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If the membrane potential is fixed from resting potential to -9 mv, wich kind of membrane could be recorded

A、stable influx.

B、stable outfulx.

C、early transit influx and later long-lasting outfulx.

D、early transit outflux and late long-lasting influx.

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For 20 months the wrecked Costa Concordia has been lying on its side near the coast of Giglio, a small Italian island. But on Tuesday, as part of the largest salvage(打捞) operation ever conducted, the large ship was finally moved to the upright position. The next step is for the vessel to be removed from the area entirely. The Costa Concordia is twice the weight of the Titanic. The ship itself didnt budge(稍微移动) for the first three hours of the operation, Sergio Girotto told reporters. He and other engineers worked for 19 hours before Concordia was declared completely upright. The Costa Concordia capsized on January 13, 2012, after its captain, Francesco Schettino, brought the ship too close to the shore. The ship hit coastal rocks, which caused serious damage and allowed water to pour in.(76)Most of the 4,200 people on board made it to land safely, but more than 30 people were killed in the disaster. Two people remain missing. The Concordias captain is currently on trial for causing a shipwreck and abandoning his ship. The operation to right the ship is called par buckling. While par buckling is a standard operation to right capsized ships, it has never before been used on such a large ship. (77)Workers had been waiting for favorable weather conditions to undertake the operation.On Monday, authorities gave the final go-ahead. The process was expected to take no more than 12 hours. But problems with the large system of steel chains caused delays. Engineers worked through the night using cables and metal water tanks to roll the ship onto special platforms. The Concordia is expected to be pulled away from Giglio in the spring of 2014 and turned into scrap metal (废金属).The ships owner, Costa Cruises, will pay for the recovery, which has already cost more than $ 800 million.

Which of the following is the best tide for the passage?

A.Ship Safety Management.

B.Shipwrecks; an Environmental Threat.

C.The Costa Concordia Disaster.

D.The Costa Concordia Salvage.



A, B, and C are points on a line. The distance between A and B is twice the distance between A and C. The distance between C and B is 10.

Column A Column B

The distance between A and B 10

A.if the quantity in Column A is greater

B.if the quantity in Column B is greater

C.if the two quantity are equal

D.if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given



Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Climate scientists need to swallow their mistrusts and share their data and working methods with their critics. So concludes an inquiry by British members of parliament into the "climategate" affair, in which damaging emails were copied from a computer server at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, and published on the Internet. But, unexpectedly, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has placed more blame on the university than on the scientists at its Climatic Research Unit (CRU), whose emails were stolen, and the unit's director Phil Jones.

This verdict puts the official university inquiry launched last December in a strange position. Vice-chancellor Edward Acton asked the inquiry to report on possible misdeeds at CRU. Now MPs suggest that the university itself may be at least as much to blame. The MPs found that the leaked emails reveal that a "culture of withholding information appears to have pervaded CRU that we consider unacceptable". Some information "may have been deleted", possibly in breach of the law. The MPs do not accept CRU's claim that its staffs were simply overwhelmed by requests for data, often trifling. Rather, CRU's "unhelpful approach" to requests led to them "multiplying".

The MPs were clearly impressed with Jones's sincerity. "We can sympathize with Professor Jones, who must have found it frustrating to handle requests for data that he knew--or perceived--were motivated by a desire simply to undermine his work." His actions were "inevitably counterproductive", the MPs conclude, but much of it was "common practice in the climate science community".

They call for the scientists in general to become more open but conclude that, "the scientific reputation of Professor Jones and CRU remains intact (完整的)". The MPs say the university shares a lot of the blame for climategate. Its "failure to grasp fully the potential damage from non-disclosure of freedom of information requests was regrettable". Staff responsible for the implementation of the legislation "found ways to sup-port the culture at CRU of resisting disclosure of information to climate change skeptics". The release of the CRU emails led to allegations of data manipulation, fraud, subversion of the peer-review process and conspiracy to withhold data from critics. The MPs exonerate (宣布无罪) Jones and his colleagues on the more lurid charges, but admit they did not have the time to go into some other matters. "We would have preferred to carry out a wider inquiry into the science of global warming itself," they say.

The findings could reverberate beyond the Norwich campus. The MPs say the government should review the rules for giving the public access to data "collected and analysed with UK public money".

The inquiry by British members of parliament concludes that climate scientists need ______.

A.to share their information with the public

B.to take more responsibility for the affair

C.to be open to their critics about their date and approaches

D.to examine the computer server at the university of east Anglia in Norwich



Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.He earns twice as much as he used to.

B.The width of this new road is two times that of the old one.

C.This book is four times more expensive than that one.

D.The new square is four times size that of the previous one.



Predicting Volcanic Explosions

American scientists are studying Mount St.Helens volcano in the northwestern United States to learn when it might explode again.Their studies have improved methods for predicting volcanic explosions long before they happen.

Mount St.Helens exploded twice in May, 1980.These two powerful explosions

caused deaths and injuries and much property damage.Scientists did not know that the volcano would explode, so no warnings were given.But after the eruptions, scientists began studying changes in the earth's activity to improve prediction methods.In the following months, there were 13 smaller explosions at Mount St.Helens.Each time, scientists knew the volcano would erupt, so they were ahle to warn people living near Mount St.Helens to leave.

Scientists sharpened their prediction (预言) skills by studying the link between volcanoes and earthquakes.To do this, they placed a numher of devices within 20 kilometers of Mount St.Helens to measure deep earthquakes in the area.They also measured shallow quakes less than 3 kilometers below the crater (火山口 ), the huge hole at the top of the volcano.The scientists found that these shallow quakes increase in the days and weeks before an explosion.During this same period, melted rock and gas from deep inside the earth

build up under the volcano's dome, the small hill in the center of the crater..These causes the sides of the dome to push out.As the dome expands, cracks form. on the crater floor around it.Scientists found that the dome begins to expand 3 to 4 weeks before the volcano explodes, and the cracks on the crater floor widen.Because of their studies, scientists were able to predict 13 smaller explosions at Mount St.Helens several weeks before they happened.Sometimes they even knew the hours of the day when the volcano would explode.

American scientists admitted that several problems remain in their prediction methods.For example, they said their methods have not shown how strong an eruption will be, or how long it will last.But the scientists said that continuing eruptions of Mount St.Helens are .helping them improve their methods.And they said the methods can be used to predict when other volcanoes will explode.

第 31 题 Since the 1980's, how many eruptions have happened in Mount St.Helens?





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