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When Lewis Ziska wanted to see how a warmer wood with more carbon dioxide in the air would affect certain plants, he didn't set up his experiment in a greenhouse or boot up a computer model. He headed for Baltimore. Cities are typically 7 degrees warmer than the countryside, as well as big sources of CO2. So Ziska, a plant physiologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, compa,ed ragweed growing in vacant lots in Baltimore with ragweed in rural fields—and discovered the dark side of sunny claims that global warming will produce a "greening of planet Earth". Urban ragweed grows three to five times bigger than rural ragweed, starts spewing allergenic pollen weeks earlier each spring and produces 10 times more pollen. In as few as 20 years the whole world will have CO2 levels at least as high as some cities do now. As climate changes due to the greenhouse effect, hayfever sufferers would do well to lay in copious supplies of Kleenex.

From mosquitoes that carry tropical diseases such as malaria, to plants that produce allergenic pollen, scientists are finding that a warmer, CO2-rich world will be very, very. good for plants, insects and microbes that make us sick. Although the most obvious threat to human health is more frequent and more intense heat weaves, such as the one that killed thousands of people in Europe in 2003, that is only the beginning.

In the case of plants, it's not just that they grow faster and shed pollen earlier as the woad warms. The carbon-enriched air also alters their physiology. In a six-year study at a pine forest managed by Duke University, where pipes and fans adjust the CO2 concentration and the air, scientists found that elevated CO2 increases the growth rate of poison ivy. More surprising, by increasing the air's ration of carbon to nitrogen, elevated CO2 also increases the toxicity of urushiol, the rash-causing oil. "Poison ivy will become not just more abundant in the future," says Ziska. "It will also be more toxic. "

Plants interpret warmth and abundant CO2as: what a great climate for reproduction. Monitoring stations in Europe are recording higher pollen counts for allergenic grasses and trees, led by birch and hazel, notes a 2005 study by the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School. Those counts are rising earlier each year: the warming already underway is shifting the pollen season by almost one day per year. By 2017, you'll be reaching for tissues nine days sooner than you do now. More good news: in a greenhouse world po]len will be not only more abundant but more allergenic, he and Ziska find.

Since cities already have the high CO2 levels that the rest of the world can soon expect, "'there is no question these climate-related changes have already begun," says Arlington, Texas, Mayo," Dr. Robert Cluck. "Every summner we're seeing West Nile virus earlier and earlier, and the higher levels of ozone that come with higher temperatures are increasing the rates of asthma and causing heart and lung damage comparable to living with a cigarette smoker. "

In a greenhouse world, tropical diseases will expand their range and their prevalence. For instance, alternating floods and droughts—the pattern that comes with climate change—provide perfect conditions for mosquitoes that carry malaria, West Nile and dengue fever. Warming makes mosquitoes bit more. They'll face fewer predators, too. The frequent droughts expected in a greenhouse world are murder on damselflies and dragonflies.

As dengue fever, yellow fever and malaria extend their range to higher elevations and higher latitudes, those diseases could appear in the developed woad, too. The southern tier of western and eastern Europe, as well as the southern United States, are most at risk, says Harvard's Epstein. Dengue fever has already popped up on the Mexican side of the U.S. border, a worrisome expansion of its current range. Say this for

A.Darkening of the color of plants.

B.Accelerated growth rate of plants.

C.Multiple production of pollen.

D.Earlier arrival of pollen season.



听力原文:W: What a surprise to see you at the supermarket! I thought you always ate in restaurants.

M: The restaurants cost too much. I eat at home.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


A.At the supermarket.

B.In the restaurant.

C.In the man's home.

D.In the woman's home.



听力原文:W: What a surprise to see you at the supermarket ! I thought you always ate in restaurants.

M: The restaurants cost too much. I usually eat at home.

Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the supermarket.

B.In the restaurant.

C.In the man's home.

D.In the woman's home.



Possible Breakthrough in Renewable Energy

Plant scientists at the University of Michigan (90) an intriguing breakthrough. They are excited about a new breed of plant that can produce very high energy yields. The plant, which is a cross-breed of corn, wheat and barley, was originally made for another (91) .

The scientists were initially trying to develop a new feed crop for cattle. While the crop was a failure as cattle feed, additional testing showed that it had excellent biofuel properties.

Currently, the crop is in the experimental stage. Scientists need to do (92) work to determine under what conditions the plant grows best. This testing will be finished soon, and the plant should be out of the laboratory and in field trials by the end of the year.



B.had made

C.have made

D.would make



One day a farmer bought four donkeys at the market place in the village. He got 【B1】 the back of one of 【B2】 and began to ride home.

【B3】 he was riding along, he noticed that 【B4】 were only three donkeys walking 【B5】 him.

He expected to see four. "I 【B6】 what happened, "he said to himself, "I bought four and paid 【B7】 four donkeys, but now it appears that I have only 【B8】 ".He was forgetting, of course, to 【B9】 the donkey he was riding.

When he got home, his wife met him in front of their house. "I see you bought 【B10】 fine donkeys," she said," 【B11】 you buy them for a good price?"

"Yes, I did," he said. "but 【B12】 puzzles (使惊奇) me. I bought four donkeys at the place 【B13】 morning. And I am sure that I had all four with me when I left the village. But now it seems that I have 【B14】 three. See?" He even counted them. "One, two, three."

He still didn't 【B15】 that he climbed onto one of the donkeys in the village and was sitting on its back at that 【B16】 moment. 【B17】 first his wife stared 【B18】 him; waiting for him to 【B19】 , for she thought he was joking. Then when she noticed that he was not, she turned away and laughed." 【B20】 strange, "she said, "You see only three donkeys and I see five."








Science is a cumulative body of knowledge about the natural world, obtained by the application of a particular method practised by the scientist. The word science itself is derived from the Latin scire, which means to know, to have knowledge of or to experience. Technology is the fruit of applied science, it is the concrete expression of research done in the laboratory and applied to manufacturing commodities to meet human needs. The word scientist was introduced only in 1840 by William Whewell, Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. In his Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, he wrote: "We need a name to describe a cultivator of science in general. I should be inclined to call him a scientist." The "cultivators of science" before 1840 were known as "natural philosophers". The founders of the 300-year-old Royal Society were typical "natural philosophers". They were curious, often eccentric persons who poked inquiring fingers at nature. In the process of doing so they stated a technique of inquiry we know today as the "scientific method".

Briefly, these are the steps in the method. First comes the thought that sparks off the inquiry. (For. example, in 1896, the physicist Henri Becquerel, in communications to the French Academy of Sciences, stated that he found that uranium salts emitted rays of unknown nature. His discovery excited Marie Curie. Along with her husband Pierre, she wanted to know more about this radiation. What was it exactly, and where did it come from?)

Second comes the collecting of facts: the techniques of doing this will differ according to the problem to be solved. However it is based on experiments in which one may use anything from a test tube to an earth satellite to gather essential data. (If you do not know the difficulties which the Curies encountered to gather their facts, as they investigated the mysterious uranium rays, I advise you to read the remarkable story in the book Madame Curie by her daughter Eve. )

This leads to step three: organising the facts and studying the relationships that emerge. (These rays were different from anything known. How can this be explained? Did this radiation come from the atom itself? It might well be that other materials also emit radiation. Madame Curie investigated and found this was so. She invented the word radioactivity for this phenomenon. She followed this with further experimental work on only "active" radioelements. )

Step four is the statement of a hypothesis or theory: that is, framing a general truth that has emerged and that may be modified as new facts emerge. (In July 1898, the Curies announced the probable presence in pitchblende ores of a new element endowed with powerful radioactivity. This was the beginning of the discovery of radium. )

Then follows the clearer statement of the theory. (In December 1898, the Curies reported to the Academy of Sciences: "The various reasons we have enumerated lead us to believe that the new radioactive substance contains a new element to which we propose to give the name of Radium. The new radioactive substance certainly contains a very strong proportion of bariums in spite of that its radioactivity is considerable. The radioactivity of radium therefore must be enormous. ")

And the final step is the practical test of the theory--the prediction of new facts. This is essential because from this flows the possibility of control by man of the forces of nature that are newly revealed.

Note how Marie Curie used deductive reasoning in order to push on. "This kind of detective work is basic to the methodology of science. Further, she was concerned with probability and not certainty-in her investigations. Also, although the Curies were doing the basic research work at great expense to themselves in hard physical toil, they knew that they were part of an international group of people all concerned with their search for truth

A.science is concerned about the natural world

B.technology is the result of applied science

C.a scientist is a cultivator of science

D.the scientific method is indispensable in the pursuit of science



You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()

A. Add a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.

B. Add a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.

C. Embed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.

D. Embed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.

E. Set the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.

F. Set the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.

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