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Individuals are not allowed to open account in a bank.

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In some cities in China, people are no longer allowed to smoke in public places. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position.

Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic :

Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places?

You are to "write in three parts.

In the first part, state clearly "what your viezv is.

In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons.

In the last part, bring -what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization , grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.



Peter has worked as an accountant in a large company for twelve years.



?Read the text below about an accountant.

?Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

?For each question 19 33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?There is an example at the beginning,

Charlie Has a Chance to Get Ahead

Charlie is employed known an accountant in a small assembly plant in the Midwest. In his seven years at Astro-Technology, he has become (19) with most of the 200 employees and enjoys the (20) of his office and the company attitude toward him. However, in the past three years, he has not received a promotion, and there is little chance for one in the near future. The raises he has (21) have not kept up with inflation. He has discussed the situation frequently with his wife, Rita, who is. working as a personnel officer at a research firm in town.

Although Rita has never told Charlie, she feels that her job has more status than his (22) Charlie earns slightly more than income, she has more flexible hours, more holidays with pay, better company fringe benefits, and apparently more status when the two companies' organizational charters are (23) Rita enjoys her present position and the salary she receives.

The two daughters are doing well in grammar school and are active in girl scouts and the 4H Club.

A month ago Charlie (24) a new position for an accountant in their home office in Dallas. He knows that his company has a (25) of promoting from within, and his supervisor feels that he would have a good chance of getting the position. It would mean an immediate 15 percent (26) in pay; more prestige, because he would have a private officer and more (27) for promotions. He applied for the position, but was afraid to tell his wife. When the interview was (28) he informed Rita that he had to go to Dallas for a seminar.

Charlie was (29) with Dallas and the possible neighbourhoods his family could select to make their home. The home office was impressive! Dark walnut and chrome were everywhere, and the personnel in the office were very friendly. After a tour of the facility he had an interview with five managers.

A week later he was (30) that he was one of the three finalists. He was excited and eager to accept the position if it was offered him. That night, when he told Rita, she Was (31) The move would mean they would have to leave their lovely home that they had been remodeling over the last seven years. The girls would have to find new friends.

Finally and most (32) could Rita find a job as good as the one she has? It seemed unfair to force her to move and give up a good job, just so Charlie could satisfy his own (33) It turned into a real argument. Charlie wanted to move and Rita did not. Charlie was saying that he is a striver and Rita was saying she is happy with their status in life.










Recently in many cities, such as Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan, passengers are not allowed to eat or drink on subways, and violators shall be fined. Should food and drinks be permitted on subways? The debate has been raging in China for a long time. Governments and passengers show different attitudes. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your views on the issue.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


According to the laws and regulations, items that pose threats to the security of passengers cannot be taken to the subway. However, food and drinks will do no harm to the passengers’ safety, and therefore should not be forbidden. Besides, it is every citizen’s right to eat and drink during public transportation. This right should not be deprived of by the government.

When passengers have to travel on subways for nearly one hour, it is necessary for them to eat some snacks or drink some water. If food and drinks are forbidden, it will cause inconvenience to some elderly passengers and children. In addition, many young people have to eat their breakfast on the subway when they go to work in the morning in order to save time. The new regulation will also affect their normal life and work.


It is every citizen’s responsibility to build a clean and healthy public environment. Some passengers bring food and drinks to the subway, and leave litter everywhere. This inappropriate behavior. makes the subway look messy and untidy. For citizens and tourists who travel on the subway, they will inevitably have a terrible impression of this city.

The subway is a relatively closed space, and therefore any unpleasant smell can easily spread inside the subway and cause uncomfortable feelings among passengers. Some food and drinks, such as the steamed buns or some other traditional Chinese breakfast, often carry strong smell. Although for people who are eating and drinking, it is of no harm, for others, the unpleasant smell may make them feel sick.



•Read the text below about an accountant.

•Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

•For each question 19 33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

•There is an example at the beginning,

Charlie Has a Chance to Get Ahead

Charlie is employed known an accountant in a small assembly plant in the Midwest. In his seven years at Astro-Technology, he has become (19) with most of the 200 employees and enjoys the (20) of his office and the company attitude toward him. However, in the past three years, he has not received a promotion, and there is little chance for one in the near future. The raises he has (21) have not kept up with inflation. He has discussed the situation frequently with his wife, Rita, who is. working as a personnel officer at a research firm in town.

Although Rita has never told Charlie, she feels that her job has more status than his (22) Charlie earns slightly more than income, she has more flexible hours, more holidays with pay, better company fringe benefits, and apparently more status when the two companies' organizational charters are (23) Rita enjoys her present position and the salary she receives.

The two daughters are doing well in grammar school and are active in girl scouts and the 4H Club.

A month ago Charlie (24) a new position for an accountant in their home office in Dallas. He knows that his company has a (25) of promoting from within, and his supervisor feels that he would have a good chance of getting the position. It would mean an immediate 15 percent (26) in pay; more prestige, because he would have a private officer and more (27) for promotions. He applied for the position, but was afraid to tell his wife. When the interview was (28) he informed Rita that he had to go to Dallas for a seminar.

Charlie was (29) with Dallas and the possible neighbourhoods his family could select to make their home. The home office was impressive! Dark walnut and chrome were everywhere, and the personnel in the office were very friendly. After a tour of the facility he had an interview with five managers.

A week later he was (30) that he was one of the three finalists. He was excited and eager to accept the position if it was offered him. That night, when he told Rita, she Was (31) The move would mean they would have to leave their lovely home that they had been remodeling over the last seven years. The girls would have to find new friends.

Finally and most (32) could Rita find a job as good as the one she has? It seemed unfair to force her to move and give up a good job, just so Charlie could satisfy his own (33) It turned into a real argument. Charlie wanted to move and Rita did not. Charlie was saying that he is a striver and Rita was saying she is happy with their status in life.








听力原文:W: Before you sign the lease, do you have any questions?

M: Yes. Are we allowed to sublet the apartment?

W: No. I'm afraid subletting the apartment isn't permitted.

M: I see. Well, is it all right to use the fireplace?

W: No. You mustn't use the fireplace under any circumstances.

M: Oh. Well, do you allow people to have pets?

W: No. That's out of the question. We don't permit anyone to have pets.

M: How about parking in front of the building?

W: I'm sorry. You are not supposed to park in front of the building.

M: Oh.

W: And before I forget, I should mention that you may not alter the apartment in any way without permission. Now, do you have any other questions?

M: No, I guess not. I think you have answered them all.


A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Landlady and would-be tenant.

D.Policeman and thief.



Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the auditor?

A.To provide an opinion on the truth and fairness of the financial statements

B.To conduct an audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing

C.To express an opinion on the company’s going concern status



While the ripples of America's subprime-mortgage crisis have spread far and wide, Latin America—a place long associated with financial disaster—has remained improbably calm. Banks have reported no unpleasant surprises. Brazil and Peru have been blessed with coveted investment-grade ratings. Surprisingly, perhaps the fleetest country of all has been Argentina. Since it emerged from the financial crisis of 2001-02, it has been one of the world's fastest-growing economies. It is expected to expand faster than most of its neighbors again this year.

Quite simply, it barely has any credit. Back when its economy virtually collapsed, the country suffered a run on its banks, followed by a freeze on withdrawals, and a massive currency devaluation. As a result, bank lending to the private sector shrivelled, from 23.8% of GDP in 2000 to 10.8% in 2003. Since then, it has rebounded to a piddling 13% ; by contrast, the ratio in Brazil was 36.5% in 2006. Almost all of these loans in Argentina are accessible only on a short-term basis.

Once its recovery began in June 2002, Argentina became a paradise for business. Unemployment of over 20% kept wages down, and the devaluation gave exporters an edge on foreign competitors. The ample productive capacity left idle by the crisis meant firms could expand without making big investments. And the windfall profits reaped by agricultural exporters, thanks to record commodities prices, enabled many of them to finance new projects out of earnings. Hence the economy could grow at almost 9% a year with little need for credit.

But such a lucky confluence of factors could not last. Starting in early 2005 ,.inflation picked up, a sign that the installed capacity was starting to limit output. Salaries and prices for raw materials increased sharply, cutting into profits. And farmers were particularly hard hit when the government nearly doubled the taxes in farm exports. Now, just as companies need to embark on big investments if they are to keep growing, their margins are no longer big enough to pay for the expansion and they need to borrow.

So, the time is ripe for the country's financial system to recover. But a number of things are in the way. Foremost is Argentina's business risk. Those in the informal economy (which represents over 40% of GDP) can neither save nor borrow legally, lest they become known to the taxmen. The rest remain cowed by memories of the crisis. Although Argentines have poured their savings into property, fuelling a construction boom, they still hold about four-fifths of their deposits abroad.

Inflation, fuelled by a public-spending binge, state-mandated wage increases, and a cheap currency, is not helping either. No one knows how high it is. The consumer-price index is doctored to keep the official rate below 10%, but private estimates suggest it is near 25%. Without a reliable index of inflation, lending is almost impossible, even for the medium term. And the central bank has kept interest rates strongly negative in real terms, encouraging workers to spend their wages rather than to save.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.Latin America has been greatly influenced by America's subprime-mortgage crisis

B.Latin America is suffering a financial disaster

C.Argentina has suffered a financial crisis at the beginning of this century

D.Argentina's economy grows faster than any other countries' economy








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