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Add punctuation marks to the following two paragra...

Add punctuation marks to the following two paragraphs. In her essay (1) ______Rethinking the Work-Life Equation (2) _____ (3) ______ Susan Dominus points out that it takes more than just policies to make a workplace truly flexible and the whole office culture has to change (4)_____ She starts with her writing as the following (5) _____ Phyllis Moen(6) _____ a sociologist who was widowed when her two children were young, has made a career studying the challenges of working full time while raising a family(7) ______She was an early voice calling for the government to provide paid maternity leave and offer benefits for part(8) _____time workers(9) _______but eventually(10) ______ when she saw no signs of progress(11) ____ she began considering instead the ways that corporations could reconfigure work to address the realities of the modern employee(12) ______ who was more likely than ever to be a single parent or part of a dual-income couple(13) ____ (14) _____We wanted to do a field experiment at a corporation that reduced its hours(15) ____ (16) ____ she said(17) ______ (18) ______ but realized nobody would let us do that (19) _____We thought they would be more willing to experiment with giving workers more control(20) ____ (21)______

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更多“Add punctuation marks to the f…”相关的问题


Which of the following statements contains a pun?

A.The key that unlocked his genius.(Paragraph Two)

B.Mr. Syson"s contention...has captivated curators...(Paragraph Three)

C....the monumental Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist.(Paragraph Four)

D....an unfinished, yet searing, Saint Jerome.(Paragraph Six)



Punctuation makes the written language intelligible. It does the job, on the page, of the changes of pitch, pace and rhythm which make it possible to understand speech. Unsurprisingly, therefore, a requirement for some knowledge of how to punctuate makes an early appearance in an English curriculum.

The trouble is, that necessary though punctuation is, the task of teaching it to children is considerably more challenging than it might appear. For example, it is possible that to instruct children about writing in sentences by telling them about full stops and capital letters is to court frustration and failure. The notion of the sentence as a statement—a free- standing chunk of information—is something that children come to gradually. As written work grows longer and more complicated, so the perception of sentence increases. Good teachers will, in their teaching of early writing, watch for the child's ability to compose in sentences, and then point out how the use of punctuation will define them more clearly.

So, where, in all this, comes the mechanical definition of a sentence—that it needs a verb, for example? The pragmatic answer is that it comes nowhere at all. Adult writers do not, on the whole, look back at their sentences to make sure they contain verbs. We all surely feel our sentences intuitively. Most of the time, to be sure, they will contain verbs. Occasionally, though, they may not—and where's the harm? What is certain is that you cannot possibly use the grammatical rule as a tool with which to teach a seven-year-old about sentence-writing. The child can be nudged and helped towards writing in sentences, but on the whole he will not do it until he is ready.

The point is that punctuation is an aid which the writer brings into play to illuminate an already formed idea. Before you can learn the punctuation, you have to know what you want to punctuate. Thus you teach capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to a child who is already writing sentences, questions and exclamations. The development of a child's writing will always be a step ahead of the punctuation, and to reverse the process in response, say, to the short-term demands of a curriculum is to put later progress at risk.

Which statement can best sum up the main idea of the passage?

A.it is necessary to require the knowledge of punctuation in an English curriculum.

B.Punctuation is very important in written language.

C.Punctuation can make sentences more clear.

D.Punctuation should be taught after the development of children's writing.



What, according to the passage, might make a teacher teach punctuation before children have the ability to write sentences?

A.The demand of a curriculum.

B.The demand of parents.

C.The need of children.

D.The intention to help children in their writing.



According to the text, punctuation is naturally used when______.

A.a writer already knows what he/she means to say

B.a writer needs an aid

C.long or complex sentences are written

D.writing sentences with question and exclamation marks



Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open punctuation.

Two months ago you contacted a Scottish company, the Organisers of Scottish Exhibitions (OSE), based at 9 Rider Street, Charlestown, CH3 MN!, to organize a 3-day exhibition of your products in Glasgow. The exhibition took place last week and you have heard from your staff and customers that it was a disaster because of the inefficient planning of the deputy director of OSE, Barbara Minter. Write a letter to Mrs. Minter, describing what went wrong, the consequences for you’re your company and w4iat you want. Make up any necessary details.



A: Would you mind checking my spelling and punctuation in this literature here, please? B: ______

A.I'm sorry, but my spelling is terrible.

B.No, I wouldn't.

C.Yes, go ahead.

D.Yes, I would.



abbreviations, overseas, addressee, efficient, punctuation, hyphenated, telegraphic, brief, minimum, urgent

A telegram sent to another country is often called a【21】When there is an【22】message to give or a demand to make, the telegram is the quickest and most【23】communication. It gives a【24】message in the【25】number of words, to reduce the cost.

The language of telegrams is often difficult, as there is no【26】with the exception of the word "STOP". Recognized【27】such as CIF, are also used but you must be careful to write signs which are recognized【28】. There are various rules about the number of words. For example,【29】words, such ms ready -made, are counted as one word.

The name of the【30】is included in the number of words.




Mistakes that would be impossible to make in the Indian languages are______.

A.punctuation errors

B.spelling errors

C.incomplete sentences

D.inappropriate word choice



No one has legitimacy as an ultimate authority on punctuation use.



Part B


In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (41) -------

Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft. (42) ------- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.

(43) ------- Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.

If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (44) ------- These printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.

Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The student who wrote “The A & P as a State of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (45) -------

Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times – and then again – working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.


[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.

[B] After you have clearly and adequately developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs. It’s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression.

[C] It’s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.

[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.

[E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel’s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P “policy” he enforces.

[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A & P,” the student brings together the reasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel’s store policies.

[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don’t use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.

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