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听力原文:Interviewer: What’s the name of your company Interviewee: The Atlas Copco Group.I

听力原文:Interviewer: What’s the name of your company Interviewee: The Atlas Copco Group. Interviewer: What line of business are you in Interviewee: We’re in the mining and industrial sector. Interviewer: What goods or services does your company provide Interviewee: We make compressors and other equipment for the mining and construction industries. Interviewer: How many employees does your company have Interviewee: Over 21,000 world-wide. Interviewer: Where are your headquarters Interviewee: In Sweden, in the capital, Stockholm. Interviewer: Where are your main markets Interviewee: Well, we operate world-wide, but our main market is the Europe Union. ()

A.The mining industry.

B.The service industry.

C.The construction industry.

D.The light industry.

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听力原文:Interviewer: What's the name of your company?

Interviewee: The Atlas Copco Group.

Interviewer: What line of business are you in?

Interviewee: We're in the mining and industrial sector.

Interviewer: What goods or services does your company provide?

Interviewee: We make compressors and other equipment for the mining and construction industries.

Interviewer: How many employees does your company have?

Interviewee: Over 21,000 world-wide.

Interviewer: Where are your headquarters?

Interviewee: In Sweden, in the capital, Stockholm.

Interviewer: Where are your main markets?

Interviewee: Well, we operate world-wide, but our main market is the Europe Union.


A.The mining industry.

B.The service industry.

C.The construction industry.

D.The light industry.



听力原文:Interviewer: What was your holiday location and how did you hear about it?

Interviewee: My holiday location was Waiwera, in New Zealand. It is a thermal spa resort. I was there last year with my parents, my sister and a couple of friends of my parents. My father and my little sister, who inherited the medical problems from my father, need to go to a thermal spa every year for treatment. They used to go to the Polynesian Spa in Rotorua, another famous resort in New Zealand, but last year they decided that they fancied a change. I had never gone with them to a spa because I preferred to spend my holiday at home or go to other places, but last year when they changed the location I decided to go with them. I also decided to go because my sister really wanted me to go with her. My parents found out about this location from some of the people they met in Rotorua. These people said that they were more satisfied with the accommodation and facilities at the Waiwera spa, so my parents were curious and when they returned home they asked me to search on the Internet for some information. They were impressed with the information I found and it was then that they decided to plan a trip there.

Interviewer: So you went with your family and your parents' friends.

Interviewee: Yes. I travelled with my parents, my little sister and some family friends with their three children, so that altogether we were nine people. I was lucky because in the other family there was a boy one year older than me so I had someone to pass the time with and have some fun. There were a lot of elderly people and kids at the spa town, so I was happy that he was with me. We had similar interests. It's good to be with someone with your own age when you are on holiday.

Interviewer: How much time did you spend finding out information about this spa?

Interviewee: I didn't spend so much time searching for the information be- cause the spa has website that was easy: to find. We wanted some more information that wasn't on the website, particularly about how to get there, but we went to a travel agency and they gave us the information that we didn't have and made there the reservations for all of us.

Interviewer: Can you tell us the thing you like most at the spa?

Interviewee: There were so many things that I liked there. I especially liked the accommodation. We stayed at the Waiwera Holiday Inn which is situated right on the beach. It offers spectacular sea views. I think that I will never forget it.

Interviewer: Were there any things that you were not satisfied with?

Interviewee: I think that the bad side of this vacation was that there were so many old people and many many children. Luckily, there were some play areas for children and they stayed there most of the time.

Interviewer: How was your room? Did you have everything you needed?

Interviewee: Yes we had everything we needed. Everything was comfortable and the conditions were great so I have nothing to complain about.

Interviewer: Did you make any new friends? Are you still in touch?

Interviewee: Everyone was very gentle and warm. They really made a good impression. When we needed some help they were very helpful and I felt great. I'm still in touch with the son of my parents' friends.

Interviewer: How did you spend your time? Did you participate in any recreational activities?

Interviewee: I don't have any medical problems like my father and sister, but I still went to the thermal spa. There were a lot of recreational activities to enjoy if we wanted. For example, I played golf because there was a mini golf course. Basketball and volleyball were also available, but we couldn't get enough people together for two proper teams. I also went to swim and I also went scuba diving on the reef not far from the hotel. There was a small group of us with an instructor. It was truly amazing. I cannot describe in words how I felt down there. It was like I was in paradise.


A.The speaker.

B.The speaker's parents.

C.The speaker's father and younger sister.

D.None of the speaker's family does.



听力原文:W: What are the main products of your company?

M: We are a manufacturer of household appliances.

Q: What does the company mainly produce?


A.Frozen foods.

B.Sports goods.

C.Office equipment.

D.Household appliances.



听力原文:W: How did your interview go last week?

M: As you know, it was my first interview. I don't think that I made a good impression on the interviewer. I don't think I' m that qualified for the position. It took only five minutes with three questions.

W: What were the questions? Did they ask you why you want this job?

M: Yes, that was the first question. So, I said that it was a fascinating position and that I could make use of my potential in their company. Well, guess what the second question was?

How many times did the man have an interview?



C.Three times

D.Five times



听力原文:M: What's the purpose of your visit?

W: I'm here to attend a conference on teaching for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

Q: Who is the man?


A.A travel agent.

B.A school teacher.

C.A customs officer.

D.A receptionist.



听力原文:Interviewer: What made you take off to the country in the first place, Tom?

Tom: Well, I suppose anyone who moves to the country wants their life to be different in some way. I mean, if you have always lived in a city, something must happen to make you want to move. In my case, (4[B])I just couldn't face going back into an office again when it came to looking for a new job.

Interviewer: So you began thinking about the country?

Tom: No, at first I just thought about getting a different kind of work, social work with kids or old people.

Interviewer: And what happened? Why didn't you?

Tom: I haven't got any right diplomas, and it would have taken me two years to be qualified. I was not going back to formal education again.

Interviewer: So where did you decide to move?

Tom: I went right to Shropshire. (6[C]) The first problem though was how I could make a living — there are fewer jobs in the country, so I decided to start up on my own.

Interviewer: That's ambitious. How did you start, had you got any skills?

Tom: (7[D])I'd always had a garden and grown some vegetables and flowers, (5[B]) so I thought

of a small holding, a kind of farm. But when I looked at the price, I changed my mind.

Interviewer: Ok, a farm's out, so what next?

Tom: I settled on a nursery and bought my way into a partnership...

Interviewer: Well, ladies and gentlemen, don't go away — we are coming back to Tom's story after the advertisements.

Why did Tom go to live in the country?

A.Because he liked working with children.

B.Because he lost his job.

C.Because he hated the city.

D.Because he wanted to be a farmer.



听力原文:Interviewer: Police in North London are treating as murder the death of a man thought to be in his forties whose body was found in a pedestrian subway in Neasden. The man leading the hunt is Detective Chief Superintendent John Day, who explains what they know of the man's movements in the early hours of this morning.

Detective: What we've learned is the fact that he left the Level One Club which is a drinking club in Neasden Lane about 1: 30 a. m. , and we' re trying to account for movements up till 2:15 because it was about that time he was found by a member of the club, an employee. He was found in the underpass, the pedestrian way, under the North Circular Road. Death was due to multiple head injuries. We understand that there may have been two girls and a man who was drunk in close proximity to the entrance to the subway, who may have seen our man walking in that direction, or any attacker who may have been following him.

Interviewer: About what time would you think that they were there?

Detective: Just after half past one to a quarter to two.

Interviewer: Then in that case the gap you have is really quite short. It's only more or less half an hour or forty minutes.

Detective: In fact, yes, as short as that.

Interviewer: Any idea of what he was wearing?

Detective: Yes, he was wearing, in actual fact, a light-coloured raincoat, grey trousers, black shoes, collar and tie with a metal tie-pin, dark hair, 165cm, fresh complexion.

Interviewer: Is there any speculation that the motive might have been robbery?

Detective: I don't think it is robbery in the circumstances. I'm more inclined to think there was another reason for him to have been attacked.

Interviewer: And how far away from the Neasden underpass was the drinking club?

Detective: Fifty meters.

Interviewer: And at the moment you know of no other people in the area whom you want to talk to, other than the drunk man and the two women who were seen with him or near him at some time?

Detective: Yes. The club closed at half past one and there may have been other people who left the club who went that way. We understand that there were also mini-club drivers parked in the area who may have seen something as well.

Interviewer: As it is, I take it you haven't been able to identify them.

Detective: No, not at this stage.

Interviewer: Well, thank you very much.

How old is the man murdered?

A.In his thirties.

B.In his twenties.

C.In his forties.

D.In his fifties.



听力原文:Interviewer: Good morning Mr. Pitt. Do sit down.

Pitt: Thank you.

Interviewer: First of all, Mr. Pitt, I'd like you to tell me a little about what you've been doing.

Pitt: Well, I left school after I'd done my A Levels.

Interviewer: Ah, yes, A levels. What subjects did you take?

Pitt: I took four subjects, French, German, chemistry and art. Chemistry wasn't my cup of tea, but art always has been.

Interviewer: Art?

Pitt: Well, I really wanted to study art. It didn't turn out like that, because a friend of my fathers offered me a job. It's an accountant in London. A quite big firm, you know.

Interviewer: I see. A firm of accountants. Interesting. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that?

Pitt: It was nearly a year, actually. Well, to be quite honest, I didn't like it. I just couldn't seem to get interested in the job although there were fairly good prospects. So I got a place at the art college to do a three-year diploma course. Interviewer: I see. Now Mr. Pitt, what about hobbies and interests? Er, what do you do in your spare time?

Pitt: I like jazz, traditional and folk music. I don't play, of course, but I do go to quite a lot of concerts and I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I'm in the local Germanic society. I read quite a lot and I've done a bit of photography. Also, I've traveled a lot—hitchhiked all over Europe. Last year, that was.

Interviewer: Very interesting, Mr. Pitt. I think, that's all I wanted to ask about your background. Now let's talk about the management trainee schedule. What exactly do you think a manager does?

Pitt: I don't know a great deal about the work.

Interviewer: But you... have you got any ideas about it? You must have thought about it.

Pitt: Well, I... suppose he has a lot of... er... what is called, policy-making to do. And... he has to know how to work with people, and all about the company.

Interviewer: Mm...

Pitt: Yes, I... should think a manager must know something about all aspects of the work.

Interviewer: Yes, that's right. We like our executive staff to undergo a thorough training. Young men on our trainee schedule have to work through every branch in the company.

Pitt: Oh.

Interviewer: And one of them is accountancy. Presumably you wouldn't like that.

Pitt: Well, if I had to do it, I suppose.., but I was thinking that my French and German would mean that I could specialize in overseas work. I'd like to be some sort of an export salesman and travel abroad.

Interviewer: You know, the glamour of travelling abroad disappears when you've got a hard job or work to do. It's not all fun and game.

Pitt: Oh, yes, I realize that. It's just that my knowledge of languages would be useful.

Interviewer: Now, Mr. Pitt, is there anything you want to ask me?

Pitt: Well, there is one or two things. I'd like to know if I have to sign a contract and what the salary and prospects are.

Interviewer: With our scheme, Mr. Pitt, there is no contract involved. Your progress is kept under constant review. If we, at any time, decide we don't like you, then that's that. We reserve the right to dismiss you.

Pitt: I see.

Interviewer: Of course. You have the same choice about us.

Pitt: Fair enough. And what about the salary?

Interviewer: As for salary, you'll be on our fixed scales, starting at 870 pounds. For the successful trainee, the prospects are very good.

Pitt: I see. Thank you very much.

Interviewer: That's all, Mr. Pitt. You should hear from us in a couple of weeks. One way or the other, or we may ask you to come back for another chat. Thank you.

Pitt: Goodbye, Mrs. Williams.

What subject is Mr. Pitt good at?







听力原文:M: Are you sure you remember the name of the film you saw last week?

W: It's just on the tip of my tongue.

What does the woman say about the film?


A.it is hard to pronounce the name.

B.It is not going to be well received.

C.She has temporarily forgotten its name.

D.She has never heard of the name.



听力原文:Interviewer: Helen, was this business always a dream of yours?

Woman: New, net really, it developed from what we used to do, build fishing boats.

Interviewer: How long have you been in business?

Woman: About eight years, first we built the marina, then we bought boats to rent out for cruising holidays! It's going well.

Interviewer: How many boats de you have? During the summer I bet you're pretty busy.

Woman: Yes, people use them like caravans really, they go up river for their holidays and then bring them back to the moorings here for us to prepare for the next client ...

You hear part of an interview with a businesswoman. What is her business?

A.Hiring out boats.

B.Hiring out caravans.

C.Building boats.

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