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He would not fail so long as he this term.

A、studied hard

B、would study hard

C、had studied hard

D、studies hard

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更多“He would not fail so long as h…”相关的问题


Which of the following is true about TFA’s “corps members” and “alums”?

A.The corps members stay in schools after finishing their two-year teaching.

B.The alums don’t stay in schools after finishing their two-year teaching.

C.A corps member will be an alum after finishing the two-year teaching.

D.A corps member becomes an alum if he or she has quitted halfway.



听力原文: The first thing people see, in the morning, when they walk outside is the sky or the colored sun. Is this world giving us the privilege of seeing the natural colors of the sun through all the layers of pollution within the air? Not only are beautiful sights such as this hidden behind the pollution this world causes everyday, but an increase in diseases, infections and death occurs. What causes pollution? What can we do to prevent it, and get rid of it? Is it fair to the children of the future to have to suffer the consequences that pollution causes? Why not take care of the problem now? Factory and business owners have the ability to prevent air pollution. Air pollution is the presence in the atmosphere of harmful gases, liquids, or solids. Air pollution, known as smoke pollution for many years, resulted from coal combustion. smog has been a problem in coal-burning areas for several centuries. smog finally decreased when coal combustion was replaced by oil and gas combustion. Air pollution is caused by a number of different types of pollutants. The first type, particulate matter, consists of solid and liquid aerosols suspended in the atmosphere. These arise from the burning of coal and from industrial processes. Atmospheric particles can scatter and absorb stmlight which reduces visibility. Particles also reduce visibility by attenuating the light from objects and illuminating the air causing the contrast between the objects and their backgrounds to reduce. Not only does it effect visibility, but it hastens the erosion of building materials and the corrosion of metals, interferes with the human respiratory system, and brings toxic materials into the body. The small particles cause chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema and lung cancer. The second type is sulfur oxides which come from the burning of coal and industrial processes. Damage to materials, to vegetation, and to the human respiratory system are caused by the acid nature of oxides. small quantities of sulfur oxides can increase illness and mortality. The third type of pollutant is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas against which humans have no protection. Carbon monoxide comes from the exhaust of gasoline-powered vehicles and secondarily from industrial processes.

What is the first thing that people ought to do in face of pollution, according to the author?

A.To see the sky outside in the morning.

B.To walk outside to see the colored sun.

C.To take care of, and prevent air pollution now.

D.To analyse the different layers of air pollution.



Mars fascinates scientists because of its similarity to Earth, and it fascinates the public because our myth of "Martians" is a vision of life beyond Earth. The Mars【C1】______ continues with the launch of a robot vehicle by UK scientists. It's part of a project to build an "autonomous robotic scientist" to【C2】______ the Martian surface and is key to the European Space Agency's 2011 ExoMars【C3】______ .

The six-wheeled vehicle housing a myriad of scientific【C4】______ and detectors is the Mars rover, nicknamed "Bridget". Astrium, an EADS company, are【C5】______ the ExoMars rover prototype and coordinating its【C6】______ with other UK-based institutions.

Searching for a【C7】______ similar to that found on Mars, the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife. Lester Waugh, leading the EADS Astrium team, explains, "The rover's not waterproof so the conditions need to be dry as any moisture affects the way the sand【C8】______ under the wheels."

Solar panels will supply power and radioisotope(放射性同位素 ) heater units will help it withstand the cold on Mars. The team is optimizing the performance of the wheels, suspension, the drive system,【C9】______ it doesn't dig itself in on tricky terrain.

Taking【C10】______ to twenty minutes for radio signals to reach Earth demands a powerful【C11】______ system to allow the rover to operate【C12】______ so they are also developing next generation computer software【C13】______ .

The rover will land on Mars packed to capacity【C14】______ scientific gadgets designed to be as light and as small as possible. The【C15】______ development time is essential for rigorous testing, as Waugh explains," 【C16】______ we put things in space we have to make sure that they'll【C17】 ______ the radiation environment, the【C18】______ of heat and cold. Our science【C19】______ is crucial, and malfunctions may affect that. The more science we get back the betterC1【C20】______ there is for spending more money on planetary exploration."








听力原文: Do you know America's most famous woman is the Goddess of liberty, i. e. , the Statue of Liberty? It was conceived in 1865 by Edouard de Laboulaye and designed by another Frenchman, Frederic Bartoldi. They wanted to honor liberty and friendship.

It was hoped that the monument would be completed by 1876 when America celebrated its centennial. Fund raising and manufacture of the statue in France went slowly. It was 1885 when the 214 crates containing the statue reached New York.

Americans were initially embarrassed for they had not raised the money to pay for the erection of the base. Fund raising by popular subscription was behind schedule. One fund raising method used was to have popular Americans write letters which were then auctioned off. Mark Twain wrote a "tongue-in-cheek" letter suggesting that Miss Liberty didn't deserve a statue.

The base and statue, together 272 feet tall, were completed in 1886. From a technical standpoint, the statue is a marvel. The inner structure was designed by the French engineer, Alexandre Eiffel. His design for the stressed copper skin of the statue anticipated many of the principle utilized in modern aircraft.

After a century, the monument began to show signs of deterioration. Just as Frenchmen had created the Statue, so it was with renovation. A Frenchman noted the decay and French and American craftsmen and contributions brought about the renewal of the Statue in time for its centennial. Liberty is still popular in France and the United States.

Mark Twain's letter about the Statue of Liberty ______.

A.represented a serious question as to the need for the statue

B.was a put-on by a journalist

C.raised a great deal of money

D.poked fun at the French



The passage suggests that the mystification of the artistic process by certain art historians and artists can be traced to

A.the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it

B.an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand

C.a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction

D.a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon

E.a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes



The passage suggests that the mystification of the artistic process by certain art historians and artists can be traced to

A.the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it

B.an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand

C.a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction

D.a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon

E.a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes



The passage suggests that the mystification of the artistic process by certain art historians and artists can be traced to

A.the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it

B.an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand

C.a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction

D.a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon

E.a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes



Farms Appear in Cities

When you hear the word “farm”,you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops. But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities. It may be difficult to believe, but in fact, the technology for growing crops indoors already exists. Farming in the city is already happening. Some vegetables are already grown in greenhouses. Even the scientists at the South Pole research station can enjoy fresh vegetables they grow in their own greenhouse. Experts say indoor farming solves many problems.

First, traditional farming takes up a lot of land. Growing crops in tall buildings—called vertical farming (垂直农业)一 can solve the problem. Also, fruits and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threats from insects and bad weather.

Though vertical farms don’t exist yet,experts have created a plan for recycling in such farms. The water from indoor fish ponds would be used to water crops. Gases from crop waste would be used to heat the building. Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy.

But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy. They say it can be difficult to control climate conditions indoors. Besides, plants differ in their weather and lighting needs. For example, some plants like warm, sunny weather, but other plants prefer cooler temperatures. That’s not to say these difficulties won’t be overcome—but it will take time. Most experts suggest it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created.

1.The word “farm”may make you think of the countryside.



C.Not Given

It is still a dream for people to grow crops indoors.A.True


C.Not Given

Scientists at the South Pole research station live a hard life.B.True


D.Not Given

Vertical farming does not need as much land as traditional farming.B.True


D.Not Given

The first vertical farms appeared 5 years ago.A.True


C.Not Given

Crops grown indoors would not be badly harmed by insects.A.True


C.Not Given

Fresh fruits and vegetables are very expensive in cities.A.True


C.Not Given

Scientists do not know how to reuse the animal waste in vertical farms.A.True


C.Not Given

Indoor plants need the same weather and lighting.B.True


D.Not Given

Some experts say vertical farming could be difficult.A.True


C.Not Given





It is nevertheless submitted that although recklessness and negligence are not easily distinguished,in the same way recklessness and willful misconduct are not easily distinguished. An argument can be made that intentional or reckless(as well as grossly negligent)quasi-deviations should be recognized,simply because COGSA does not exclude them.

Moreover,if there is fear that the sanctioning of reckless quasi-deviations will lead eventually to sanctioning merely negligent quasi-deviations,the Courts may turn to the classic definition of recklessness to distinguish it from negligence.

Recklessness,or gross negligence,or culpable fault,consists of not bringing to the affairs of another the care that persons who are the least careful and the most stupid would not fail to bring to their own affairs.This fault is opposed to GOOD faith.In other words,there is a fundamental breach whenever there is gross negligence equivalent to culpable fault or recklessness.


Reckless quasi-deviations and negligent quasi-deviations are ________.

A.different things

B.the same things

C.are not necessarily to be distinguished

D.can not be distinguished

________ is opposed to GOOD faith.A.gross negligence

B.willful misconduct

C.intentional will

D.fundamental breach

According to the classic definition,________ does not consist of not bringing to the affairs of another the care that persons who are the least careful and the most stupid would not fail to bring to their own affairs.A.recklessness

B.gross negligence

C.culpable fault

D.willful misconduct

In the author's opinion,________.A.recklessness and willful misconduct have the same meaning

B.no one can tell the differences between recklessness and willful misconduct

C.it is not necessary to distinguish the differences between recklessness and willful misconduct

D.the recklessness and willful misconduct should be distinguished


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