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Which of the following persuasive devices is NOT used in the passage?A.An example of an ar

Which of the following persuasive devices is NOT used in the passage?

A.An example of an artist whose work critics misunderstand

B.The contrast of different points of view

C.The repetition of key ideas and expressions

D.A mention of the most recent trends in art-making

E.Evaluative or judgmental words

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更多“Which of the following persuas…”相关的问题


The author's primary purpose in mentioning van Gogh is most likely toA.cite the case of an

The author's primary purpose in mentioning van Gogh is most likely to

A.cite the case of an artist whose intention was to increase the mystification of the artistic process

B.discuss an artist whose life has been consistently distorted by biographers and filmmakers

C.give an example of an artist depicted as incapable of comprehending his own art work but able to do so in fact

D.provide an instance of an artist whose work can scarcely be understood without the assistance of art critics

E.mention the example of an artist whose critical faculties were rightly overshadowed by his artistic abilities



The passage suggests that the post-modernist relegation of an artwork's author to a minor

and irrelevant post

A.has resulted in a greater embrace of art forms that are sometimes wholly electronic

B.has failed to entirely counter the notion that art-making originates at some point with an individual

C.has enabled artists to demonstrate the visual and textual connections between art and art criticism

D.has tended to increase the intimacy of creation at the expense of the cognition of artists

E.has tended to subtly reinforce the ways in which artists are perceived as martyrs



The passage suggests that the mystification of the artistic process by certain art histori

ans and artists can be traced to

A.the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it

B.an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand

C.a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction

D.a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon

E.a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes



It can be inferred from the passage that prior to the modern era artistic practice was reg

arded as

A.a hermetic field without potential for collaboration, given that it was almost exclusively populated by "misunderstood geniuses"

B.a field less isolated from the practice of critical analysis than the artistic process of the present era

C.more meaningful and useful as a self-critical force than the aesthetic judgments of non-artists, especially art historians

D.primarily concerned with the masking and concealment of artistic meanings from the general public

E.seldom times as specialized as the various branches of science from which art has traditionally been distinguished



The distinction between making art and thinking and writing about it should imply neither

The distinction between making art and thinking and writing about it

should imply neither a mutual exclusiveness nor a hierarchic differentiation of

these processes. Leonardo demonstrated that producing art and theorizing about

Line it need not be antithetically opposed activities and that meaningful contributions

(5) can be achieved successfully in more than one field. Inexplicably, few theorists

have built as memorable architectural structures as his and even fewer artists

have been entrusted with the directorship of an influential art institution.

Unfortunately, as theory and practice became more specialized in the modern

era and their operational framework clearly defined both in the cultural milieu

(10) and the educational process, their independent paths and boundaries have

curtailed possibilities of interaction. The creations of categories and divisions

have further emphasized highly individualized idiosyncrasies and, by exposing

differences, diminished the value of a unifying artistic vocabulary. The

transformative cultural process of the last decades has critically examined the

(15) artificial separations between theoretical and studio practices and disclosed

viable connections between making, writing, thinking, looking and talking

about art. The recent dialogue between the various components of the artistic

discourse has recognized the common denominators shared by theoretical

analyses and artistic production, one of which is clearly exposed by the

(20) argument that the central objective of the theorist and artist is to unmask and

understand artistic meanings in painting or text.

The notion that "true" art is the product of individuals who are incapable of

in-depth understanding, in stark contrast to erudite, restrained and controlled

scholars, is an outdated model. The assumption that artists make art but cannot

(25) or do not have to talk or write about it and that theorists rarely know anything

about the creative process, has been consistently refuted by the many texts

written from Leonardo da Vinci to Mary Kelly. Even van Gogh, a martyr of the

stereotypical "misunderstood genius," whose artistic career has been distorted

by scores of films and books, wrote with lucidity and insight about art and his

(30) work. Apparently, the "mystery" of the creative process, jealously protected

by artists but also selectively cultivated by some art historians has been both a

fascination and frustration for those extrinsic to the process and artists have

exposed the intimacy of creativity while acknowledging the role of cognition in


(35) Even the ironic and subversive demise of authorship of the post-modern and

electronic age acknowledges, at least indirectly, the value of the artist's

individual participation. However, many contemporary artists have abandoned

the hierarchic segregation of the inner realm of the creator and, by combining

theoretical and studio practices, brought a reconciliatory tone to the processes

(40) of making art and analyzing it. Their works, which are often simultaneously

artistic productions and critique of the artistic discourse, make use of visual and


A.reduce the level of control artists have over artistic institutions

B.increase the usefulness of creating a unifying artistic vocabulary

C.permit a greater level of development of knowledge concerning both

D.curtail interactions and establish false boundaries between the two fields

E.complicate the educational process of artists in an unfortunate manner



According to the passage, which of the following findings confirms the author's conclusion

s concerning disease morbidity rates associated with pollutants?

A.Certain organs are more reponsive than others to the hormones created by environmental pollutants.

B.The incidence of breast cancer correlates with the presence of environmental pollutants.

C.A great deal of evidence has been amassed linking environmental pollutants with cancer in animals.

D.Cancer diagnosis has become more reliable than it once was.

E.Cancer of the liver, an organ that is hormonally responsive to environmental pollutants, is rising globally.



In concluding from the lack of increase in the incidence of uterine cancer that environmen

tal pollutants may not play a significant role in the increase of the incidence of breast cancer, the author makes which of the following assumptions?

A.Geographical differences between the rates of susceptibility to uterine cancer and susceptibility to breast cancer are negligible.

B.The human uterus is affected by the same set of environmental pollutants as the human breast.

C.Independent epidemiological studies are generally compatible with the experimental findings performed on humans.

D.It is generally easier to diagnose breast cancer than it is to diagnose uterine cancer.

E.Animal data similarly reflects that breast cancer rates are rising in animals while uterine cancer rates are falling.



The author mentions all of the following as factors which limit the persuasiveness of the

evidence suggesting a link between environmental pollutants and cancer EXCEPT

A.The lack of study of the effects of pollutants on human health

B.Increased diagnosis rates

C.An increase in the worldwide breast cancer rate

D.A decrease in the worldwide uterine cancer rate

E.Geographical differences in cancer susceptibility



The most compelling evidence of the risks of carcinogenic effects of environmental polluta

The most compelling evidence of the risks of carcinogenic effects of

environmental pollutants comes from animal data, such as the reproductive

failure and anomalous development witnessed in birds and fish exposed to DDT.

Line But can human health effects of a compound be judged without a consensus of

(5) independent epidemiological studies and experimental findings on humans

subjects? One would argue not, even though increases in breast cancer have

recently been correlated to exposure to environmental pollutants. Scientists

reviewing worldwide morbidities of certain hormonally responsive organs have

found that while the incidence of breast cancer has been increasing, that of

(10) cancer of the uterus, another hormonally responsive organ, has been

decreasing. There is thus no evident increase in uterine cancer that would

support the claim that a pollutant is causally responsible for the recent increase

in breast cancer. It has been suggested that the increase may be the result of

increased diagnosis, and geographical differences in cancer susceptibility are so

(15) large that the currently available statistics do not permit a definite conclusion.

The primary purpose of the passage is to treat the potential correlation between environmental pollutants and carcinogenic effects in which of the following ways?

A.Explicate the reasons it has been suggested

B.Suggest an alternative correlation

C.Examine its possible implications

D.Criticize the evidence used to support it

E.Present findings that qualifies it



Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?A.Factual data are p

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.Factual data are presented and a hypothesis is proposed.

B.A distinction is introduced then shown not to be a true distinction.

C.A thesis is paraphrased, and two assumptions on which it is based are clarified.

D.A definition is challenged, and two reasons for the challenge are given.

E.An opinion is offered and then placed within a historical framework.

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