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Quelles descriptions sur Georges Braque sont correctes ?

A.Il est l’un des initiateurs du cubisme

B.Au début, il est considéré comme un peintre du fauvisme

C.Il est?un artiste-peintre et un sculpteur fran?ais.

D.Lui et Picasso, ils font partie des différents mouvements de peintur


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听力原文: Despite reports of intimidation, Zimbabweans swarmed to polling stations on the final day of voting in the most competitive parliamentary election in Zimbabwe's history. On the first day of voting, lines of hundreds of voters sneaked around some of the country's 4,000 polling stations. A total of 120 seats were being contested, and Mugabe appoints another 30 law makers giving him and his party a built-in advantage.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the news?

A.Zimbabweans stayed away from voting.

B.Zimbabweans were enthusiastic about voting.

C.Only a few Zimbabweans turned up to vote.

D.Zimbabweans believed that Mugabe would win.



听力原文: Despite reports of intimidation, Zimbabweans swarmed to polling stations on the final day of voting in the most competitive parliamentary election in Zimbabwe's history. On the first day of voting, lines of hundreds of voters sneaked around some of the country's 4,000 polling stations. A total of 120 seats were being contested, and Mugabe appoints another 30 law makers giving him and his party a built-in advantage.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the news?

A.Zimbabweans stayed away from voting.

B.Zimbabweans were enthusiastic about voting.

C.Only a few Zimbabweans turned up to vote.

D.Zimbabweans believed that Mugabe would win.



Salaries for positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.

A) temporary    B) voluntary           C) optional           D) legal




Obviously your recent quotations seems workable as it is in line with()market.

A. depressed

B. prevailing

C. today

D. latest



Doing Business in Asia

Many Westerners wanting to do businesses in Asian nations seek information and advice about things they need to know in order to be successful. By Westerners who have already been working in Asian nations, they are told to remember as priorities the "Fs": family, face, fate, favors and friends. Although they do have some subtle differences in meanings and connotations in different parts of Asia, nevertheless, Western businessmen need to be sensitive to these issues if they wish to be successful. The five "Fs" are explained in the following way.

Family: This means that business is often closely connected to family and that there is a family network that branches out regionally and internationally, providing efficient political, financial and emotional support, as well as distribution knowledge. This networking is particularly obvious among Chinese who control huge business segments in Asia and are by far the most successful business group in the region. Their large presence also helps--Singapore is 77 percent Chinese; Malaysia, 45 percent; Taiwan, a Chinese province, 99 percent. Indonesia and the Philippines also have sizable and prosperous Chinese communities. It is explained that the importance of family goes back to Confucius, who taught that family represents relationships that one can trust. Although families in the West may be connected, they are almost never as closely connected as in Confucian Asia. This family dependence is also tree in Korea. The largest corporation in South Korea is Hyundai, a multibillion-dollar company. Headed by the eldest brother, the company's five major divisions are either managed by one of the five brothers, a brother-in-law or a son-in-law.

Face: Two interpretations are given for the meaning of "face". One is literal--Asians like to do business face-to-face. They want to put a face together with a business, to recognize an individual and to associate with a given company. Many foreign companies have made the mistake of sending a series of different executives to Asia during lengthy contract negotiations. They are advised not to do this; if negotiations are started by one individual, they should be completed by that same person if at all possible. However, if a change must be made, then the first person should take the new one and formally present him as his successor so that the two faces are identified. The second interpretation of "face" is that in a way it means "respect". The businessman is told that he must show the "proper respect" according to the age and position of the person he is dealing with and also take into account the size of the person's company in comparison with his own. In Western countries, age is not necessarily given respect, but in Confucius Asia, age is given great respect. Thus businessmen are told to always pay attention to any elderly persons attending a business meeting. They are also warned that it is very difficult for Japanese to speak directly and say no. They will do almost anything to avoid saying no, even to the point of not giving an answer at all. By giving no answer or saying something like “I’ll think about it", or "I'll consider it". They are "saving face", and really mean "no". This is the opposite of the Western "yes or no" mentality. Thus a Western businessman is warned never to put a Japanese businessman in the position of having to say "yes" or "no".

Businessmen are also given advice about how to show "face" to someone of higher rank. Richard Tallboy, CEO of the World Coal Organization, who has had extensive experience in Asia, tells foreigners not to forget the "Chairman's 1/2 percent of the chairman's own pocket." He says that this means they should always start negotiating at a higher price with Asians. In the first round negotiations foreigners should allow themselves to come down in price 10 percent. In the second round of negotiations they should at last






Global Warming Is Harmful to Health

Computer models show that many diseases will surge as the earth's atmosphere heats up.Signs of the predicted troubles have begun to appear.

Today few scientists doubt the atmosphere is warming.Most also agree that the rate of heating is increasing and that the consequences of this temperature change could cause more damage. Even high school students can tell some outcomes: the oceans will warm and glaciers ( 冰川) will melt, causing sea levels to rise.Meanwhile the regions suitable for farming will shift.Weather patterns should also become stranger and storms more severe.Yet less familiar effects could be equally detrimental (有害的).Notably, computer models predict that global warming, and other climate alternations it causes, will expand the influence and distribution of many serious medical disorders, Disturbingly, these forecasts seem to be coming true.

Heating of the atmosphere can influence health through several routes, Most directly,it can generate more, stronger and hotter heat waves, which will become especially dangerous if the evenings fail to bring cooling air.Unfortunately, a lack of nighttime cooling seems to be the case.The atmosphere is heating unevenly and is showing the biggest rises at night, in winter and at latitudes higher than about 50 degrees.In some places, the number of deaths related to heat waves is projected to double by 2020. Prolonged heat can, moreover, enhance production of smoke and fog.Both effects have been linked to respiratory (呼吸道的) Symptoms.Global warming can also threaten human beings indirectly by causing rapid swings between flood and drought, which promotes, by various means, the emergence and spread of infectious disease.

The prospect is deeply troubling, because infectious illness is monster that can be very hard to put back into its bottle.It may kill fewer people in one time than a raging flood or a drought, but once it takes root in a community, it can hardly be erased and can invade other areas.

Floods and drought associated with global climate change could undermine health in other ways as well.They could damage crops and make them vulnerable to infection,

thereby reducing food supplies and potentially contributing to lack of nutrition.

第 16 题 Most scientists doubted that global warming would cause serious damage.



C.Not mentioned



Is nothing sacred? Even the idle weekend pastime of skimming stones on a lake has been taken apart and reduced to a mathematical formula.

Everyone knows a stone bounces best on water if it's round and flat, and spun towards the water as fast as possible. Some enthusiasts even travel to international stone-skimming competitions, like world champion Jerdone Coleman-McGhee, who made a stone bounce 38 times on Blanco River, Texas, in 1992.

Intuitively,a flat stone works best because a relatively large part of its surface strikes the water, so there's more bounce. Inspired by his eight-year-old son, physicist Lyderic Bocquet of Lyon University in France wanted to find out more. So he tinkered with some simple equations describing a stone bouncing on water in terms of its radius(半径) ,speed and spin, and taking account of gravity and the water's drag.

The equations showed that the faster a spinning stone is travelling, the more times it will bounce. So no surprise there. To bounce at least once without sinking, Bocquet found the stone needs to be travelling at a minimum speed of about 1 kilometre per hour.

And the equations also backed his hunch(直觉) that spin is important because it keeps the stone fairly flat from one bounce to the next. The spin has a gyroscopic(陀螺的) effect, preventing the stone from tipping and falling sideways into the water.

To match the world record of 38 bounces using a 10-centimetre-wide stone, Bocquet predicts it would have to be travelling at about 40 kilometres per hour and spinning at 14 revolutions a second. He adds that drilling lots of small pits in the stone would probably help, by reducing water drag in the same way that dim pies on a golf ball reduce air drag. "Although I suppose that would be cheating," says Bocquet.

He and his team at Lyon hope to design a motorized "catapult" that can throw stones onto a lake with a precise speed and spin, to test if the predictions stand up.

Bocquet adds that he's probably just rediscovering a piece of history. British engineer Barnes Wallis must have done the same sort of maths and experiments when he was designing his famous bouncing bombs for the Dambusters squadron(中队) during the Second World War.

Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?

A.International stone-skimming competitions.

B.How to make stone-skimming more enjoyable.

C.Stone-skimming is a sacred thing.

D.The mathematical formula for stone-skimming.



Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from home'? The answers lie in the way Americans live today. During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and other convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen range.

Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime defense plants took more women out of the home than ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother. Unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are net fully liberated from that chore.

It's easier to pick up a bucket of fried chicken on the way home from work or take the family out for pizzas or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day. Also nowadays, the rising divorce rate means that there are more single working parents with children to feed. And many young adults and elderly people, as well as unmarried and divorced mature people, live alone rather than as a part of a family unit and don’t want to bother cooking for one. Fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn’t require any dressing up, it offers a “ fun” break in the daily routine, and the outlay of money seems small. It can be eaten in the car—sometimes picked up at a drive-in window without even getting out—or on the run. Even if it is brought home to eat, there will never be any dirty dishes to wash because of the handy disposable wrappings. Children, especially, love fast food because it’s finger food, no struggling with knives and forks, no annoying instructions from adults about table manners.

Americans enjoy fast food mainly because ________.

A.it can be eaten in the car

B.it is much more tasty than home-made food

C.one only uses his Fingers while eating it

D.it is time-saving and convenient

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