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“Friendly” is the denotation of “dog”.

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听力原文:M: Professor Smith certainly has a good reputation in the Department of English.

W: A well-deserved one. The same students who fall asleep in discussions and seminars fight for front-row seats in his lectures.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Professor Smith doesn't hold seminars or discussions in his lectures.

B.Students sometimes fall asleep in Professor Smith's lectures.

C.Professor Smith's lectures are always well attended.

D.The front seats are very hard to get in English lectures.



Is requirements engineering,requirements elietation is the practiceof collecting the requirements of a system frce users,customers and other stakeholders. Is the following practices ()is rarely used in requirements elicltation

A.brain storning



D.monte carlo analysis



心脏肌源性扩张(myocardial dila- tation of heart)


心脏紧张源性扩张(tonogenic dilatation of heart)


The Orientation of China&39;s Cross-Century Economic Reform



Keeping the focus fresh

The expiration date on contact lens solution is the date after which the manufacturer cannot guarantee that the solution will remain stable. After that date, chemicals start to precipitate out of the solution, meaning that the active ingredients may not be effective. The solution itself does not become poisonous, stresses Barbra Kelley of Bausch & Lomb, but its decreased potency puts you at risk for eye irritation and infection. More specifically, says Anne Sumers of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, fungal or bacterial ulcers can develop, and protein buildup on the lenses can cause irritation or an allergic reaction, which could make contact lens use difficult or uncomfortable for years.

Developing after decades

A roll of film is generally good long after the expiration date, says Paul C. Allen of Eastman Kodak Co.—as long as you don't store it in a hot car or damp basement. Heat and humidity, however, cause changes to the chemical emulsion on the film that can result in color shifts, such as green-colored skin, and in decreased sharpness. But film is pretty tough stuff, Allen says. As an example, he notes the photo on the back of Kodak's annual report: A customer had just developed a roll of film that had been sitting around for 40 years. "It came out fine,” Allen says.

Don't mess with medicine

The expiration date on cold medication indicates when the medication loses 10 percent of its labeled potency—meaning it is only 90 percent as effective in unclogging stuffy noses and relieving pain. Because expired medications don't usually look different, says pharmacist Mary Lynn Moody of the University of Illinois-Chicago, taking them can lead to a false sense of security. Her advice: Don't.

After expiration date, contact lens solution______.

A.will remain stable

B.will become poisonous

C.will not be effective

D.will cause eye irritation



For Cressida it was spiritually like some pagan vegetation rite of regeneration and renewal. In the sunburnt pepper-and-salt of Provencal landscape, in the sunny blue light of the Mediterranean, amid rocks and olives, in the carefree, slower, winy, singing zest of the Latin south, she seemed reborn; she responded to it all like a string plucked on an instrument. She was still beautiful, more beautiful in her late twenties than ever she had been, but repolished now by recapturing of the earlier joy and vivacity. Yet when the time came to turn north again she always went ungrudgingly, drawn now by a hunger and anxiety for her children, who during these holidays stayed at a pleasant farm school in Hertfordshire, because, as she would say, "They must be getting sick to death of the food up there; I know the poor" things loathe the fish they get. "

For Meredith these European vacations were essential in a different way for tonic and therapeutic rather than for spiritual values. By the end of a second year in London the strain of attempting to do two demanding and highly concentrated jobs was beginning seriously to tell on him, he was being mauled also by the division in his interests. He had by this time had two novels published by a Bloomsbury firm highly distinguished in the mare rarefied levels of poetry., belles-lettres, drama, criticism, free arts, and scholarship, but just feeling its way, not entirely successfully, into the world of fiction with more hurly-burly. So that while Meredith could raise eyebrows (being Australian) at literary cocktail' parties by saying who his publishers were, his advances on royalties were very small and his sales so inconsiderable as never to justify expectation of any further sum beyond the initial royalty payment. On the other hand, both books, possibly because of the publisher's imprint, had received passing commendation of a sort in a number of the better literary columns. While far from being hailed as a "discovery" there were little measures of praise for some aspects of his writing and two critics even saw indications of "some considerable promise", this apprehension, of course, being substantially qualified by what the critics then went on to say. Meredith, none the less, was immensely encouraged, and feverishly went to work on his "big" novel, a very ambitious historical reconstruction of the passing of the Ming Dynasty. Writing this in spare hours at night after the pressures of a full day's newspaper work, he pushed himself very close to a breakdown—he was also drinking pretty heavily as a stimulant between the two tasks—mad Cressida forced him finally to consult Carl Kronfeld, her doctor, who obligingly prescribed drugs for three weeks to enable Meredith to complete the novel, but was impelled to utter a warning.

Though Cressida enjoyed the vacations completely,

A.she decided to return earlier and go to work.

B.she wanted to stay with Meredith.

C.she was eager to return home and look after her children.

D.she was eager to go back because her children liked fish.



() It ’ s true this may help reduce exposure to the temptation of market materialism. Yet, the programs themselves are often the reasons. One study found that the cost of the lifestyles represented in the most popular TV situation comedies are well beyond what the average American can afford. We see these lifestyles and, over time, expect them. Another study found that the more a person watches television, the more money they spend. This was in spite of the participants ’ beliefs that they weren ’ t affected by commercials. 题目: What is the meaning of “ situation comedies ” ?







It ’ s true this may help reduce exposure to the temptation of market materialism. Yet, the programs themselves are often the reasons. One study found that the cost of the lifestyles represented in the most popular TV situation comedies are well beyond what the average American can afford. We see these lifestyles and, over time, expect them. 判断题: A study suggests that some TV programs have a negative influence on people’s mind.()



The data station usually means a(71)unit that provides data for transmission, that accepts transmitted data, and that performs all functions necessary for communication with another functional unit. Data stations may be divided into two kinds, the primary stations and the secondary stations, (72)control functions.In(73)data link control, the primary station is the data station that supports the primary control functions of the data link, generates commands to be transmitted, and interprets received responses. Specific responsibilities assigned to the primary station include initialization of control signal interchange, organization of data flow and actions regarding error control and error recovery functions. The secondary station executes data link control functions as (74)by the primary station, interprets received commands and (75) responses to be transmitted.





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