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You can also make ___________ , that is putting money into a bank, or ____________ , taking money out, whenever you wish.

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You may come into an empty office after you are told that the school principal is expecting you in her office; you may be called at the last minute to come to class after you were told that the class is cancelled for the teacher's illness; you may even be given a loving letter, and then find out later it is written by some of your best friends, what is wrong? Nothing, it's just April 1st.

We all know April 1st can also be called April fool's Day. But do you know where it came from? Do you know this day used to be a nation's New Year?

This is the case in France in sixteenth-century, which, when you think about it, may make more sense, for April is the time when spring returns. And the idea of beginning a year with spring would so easily be understood. The celebration for the New Year is pretty much the same as it is today. People hold and join all sorts of parties, singing and dancing into the late night.

Then in 1562, a new calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory for the Christian world. And the New Year began to be celebrated on January first. For any nation, the celebration of New Year is something that can not be replaced by other occasions. And the change of the New Year's date would not be accepted in an easy way. That's also why some people chose not to believe it when hearing the news. So they insist to celebrate New Year on April first, others played tricks on them and called them April fools.

Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers in a similar way on the first of April. One commonly-played trick is pointing down to a friend's shoe and saying, your shoelace is untied. And the examples we mentioned at the beginning of our passage is among the limitless ways for children to play tricks on their classmates, friends and so on. Most April fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played.

The examples the author mentions in the first paragraph is to ______ .

A.criticize the lack of good manners of the American school kids

B.warn us not to believe others without confirmation

C.highlight the idea that we should be nice to those people around us

D.introduce the of April Fool's Day in an way that would interest the readers



They note that the baby is putting everything in her mouth. You use this as an opportunity to make which CORRECT statement:

A、poisoning does not become an important risk until later, when children walk and climb

B、The best thing to do if they think their child has swallowed a poisonous substance is to call the pediatric office

C、Alcoholic beverages are the leading poison in children

D、all small objects, cosmetics, cleaners, medications, toxic plants and other poisonous substances should be kept out of reach

E、parents should always try to induce vomiting immediately if their child is suspected of swallowing a poison



听力原文: Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone at the Eglington Research Center is proud to present our final speaker, Dr. Hyun Jin Kim. Today Dr. Kim will be speaking to us about the latest developments in bio technology. More specifically he will be talking about recent studies involving the use of cloning in treating degenerative diseases. He will be sharing his latest research on possible treatment options that could be made available to people suffering from crippling debilitative diseases. I'd like to point out that Dr. Kim has recently been invited to join an international group of scientists researching on this topic and I am told he will be joining them soon for a one year fellowship in Toronto. Dr. Kim will have a brief question and answer period following his presentation. If you have a question please come to the front and speak into the microphone so that way everyone can hear you.

Where is the talk probably taking place?

A.In a classroom

B.In a sports center

C.In a laboratory

D.In an auditorium



听力原文:W: How are you getting on, White? Are you still working for the Merry Lynch Bank?

M: Yes, Kitty, that's right.

W: I suppose you know quite a lot about banking by now, don't you?

M: Oh, yes. To tell you the truth I'm a bit tired of it.

W: Really? Isn't it good to work in a bank?

M: You know I've been working for the Merry Lynch Bank for over 15 years.

W: So you are thinking of making a change, are you?

M: Yes, I am. Actually, you know, I'm thinking of beginning my own business.

W: That sounds great.

M: Yes, I think it over, but the problem is money. If I had enough money. I'd leave the bank tomorrow.

W: What ale you going to do to solve the problem?

M: I'll borrow some money from a bank, of course, but not from the one I've been working for.

Q6: How does White like his work?


A.He is interested in his work.

B.He is proud of his work.

C.He is tired of his work.

D.He is keen on his work.



Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful

about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught.

Once caught, you can ever again be, in the eyes of 【M1】 ______.

the good and the pure, that you were before. Many a 【M2】 ______.

young person have injured himself permanently 【M3】 ______.

through a single clumsy and illfinished lie, the

result of carelessness born to incomplete training. 【M4】 ______.

Some authorities hold that the young ought to lie at all. 【M5】 ______.

That, of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary;

still, while I cannot go quite so far as that, I do maintain,

and I believe I am right, that the young ought to

be temperate to the use of this great art until practice and 【M6】 ______.

experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and

precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful

and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to

detail--these are the requirements; these, in the rime, 【M7】 ______.

will make the student perfect; at these, and upon these only, 【M8】 ______.

may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence. Think

what tedious years of study, thought, practice, experience,

went to the equipment of that peerless old master who was

able to impose upon the whole world the lofty and

sounding maxim which "truth is mighty and will prevail" 【M9】 ______.

--that most majestic compound fracture of fact which any

woman born has yet achieved. Of the history of our race, and

each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence

that a truth is not hard to kill and what a lie told well is immortal. 【M10】 ______.




听力原文:W: In public speaking, the watchword is preparation. Most of us tend to put things off, at least occasionally. It's so easy to put things off, especially those things we do not look forward to doing. So if a speaking engagement is several weeks off, we may feel we still have plenty of time. But as the day draws closer, we begin to panic. Do not let this happen to you. Start preparing as soon as you are given or accept the speaking assignment. You have much to do and to do it right will take time. How much better your speech will be and how much better you will feel, if you have taken the time to do it right.

When you are prepared, you have gathered the needed date, determined what is appropriate to the listeners' understanding and acceptance levels, organized the ideas so they flow logically, selected examples and other support for your ideas, and made them interesting to your listeners. Develop a great opening that you know will catch that attention of even day dreamers in your audience. Check out the room you will be speaking in. Request any feasible changes which you wish in the set-up of the room. If you are prepared, you are confident you can best convey your message to your listeners. If you have waited until a few days before your presentation to begin to prepare, or worse, yet, the day before, no doubt you will be anxious, and with good reasons. Now there is out enough time to engage in more than a superficial attempt; both you and your audience will feel uncomfortable. Like retirement planning, it is never too early to start preparing for your presentation. So start preparing right away.

What is the most important thing in public speaking?







听力原文:M: I thought that you said that Bob went to Searing High School.

W: NO, he used to attend Clark High School, but after graduation last year, he enrolled in Melrose Community College where he is presently studying.

Q: Where does Bob go to school now?


A.Sebring High School.

B.Clark High School.

C.Melrose Community College.

D.Community College.

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