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In this part you are required to write an essay about the ways of finding information. You

In this part you are required to write an essay about the ways of finding information. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below. 1. There are different ways of finding information. 2. Which way() do you prefer And why

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In this part you are required to write an essay about the ways of finding information. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below.

1. There are different ways of finding information.

2. Which way(s) do you prefer? And why?



In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled The Energy Problem in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outlines:


1) The energy problem is one of the issues that cause wide concern.

2) One of the ways to solve the energy problem is to slow down the drain on our limited resources.

3) The best way to solve the problem is to develop new sources of energy.



You are required to complete a survey on the ways people spend their holidays according to the following information given in Chinese.









Task 5

Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No.1 to No.5). You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Two simple but effective tips for having a business talk


Gather as much information as you can before the business talk. Practice making your case. Think of the responses you might receive and imagine how you will answer. Try and imagine everything that could possibly occur during the talk, and prepare a response. Take Your Time

It is important to be mentally present and willing to consider what the other party says. Feel free to walk away from the talk for a moment to collect your thoughts and reconsider your position. The other party might say something that changes your idea of the business deal.

Responding too quickly might cause you to miss something important. Take the time to take a breath, drink a glass of water and remind yourself of what you aim to get out of the business talk.

What should you do first in preparing for a business talk?

Gather as much ______ as you can.



For this part, you are allowed to write a composition about "The Way To Success". Your essay should include the following points:

1) Some people succeed, yet others fails in his life.

2) How to have your dream come true?

Your whole composition should be about 160-200 words. Remember to write on ANSWER SHEET 2 clearly.



The Information Superhighway

  Are you too tired to go to the video store but you want to see the movie Beauty and the Beast at home? Want to listen to your favorite guitar player's latest jazz cassette? Need some new reading material, like a magazine or book? No problem. Just sit down in front of your home computer or TV and enter what you want, when you want it, from an electronic catalogue containing thousands of titles.

  Your school has no professors of Japanese, a language you want to learn before visiting Japan during the coming summer holiday. Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video. If you need extra help with a translation assignment or your pronunciation, a tutor can give you feedback via your computer.

  Welcome to the information superhighway.

  While nearly everyone has heard of the information superhighway, even experts differ on exactly what the term means and what the future it promises will look like. Broadly speaking, however, the superhighway refers to the union of today's broadcasting, cable, video, telephone, and computer and semiconductor industries into one large all-connected industry.

  Directing the union are technological advances that have made it easier to store and rapidly transmit information into homes and offices. Fiber-optic cable, for example—made up of hair-thin glass fibers—is a tremendously efficient carrier of information. Lasers shooting light through glass fiber can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire, or tens of thousands of paragraphs such as this one every second.

  The greatly increased volume and speed of data transmission that these technologies permit can be compared to the way in which a highway with many lanes allows more cars to move at faster speeds than a two-lane highway—hence, the information superhighway.

  The closest thing to an information superhighway today is the Internet, the system of linked computer networks that allows up to 25 million people in 135 countries to exchange information.

  But while the Internet primarily moves words, the information superhighway will soon make routine the electronic transmission of data in other formats, such as audio files and images. That means, for example, that a doctor in Europe who is particularly learned will be able to treat patients in America after viewing their records via computer, deciding the correct dose of medicine to give the patient, or perhaps even remotely controlling a blade wielding robot during surgery.

  "Sending a segment of video mail down the hall or across the country will be easier than typing out a message on a keyboard," predicts one correspondent who specializes in technology.

  The world is on "the eve of a new era", says the former United States vice-president A1 Gore, the Clinton administration's leading high technology advocate. Gore wants the federal government to play the leading role in shaping the superhighway. However, in an era of smaller budgets, the United States government is unlikely to come up with the money needed during the next 20 years to construct the superhighway.

  That leaves private industry—computer, phone, and cable companies—to move into the vacuum left by the government's absence. And while these industries are pioneering the most exciting new technologies, some critics fear that profit-minded companies will only develop services for the wealthy. "If left in the hands of private enterprise, the data highway could become little more than a synthetic universe for the rich," worries Jeffrey Chester, president of the Center for Media Education in Washington, D.C.

  Poor people must also have access to high technology, says another expert. "Such access will be crucial to obtaining a high-quality education and getting a good job. So many transactions and exchanges are going to be made through this medium—banking, shopping, communication, and information—that those who have to rely on the postman to send their correspondence risk really falling behind," he says.

  Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.

  The companies denied they were avoiding the poor, but conceded that the wealthy would likely be the first to benefit. "We had to start building someplace," says a spokesman for one of the companies, "and that was in areas where there are customers we believe will buy the service. This is a business."

  Advocates for the poor want the companies building the data highway to devote a portion of their profits to insuring universal access. Advocates of universal access have already launched a number of projects of their own. In Berkeley, California, the city's Community Memory Project has placed computer terminals in public buildings and subway stations, where a message can be sent for 25 cents. In Santa Monica, California, computers have replaced typewriters in all public libraries, and anyone, not just librarians, can send correspondence via computer.

  Many challenges face us as we move closer to the reality of the information superhighway. In order for it to be of value to most people, individuals need to become informed about what is possible and how being connected will be of benefit. The possibilities are endless but in order for the information superhighway to become a reality, some concrete steps need to be taken to get the process started.



While underway and towing an unmanned tank barge you are required to ______.

A.maintain a strict watch on the barge from the towing vessel

B.fly a red flag from the towing vessel

C.open the tops of all empty tanks on the barge

D.take hourly soundings of any loaded tanks on the barge



Task 4

Directions: The following is a list of road signs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 6 through 10.

A--No parking in front of this gate

B--Guest&39;s ear park

C--Dangerous bend

D--Diverted traffic

E--Limited parking

F--Low bridge ahead

G--New hours of parking control

H--Entry to motorway

I--Parking for taxis only

J--No entry

K--Pedestrian crossing ahead

L--Peak hours only

M--Please drive carefully

N--Road closed

O--Speed limit of 48 kmh

P--In case of fire, stay in vehicle

Q--One way

6. ( )弯道危险 ( )访客停车场

7. ( )此路封闭 ( )只准许出租车停

8. ( )前方桥低 ( )只限高峰时段

9. ( )禁止驶入 ( )限速每小时48公里

10. ( )单行道 ( )停车位有限



听力原文: Web service will quietly transform. the way you do business, whether you are ready or not. In this interview, Infrastructure Software director Sutor discusses how and when Web services will change the ways companies do their work.

Mr Sutor, the thought of Web services seems to make a lot of managers anxious. Why is that?

There is a lot of pressure and confusion about Web services. Many business people don't really understand what they are, but they sense there is an IT revolution going on, and they are worried they'll get left behind. Actually, we are in an evolution, not a revolution.

If you think about the ways that business have connected their distinct software in the past — say, placing orders at one end and invoicing and shipping at the other — the problem has been that there have been so many different ways of doing it. A Web service application is simply a piece of software that sits between my partners and me and allows all these different systems to communicate more easily.

What's the real-world example of Web services changing the way a company does business?

Berkins is a major shipping company. One of its units specializes in delivering high-value consumer goods from retailers to homes and goods, like large-screen TVs. To do this, Berkins uses a network of 16,000 agents, who own the trucks. It built a Web-services-based system that essentially created a kind of real marketplace in which agents could select jobs. When Berkins gets a shipping order, the company would pay via Web services simultaneously to all the agents signed for the system. The result has been increased efficiency, faster response time, less idle time for trucks and more satisfied retailers. The system is expected to increase shipping volumes and deliver increased revenue to Berkins by as much as $ 75 million annually.

Many companies are developing Web services software — Microsoft, IBM, and the Sun, among others. If I'm a company considering using Web services, should I wait to see who will become the dominant player?

I don't believe there will be a dominant player in the long mn. Web services are like plumbing. Houses have standardized pipes; they are all designed to connect, and there are rules about how you connect them. Web services are like these standardized pipes. There isn't one single pipe supplier — there are many, and their pipes are all compatible. However, the fixture — the software that Web services technology connects — is where the value is going to be.

With so many quite different systems being connected through Web services, shouldn't companies be concerned about security?

Security is a major area of Web services development, and it needs a lot more complicated work than the security you use to send credit card data over the Web. For example, imagine I have a business that keeps all employees' information in-house in an ERP system. My employees can sit down at our intranet system, enter their series numbers and passwords, and get full access to their job and salary data. Security is provided in some way so that only the appropriate people can view and update HR data.

Are we past the point of early adoption?

Web services are about three years old, so we are past the time when the earliest adopters decided to take a risk on an unproven technology. It's not at all a wild frontier out there now. I'd say we are in the early mainstream period. There will be continued standardization of components that make up Web services, and that process should be complete around the end of 2005.

? You will hear an interview with Sutor about Web services.

? For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

? You will hear the interview twice.

A lot of managers are anxious about Web services because

A.they think there is an IT revolution.

B.they feel they'll get left behind.

C.they know nothing about Web services.

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