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阅读理解。 It’s good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or阅读理解。 It’s good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or not, it can also help you to get closer to people who you care about and who care about you. But how to share your feelings First, you should focus ()5. You can only share your feelings with your parents.



听力原文:W: Good morning, sir.

M: Good morning. I wonder if you can help. I've lost my coat.

W: Where did you lose it, sir?

M: Er... I left it on the.., urn.., underground yesterday morning.

W: Can you describe it?

M: Well, it's a full-length brown overcoat with a check pattern on it. It's got a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collars that keep your ears warm. It's a very nice coat, actually.

W: Hmm. I'm afraid we haven't got anything like that, sir. Sorry.

M: Well, to tell you the truth, I lost another coat last week on the bus. It's a three quarter length coat — it's grey, with big black button and a black belt.

W: Sorry, sir. Nothing like that.

M: And only this morning I left my white raincoat in a park. It's got a silk lining...

W: Look, sir. I'm a busy woman. If you really need a coat so badly, there's a very good second-hand clothes shop just round the comer.

Where does the woman work?

A.At a department store.

B.At the lost and found.

C.At the police station.



Section D

Conventional wisdom says trees are good for the environment. They absorb carbon dioxide—a greenhouse gas—from the atmosphere and store it as carbon while releasing oxygen, a process for which forests have been called "the lungs of the planet". The roots of trees have been thought to trap sediments and nutrients in the soil. Trees have also been credited with steadying the flow of these rivers, keeping it relatively constant through wet and dry seasons, thus preventing both drought and flooding. It is all nonsense, concludes a research published this week. A four-year international study led by researchers at the University of Newcastle, in Britain, and the Free University of Amsterdam, identifies several myths about the link between forests and water. For example, in arid and semiarid areas, trees consume far more water than they trap. And it is not the trees that catch sediments and nutrients, and steady the flow of the rivers, but the fact that the soil has not been compressed.

The World Commission on Water estimates that the demand for water will increase by around 50% in the next 30 years. Moreover, around 4 billion people—one half of the world’s population—will live in conditions of severe water stress, meaning they will not have enough water for drinking and washing to stay healthy, by 2025.

The government of South Africa has been taking a tough approach to trees since it became the first to treat water as a basic human right in 1998. Trees lose water through evaporation (the technical term is transpiration) at twice the rate of grassland or South Africa’s unique fynbos scrubland. In a scheme praised by the hydrologists, the state penalizes forestry companies for preventing this water from reaching rivers and underground aquifers.

In India, large tree-planting schemes not only lose valuable water but complicate the true problem identified by the hydrologists; the unregulated removal of water from aquifers to irrigate crops. Fanners need no permit to drill a borehole and, as most farmers receive free electricity, there is little economic control on the volume of water pumped. In the Kolar district in Karnataka, wells have dried up as the water table has plummeted from six metres to 150 metres below ground. Summary:

It is commonly believed that trees are good for the environment, as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen; the roots of trees can trap water and【41】______ the flow of rivers. However, a recent study has found that this belief is【42】______.

According to the research, trees lose【43】______ water through evaporation than they trap. In South Africa, forestry companies are punished as the trees they planted prevented water from【44】______rivers and underground aquifers. In India, farmers drilled many wells and used the underground water to【45】______their farmland. This has lowered water table to 150 metres below ground. Many trees have been planted and in fact these trees complicate the existing problem.




听力原文: New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The findings of this new study suggest that people who have pets are at less risk from heart disease than those who do not.

The new research was carried out over three years and examined 3,000 people. They took tests that measured a variety of different factors known to be involved in heart disease -- blood pressure and blood levels. Also, people were asked about their lifestyles. The 800 people who owned pets had low levels on each of the factors measured than those who did not own pets. The study also showed that it did not matter what kind of pet was owned -- a cat was as good as a dog -- so the benefits could not be attributed to the exercises involved in walking a dog.

The question is just how pets manage to make their owners more healthy. The obvious answer is that they make their owners feel more relaxed and happy. The Australian scientists who organized this study commented that if a new drug was available that was as effective as simply having a pet ,then this drug would undoubtedly be considered a breakthrough in the control of heart disease.


A.Pets manage to make their owners more healthy.

B.Pets spread many kinds of disease to men.

C.Pet owners enjoy better health because of exercises.

D.Pets can sometimes cause high blood pressure in man.



听力原文: New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The findings of this new study suggest that people who have pets are at less risk from heart disease than those who do not.

The new research was carried out over three years and examined 3,000 people. They took tests that measured a variety of different factors known to be involved in heart disease--blood pressure and blood levels. Also, people were asked about their lifestyles. The 800 people who owned pets had low levels on each of the factors measured than those who did not own pets. The study 'also showed that it did not matter what kind of pet was owned--a cat was as good as a dog— so the benefits could not be attributed to the exercises involved in walking a dog.

The question is just how pets manage to make their owners more healthy. The obvious answer is that they make their owners feel more relaxed and happy. The Australian scientists who organized this study commented that if a new drug was available that was as effective as simply having a pet, then this drug would undoubtedly be considered a breakthrough in the control of heart disease.


A.Pets manage to make their owners more healthy.

B.Pets spread many kinds of disease to men.

C.Pet owners enjoy better health because of exercises.

D.Pets can sometimes cause high blood pressure in man.



听力原文:What's the weather like today?


A.Very well.

B.Yes, it's good.

C.It's sunny.

D.I don't think so.



Man: Anne, it's good to see you back. Do you remember when we were kids, we used to go swimming together? Woman: Yeah. I sure do. I really love this town and I have a lot good memories from here. Man: I want to tell you that we take a lot of pride in the gold medal you won and we are behind you one hundred percent. Question: What does the man think of the woman?

A.The woman is a heroine of her hometown.

B.The woman is a very good swimmer.

C.The woman should support her hometown.

D.The woman should be proud of her gold medal.

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