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It was in the factory_____ you worked five years ago_____ you learned the technique.

A.that; where

B.where; when

C.where; that

D.where; where

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听力原文:W: It was just five years ago that the iPod first hit the market. Now wherever you go, you are sure to see those white ear buzzes. Steve, did Apple understand what it was launching five years ago?

M: Not really, it was after iPod came out that they realized everyone could enjoy this. Then they decided to extend it to the Windows platform, and millions of people took off with iPods.

W: What exactly has it brought?

M: It changed Apple from a company with a small market share with millions of computers to one with a massive market share in an incredibly important new product category.

W: Then iPod has completely changed Apple's profile.

M: Right. People are now being driven from iPods to Apple's computers as opposed to vice versa. They say, "This iPod is amazing. My whole music collections are with me. It's so easy to use. I love it. "And they look at Apple's software as well.

W: How many are being sold?

M: 67 million. It's going to be 70 million pretty soon. I think next year it will hit 100 million.

W: That's incredible. Do you think it is the peak or will it keep moving?

M: Keep moving. Take a look at the first iPods, they were sort of huge. They are getting smaller, and this year we've got even smaller.

W: I guess that's the other thing about iPods. They are amazing, good in your hands, so user-friendly. They're really imaginative.

M: Yeah, the more you use it, the more you become emotionally attached to it. You know what's really changed? I don't think Apple wants to do this. The music business world. On the iTune store, you can pick any song you like and buy it anytime you like.


A.How iPod has changed Apple computers.

B.The impact iPod has had on the world.

C.The advantages of possessing an iPod.

D.The popularity of iPod among people.



听力原文:Man: The thing is, he was a very good customer of ours until about five years ago, when we had that safety problem with the R21. He didn't reply to our literature or anything for all that time, and then suddenly there's this phonecall: 'I'll be in England next week. Could I arrange to come and see you sometime?' i think he'll like the present range, so let's hope we can get back to normal business relations...

&8226;You will hear another five short recordings. Each speaker is talking about a visitor to the office.

&8226;For each recording, decide which visitor the speaker is talking about.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A. a health and safety official

B. an estate agent

C. an insurance broker

D. a journalist

E. a foreign buyer

F. a lawyer

G. a marketing consultant

H. a travel agent



You Can Stay the Weight You Want

Three years ago, at the age of 24, Deborah Whalley decided to get rid of the "80-pound backpack" of extra weight she was carrying on her five-foot-nine frame. It wasn't the first time that Whalley, a retail assistant manager in Toronto, had embarked on a diet.

"I lost 30 pounds in Grade 9," she recalls. "Not only did I gain the Weight back in short order, but I also put on about 50 extra pounds over the next nine years. '

If you've ever been on a diet, you've probably discovered, as Whalley did, that taking off extra pounds is a lot easier than keeping them off. In fact, 95 percent of people who lose weight end ap gaining it back.

Cycling back and forth between higher and lower weights is not just demoralizing, however. "There's some evidence that yo-yoing within a 20-or 30-pound range puts more stress on your heart than carrying those 20 or 30 extra pounds," says Stephen Cunnane, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto.

So how do you maintain the lower weight you achieve after dieting? Researchers and doctors who have studied the five percent of dieters who keep the weight off have found common threads in their approaches and attitudes. Here are the secrets to their success:

Listen to Your Heart

According to Linda McCargar, professor of human nutrition at the University of Alberta and one of Canada's leading experts on the effects of yo-yo dieting, you're much more likely to succeed if your motivation comes from within--a desire to take better care of yourself, or "a significant emotional event that causes you to re-evaluate your lifestyle. choices.' Endocrinologist Ronnie Aronson, who runs three Lifestyle. Metabolism centers in Ontario, suggests small behavioral changes, such as taking after-dinner walks, to get into the self-motivation mind-set.

"People who use pressure from their partner or doctor to kick-start weight loss are more likely to fail,' adds Aronson.

Plan to Beat Temptation

If you know you have, say, a family reunion coming up, complete with buffet meals, you need to develop coping strategies before you' re "surrounded by temptation,' says Susan Cantwell, a wellness trainer based in Fredericton, For example, you might picture yourself choosing only one serving of scrambled eggs and a single slice of lightly buttered toast from the breakfast buffet. Do this exercise for a few days in a row and your mental imagery becomes your ally.

Cantwell cautions against battling too much temptation during the early weeks of a weight-loss effort. "For the first 30 days or so, I tell my clients to say no to invitations that spell temptation, such as coffee at your favorite dessert hangout,' she says. “After the first month, it becomes safer to accept such invitations--as long as you do some mental preparation for them. ”

It' s more than Numbers

Cantwell says long-term success is much more likely if the goal is the new behavior. pattern itself-- getting to the gym, for instance--rather than the figure on the bathroom scale. In fact, she suggests doing away with the scale altogether: "It's a poor indicator of increasing fitness and body tone. '

Cantwell drew on her ten years of experience in getting people to change ingrained habits for her book Mind over Matter: Personal Choices for a Lifetime of Fitness. Her thesis, Setbacks plague people who are trying to change, and the key to staying on track in the face of these inevitable setbacks is to make "a daily commitment to your new behaviors, regardless of what happened yesterday."

Take it Slow

"No more than two pounds a week and no fewer than 1,100 calories a day," is Aronson's rule of thumb. "Extreme self-denial doesn't work. It usually leads to an 'escape' from the self-denial."

Another problem with extreme caloric deprivation is that your basal metabolic rate will drop tempor






听力原文:W: Our President, since leaving office five years ago, has spent a huge amount of time promoting AIDS awareness and prevention.

M: That is the thing I have been doing.

W: I know you just came back from Johannesburg, South Africa, part of your six-nation tour of Africa.

M: Right. You know, Africa has been more affected by AIDS than any other place in the world.

W: Why?

M: I think that's partly because there were not systems in place both to prevent people from contracting it and spreading it.

W: How is your work getting on?

M: I think we are beginning to make some headway not only in Africa, but in other places where it's a problem.

W: Can you name some?

M: It is spreading worldwide, growing even faster now in terms of the rate of increase in the former Soviet Union and the Caribbean, India, China.

W: I know your foundation is making a great deal of progress. Is it reasonable to expect that it can be brought under control?

M: Well, yes, but you have to take care of education and prevention and care and treatment at the same time, and the two things speed up each other.

W: How should we understand they speed up each other?

M: When you've got to treat people, you've got to overcome any kind of cultural dislike, talk about it and get young people to behave responsibly and you've got to do whatever you can to get as many people tested as quickly as possible but keep in mind that this is a disease that's one hundred percent preventable.


A.Traveling in South Africa to seek medical help.

B.Promoting awareness and prevention of AIDS.

C.Visiting clients and signing contracts.

D.Collecting fund for the new business.

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