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Wetlands do not just do one thing. They perform many processes simultaneously and therefore they provide a suite of values to humans.

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How many different kinds of emotions do you feel? You may be【1】to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only【2】hard to describe in words, they are difficult to【3】. As a result, two people rarely【4】all of them. However, there are a number of【5】emotions that most people experience.

When we receive something that we want, or something happens【6】we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion,【7】for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us【8】happiness. As a general【9】, joy occurs when we reach a【10】goal or obtain a desired object.

【11】people often desire different goals and objects, it is【12】that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile,【13】another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share【14】goals or interests, and therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in the arts, in learning, in raising a family, or in【15】being together.

When we have difficulty【16】desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience【17】emotions such as anger and grief. When little things get in our way, we experience【18】frustrations or tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out【19】a date, you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it【20】happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.








Insurance premiums do not become too high because

A. not many people suffer loss

B. they are ftxed according to how likely the riskof loss is to happen

C. not many people insure themselves

D. insurance companies compete with each other



Behaviorists do not discuss things that happen inside the mind, because they cannot see ______ happens inside the brain.







Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth. The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell. We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs. Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems. Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness. Lottery winnings do not bring happiness. Gambling winnings do not bring happiness. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort. If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means, you will know that it is ill-earned money. If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a base person. Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution, and self-esteem. Happiness is not an end; it is a process. It is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person. As Dr. Wayne wrote, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” There is no use saying “Someday when I achieve these goals, when I get a car, build a house and own my own business, then I will be really happy.” Life just does not work that way. If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing.

1.What does “nothing is further from the truth” mean?

A、 Something. is completely untrue.

B、 Something is completely true.

C、 We can find out the truth.

D、 We cannot find out the truth.

2.What are the secrets to happiness in the author’s mind?

A、 successful work

B、 contribution to other’happiness

C、 honest effort

D、 all of the above.

3.Which of the following is not dishonest means for wealth?

A、 lottery winning

B、 gambling winnings

C、 hard work

D、 taking advantage of others

4.What does the sentence “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” mean according to the passage?

A、 Happiness is not an end; it is a process.

B、 People do not know how to get happiness.

C、 It is hard to get happiness.

D、 Happiness is what you feel.

5.What is the meaning of the word “unfulfilled”?

A、 uncontrolable

B、 impolite

C、 dissatisfied

D、 abnormal



Insurance premiums do not become too high because

A.not many people suffer loss

B.they are ftxed according to how likely the riskof loss is to happen

C.not many people insure themselves

D.insurance companies compete with each other



The following problems do not always denote troubles. Therefore, perform. the checking described below before calling for service. If the cause of the problem is not corrected by the use of this check guide, withdraw out the power plug from the electric outlet, and call for service.




Working Mothers

Carefullv conducted researches that have followed the children of working mothers have not been able to show any lon9—term problems,compared with children whose mothers stayed at home.

My persona (5 1)is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish.Whether we like it or not,there are a (52)of mothers who just have to work.There are those who have invested such a big part of their lives in establishing a career that they cannot (53)to see it lost.Then there are many who must work out of pure economic (54).Many mothers are not (55)out to be full—time parents.After a few months at home with a much loved infant,they feel trapped and isolate

D.There are a number of options when it (56)to choosing childcare.These range from child minders and nannies through to Granny or the kind lady——(57)the street.In reality, (58),many parents don’t have any choice;they have to accept anything they can get.Be prepared!Nomatter (59)good the childcare may be,some children are going to protest wildly if they are left.This is a (60)normal stage of child development.Babies separate well in the first six months,but soon after that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family (61).Make sure that in the first week you allow (62)time to help vour child settle in.

All children are different.Some are independent,while others are more (63)to their mothers.Remember that if you want to (64)the best for your children,it"s not the quantity of time you spend with them,it"s the (65)that matterS.

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No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries following his death. But he has since found many able champions and the tide has turned. The prince has been termed a manual for tyrants, the effect of which has been most harmful. But were Machiavelli's doctrines really new? Did he discover them? He merely had the frankness and courage to write down what everybody was thinking and what everybody knew. He merely gives us the impressions he had received from a long and intimate intercourse with princes and the affairs of state. It was Lord Bacon who said that Machiavelli tells us what princes do, not what they ought to do. When Machiavelli takes Cassar Borgia as a model, he does not praise him as a hero at all, but merely as a prince who was capable of attaining the end in view. The life of the state was the primary object. It must be maintained. And Machiavelli has laid down the principles, based upon his study and wide experience, by which this may be accomplished. He wrote from the view-point of the politician—not of the moralist. What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand. And will anyone contend that the principles set forth by Machiavelli in his Prince or his Discourses have entirely per?ished from the earth? Has diplomacy been entirely stripped of fraud and duplicity? Let anyone read the famous eighteenth chapter of The Prince:" In what Manner Princes should Keep their Faith," and he will be convinced that what was true nearly four hundred years ago, is quite as true today.

Of the remaining works of Machiavelli the most important is the History of Florence written between 1521 and 1525, and dedicated to Clement VII.This book is merely a rapid review of the MiddleAges, and as part of it the history of Florence. Machiavelli's method has been criticized for adhering at times too closely to the chroniclers of his time, and at others rejecting their testimony without apparent reason, while in its details the authority of his History is often questionable. It is the straightforward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest of the reader, that is the greatest charm of the History.

It can be inferred from the beginning of the text that

A.many people used to think highly of Machiavelli.

B.Machiavelli had been very influential among the rulers.

C.Machiavelli was widely read among his contemporaries.

D.Machiavelli has been a target of criticism throughout history.



No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries following his death. But he has since found many able champions and the tide has turned. The prince has been termed a manual for tyrants, the effect of which has been most harmful. But were Machiavelli's doctrines really new? Did he discover them? He merely had the frankness and courage to write down what everybody was thinking and what everybody knew. He merely gives us the impressions he had received from a long and intimate intercourse with princes and the affairs of state. It was Lord Bacon who said that Machiavelli tells us what princes do, not what they ought to do. When Machiavelli takes Cassar Borgia as a model, he does not praise him as a hero at all, but merely as a prince who was capable of attaining the end in view. The life of the state was the primary object. It must be maintained. And Machiavelli has laid down the principles, based upon his study and wide experience, by which this may be accomplished. He wrote from the view-point of the politician—not of the moralist. What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand. And will anyone contend that the principles set forth by Machiavelli in his Prince or his Discourses have entirely per?ished from the earth? Has diplomacy been entirely stripped of fraud and duplicity? Let anyone read the famous eighteenth chapter of The Prince:" In what Manner Princes should Keep their Faith," and he will be convinced that what was true nearly four hundred years ago, is quite as true today.

Of the remaining works of Machiavelli the most important is the History of Florence written between 1521 and 1525, and dedicated to Clement VII.This book is merely a rapid review of the MiddleAges, and as part of it the history of Florence. Machiavelli's method has been criticized for adhering at times too closely to the chroniclers of his time, and at others rejecting their testimony without apparent reason, while in its details the authority of his History is often questionable. It is the straightforward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest of the reader, that is the greatest charm of the History.

It can be inferred from the beginning of the text that

A.many people used to think highly of Machiavelli.

B.Machiavelli had been very influential among the rulers.

C.Machiavelli was widely read among his contemporaries.

D.Machiavelli has been a target of criticism throughout history.

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