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The surge in chinese outbound tourism has windened the country’s trade deficit in the sector.

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听力原文: China has never hidden its desire to become a major force in the aviation and aerospace industries. The first homegrown Chinese jetliner, the medium range ARJ-21 Advanced Regional Jet for the 21st Century, should start to roll off the production line later this year. China expects to sell 300 of the 100-seater planes to Chinese customers over the next 20 years. There are 71 firm orders from smaller domestic carriers, and China intends to target export markets in Asia, Africa and South America.

China is the world's second largest market for planes outside the US. Sales are booming as the country's airlines race to meet the surged demand for domestic air travel. According to a leading London consultancy, Boeing currently leads the way in China with a 64% market share. But Airbus is closing the gap. Both companies have invested heavily there, manufacturing parts in the country transferring technical know-how.

What's the most appropriate title for this passage?

A.Boeing and Airbus' Competition in China's Civil Aviation Market

B.The New Development of China's Civil Aviation

C.China's First Homegrown Jetliner

D.China's Surging Demand for Domestic Air Travel



A.He was ready to negotiate with insurgents in Fallujah.

B.He planned to give up the city.

C.He planned to make an air raid against the insurgents.

D.He was quite irritated by the insurgents.



What does the last sentence in the 3rd paragraph mean according to the passage?

A.The patient is seriously iii because of lack of water in the well.

B.The patient can be saved if he has enough money to solve the financial problem.

C.It's too late for small business owners to realize the gravity of the problem because they have used up their money.

D.It's urgent for small business owners to pour all their money into the enterprise to revitalize their business.



What does the last sentence in the 3rd paragraph mean according to the passage?

A.The patient is seriously iii because of lack of water in the well.

B.The patient can be saved if he has enough money to solve the financial problem.

C.It's too late for small business owners to realize the gravity of the problem because they have used up their money.

D.It's urgent for small business owners to pour all their money into the enterprise to revitalize their business.



What does the last sentence in the 3rd paragraph mean according to the passage?

A.The patient is seriously iii because of lack of water in the well.

B.The patient can be saved if he has enough money to solve the financial problem.

C.It's too late for small business owners to realize the gravity of the problem because they have used up .their money.

D.It's urgent for small business owners to pour all their money into the enterprise to revitalize their business.



The World Wide Web has been steadily creating a widespread surge in social capital through E-mail conversations, chat rooms, newsgroups, and e-zones. These ongoing connections are not an underground phenomenon, but a mainstream movement that is rapidly overwhelming traditional business models, according to the authors of another recent book, The Cluetrain Manifesto.

"Our longing for the Web is rooted in the deep resentment we feel towards being managed," writes co-author David Weinberger, a columnist and commentator on the Web's effect on business. The Cluetrain Manifesto argues that knowledge workers are finding it intolerable that their employers require them to speak in artificial "business voices". The Web has become the ideal alternative: a public place where people can converse in their "authentic voices", outside of an organization's official communications channel.

Some of the social capital generated by these independent Web conversations is being used by its creators to circumvent the authority of corporations. For example, a car owner who thinks he was overcharged for service to his vehicle posts an inquiry to a newsgroup for people who own the same model of ear. Group members respond with their advice and personal experiences of getting their own cars serviced. The newsgroup is not owned or controlled by the car company. In fact, a mechanic employed by the car company participates in the conversation, offering his knowledge of what charges are reasonable and how company policies vary from dealer to dealer, and even suggesting which dealerships offer the best service.

According to co-author Rick Levine, the mechanic "was speaking for his company in a new way: honestly, openly, probably without his boss's explicit sanction." In effect, an employee of the company independently joined a network of consumers to directly help satisfy a customer. "Companies need to harness this sort of caring and let its viral enthusiasm be communicated in employees' own voices," writes Levine, former Web Architect for Sun Microsystem's Java Software group.

As more and more people work online and form. Web relationships, shared knowledge could become increasingly personal in cyberspace. Whether business joins in the conversations or not, it seems likely that this fast-growing strain of social capital will remain valuable for those who help to create it.

The word "overwhelming"(Paragraph 1) probably means

A.helping with.

B.creating by.

C.substituting for.

D.arising from.



With unemployment rising and housing costs still high, cities around the country are experiencing a new and sudden wave of homelessness. Shelters are overflowing, and more people this year are sleeping on floors in dingy social service centers, living in cars or spending nights on the streets.

In New York, Boston and other cities, homelessness is at record levels, a consequence of a faltering (摇晃的) economy that has crumbled even further after the Sept. 11 attacks.

A survey by the U.S. Conference of Mayors released last week found that requests for emergency shelter in 27 cities had increased an average of 13 percent over last year. The report said the increases were 26 percent in Trenton; 25 percent in Kansas City, Mo; 22 percent in Chicago; 20 percent in Denver; and 20 percent in New Orleans.

An unusual confluence of factors seems to be responsible for the surge. Housing prices, which soared in the expansion of the 1990's, have not gone down, even though the economy has tumbled. A stream of layoffs has newly unemployed people taking low-wage jobs that might have otherwise gone to the poor. Benefits for welfare recipients are expiring under government imposed deadlines. And charitable donations to programs that help the disadvantaged are down considerably, officials around the country said, because of the economy and the outpouring of donations for people affected by Sept. 11.

"This is an unprecedented convergence (集中) of calamities (灾难)," said Xavier De Souza Briggs, an assistant professor of public policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. "It's really a crisis."

More than half the cities surveyed by the mayors' group reported that in the last year people had remained homeless longer, an average of six months.

There is no total number for the homeless nationwide. Experts said it was difficult to compare the situ- ation with statistics in previous decades, because counting methods have improved. Yet, several experts said they believed that the increases reported by cities like Boston and Chicago reflected a national trend.

"My impression is that there is more homelessness now than there was 20 years ago." Gary Burtless, an economist at the Brookings Institution, said, adding that he believed that economic factors were not the sole explanation.

"I think that there must be a greater segment of our population that has tenuous connections to family and friends, and therefore has fewer resources to fall back on when something very bad happens like when they lose their job." he said.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the increase of homelessness?


B.Housing prices.

C.Sept. 11 attacks.




听力原文: Our troops urgently need Congress to approve emergency war funds. Over the past several weeks, our Nation has begun pursuing a new strategy in Iraq. Under the leadership of General David Petraeus, our troops have launched a difficult and dangerous mission to help Iraqis secure their capital. This plan is still in its early stages, yet we're already seeing signs of progress. Iraqi and American troops have rounded up more than 700 people affiliated with Shia extremists. They've also launched aggressive operations against Sunni extremists. And they've uncovered large caches of weapons that could have been used to kill our troops. These are hopeful signs. As these operations unfold, they will help the Iraqi government stabilize the country, rebuild the economy, and advance the work of political reconciliation. Yet the bill Congress is considering would undermine General Petraeus and the troops under his command just as these critical security operations are getting under way.

First, the bill would impose arbitrary and restrictive conditions on the use of war funds and require the withdrawal of forces by the end of this year if these conditions are not met. These restrictions would handcuff our generals in the field by denying them the flexibility they need to adjust their operations to the changing situation on the ground. And these restrictions would substitute the mandates of Congress for the considered judgment of our military commanders.

Even if every condition required by this bill was met, all American forces -- except for very limited purposes -- would still be required to withdraw next year, regardless of the situation in Iraq. The consequences of imposing such an artificial timetable would be disastrous.

Here is what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently told Congress: Setting a fixed date to withdraw would "essentially tell [the enemy] how long they would have to wait until we're gone." If American forces were to step back from Baghdad before it is more secure, the scale and scope of attacks would increase and intensify. A contagion of violence could spill out across the entire country, and in time, this violence would engulf the region. The enemy would emerge from the chaos emboldened with new safe havens, new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to harm America. Such an outcome would be a nightmare for our country.

Second, the bill would cut funding for the Iraqi security forces if Iraqi leaders did not meet rigid conditions set by Congress. This makes no sense. Members of Congress have often said that the Iraqis must step forward and take more responsibility for their own security -- and I agree. Yet Members of Congress can't have it both ways: They can't say that the Iraqis must do more and then take away the funds that will help them do so. Iraq is a young democracy that is fighting for its survival in a region that is vital to American security. To cut off support for their security forces at this critical moment would put our own security at risk.

Third, the bill would add billions of dollars in domestic spending that is completely unrelated to the war. For example, the House bill would provide $74 million for peanut storage, $48 million for the Farm Service Agency, and $35 million for NASA. These programs do not belong in an emergency war spending bill. Congress must not allow debate on domestic spending to delay funds for our troops on the front lines. And Members should not use funding our troops as lever- age to pass special interest spending for their districts.

We are a Nation at war, and the heaviest responsibilities fall to our troops in the field. Yet we in Washington have responsibilities, as well. General Petraeus was confirmed by the Senate with- out a single vote in opposition, and he and his troops need these resources to succeed in their mission. Many in Congress say



Water Warnings

Urgent Tasks for China

Water has long been considered an inexhaustible resource. But China is facing an unmistakable water crisis, and recently, because of increasingly hard-to-miss symptoms of the shortage, people in all parts of society are beginning to realize just how precious commodity water really is.

At first glance, it seems like there should be enough: China's total supply of freshwater resources ranks sixth in the world, after Brazil, Russia, Canada, the United States and Indonesia. But despite this apparent advantage, China's per capita water resources fall far below the world average of 7,600 cubic meters per-capita due to the country's enormous population size. China's per-capita amount of 2,200 cubic meters is expected to decrease further as the country continues its rapid economic growth and population expansion.

"Without excessively exploiting underground water, China has a water gap of nearly 40 billion cubic meters. The country's 320 million rural people aren't able to drink safe water and over 400 cities don't have sufficient water supply, 110 of which face a serious shortage," Wang Shucheng, Minister of Water Resources, said recently.

Some water resources experts warn that the current shortage is no more than a warning signal, with a greater crisis yet to come. The Ministry of Water Resources issued a water crisis warning as early as November 2001. At the time it said that when the Chinese population peaks at 1.6 billion in 2030, China's per-capita water resources could fall to 1,700 cubic meters, the internationally acknowledged level below which an area is said to be experiencing "water stress".

Poor Natural Conditions

Scant water resources to slake the thirsts of a population of 1.3 billion, and the uneven geographical distribution of these resources, form. the basis of water conditions in China.

Affected by monsoons (季候风), China's precipitation (降水量) varies considerably among different

seasons. The time of precipitation overlaps (交迭) with the hottest seasons, mostly in summer and autumn and scarcely in winter and spring. Generally, regions with the lowest precipitation levels receive it concentratedly only at certain times of the year, which easily gives rise to drought in spring and flooding in summer. Meanwhile, two thirds of China's water resources is comprised of runoff flooding, which means rivers often flood in the rainy season and dry up at other times.

China's water resources are also distributed geographically unevenly, inconsistent with the distribution of land, mineral resources and productivity. Generally, water resources are concentrated in the southern and eastern parts of the country, and in mountainous areas. Annual precipitation amounts vary from more than 3,000 millimeters in the southeast to less than 50 millimeters in the northwest.

China is prone to floods and droughts, such-as the severe drought that hit Chongqing and Sichuan in southwest China this summer, the country's worst in 50 years. While per capita water resources in some areas of the north approach the level of the driest countries in the world, the water-rich south often suffers from seasonal droughts, which adversely affects rice, the major crop reliant on watering, as well as other cash crops. The last two decades have seen a nominal change in the country's surface water resources and total water resources. Yet clue to factors such as global climate change and river drainage, and total water resources in south China are rising while water resources in the north are falling significantly.

A Series of Measures Adopted by Chinese Government

Against these difficult conditions, the Chinese Government has taken a series of measures to try and guarantee the basic water demands necessary for daily life and social and economic development. Since the founding of t




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