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Student taking the TOEFL will spend ________ to complete the whole test.

A.2.5 hours

B.2 hours and 45 minutes

C.3 hours and 15 minutes

D.3.5 hours

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Improving Your T.Q. (Test-Taking Quotient)

Types of Tests

You will have one hour to complete this test. All answers must be marked on the answer sheet. Make no marks on the test booklet. Using a No. 2 pencil, place your name... Ready? Begin.

They are off! Each test-taker working at a different pace; each using a different technique and strategy; all wishing they were somewhere else.

Ours is a test-taking culture. And whether you are an adult job-hunter, license applicant or student, tests always provoke uncertainty, especially if life decisions are attached to them.

In 12 years of your elementary and secondary education, you completed a conservative estimate of 2,600 weekly quizzes. College mid-term and final examinations over a four-year period account for another 100, and each year of advanced professional training adds another 25 major exams.

People do not realize that classroom examinations represent only a small segment of testing experience. School systems administer approximately 2 million standardized tests in addition to regular classroom tests.

The total number administered by business, government, industry and clinics, however, is astronomical (庞大的), dwarfing the total number of school tests.

People tend to take tests without really understanding them. One sure way to improve your performance is to familiarize yourself with the different types of examinations. Simply understanding the test format promotes self-confidence.

Can familiarity with test taking boost your test scores? Yes, along with 15 other "tricks". Read on.

All tests--whether simple classroom quizzes, tests for a driver's license, or statistically oriented aptitude tests--have one major point in common: A test is a measure of a person's behavior. at one point in time.

A long held myth has led most people to conclude that test scores are forever. This is simply not true.

Scores change from one test taking to the next. In fact, there are numerous reported cases of intelligence quotients (IQs)fluctuating (变动) as much as 30 or 40 points between test administrations.

Another source of score fluctuation is a result of the test-taker's uncertainty with different types of tests.

Overall there are two specific types: maximal and typical performance tests. Maximal tests attempt to measure an individual's best possible performance accurately. Included in this type are intelligence tests, academic or classroom (achievement) tests and aptitude tests. Of these, IQ tests are the most widely known and the least understood.

It's amazing how so much confusion over those two little letters IQ, has proliferated (扩散) since the testing movement began in the early 1900s. The first intelligence tests were conceived by Alfred Billet, a French psychologist, who was asked to develop a procedure to predict which children were unable to learn in a classroom setting. Today there are approximately 350 intelligence tests on the market.

Myths surrounding the IQ test have grossly contaminated the public' s understanding; people want the IQ test to do more than it is capable of doing. It is best used to predict school success: to assess mental skills and the ability to adapt in new situations and learn academically.

Another maximal performance test is an admission test (technically a form. of aptitude testing). These tests are designed to measure the degree of skill of people when they are attempting to perform. to the limit of their ability. But people allow these tests to intimidate (胁迫) them, and that puts them under a great deal of tension. If you've taken one of these exams previously, chances are your score will increase in subsequent testing.

Two important points here: First, put the practice rule to work for you (






To complete Assignment 1, you must complete the fo...

To complete Assignment 1, you must complete the following tasks. A. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant section of the textbook by Weaver and Lawton is given in each task. You will also find relevant information in the Required Readings Part 1 document. 1. According to Weaver and Lawton (p. 26), how do stayovers differ from excursionists? 2. According to Weaver and Lawton (pp. 35-36), what role do transit regions play in the tourism system? B. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant section of Cohen’s article is given in each task. You will find a summary of Cohen’s article in Required Readings Part 1. 3. According to Cohen’s conceptual definition of ‘tourist’ (1974, pp. 531-532, 536-537), what is the essential difference between a tourist and a refugee? How does a holiday-house owner differ from a tourist, according to Cohen’s conceptual definition (1974, pp. 532 and 540)? 4. Give an example from Cohen to show how he distinguishes between instrumental purpose and non-instrumental purpose (p. 532 and 540-544). What does he mean when he writes that the purpose of tourism is ‘socially defined’ (p. 541)? C. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant sections of Smith’s article and Leiper’s article are given in each relevant task. You will find a summary of the articles by Smith and Leiper in Required Readings Part 1. 5. Why did Smith describe tourism as a retail service industry (1988, p. 183)? According to Smith how do ‘pure tourism services’ differ from ‘mixed tourism services’ (1988, p. 184)?



听力原文:F: Well what have we got this morning? The first thing I think is to complete the voice-over for that cutlery commercial.

M: No...I am afraid you are mistaken. Instead of completing that, we' ve got to come up with a selling idea for those kitchens. Remember? The boss will be wanting to see us after lunch and he will be expecting it all to be more or less tied up parcel-like.

F: Wouldn't it be better to finish one job before beginning another. The boss will understand surely.

M: Forgive me if I keep correcting you. but remember there are deadlines. And when there is a deadlines the boss is as immovable as a barnacle.

F: So we will have to come up with the parcel. Any ideas?

M: Absolutely none. And my usually grasshopper brain is not at its come-up-with-the-ideas best this morning. Let' s have a look at the details.

F: Well whatever its like we've got to make it a dream. Gleaming perfection, slick, everything fitted--fitted is a key word isn't it-- everything to avoid the impression of the inevitable mess that kitchens actually get in.

M: How clear it is, that you are new to the adman' s business. I' m afraid you are on the wrong track. The key words to this ad are going to be "timeless, supplicated beauty", "the haute couture of haute cuisine 'and you have forgotten the adman' s first rule.

F: Which is?

M: Hard desk-work, getting to know the facts. You' ve got to knead the dough before you can ice the cake. Let' s look at the ingredients.

F: What makes this kitchen different from any other?

M: Here are some photos, what do you notice?

F: Well, it is different from all the other kitchens on the market. This one is non-fixed.

M: Yes, all the various units can be moved about.

F: Yeah, that is the point...

Who are the sparkers?




D.Advertising agents.



Choose the most formal word to complete the following sentence. "We will go and email Kieran ______. "


B、at once

C、right away

D、straight away




Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.

听力原文: Non-native speakers of English, like their native counterparts, usually find that the opportunity to participate in group discussions is one of the most valuable aspects in their whole academic programme. But in order to obtain full value from this type of activity the student must be proficient in asking questions. If he isn't, then any attempt to resolve his difficulties may lead to further confusion, if not considerable embarrassment.

Some students who are not fluent in the language find that in the early stages of their course there are frequent breakdowns in communication. There are? of course, many possible explanations for this. The student may not have a sufficient command over the grammar and vocabulary of English to enable him to express himself clearly. He may, on the other hand, have a poor pronunciation. Factors such as these, of course, require urgent and persistent attention on the part of the student. But a very frequent cause of misunderstanding in discussion sessions and one which can much more easily be put right, is the teacher's uncertainty whether his student has, in fact, asked a question at all. What often happens is as follows. The student, puzzled about a particular point, decides to ask a question. As so often happens when under pressure, he tends to concentrate most of his attention on the subject matter and he pays practical[y no attention to the language. Consequently he fails to employ the correct question form. For example, he may use a statement form. instead. The result is predictable. The teacher interprets the intended question as a comment. He then either agrees or disagrees with it, or he continues with what he was saying before.

However, even when the student does employ an appropriate question form, difficulties may still arise. The teacher may not know, for example, what the source of the student's difficulty is. The basic difficulty may, in fact, be one of the several different types. It may lie in the student's limited aural perception, in other words, the student may not have clearly heard what was said; or it may lie in his insufficient linguistic knowledge, that is to say, he may not have understood the English that his teacher employed; or alternatively, it may lie in his lack of knowledge of the subject matter itself, i.e. he may not have worked out the meaning of a point in relation to the special subject. Each type of difficulty requires a different kind of question If the student, for example, does not clearly specify that his difficulty is that he did not quite catch what was said, then the teacher is quite likely to give an explanation in terms of the subject matter. All what is really necessary in such cases is a simple repetition of the original statement.

Next, a student must ensure that his teacher is clear about exactly which point he is referring to. To put it in another way, the question must be specific. In order to be absolutely precise, it is a good idea if students preface their questions with an introductory statement. They might say, for example, something like the following: "I don't understand the point you made at the beginning of the discussion about cost inflation. Could you explain it again please?" The teacher is always in a position to give a satisfactory answer to this form. of question without any waste of time. He knows what type of difficulty the student has--one of subject matter. He knows where the difficulty occurs--at the beginnin



______ difficult the task may be, we will try our best to complete it in time.

  A.No matter  B.No wonder  C.Though D.However



In an effort_____the needs of students who have both the potential and the desire to complete curriculum more demanding than that offered in the regular classroom, the Board of Education will provide Advance Placement Programs.

A.to meet


C.has met


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