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¿Cuáles de los siguientes no es protagonista del Quijote?

A、Don Quijote

B、Sancho Panza


D、Miguel de Cervantes

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更多“¿Cuáles de los siguientes no e…”相关的问题


?Cuáles de los siguientes se encuentran entre las formas primitivas literarias de la Edad Media?

A、la lírica popular o tradicional

B、la épica

C、el mester de clerecía

D、los cantares de gesta



?Cómo son los protagonistas de la novela picaresca-los pícaros?

A、Son de origen marginal y clase social baja.

B、Hijo de padres sin honra, y educado en los valores de la calle.

C、El pícaro es muy astuto, pero condenado a una vida desagradable.

D、El pícaro es un protagonista antihéroe, en contraposición a los idealizados protagonistas de los relatos del Renacimiento.



In some ways, Ralph Ellison's protagonist in Invisible Man emblematizes

what might be called the "presentist simplicity" of the novel's endorsement of

industrial, imperialist, xenophobic American myth-making. Layer upon layer of

Line allusion mark its chapters, which in combination with the novel's Homeric

(5) ambitiousness, serve finally to obscure rather than to prophesy the actual,

engaged, advanced-guard, public sphere effectiveness of American blacks

already at work modernizing the United States. Simply stated, Ellison believed

morality, equality, and responsibility were affirmative "notions", but blacks, at

the very moment of Invisible Man's glorious reception, were transforming

(10) "notions" into decisively affirmative actions, by courageously putting body and

soul on the line and constructing a sphere of American ethical publicity

undreamed by the novelist. Ellison thus remained silent on the possibilities of an

altogether "unexceptional" America-a post-industrial, radically black public

sphere conditioned America.

The author is primarily concerned with

A.criticizing Ellison on the basis of reactionary assumptions his work makes about politically-involved blacks

B.exposing the limitations of Ellison's novel when compared with the actual work performed by black workers and activists

C.chronicling the effects Ellison's novel had upon the black activist movements of the 1960's

D.comparing Ellison's view of post-industrial black America with that of the activists working at the time

E.critically describing Ellison's approach as novelist to the task of ethical publicity



In some ways, Ralph Ellison's protagonist in Invisible Man emblematizes

what might be called the "presentist simplicity" of the novel's endorsement of

industrial, imperialist, xenophobic American myth-making. Layer upon layer of

Line allusion mark its chapters, which in combination with the novel's Homeric

(5) ambitiousness, serve finally to obscure rather than to prophesy the actual,

engaged, advanced-guard, public sphere effectiveness of American blacks

already at work modernizing the United States. Simply stated, Ellison believed

morality, equality, and responsibility were affirmative "notions", but blacks, at

the very moment of Invisible Man's glorious reception, were transforming

(10) "notions" into decisively affirmative actions, by courageously putting body and

soul on the line and constructing a sphere of American ethical publicity

undreamed by the novelist. Ellison thus remained silent on the possibilities of an

altogether "unexceptional" America-a post-industrial, radically black public

sphere conditioned America.

The author is primarily concerned with

A.criticizing Ellison on the basis of reactionary assumptions his work makes about politically-involved blacks

B.exposing the limitations of Ellison's novel when compared with the actual work performed by black workers and activists

C.chronicling the effects Ellison's novel had upon the black activist movements of the 1960's

D.comparing Ellison's view of post-industrial black America with that of the activists working at the time

E.critically describing Ellison's approach as novelist to the task of ethical publicity



?Cómo son los pícaros?

A、Son de origen marginal y clase social baja.

B、Hijo de padres sin honra, y educado en los valores de la calle.

C、El pícaro es muy astuto, pero condenado a una vida desagradable.

D、El pícaro es un protagonista antihéroe, en contraposición a los idealizados protagonistas de los relatos del Renacimiento.



"Hi there. How's it going?"

"Oh, fine, fine. How about this weather, huh?"

"Well, I guess we can always use the rain."

What's that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you're waiting for the elevator. Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.

Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make small connection with another person, I can't work."

What causes it? As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation.

The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling liked and accepted."

The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.

Let's say you're at a party. Now it's time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so you don't look silly standing by the food table alone all night.

"Small talk'", as interpreted by the author, ______.

A.is not as idle as it may seem to be

B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless

C.has no real function in communication at all

D.is restricted to certain topics only



"HI there. How's it going7"

"Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?"

"Well, I guess we can always use the rain."

What's that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know; those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you're waiting for the elevator. Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn't do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.

Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make small connection with another person, I can't work."

What causes it? As a rule, you're either trying to force something into your life, or you're using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaningful conversation.

The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there's no reason no start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to oliver, "can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling like and accepted."

The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxing than the weather or tile traffic. It's non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.

Let's say you're at a party. Now it's time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so you don't look silly standing by the food table alone all night.

"Small talk", as interpreted by the author,______.

A.has no real function in communication at all

B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless

C.is not as idle as it may seem to be

D.is restricted to certain topics only



The author implies that the results of scientific research ______.

A.may not be as profitable as they are expected

B.can be measured in dollars and cents

C.rely on conformity to a standard pattern

D.are mostly underestimated by management



The author implies that the results of scientific research ______.

A.may not be as profitable as they are expected

B.can be measured in dollars and cents

C.rely on conformity to a standard pattern

D.are mostly underestimated by management



The author implies that the results of scientific research ______.

A.may not be as profitable as they are expected

B.can be measured in dollars and cents

C.rely on conformity to a standard pattern

D.are mostly underestimated by management

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