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Chinese college students may be more__________ whereas American students may go to college more for the experience





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Health Insurance(保险)

Most Americans are responsible for their own medical costs. These can be extremely high if a person gets very(51)or has an accident. So people buy a health insurance plan to make sure these costs will be(52).

Most American colleges and universities have(53)health centers. There may even be a teaching hospital that can treat more serious(54).

Some medical services may be included in the cost of attending a school. But health insurance is usually needed for extra services. (55)most full-time college students must have insurance.

Students may already be protected under their family's health plan. If not, many colleges offer(56)own plans.

The University of Michigan will be our example. Students pay a health service fee. Then there is no extra charge when they are treated for minor(57)problems at the University Health Center. But the school wants students to have health insurance to pay(58)other services.

The insurance plan(59)by the university costs about one thousand seven hundred dollars a year. Such health insurance(60)generally pay for hospital services, emergency room care and visits to doctors. They(61)do not pay for care of the teeth. And they usually do not pay for treatment of medical conditions that existed(62)the student arrived at school.

International students at the University of Michigan have two(63). They can buy the university health plan. Or they can(64)private insurance that is approved by the university.

The school also offers a special International Student Insurance Plan. This pays for most of the services offered(65)the University Health Center that are not included in the health service fee.







根据以下内容回答题:Many American college and university students live in university residence halls.These halls are popularly called“dorms”.Residence halls may offer various types of living accommodations. There are single rooms,in which a student lives alone but there probably are a good many more double rooms,which two students share.Some dorms have sets of rooms,where small groups of students have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom and maybe a study room. There are usually a number of conveniences available for those living in university resi-dence halls.Most have washing machines and clothes dryers for use by the residents.Many dorms have kitchens where students can prepare light meals.Residence halls generally provide not only room and board but public rooms and recreational facilities and sometimes study rooms for their use. If you live in a dormitory you need to know what the rules and regulations are.Meals usually are served at only certain hours,and you must be there at those hours if you expect to eat.There may be only certain hours when visitors may come,or they may be limited to certain areas of the dormitory.Often cooking in bedrooms is prohibited,and the use of certain pieces of electrical equipment such as coffee pots or hair dryers may be limited. Living in a residence hall carries certain obligation.You have to be considerate of others,especially during study hours.Telephone calls and visits by friends should be short.You have to cooperate in keeping the room as neat as possible.It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of another person’S habits that may differ from your own.

Residence halls in American universities provide__________.

A.single rooms shared by two students

B.apartments for small groups of students

C.double rooms for two students

D.separate rooms with a common bathroom.




Many American college and university students live in university residence halls.These halls are popularly called“dorms”.Residence halls may offer various types of living accommodations.

There are single rooms,in which a student lives alone but there probably are a good many more double rooms,which two students share.Some dorms have sets of rooms,where small groups of students have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom and maybe a study room.

There are usually a number of conveniences available for those living in university resi-dence halls.Most have washing machines and clothes dryers for use by the residents.Many dorms have kitchens where students can prepare light meals.Residence halls generally provide not only room and board but public rooms and recreational facilities and sometimes study rooms for their use.

If you live in a dormitory you need to know what the rules and regulations are.Meals usually are served at only certain hours,and you must be there at those hours if you expect to eat.There may be only certain hours when visitors may come,or they may be limited to certain areas of the dormitory.Often cooking in bedrooms is prohibited,and the use of certain pieces of electrical equipment such as coffee pots or hair dryers may be limited.

Living in a residence hall carries certain obligation.You have to be considerate of others,especially during study hours.Telephone calls and visits by friends should be short.You have to cooperate in keeping the room as neat as possible.It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of another person’S habits that may differ from your own.

Residence halls in American universities provide__________. 查看材料

A.single rooms shared by two students

B.apartments for small groups of students

C.double rooms for two students

D.separate rooms with a common bathroom.



College-bound American high school students usually have some combination of parents

College-bound American high school students usually have some combination of parents,teachers,guidance counselors,or peers to support them in the tough process of applying to and beginning college.Unfortunately,adults who want to go to college—particularly adults who have been out of school for a long time—generally have no such support system.“Adults have a much harder time starting out in college because,unlike regular students,they have adult obligations—raising children and working full time—that often conflict with the demands of school,”says Deepa Rao,a World Education expert.“Also,adults who have been out of school for a long time may not be academically prepared for college level work.Some have little exposure to technologies like email and Internet research,which are an increasing part of college communication and courses.They may be unaware of available resources,such as financial aid,tutoring centers or mentoring programs,and may be unfamiliar with terms such as ‘bursar’and‘prerequisite.’And if you don’t know where to begin or what to do once you do get there,it’s easy to get overwhelmed and simply give up.”

The challenges that working adults face when going to college inspired Deepa to develop a web page and website as part of World Education’s National College Transition Network(NCTN),an online forum for technical assistance,news,and helpful resources for educators,policy makers,and others interested in adult learning.The new website is a counterpart(对应物)to the NCTN,set up to guide adults who are considering college through the process of applying to and succeeding in school.

The website is arranged like a college campus,with‘buildings’ representing the sort of departments and classrooms housed on a college campus.Each building contains‘classes’ that describe the admissions process,where to look for grants and scholarships,and lists resources,where an out of practice student can review reading,writing,and math.There are also lists of advice and resources to help students with their college life.Another helpful aspect of this interactive,multimedia site is its audio capacity:all texts can be read to the visitor.This particular feature is especially helpful for people with visual problems or learning disabilities.

The cycle of learning runs from cradle to grave,and World Education works to break down barriers to education for people of all ages,all over the world.

1. According to the passage,working adults find it difficult to start their college education because()

(A). they are too busy and academically unprepared

(B). they have been out of school for quite a long time

(C). tutoring resources in college are unavailable to them

(D). they do not have enough money for further education

2. The comparison between adult students and regular students shows that()

(A). the latter are less prepared than the former

(B). the latter have more problems than the former

(C). the former have more problems than the latter

(D). the former are no less prepared than the latter

3. The purpose of the website is to()

(A). help adult students edit web pages

(B). provide adult students with guidance

(C). solve financial problems of adult students

(D). enable students to repair computers by themselves

4. The newly created website provides programs()

(A). for regular college students only

(B). for students interested in websites

(C). for students including the disabled

(D). for educators interested in adult learning

5. The last paragraph shows that learning()

(A). involves difficulties

(B). starts at ones birthplace

(C). requires repeated efforts

(D). is a lifelong process



A.Because the students may get degree more easily.

B.Because the students may get some credits from such positions.

C.Because the students may get rid of the pressure and strain of study.

D.Because the students may benefit from such positions in their future careers.



Suicide, the number-two killer of college student, claims the lives of approximately 5,000 college-age people each year. That number, experts say is a minimum estimate since many suicides reported as accidents.

Over the past thirty years, the incidence of suicides among college-age individuals has risen 284 percent. This dramatic increase is explained in numerous ways by experts from different domains.

Although there is typically no single reason for a suicide, authorities have compiled several reasons why a college student may attempt it.

First, scholastic anxiety may contribute to a student's dissatisfaction with life. Parental and peer pressure for scholastic achievement may become an unreasonable burden. Since competition for grades and academic achievement is becoming fiercer on today's campuses, the student who is worried or anxious about grades may become extremely distraught and depressed.

Second, students face high unemployment rates. Economic hardship is often a hallmark of suicide.

Third, a stressful social life can make a college student feel rejected, abandoned and dissatisfied. Individuals who have problems adjusting to social life in college are frequently considered likely candidates for attempting suicide since they lack companionship and thus may feel as though no one cares about them.

There is an encouraging note in the bleak picture. A high percent of suicidal individuals — 80% — indicate their intention. An actual suicide such as "You'd better off without me" and "Life has lost all meaning" fall into this category. Another possible indication is the situational hint, such as a person's poor health, economic distress, breakups of relationships, and family problems. A fourth possible indication is the emotional hint, which involves changes in behavior. and levels of energy.

The suicide of at least 5,000 higher education students per year is a devastating loss — to family and friends, to the college, and to the community. Since early detection and treatment of depression are the greatest deterrents to suicide, educators and colleges may be in unique positions to help prevent these losses. Studies report that establishing crisis intervention centers on campuses is highly effective step.

Two major components are necessary before these centers can be completely functional. The first is a twenty-four hour telephone answering service. Personnel answering the phone can be professionals. A second component is the presence of professional counselors. Students who contemplate or attempt suicide need professional guidance.

Typically, campus crisis centers perform. three functions. First, they educate and inform. the community about suicide. If other students and professors are taught to recognize symptoms of a suicidal individual, then early detection and intervention may be possible before an individual even attempts suicide. Second, the centers provide counseling for victims who have attempted suicide. Since statistics show that four of five people who commit suicide tried it at least once before, this intervention is of the outmost importance. The third functions of a crisis intervention center on a campus is to counsel individuals who were friends, roommates, and relatives of the victims.

The college's roll in early detection and intervention for its troubled students may be relatively simple, requiring only minimum facilities and personnel, and institutional awareness and concern.

The article is primarily about

A.treatment of suicidal tendencies.

B.causes of college students suicide.

C.the problem and prevention of college student suicide.

D.functions and characteristics of crisis centers.



The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. They can also study during the summer.

Students choose their classes a few weeks before the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.

Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.

31.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Semesters are 15 weeks and quarters are 10 weeks.

B. American students can also study during the summer.

C. American students attend school from autumn to summer.

D. The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3quarters.

32. Which of the following is NOT a required subject according to the passage?

A . Science. 

B. Dance. 

C. Medicine. 

D. Computer.

33. Usually, how many tests organized through the following EXCEPT _____ .

A. One.

B. Two 

C. Three 

D. Four

34. Classes are usually organized through the following EXCEPT _______ .

A. lectures 

B. experiments 

C. research papers 

D. questions and discussions

35. Who give the small classes?

A. Professor 

B. Monitor 

C. President 

D. Professor’s assistants.



Student life at American universities is chaotic during the first week of each quarter or semester. Registering for classes, becoming familiar 【51】 the buildings 【52】 campus, 【53】 books, adding and dropping classes, and 【54】 fees are confusing for everyone. During this busy period there is little time for students to anticipate 【55】 they will later encounter in the classroom.

International students, 【56】 to their countries' educational expectations, must adapt 【57】 new classroom norms in a foreign college or university. Whereas in one country prayer may be acceptable in a classroom, in another it may be 【58】 . In some classrooms around the world students must humbly obey their teacher's commands and remain absolutely silent during a class period. In 【59】 , students may talk, eat and smoke during lectures as 【60】 as criticize a teacher's methods or contradict his or her statements. It is not always easy to understand a new educational system.

There is considerable variety in university classrooms in the United States. Because of diverse teaching methods and non-standardized curricula, no two courses are 【61】 . Undergraduate courses are considerably different from graduate courses. The classroom atmosphere in expensive, private universities may differ from 【62】 in community college s 【63】 are free and open to everyone. State-funded universities have different requirements and expectations than 【64】 parochial colleges. 【65】 , there are shared features in American college and university classrooms 【66】 the diversity of educational institutions of higher learning.

Participation 【67】 the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade 【68】 the student's oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during 【69】 the student has a passive role(i, e. , listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures. In graduate seminars the professor has a "managerial" role and the students 【70】 presentations and lead discussions. The students do the actual teaching in these seminars.




Poor grades in school can have various causes. For one thing, students may have money problems. If they need to work long hours to make money, they will have less time to study. Another cause of poor grades may be the relationship problems. A student may be not happy with family problems or the lack of friends. That unhappiness can also harm schoolwork. A final cause of poor grades may be study problems. Some students have never learned how to take good notes in class, or how to study a textbook. Without such study skills,their grades are likely to suffer. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A.A student may be not happy with family problems or the lack of friends.

B.Poor grades in school can have various causes.

C.That unhappiness can also harm schoolwork.

D.Without such study skills,their grades are likely to suffer.



Charging commercial interest rates on student loans may NOT result in the situation that______.

A.some students may be deprived of higher education

B.poor students will study harder

C.rich students will get an advantage over poor ones

D.students will tend to refuse jobs with lower pay

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