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A(n) _______ is a Native American warrior.





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King John wanted to be a warrior, but lost land on each war, so had the name ( ).







Why does the professor mention the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

A.To give an example of the difficulties Pueblo weavers faced.

B.To explain an important influence on the earliest Navajo textiles.

C.To illustrate the cultural significance of weaving to Native American peoples.

D.To show how Navajo textiles were superior to the Pueblo's.



What is the exact meaning of ageism?

A.A negative period of impotency and incompetency.

B.A negative and/or stereotypical perception of older adults.

C.A definition of stereotypical and often negative attitudes.

D.A denotation against the negative bias of older adults.



What can we infer about the literature of the period?

A.Satire was very popular.

B.Most books were nonfiction.

C.It copied the style. of Swift.

D.The tone was not very serious.



数据库有5个事务。设 min_sup = 60%,min_conf = 80%。 TID | 购买的商品 -------------------- T10
0 | {M, O, N, K, E, Y} T200 | {D, O, N, K, E, Y} T300 | {M, A, K, E} T400 | {M, U, C, K, Y} T500 | {C, O, K, I, E} 使用Apriori算法发现事务中的频繁项集。(可参照教材第32页例3.1完成)



听力原文:W: Mr. Rick Segal is an expert in network management and software development. I know you're planning to take a world tour. Can you tell me when you got the idea for this upcoming tour?

M: Two years ago, I thought about going around to various places to see if all this technology and progress in North America had any effects on the rest of the world.

W: You have criticized Silicon Valley, particularly its venture community for arrogance, for seemingly believing it is the center of the universe. Why is this?

M: I have actually not criticized SV nor made a big deal about the Valley's center of the universe attitudes. I have been trying to make the point that I believe there is life on other planets.

W: Champions of Silicon Valley see it as the world's best ecosystem for tech startups. In your view, is this still true?

M: It is one of the best places because of the quality of schools, the number of successful people who hung around and seeded others to be successful, and other reasons. Again, I hope that other places can begin to build these required ecosystems, so we begin to see more centers of excellence springing up around the world.

W: How has the connected world changed the opportunities for businessmen in remote locations?

M: In the old days, it was very hard to get a voice or have that voice heard. That is the single greatest barrier to entry. Today, a free blog, or a good service or idea, can get noticed and can take off.

W: How do you see investment opportunities changing because of the connected world?

M: Companies have to think globally from the perspective of resources, customers, etc. This is important because with technology and a global infrastructure,making it big might mean making it big in the UK,New Zealand,and Canada.


A.To see the effects of the technology in North America on other parts of the world.

B.To see different places of the world for relaxation.

C.To work for his thesis about network management.

D.To look for some specific investment opportunities.



Reforming the Social Security retirement program is an issue of enormous practical importance. Yet it remains the missing piece in American policy analysis. At a time when the Congress and the Administration are considering ways to reform. welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, and the income tax, elected officials are still unwilling to confront the serious problems of our Social Security system. Eventually, however, its deteriorating financial condition will force major reforms. Whether those reforms are good or bad, whether they deal with the basic economic problems of the system or merely protect the solvency of existing institutional arrangements will depend in part on whether we, as economists, provide the appropriate intellectual framework for analyzing reform. alternatives.

Major policy changes that affect the public at large can only happen in our democracy when there is widespread public support for the new direction of policy. In the field of economics, the views of the media, of other private-sector opinion leaders, and of politicians and their advisers, depend very much on their perception of what economists believe feasible and correct. Fundamental policy reforms in a complex area like social security also require the development of technical expertise, both in and out of government, about the options for change and their likely consequences. Fortunately, an expanding group of economists is now thinking and writing about social security reform. My remarks today greatly benefit from what they have written and from my conversations with many of them.

I began to do my research on the effects of Social Security reform. nearly 25 year ago [Feldstein, 1974, 1975]. A central concept in my analysis of Social Security has been the notion of "Social Security wealth," which I defined as the present actuarial value of the Social Security benefits to which the current adult population will be entitled at age 65 [or are already entitled to if they are older than 65] minus the present actuarial value of the Social Security taxes that they will pay before reaching that age. Social Security wealth has now grown to about $11 trillion or more than 1.5 times GDP. Since this is equivalent to more than $50000 for every adult in the country, the value of Social Security wealth substantially exceeds all other assets for the vast majority of American households. In the aggregate, Social Security wealth exceeds three-fourths of all private financial wealth, as conventionally measured.

Social Security wealth is of course not real wealth but only a claim on current and future taxpayers. Instead of labeling this key magnitude "Social Security wealth," I could have called it the nation's "Social Security liability." Like ordinary government debt, Social Security wealth has the power to crowd out private capital accumulation; and Social Security wealth will continue to grow as long as our current system remains unchanged, displacing an ever larger stock of capital.

The $11 trillion Social Security liability is three times as large as the official national debt. Although I certainly welcome the current political efforts to shrink future budget deficits, it is worth noting that, even if the traditional deficit is eliminated in the year 2002, so that the national debt is then no longer increasing, the national debt in the form. of the Social Security liability is likely to increase that year by about $ 300 billion.

Looking further into the future, the aggregate Social Security liability will grow as the population expands, as it become relatively older, and as income rises. Government actuaries predict that, under existing law, the tax rate required to pay each year's Social Security benefit will rise over the next 50 years from the present level of slightly less than 12 percent to more than 18 percent, and perhaps to as much as 23 percent.

The det

A.a poor economic approach to the Social Security retirement program.

B.the reform. of welfare.

C.major policy changes

D.government debt.

E.all of the abov

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