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Please review your answers to the First Day Questi...

Please review your answers to the First Day Questionnaire, in particular: the adjectives you listed to describe the United States and the questions you had about the US and American law. (两道题均为必做,英文或者中文回答) 1. Would you use the same adjectives to describe the US legal system at the end of the class? Or would you use different adjectives to describe the US legal system now? List the original adjectives and the adjectives you would use now. If they are different, explain why you would use different adjectives. (500 words) 2. Please also list the questions you had about the US constitutional law at the beginning of the course, and the questions you have about the US constitutional law at the end of the course. Have your original questions been answered by the lectures, discussions, or your self-study? Do you have new questions about the US legal system and constitutional law? Do you know where to find the answers to your original questions and the answers to your new questions? (500 words)

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In your first days at the school you’ll be given a test to help the teachers to ________ you to a class at your level.

A) locate

B) assign

C) deliver

D) place



Read the following sentences and answer the questi...

Read the following sentences and answer the question below. Taking time off from work is crucial for avoiding stress and depression, and their potential consequences.Graduate students and postdocs, who may equate 'working longer' with 'working better', are particularly prone to working themselves into the ground, says Simon Davy, head of the School of Biological Sciences at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Davy, who since his days as a PhD student has vowed not to work on Saturdays, says that he sees students slide easily into working seven-day weeks. Question: What does the author mean by saying "working themselves into the ground "?

A、To exhaust themselves.

B、To lie on the ground.

C、To sleep in the lab.

D、To work from morning till night.



Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Even though it? the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course ”.

A、hasty generalization

B、post hoc

C、guilt by association




【C1】______ the very first day there was a tense moment and a hint of things to come. Blocked at every turn, a World Trade Organization (WTO) delegate couldn't get 【C2】______ the human chain of protesters. Surrounding the convention center where the WTO meeting was to be held, peaceful protesters stood their ground trying to delay the meetings inside.

They promised to stall the World Trade Organization. They succeeded at least temporarily. The first day's events were delayed 【C3】______ hours, due to the blockade and a security scare in the convention center.

Few could have anticipated so much anger towards such an obscure organization. A steelworker in the labor march had 【C4】______ to say, "A lot of people didn't know what that was about; no concept, no idea of 【C5】______ the WTO is."

Labor groups, environmentalists and farmers formed unlikely coalitions, fearing the WTO could upset their world.

Rep. George Miller says, "It affects our environment, it affects our workers, it affects our trade policy, it affects our habitat."

While tens of thousands rallied peacefully, those with more violent agendas stole the headlines. A band of about 150 self-avowed anarchists smashed windows, sprayed graffiti and looted storefronts.

When the police took back the streets, the images were just as ugly. Protesters were arrested, tear gas and pepper spray was used, 【C6】______ . finally police cordoned off the downtown area to keep protesters away from the meeting.

By the week's end there was an uneasy truce.

Seattle Mayor Paul Schell says, "Ninety-nine percent of the protests went peacefully when people had their say, and it will have an impact 【C7】______ the WTO."

【C8】______ the inside, some delegates say the cries from the outside were tough to ignore. "Maybe it has sensitized a bit, the structure of the WTO."

Seemingly out of nowhere came an issue that inspired massive protests right 【C9】______ the final day.

【C10】______ the presidential race in preliminary heats, you can bet that from now on when voters want to talk trade, the politicians will listen.




Who use steamboats today?

The ______.



听力原文:W: Mike, would you please tell us about Thanksgiving Day? We have no idea about it.

M: Well, Thanksgiving Day is one of the oldest American holidays. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

W: How is it spent? For example, in your family?

M: In my family, we always go to my grandmother's house on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is glad to see everyone else and there is a busy time for talking. After dinner, no one can move and we all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes until it is time to go home. It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the whole family gets together.

W: It sounds really interesting!

M: It is. By the way, you are welcome to be our guest next Thanksgiving Day.

W: Thanks a lot, I'll be glad to come.


A.The first Thursday of November.

B.The fourth Thursday of November.

C.First of November.

D.The fourth of November.

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