题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...

3. Let3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...and3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [.... Determine whether3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...and3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...exist or not.

A、(A)3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...and3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...both exist.

B、(B)3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...exists but3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...does not exist.

C、(C)3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...does not exist but3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...exists.

D、(D)3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...and3. Let [图] and [图]. Determine whether [图] and [...do not exist.

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Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory whether political or forensic.

Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform. and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When he became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favorable to continuous study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading were very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he knew those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and had only the faintest acquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.

The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons among whom his lot was cast. Until he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator was to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, there was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practitioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.

Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-reliance but the habit of reflection, and, indeed, of prolonged and intense, reflection. He made all that he knew a part of himself. His convictions were his own—clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and he did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long before he decided' on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspense, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reconsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or to waste time in vain regrets so that all he had expected had not been attained. He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did not lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always independent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.

The implication of the second paragraph is that Abraham Lincoln______

A.was illiterate

B.was never educated

C.was never provided with any regular education

D.behaved rudely when he was young



Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory, whether political or forensic.

Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform. and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When he became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favourable to continuous study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading were very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he knew those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and can have had only the faintest acquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.

The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons among whom his lot was cast. Till he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, there was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practitioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.

Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-reliance but the habit of reflection, and indeed, of prolonged and intense reflection. He made all that he knew a part of himself. His convictions were his own—clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and he did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long before he decided on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspense, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reconsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or to waste time in vain regrets that all he had expected had not been attained. He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did not lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always independent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.

It is said in the second paragraph that Abraham Lincoln ______.

A.was illiterate

B.was never educated

C.was educated very late

D.behaved rudely when he was young



In the process of completing a work sheet, you determine that the Income Statement debit column totals $83,000, while the Income Statement credit column totals $65,000. To enter net income () for the period into the work sheet would require an entry to










B、live and let live

C、to live and let die

D、to live and live



It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to only a

single tastant such as salt or sugar--and therefore signal only one taste

quality--or whether the activity in a given neuron contributes to the neural

representation of more than one taste. Studies show that both peripheral and

(5) central gustatory neurons typically respond to more than one kind of stimulus,

and although each neuron is attuned most acutely to one tastant, it usually also

generates a reaction to others with dissimilar taste qualities. How then can the

brain represent various taste qualities if each neuron is receptive to many

different-tasting stimuli?

(10) Electrophysiological studies of gustatory sensory neurons, first performed

by Pfaffmann, demonstrated that peripheral neurons are not specifically

responsive to stimuli representing a single taste quality (which might be

symbolized by the pattern of activity across gustatory neurons because the

activity of any one cell was ambiguous) but instead record a spectrum of tastes.

(15) But in the 1970s and 1980s several scientists began to accumulate data indicating

that individual neurons are tuned maximally for one taste, and they interpreted

this as evidence that activity in a particular type of cell represented a given taste

quality--an idea they called the labeled-line hypothesis. According to this idea,

activity in neurons that experience the strongest reaction to sugar would signal

(20) "sweetness," activity in those that are most sensitive to acids would signal

"sourness", and so forth.

Smith later proved that the same cells that previous researchers had

interpreted as labeled lines actually defined the similarities and differences in

the patterns of activity across taste neurons, suggesting that the same neurons

(25) were responsible for taste-quality representation, whether they were viewed as

labeled lines or as critical parts of an across-neuron pattern. These investigators

further established that the neural distinction among stimuli of different

qualities depended on the simultaneous activation of different cell types, much

as with the function of color vision, but unlike auditory perception. These and

(30) other considerations have led us to favor the idea that the patterns of activity

are key to coding taste information.

Scientists now know that things that taste similarly evoke similar patterns

of activity across groups of taste neurons. Furthermore, we can compare these

patterns and use multivariate statistical analysis to plot the similarities in the

(35) patterns elicited by various tastants. Taste researchers have generated such

comparisons for gustatory stimuli from the neural responses of hamsters and

rats and these correspond very closely to similar plots generated in behavioral

experiments, from which we may infer which stimuli taste alike and which taste

different to animals. Such data show that the across-neuron patterns contain

(40) sufficient information for taste discrimination and this may be a reasonable

explanation for neural coding in taste, though researchers continue to debate

whether individual neuron types play a more significant role in taste coding than

they do in color vision. Scientists question whether taste is an analytic sense, in

which each quality is separate, or a synthetic sense like color vision, where

(45) combinations of colors produce a unique quality

A.illustrating the extent to which the physiological principles behind taste mirror those behind vision

B.contrasting the available evidence for the labeled-line and across-neuron theories of taste

C.describing the evolution of theories concerning the neurological mechanisms which determine taste

D.demonstrating the superiority of holistic models over component models in analyzing neuron function

E.showing that individual neurons play a negligible role in the physiological mechanisms of perception



It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to only a

single tastant such as salt or sugar-and therefore signal only one taste

quality-or whether the activity in a given neuron contributes to the neural

Line representation of more than one taste. Studies show that both peripheral and

(5) central gustatory neurons typically respond to more than one kind of stimulus,

and although each neuron is attuned most acutely to one tastant, it usually also

generates a reaction to others with dissimilar taste qualities. How then can the

brain represent various taste qualities if each neuron is receptive to many

different-tasting stimuli?

(10) Electrophysiological studies of gustatory sensory neurons, first performed

by Pfaffmann, demonstrated that peripheral neurons are not specifically

responsive to stimuli representing a single taste quality (which might be

symbolized by the pattern of activity across gustatory neurons because the

activity of any one cell was ambiguous) but instead record a spectrum of tastes.

(15) But in the 1970s and 1980s several scientists began to accumulate data indicating

that individual neurons are tuned maximally for one taste, and they interpreted

this as evidence that activity in a particular type of cell represented a given taste

quality—an idea they called the labeled-line hypothesis. According to this idea,

activity in neurons that experience the strongest reaction to sugar would signal

(20) "sweetness," activity in those that are most sensitive to acids would signal

"sourness", and so forth.

Smith later proved that the same cells that previous researchers had

interpreted as labeled lines actually defined the similarities and differences in

the patterns of activity across taste neurons, suggesting that the same neurons

(25) were responsible for taste-quality representation, whether they were viewed as

labeled lines or as critical parts of an across-neuron pattern. These investigators

further established that the neural distinction among stimuli of different

qualities depended on the simultaneous activation of different cell types, much

as with the function of color vision, but unlike auditory perception. These and

(30) other considerations have led us to favor the idea that the patterns of activity

are key to coding taste information.

Scientists now know that things that taste similarly evoke similar patterns

of activity across groups of taste neurons. Furthermore, we can compare these

patterns and use multivariate statistical analysis to plot the similarities in the

(35) patterns elicited by various tastants. Taste researchers have generated such

comparisons for gustatory stimuli from the neural responses of hamsters and

rats and these correspond very closely to similar plots generated in behavioral

experiments, from which we may infer which stimuli taste alike and which taste

different to animals. Such data show that the across-neuron patterns contain

(40) sufficient information for taste discrimination and this may be a reasonable

explanation for neural coding in taste, though researchers continue to debate

whether individual neuro

A.illustrating the extent to which the physiological principles behind taste mirror those behind vision

B.contrasting the available evidence for the labeled-line and across-neuron theories of taste

C.describing the evolution of theories concerning the neurological mechanisms which determine taste

D.demonstrating the superiority of holistic models over component models in analyzing neuron function

E.showing that individual neurons play a negligible role in the physiological mechanisms of perception



It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to only a

single tastant such as salt or sugar-and therefore signal only one taste

quality-or whether the activity in a given neuron contributes to the neural

Line representation of more than one taste. Studies show that both peripheral and

(5) central gustatory neurons typically respond to more than one kind of stimulus,

and although each neuron is attuned most acutely to one tastant, it usually also

generates a reaction to others with dissimilar taste qualities. How then can the

brain represent various taste qualities if each neuron is receptive to many

different-tasting stimuli?

(10) Electrophysiological studies of gustatory sensory neurons, first performed

by Pfaffmann, demonstrated that peripheral neurons are not specifically

responsive to stimuli representing a single taste quality (which might be

symbolized by the pattern of activity across gustatory neurons because the

activity of any one cell was ambiguous) but instead record a spectrum of tastes.

(15) But in the 1970s and 1980s several scientists began to accumulate data indicating

that individual neurons are tuned maximally for one taste, and they interpreted

this as evidence that activity in a particular type of cell represented a given taste

quality—an idea they called the labeled-line hypothesis. According to this idea,

activity in neurons that experience the strongest reaction to sugar would signal

(20) "sweetness," activity in those that are most sensitive to acids would signal

"sourness", and so forth.

Smith later proved that the same cells that previous researchers had

interpreted as labeled lines actually defined the similarities and differences in

the patterns of activity across taste neurons, suggesting that the same neurons

(25) were responsible for taste-quality representation, whether they were viewed as

labeled lines or as critical parts of an across-neuron pattern. These investigators

further established that the neural distinction among stimuli of different

qualities depended on the simultaneous activation of different cell types, much

as with the function of color vision, but unlike auditory perception. These and

(30) other considerations have led us to favor the idea that the patterns of activity

are key to coding taste information.

Scientists now know that things that taste similarly evoke similar patterns

of activity across groups of taste neurons. Furthermore, we can compare these

patterns and use multivariate statistical analysis to plot the similarities in the

(35) patterns elicited by various tastants. Taste researchers have generated such

comparisons for gustatory stimuli from the neural responses of hamsters and

rats and these correspond very closely to similar plots generated in behavioral

experiments, from which we may infer which stimuli taste alike and which taste

different to animals. Such data show that the across-neuron patterns contain

(40) sufficient information for taste discrimination and this may be a reasonable

explanation for neural coding in taste, though researchers continue to debate

whether individual neuro

A.illustrating the extent to which the physiological principles behind taste mirror those behind vision

B.contrasting the available evidence for the labeled-line and across-neuron theories of taste

C.describing the evolution of theories concerning the neurological mechanisms which determine taste

D.demonstrating the superiority of holistic models over component models in analyzing neuron function

E.showing that individual neurons play a negligible role in the physiological mechanisms of perception



We had given ourselves so little time to get to the airport that it was______ whether we should catch the plane.

A.give and take

B.touch and go

C.stop and go

D.to and from



Please let us be notified whether you now represent any suppliers ______ the same line.


It is determined through tests that the harmful substances in a fog droplet, such as acid, sodium, salt, amine, phenol, dusts and pathogen microbes, are dozens of times more than that in a normal atmospheric water drop.

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