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E-mail or electronic mail, is considered as the mo...

E-mail or electronic mail, is considered as the modem communication in the new age. It iscarried out in computers all over the world by millions of users. In this invisible world as many people call it,the users can send and receive letters to and from every comer of the earth. They share thoughts with pen pals (笔友)in New Zealand,ask strangers in Bombay (孟买)questions,debate with businessman in Manhattan. All of these are just happening in computers as fast as the travelling of the light,no writing and speaking,no paper and stamps are necessary.

E-mail is a pipeline to thousands of experts on everything;it is a means of meeting people with similar interests or problems. But it is not a live talk—a real conversation like those in telephones.E-mailers compose letters at leisure on their computers, then send them by phone line to an on-line service,and then they go forward to the right place. A response can be back within hours,depending on how often the recipient(接受者)checks in.

A vast global networks of on-line services for E-mail has been built. A lot of people are regularly using this service in the USA. People believe that E-mail, the computerized exchange, would create friendship and business developments, and would change people’ s life in the world. Which of the following expression is not for E-mail?

A.Communication in new ag

B.Invisible world

C.A live talk

D.Computerized exchange

Which of the following does the writer think is a shortcoming of E-mail?A.Happening as fast as the travelling of light.

B.No writing and speaking

C.No paper and stamps.

D.Response depending on the recipient.

Which of the following is NOT true?A.E-mail is carried out in computers.

B.A response of an E-mail depends on how often the recipient checks in.

C.People don, t believe that E-mail will create friendship.

D.E-mail is not a real conversation.

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更多“E-mail or electronic mail, is …”相关的问题


E-mail or electronic mail, is considered as the modem communication in the new age. It iscarried out in computers all over the world by millions of users. In this invisible world as many people call it,the users can send and receive letters to and from every comer of the earth. They share thoughts with pen pals (笔友)in New Zealand,ask strangers in Bombay (孟买)questions,debate with businessman in Manhattan. All of these are just happening in computers as fast as the travelling of the light,no writing and speaking,no paper and stamps are necessary.

E-mail is a pipeline to thousands of experts on everything;it is a means of meeting people with similar interests or problems. But it is not a live talk—a real conversation like those in telephones.E-mailers compose letters at leisure on their computers, then send them by phone line to an on-line service,and then they go forward to the right place. A response can be back within hours,depending on how often the recipient(接受者)checks in.

A vast global networks of on-line services for E-mail has been built. A lot of people are regularly using this service in the USA. People believe that E-mail, the computerized exchange, would create friendship and business developments, and would change people’ s life in the world. Which of the following expression is not for E-mail?

A.Communication in new ag

B.Invisible world

C.A live talk

D.Computerized exchange

Which of the following does the writer think is a shortcoming of E-mail?A.Happening as fast as the travelling of light.

B.No writing and speaking

C.No paper and stamps.

D.Response depending on the recipient.

Which of the following is NOT true?A.E-mail is carried out in computers.

B.A response of an E-mail depends on how often the recipient checks in.

C.People don, t believe that E-mail will create friendship.

D.E-mail is not a real conversation.




Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive.{A; B; C}

A. 邮件发送至公司电邮系统时不应该包含被认为是不礼貌的内容。

B. 邮件通过公司电邮系统发送,内容不应该被认为是无礼的。

C. 通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为不礼貌的内容。



Why was electronic mail unsuccessful in the past ?

A.Because its users subscribed to different, unconnected mail services.

B.Because people thought its services expensive.

C.Because people couldn't afford the personal computer.

D.Because computer networks used to disconnect globally.



Electronic mail has become an extremely important and popular means of communication.

The convenience and efficiency of electronic mail are threatened by the extremely rapid growth in the volume of unsolicited commercial electronic mail. Unsolicited commercial electronic mail is currently estimated to account for over half of all electronic mail traffic, up from an estimated 7 percent in 2001, and the volume continues to rise. Most of these messages are fraudulent or deceptive in one or more respects.

The receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic mail may result in costs to recipients who cannot refuse to accept such mail and who incur costs for the storage of such mail, or for the time spent accessing, reviewing, and discarding such mail, or for both. The receipt of a large number of unwanted messages also decreases the convenience of electronic mail and creates a risk that wanted electronic mail messages, both commercial and noncommercial, will be lost, overlooked, or discarded amidst the larger volume of unwanted messages, thus reducing the reliability and usefulness of electronic mail to the recipient. Some commercial electronic mail contains material that many recipients may consider vulgar or pornographic in nature.

The growth in unsolicited commercial electronic mail imposes significant monetary costs on providers of Internet access services, businesses, and educational and nonprofit institutions that carry and receive such mail, as there is a finite volume of mail that such providers, businesses, and institutions can handle without further investment in infrastructure. Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully disguise the source of such mail.

Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully include misleading information in the messages' subject lines in order to induce the recipients to view the messages. While some senders of commercial electronic mail messages provide simple and reliable ways for recipients to reject (or 'opt-out' o0 receipt of commercial electronic mail from such senders in the future, other senders provide no such 'opt-out' mechanism, or refuse to honor the requests of recipients not to receive electronic mail from such senders in the future, or both.

Many senders of bulk unsolicited commercial electronic mail use computer programs to gather large numbers of electronic mail addresses on an automated basis from Internet websites or online services where users must post their addresses in order to make full use of the website or service.

The problems associated with the rapid growth and abuse of unsolicited commercial electronic mail cannot be solved by the government alone. The development and adoption of technological approaches and the pursuit of cooperative efforts with other countries will be necessary as well.

According to the passage, efficiency of e-mail is threatened by ______.

A.heavy e-mail traffic

B.fraudulent e-mail messages

C.large volume of messages

D.increasing amount of unwanted e-mail



Electronic mail has become an extremely important and popular means of communication.

The convenience and efficiency of electronic mail are threatened by the extremely rapid growth in the volume of unsolicited commercial electronic mail. Unsolicited commercial electronic mail is currently estimated to account for over half of all electronic mall traffic, up from an estimated 7 percent in 2001, and the volume continues to rise. Most of these messages are fraudulent or deceptive in one or more respects.

The receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic mail may result in costs to recipients who cannot refuse to accept such mail and who incur costs for the storage of such mail, or for the time spent accessing, reviewing, and discarding such mail, or for both. The receipt of a large number of unwanted messages also decreases the convenience of electronic mall and creates a risk that wanted electronic mail messages, both commercial and noncommercial, will be lost, overlooked, or discarded amidst the larger volume of unwanted messages, thus reducing the reliability and usefulness of electronic mail to the recipient. Some commercial electronic mail contains material that many recipients may consider vulgar or pornographic in nature.

The growth in unsolicited commercial electronic mail imposes significant monetary costs on providers of Internet access services, businesses, and educational and nonprofit institutions that carry and receive such mail, as there is a finite volume of mail that such providers, businesses, and institutions can handle without further investment in infrastructure. Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully disguise the source of such mall.

Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mall purposefully include misleading information in the messages' subject lines in order to induce the recipients to view the messages. While some senders of commercial electronic mail messages provide simple and reliable ways for recipients to reject (or 'opt-out' of) receipt of commercial electronic mall from such senders in the future, other senders provide no such 'opt-out' mechanism, or refuse to honor the requests of recipients not to receive electronic mail from such senders in the future, or both.

Many senders of bulk unsolicited commercial electronic mail use computer programs to gather large numbers of electronic mail addresses on an automated basis from Internet websites or online services where users must post their addresses in order to make full use of the website or service.

The problems associated with the rapid growth and abuse of unsolicited commercial electronic mall cannot be solved by the government alone. The development and adoption of techno-logical approaches and the pursuit of cooperative efforts with other countries will be necessary as well.

According to the passage, efficiency of e-mail is threatened by ______

A.heavy e-mail traffic

B.fraudulent e-mail messages

C.large volume of messages

D.increasing amount of unwanted e-mail



One of the most interesting experiments in electronic communication I've ever seen is coming from Wave. It's real—time e-mail. What that means is that as you're typing a message in Wave, either a new message or a reply, the person you're writing to can see what you're typing as you type it. Sounds awful, right?

You don't have to use Wave in this real—time way. It also works as a standard e-mail. What's really different about Wave is that if you're replying to a message and the person you're replying to happen to be online, they can jump into the conversation at that point, and change what is an email conversation into an instant message conversation or a chat.

Wave right now is still closed to most users. And Wave isn't yet connected to other communication systems, like regular e-mail, which means that the only people we can Wave with are other people on Wave as well. So we don't yet know what using Wave will be like once it gets crowded like e-mail. Also, the technology behind Wave is far more demanding on servers and the Internet itself than regular e-mail or chat, so we don't know if the technology will work at scale.

But Wave really is a current re-think of e-mail. A lot of people won't like it. A lot of people didn't like e-mail either when it first showed up. But people will find real uses for Wave or whatever it becomes, and it's one of the most interesting new takes on communication. Even if you don't like it, it will make you think differently about e-mail.

What is special about Wave?

A.It makes people see each other online.

B.It enables people to send real—time e-mails.

C.It allows you to send more e-mails at the same time.

D.It can be easily connected to other communication systems.



One of the most interesting experiments in electronic communication I've ever seen is coming from Wave. It's real—time e-mail. What that means is that as you're typing a message in Wave, either a new message or a reply, the person you're writing to can see what you're typing as you type it. Sounds awful, right?

You don't have to use Wave in this real—time way. It also works as a standard e-mail. What's really different about Wave is that if you're replying to a message and the person you're replying to happen to be online, they can jump into the conversation at that point, and change what is an email conversation into an instant message conversation or a chat.

Wave right now is still closed to most users. And Wave isn't yet connected to other communication systems, like regular e-mail, which means that the only people we can Wave with are other people on Wave as well. So we don't yet know what using Wave will be like once it gets crowded like e-mail. Also, the technology behind Wave is far more demanding on servers and the Internet itself than regular e-mail or chat, so we don't know if the technology will work at scale.

But Wave really is a current re-think of e-mail. A lot of people won't like it. A lot of people didn't like e-mail either when it first showed up. But people will find real uses for Wave or whatever it becomes, and it's one of the most interesting new takes on communication. Even if you don't like it, it will make you think differently about e-mail.

What is special about Wave?

A.It makes people see each other online.

B.It enables people to send real—time e-mails.

C.It allows you to send more e-mails at the same time.

D.It can be easily connected to other communication systems.



听力原文:Woman: So this is the Internet?

Man: Well, it's the World Wide Web, which is part of the Internet,

W: Wow ... and, uh, what do you use it for?

M: Oh, well, (4[C])I can sit here in my office and do almost anything.

W: Well, like what?

M: Well, this morning, the first thing I did when I got up was to turn on the computer. In a couple of minutes, I was reading the newspaper from Chicago.

W: Wow.

M: Yeah, you can read hundreds of newspapers from around the world.

W: That's amazing.

M: That's just the start. Then I checked my e-mail. There was a message from my dad in Chicago, one from my sister in San Francisco, and a message from my brother in Hong Kong. (5[A])My dad's message was to tell me not to forget my mom's birthday. So I sent her an electronic birthday card.

W: An electronic birthday card?

M: Uh-huh.

W: Fantastic.

M: (6[D])My sister wanted to know if I was planning to visit her in San Francisco during my vacation,

W: So., are you?

M: Well, I checked an airline reservation service. I looked at the schedule and picked a flight, booked it, and sent the information to my sister. After about an hour she sent me a reply saying she'd pick me up at the airport.

W: No way! You can see video images through your computer?

M: Absolutely, Sure. Amazing, isn't it?

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Family relationship

B.Meeting the sister at the airport.

C.The things they can do with the Internet.

D.The busy day of the man.

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