial Arts

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更多“_______is a centuries-old mind…”相关的问题


Ancestor worship (also called ancestor veneration) is a ritual practice even today in China because ____.

A、the Chinese hold the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence in the world

B、the Chinese believe that the deceased possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living

C、the Chinese hope for the ancestors' continued well-being and positive disposition towards the living

D、the Chinese highlight kinship values like filial piety, family loyalty, and continuity of the family lineage

E、the Chinese, especially the overseas, see it as a show of support for peace and harmony in China



5. The origin of Sunday In the first centuries, Su...

5. The origin of Sunday In the first centuries, Sunday, being made a festival in honor of Christ's resurrection, received attention as a day of religious services and recreation, but seventh-day Sabbath rest (based on the Jewish Shabbat, because the earliest Christians were all Jews) was still observed by "almost all churches". Often first-day worship (Sunday morning or Saturday night) was practiced alongside observance of seventh-day Sabbath rest and was a widespread Christian tradition by the 2nd century, attested in patristic writings of the 2nd century; over time, Sunday thus came to be known as Lord's Day. These early Christians believed that the resurrection and ascension of Christ signals the renewal of creation, making the day on which God accomplished it a day analogous to the first day of creation when God made the light. Some of these writers referred to Sunday as the "eighth day". The 1st-century or 2nd-century Epistle of Barnabas or Pseudo-Barnabas on Is. 1:13 stated "Sabbaths of the present age" were abolished in favor of one millennial seventh-day Sabbath that ushers in the "eighth day" and commencement of a new world. Accordingly, the eighth-day assembly (Saturday night or Sunday morning) marks both the resurrection and the new creation. Thus first-day observance was a common regional practice at that time. By the mid-2nd century, Justin Martyr wrote in his apologies about the cessation of Sabbath observance and the celebration of the first (or eighth) day of the week (not as a day of rest, but as a day for gathering to worship): "We all gather on the day of the sun" (τ? το? ?Ηλ?ου λεγομ?νη ?μ?ρ?, recalling both the creation of light and the resurrection). He argued that Sabbath was not kept before Moses, and was only instituted as a sign to Israel and a temporary measure because of Israel's sinfulness, no longer needed after Christ came without sin. Curiously he also draws a parallel between the Israelite practice of circumcision on the eighth day, and the resurrection of Jesus on the "eighth day". 9. Which of the following statement about Sunday is NOT TRUE?

A、Sunday is the festival in honor of Christ’s resurrection.

B、Some of these writers referred to Sunday as the "eighth day".

C、Justin Martyr argued that Sabbath was kept before Moses.

D、The eighth-day assembly (Saturday night or Sunday morning) marks both the resurrection and the new creation.



" In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true 56 women, and even more 57 if the inquirer is a man.

However, it is very 58 to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind 59 either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to 60 their age, especially if they feel they look young 61 their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a(n) 62 question like "How old are you?". If elderly people want to talk about--their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily 63 the topic themselves, and ask the other person to 64 how old they are. 65 such a question, it is quite acceptable to discuss age 66 They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 67 that they look very old! 68 Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not 69 that they are not interested to know how old other peo-ple are. They may ask someone else 70 the information, 71 they may try to 72 the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational 73 and the number of years of working experience may provide some 74 , but this is not always the 75。根据以上内容,回答题。

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Tuangou , also called team buying or group buying, is a recently developed shopping strate
gy starting in China. Several people connect over the Internet and agree to contact a seller of a specific product so that they can buy the same item as a group at a lower price. And the sellers benefit by selling many products at once.

When people agree on group buying,individual members of the buying group can vouch for (替 ……… 担 保 )a particular seller’s quality to the rest of the group,therefore Tuangou helps of similar phenomena in Euroupe and North America.However,most of the group buying in these places is organized and done not by the team members themselves,but through online go-betweens. go-betweens.

56. Where did Tudngou begin?

A.In America

B.In Europe

C.In North America

D.In China

Buyers purchase goods as a group in order to_________A.save money

B.connect over the Internet

C.buy different items

D.make friends

The sentence “ therefore Tuangou helps change a traditional distust of goods purchased from unknown sellers” implies that_________A.buyers used to doubt the quality of goods from unknown sellers

B.team buying is a good Chinese tradition

C.team buying is not accepted by people

D.buyers never purchase goods from unknown sellers

Sellers in the group buying benefit by_________A.paying less

B.selling many produdcts at once

C.bargaining with each buyer

D.selling goods at a higher price

What does the word "go-betweens" mean in the last paragraph?A.Online shopping

B.Going from one place to another

C.Traveling between two places

D.Persons or companies that pass messages between sellers and buyers



Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be () in the United States. These basic rules will help you enjoy western food () your American friends. Always put the napkin on your lap first. Before you leave the table, refold your napkin and put it () your

plate.As the meal is served, use the silverware farthest from the plate first. When () something in a bowl, dot not leave the spoon in the bowl. Put it on the plate beneath the bowl. When you have finished your meal, () your knife and fork side by side on the plate. Wait () everyone has been () to begin eating. Everyone begins to eat at the same time.While eating, remember not to talk with your mouth () food During the meal, the hostess will () you a second () of foo Sometimes she will ask you to help yourself. When she offers you food, give her a direct answer. If you refuse the first time, she might not ask you again. At the table, ask others to pass you dishes that are () your reach. Good phrases now are: “Please pass the …..,” or “Could you hand me the ……, please?”Sit up () ()the table. Bring the food up to your mouth. Do not lean down to your plate.Cut large pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables into bite-size pieces. Eat the pieces one () .When eating spaghetti, wind the noodles up on your fork. The spaghetti on your fork should be eaten in one bite. It is very () to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your () .Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eating. You may () your hand and wrist on the edge of the table.In America, people do not use toothpicks at the table.The () way to learn good manners is () others. Observe the way your western friends eat. This is the best way to avoid making mistakes when you are unsure of () to do.

1、A.polite B.pleasure C.please D.progress

2、A.which B.that C.with D.together

3、A.near B.at C.on D.beside

4、A.eat B.eating C.eaten D.having

5、A.funny B.eager C.plate D.place

6、A.until B.due to C.has D.as

7、A.story B.served C.serve D.service

8、A.fill with B.of C.full of D.lot of

9、A.offer B.help C.give D.serve

10、A.feed Bo.ffer C.help D.helping

11、A.out of B.without C.with D.at

12、A.down B.straight C.rest D.relaxed

13、A.on B.by C.at D.in

14、A.at a time B.all time C.at all times D.at times

15、A.impolite B.polite C.nice D.rude

16、A.please B.place C.plate D.pleasure

17、A.put down B.rest C.get on D.let

18、A.worse B.better C.worst D.best

19、A.to watch B.watches C.watching D.watched

20、A.what B.which C.that D.there



What is the order of the family name and the given name in China?

A、the family name before the given name

B、the given name before the family name





1. In China, almost all rail transport is handled by the government.


What type of learning styleis common in China?

A、A parent centered style of learning.

B、A student centered style of learning.

C、A teacher centered style of learning.

D、Equality between the teacher and students.

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