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The subject needs to be concise.

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Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased 【C1】______ that causes rapid rises in prices. 【C2】______ . your money buys fewer goods so that you get 【C3】______ for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise 【C4】______ the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a 【C5】______ when "a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore." Inflation is a problem for all consumers.

People who live on a fixed income are hurt the 【C6】______ . Retired people, for instance, can not 【C7】______ on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to 【C8】______ their needs in time of inflation. Retirement income 【C9】______ any fixed income usually does not rise as fast as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to 【C10】______ rising prices. In many cases they must stop 【C11】______ some necessary items, such as food and clothing. Even 【C12】______ working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can be a problem. The 【C13】______ of living goes up, too. People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. When incomes do not keep 【C14】______ with rising prices, the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same amount of money, but they are not living 【C15】______ because they are not able to buy as many goods and services. Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes 【C16】______ the rate of change can be determined. A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a 【C17】______ year as the base. The base price is set 【C18】______ 100, and the other prices are reported as a 【C19】______ of the base price. A price index makes 【C20】______ possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods, for example, with prices of the same goods in previous years.








Dreams are said to be the window to the mind. Through the study of dreams, we can catch glimpses into what our subconscious minds are thinking, or what is troubling us at our deepest levels. Not all dreams me the same, however, either in content or in meaning. In this respect, the study of bad dreams, nightmares, can yield interesting observations in regard to the mind and status of the dreamer. Indeed, nightmares appear to have been the subject of far more studies than more pleasant dreams, if for no other reason that while pleasant dreams are easily forgotten upon awakening, nightmares tend to linger in our minds is sufficient to demand attention.

The sources of our dreams are most commonly attributed to factors in our waking lives. Whether it be emotional challenges, stress in the workplace, relationship problems or a myriad of other possible factors, the thoughts and feelings created in our waking environments are believed to directly influence the content of our dreams. A particular dramatic or traumatic experience during the day would no doubt be encountered again in some form. or another during the night.

Just as important as actual events in the determination of the content of our dreams are the preexisting beliefs that we hold. If we encounter some kind of phenomena in our dreams, it is very likely that we already believed in the possibility of the phenomena before the dream. For example, if someone dreams of being abducted by aliens, it's very likely that, before the dream, he already believed in the existence of aliens. To the extent that dreams are direct reflections of our minds, they will reflect accurately what we believe and hold to be true.

The way that we act in dreams bears consideration as well. Oftentimes, our behavior. in our dreams reflects hidden desires for that type of behavior. in our waking lives. Someone who dreams of revenge may actually desire revenge in real life, and likewise someone who dreams of adventure night after night may be experiencing his mind playing out a desire for more excitement in his everyday life.

While the items encountered in our dreams are of great importance in the analysis of dreams, it must be recognized and understood that the same item in two different dreams can easily have entirely different meanings for the two dreamers. For example, a home in the dreams of an avid equestrian can signify comfort and relaxation, whereas the same home in the dreams of a hunter can represent excitement and challenge.

Nightmares are mentioned in paragraph 1 in order to______.

A.give an introduction to the main subject of the text

B.give an example of one particularly vivid type of dream

C.provide a justification for the study of dreams

D.illustrate the value of analyzing dreams



Zafar owns and operates a book shop. When reviewing his trial balance, he noticed that office furniture has been included in the purchases account. What adjustment needs to be made to correct this?

A、Dr Purchases Cr Office expenses

B、Dr Office furniture cost Cr Purchases

C、Dr Office expenses Cr Purchases

D、Dr Purchases Cr Office furniture cost



To be "historically minded" is to see things in relation and in perspective, and to judge tolerantly. We must remember how differently men have thought and acted in different times. We must always keep an open mind, ready to receive and weigh new evidence. If we grasp this idea, we will never think that a historian is someone who can remember dates. That childish idea is like calling a man a statesman because he can remember the names of voters in his district. A waiter could remember more names and a telephone operator more numbers than the greatest historian.

The true historian is not content to take all his facts from other historians. Today he makes sure that his statements are based on sound "documents" or "sources" which go back to the time of the facts themselves.

But the historian needs always to be in his guard net to be misled by his sources. A document may net be a real one. Its author may be lying on purpose for some reasons. He may be so greatly influenced by national, religious, party or personal backgrounds as to be totally unfair to the other side. If honest, he may be misinformed as to the facts and mistaken in his inferences.

Anyone who reads the accounts published in the different countries concerning the causes and results of wars will realize that the historian needs caution and training in handling these sources. The trained historian asks first: "Did this writer mean to tell the truth?" and second; "Was he in a position or frame. of mind to tell the truth even if he wants to?" Every statement must be patiently weighed and tested and combined with all other available information in order to get at the truth.

A "historically minded" researcher ______.

A.always keeps an open mind to history

B.looks at one historical event without relating it to another

C.sees things from a single point of view

D.refuses to accept new evidence

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