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【A popular service that has attercted the interest...

【A popular service that has attercted the interest of companies and has home users alike is the sending of voice signals over an IP-based network, such as the Internet. The practice of making telephone calls over the internet has had a number of different names, including packet voice, voice over packet, voice over the internet, internet telephone, and Voice over Ip(Voip). But it appears the industry has settled on the term”Voice ove IP” in reference to the internet protocol, which controls the transfer of data over the internet. There are currently three ways to deliver VoIp to users, the first technique is found at the corporate level. Many companies are offering VoIP systerms that operate over a local area network. These systems involve a fair amount of equipment, such as VoIP servers, special IP-enabled telephones, and routers that can direct telephone calls. Today a large portion of corporate sites have converted their older internal telephone systems to VoIP systems that opreate over a LAN, thus converging two systems into one. A second common solution is the one often encountered at home. Using existing telephones, a special converter is added between the telephone and a high speed internet(DSL or cable modem)connection. The converter digitizes the voice signal and creates a stream of packets that are then sent over an ip connection.The third technique involves smart cell phones. Never cell technologies are all packet-based, thus requiring a telephone call to be converted to digital packets and sending those packets over IP networks.】

From the paragraph above,a popular service that has attracetd the interest of companies and home users,is termed as () . The data transfer over the Internet is controlled by the () . At corporate level, many companies have replaced their older internal telephone systerms with () that oprerate over a local area network.

A、voice over the internet B、voice over packet C、Voice over IP D、internet telephony A、packet B、internet protocol C、industry D、VoIp servers A、VoIP systems B、IP-enablde telephones C、VoIP servers D、routers

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更多“【A popular service that has at…”相关的问题


【A popular service that has attercted the interest of companies and has home users alike is the sending of voice signals over an IP-based network, such as the Internet. The practice of making telephone calls over the internet has had a number of different names, including packet voice, voice over packet, voice over the internet, internet telephone, and Voice over Ip(Voip). But it appears the industry has settled on the term”Voice ove IP” in reference to the internet protocol, which controls the transfer of data over the internet. There are currently three ways to deliver VoIp to users, the first technique is found at the corporate level. Many companies are offering VoIP systerms that operate over a local area network. These systems involve a fair amount of equipment, such as VoIP servers, special IP-enabled telephones, and routers that can direct telephone calls. Today a large portion of corporate sites have converted their older internal telephone systems to VoIP systems that opreate over a LAN, thus converging two systems into one. A second common solution is the one often encountered at home. Using existing telephones, a special converter is added between the telephone and a high speed internet(DSL or cable modem)connection. The converter digitizes the voice signal and creates a stream of packets that are then sent over an ip connection.The third technique involves smart cell phones. Never cell technologies are all packet-based, thus requiring a telephone call to be converted to digital packets and sending those packets over IP networks.】

From the paragraph above,a popular service that has attracetd the interest of companies and home users,is termed as () . The data transfer over the Internet is controlled by the () . At corporate level, many companies have replaced their older internal telephone systerms with () that oprerate over a local area network.

A、voice over the internet B、voice over packet C、Voice over IP D、internet telephony A、packet B、internet protocol C、industry D、VoIp servers A、VoIP systems B、IP-enablde telephones C、VoIP servers D、routers



It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson. You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can【76】. Try not to let your personal feelings about the salesperson【77】you to make a purchase. Remember that your are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you wish【78】the product or service, and you are entitled to get a clear, complete【79】. You can tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter for a few days,【80】that want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can walk【81】from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. If a salesperson telephones you, you do not have to listen to the person's entire "lecture" or respond to it in a friendly way. You can simply【82】the telephone without saying anything.

There are, of course, many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in【83】your reasonable products and prices. If you are in【84】about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to【85】another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you. If you receive unwanted goods in the mail, you are not obligated to pay for it.








听力原文: The State Department criticized the Nicaraguan government for allegedly refusing to grant US officials access to Eugene Hasenfus. He's the survivor of Sunday's plane crash inside Nicaragua. State Department spokesman Charles Redmond said, "Our representative was not received by the Nicaraguan government And we view this with the utmost seriousness. The rendering of consular services is an essential part of the function of an embassy. The Sandinista government has once again taken action to make that function difficult and has raised the question of whether, indeed, a US embassy can function normally within Nicaragua. We frankly cannot accept the delay in granting consular access since the Sandinista government has apparently gone to some lengths to parade Mr. Hasenfus before the press, and considering the fact that a government spokesman stated clearly on American television that access would be granted. "Meanwhile President Bush today denied that the downed plane allegedly carrying arms to Contra rebels was operating under official US orders. He also acknowledged that the government has been aware that private American groups and citizens have been helping the anti-government forces in Nicaragua.

The US criticized the Nicaraguan government because ______.

A.the latter interfered in consular services of the US embassy.

B.the latter didn't receive one representative of US officials.

C.the former was mad at deeds of the Sandinista government.

D.the former worried about the safety of Eugene Hasenfus.



You are going to read a magazine article in which five people talk about railway journeys. For questions 22-35, choose from the people (A-E). The people maybe chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these maybe given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Which person or people

found on returning years later that nothing had changed? 0 E

was unable to count on the train service? 【S1】______

enjoyed the company of fellow passengers? 【S2】______

found the views from the train dramatic? 【S3】______ 【S4】______

welcomed a chance to relax on the trip? 【S5】______

was never disappointed by the journey? 【S6】______

has a reason for feeling grateful to one special train? 【S7】______

traveled on a railway which is no longer in regular service? 【S8】______

regretted not going on a particular train trip? 【S9】______

used to travel on the railway whenever possible? 【S10】______

learnt an interesting piece of information on a train journey? 【S11】______

took a train which travelled from one country to another? 【S12】______

says that the railway had been looked after by unpaid helpers? 【S13】______

was once considered not old enough to travel by train? 【S14】______

On the rails

Five celebrities tell Andrew Morgan their favourite memories of railway journeys.

A Andrea Thompson—Newsreader

I fell in love with the south of France a long time ago and try to get back there as often as I can. There's a local train from Cannes along the coast which crosses the border with Italy. It takes you past some of the most amazing seascapes. It never matters what the weather is like, or what time of the year it is, it is always enchanting. Out of the other window are some of the best back gardens and residences in the whole of France. You feel like someone peeping into the property of the rich and famous. The travelers themselves are always lively because there is an interesting mix of tourists and locals, all with different itineraries but all admirers of the breath taking journey.

B Rod Simpson—Explorer

I have enjoyed so many rail journeys through the years, but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the Nile Valley Express, which runs across the desert of northern Sudan. The one misfortune in my youth, growing up in South Africa, was missing out on a family train journey from Cape Town to the Kruger National Park. I was regarded as being too young and troublesome and was sent off to an aunt. When I came to live in England as a teenager, I still hadn't travelled by train. London Waterloo was the first real station I ever saw and its great glass dome filled me with wonder.

C Betty Cooper—Novelist

I am indebted to one train in particular: the Blue Train, which took my husband and me on our honeymoon across France to catch a boat to Egypt. It was on the train that my husband gave me a pink dress, which I though



It can be inferred that eBay

A.has a prototype service.

B.has similar ads service like Google.

C.is featured by its auction listings.

D.offers a searchable database of free listings.



It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson.

You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can 【B1】. Try not to let your personal feelings about the salesperson 【B2】 you to make a purchase. Remember that you are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you wish 【B3】 the product or service, and you are entitled to get a clear, complete 【B4】 . You can tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter for a few days, 【B5】 that you want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can walk 【B6】 from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. If a salesperson telephones you, you do not have to listen to the person’s entire“lecture”or respond to it in a friendly way. You can simply interrupt the person and state that you are not interested in the product or service. You can simply 【B7】 the telephone without saying anything.

There are, of course many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in 【B8】 you reasonable products and prices. If you are in 【B9】 about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to 【B10】 another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you. If you receive unwanted goods in the mail, you are not obligated to pay for it.






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