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根据短文内容,判断正()5. Lucy is playing with the cat.

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Mother ______ ______ (叫我) not play with the cat.





Calling for Safe Celebrations

Last Fourth of July, Pete, a 14-year-old boy, was enjoying the lit-up skies and loud booms from the fireworks (烟花) being set off in his neighborhood. Suddenly, the evening took a terrible turn. A bottle rocket shot into his eye, immediately causing him terrible pain His family rushed him to the emergency room for treatment. As a result of the injury, Pete developed glaucoma (青光眼) and cataracts (白内障). Today, Pete has permanent vision loss in his injured eye because of his bottle rocket injury.

June is Fireworks Eye Safety Awareness Month, and through its EyeSmart

campaign the American Academy of Ophthalmology (眼科学) wants to remind consumers to leave fireworks to professionals (专业人员). "There is nothing worse than a Fourth of July celebration ruined by someone being hit in the eye with a bottle rocket," said Dr John C. Hagan, clinical correspondent for the Academy and an ophthalmologist at Discover Vision Centers in Kansas City. "A safe celebration means letting trained professionals handle fireworks while you enjoy the show." ~

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 9,000 fireworks-related injuries happen each year. Of these, nearly-half are head-related injuries, with nearly 30 percent of these injuries to the eye. One-fourth of fireworks eye injuries result in permanent vision loss or blindness. Children are the most common victims of firework abuse (伤害), with those fifteen years old or younger accounting for 50 percent of fireworks eye injuries in the United States. Dr Hagan estimates that his practice sees more than 30 injuries each year from fireworks.

Even fireworks that many people consider safe represent a threat to the eyes. For children under the age of five, apparently harmless sparklers (花炮) account for one-third of all fireworks injuries. Sparklers can burn at nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏).

31 What happened to Pete last Fourth of July?

A He was burned in a house fire.

B He was hurt in a fight.

C He was caught in a heavy rain.

D He was hit in the eye




The Building of the Pyramids

The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems like that __________ (46). There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the "Step" pyramid and the "Bent" pyramid.<br>

Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, __________ (47). The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape __________ (48). These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever.<br>

It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids __________ (49).<br>

However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used. Nevertheless,by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.<br>

One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning __________ (50). The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere.<br>

Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.<

第46题___________ 查看材料

A.for stone to use in modem buildings

B.has made them less likely to fall into ruin

C.before they could begin to build

D.because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved

E.while building the pyramids

F.they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet





Thinkyoucanwalk,drive,takephonecalls,e-mailandlistentomusicatthesametime?Well,NewYork'snewlawsaysyoucan't. (46)Thelawwentintoforcelastmonth,followingresearchandashockingnumberofaccidentsthatinvolvedpeopleusingelectronicgadgets(小巧机械)whencrossingthestreet.

Who'stoblame? (47)"Weareundertheimpressionthatourbraincandomorethanitoftencan,"saysReneMarois,aneuroscientist(神经科学家)inTennessee."Butacorelimitationistheinabilitytoconcentrateontwothingsatonce."

Theyoungpeopleareoftenconsideredthegreatmulti-taskers. (48)Agroupof18-to21-year-oldsandagroupof35-to39-year-oldsweregiven90secondstotranslateimagesintonumbers,usingasamplecode. (49)Butwhenbothgroupswereinterruptedbyaphonecalloraninstantmessage,theoldergroupmatchedtheyoungergroupinspeedandaccuracy.

Itisdifficulttomeasuretheproductivitylostbymulti-taskers.ButitisprobablyalotJonathanSpira,chiefanalystatBasex,abusiness-researchfirm,estimatesthecostofinterruptionstotheAmericaneconomyatnearly$650billionayear. (50)Thesurveysconcludethat28percentoftheworkers'timewasspentoninterruptionsandrecoverytimebeforetheyreturnedtotheirmaintasks.

A Andyou'llbefined$100ifyoudosoonaNewYorkCitystreet

B Talkingonacellphonewhiledrivingbringsyoujoyanyway

C Theestimateisbasedonsurveyswithofficeworkers

D Theyoungergroupdid10percentbetterwhennotinterrupted

E However,anOxfordUniversityresearchsuggeststhisperceptionisopento question.

F Scientistssaythatourmultitasking(多任务处理)abilitiesarelimited.




The Day a Language Died

When Carios Westez died at the age of 76, a language died, too. Westez, more commonly known as Red Thunder Cloud, was the last speaker of the Native American language Catawba.<br>

Anyone who wants to hear the songs of the Catawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where, back in the 1940s, Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for future generations. __________ (46) They are all that is left of the Catawba language. The language that people used to speak is gone forever.<br>

We are all aware of the danger that modem industry can cause the world&39;s ecology (生态).<br>

However, few people are aware of the impact widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways of life. English has spread all over the word. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi have become powerful languages as well. __________ (47) When this happens, hundreds of languages that are spoken by only a few die out.<br>

Scholars believe there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than half of them could die out within the next 100 years. There are many examples, Araki is a native language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean. It is spoken by only a few older adults, so like Catawba, Araki will soon disappear. Many languages of Ethiopia will have the same fate because each one has only a few speakers. __________(48) In the Americas,100 languages, each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, are dying out.<br>

Red Thunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the danger of language death and to try to do something about it. He was not actually born into the Catawba tribe, and the language was not his mother tongue.__________ (49) The songs he sang for the Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular. Now he is gone, and the language is dead.<br>

What does it mean for the rest of us when a language disappears? When a plant insect or animal species dies, it is easy to understand what has been lost and to for the balance of the natural word. However, language is only a product of the mind. To be the last remaining speaker of a language, like Red Thunder, must be a peculiarly lonely destiny, almost as strange and terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species. __________ (50)<

第46题___________ 查看材料

A.Some people might want to learn some of these songs by hearts.

B.Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different language, but more than 100of them are in danger of extinction ( 灭绝 ) .

C.However, he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carcinoma where he learned the language.

D.These languages don"t have many native speakers.

E.For the rest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of a unique way of seeing and describing the world.

F.As these languages become more powerful, their use as tools of business and culture increase.




Black Holes

Most scientists agree that black holes exist but are nearly impossible to locate. A black hole in the universe is not a solid object, like a planet, but it is shaped like a sphere (球体). Astronomers(天文学家) think that at the center of a black hole there is a single point in space with infinite (无限的 ) density ( 稠密 ) . This single point is called a singularity ( 奇点). If the singularity theory is correct, it means that when a massive star collapses, all the material in it disappears into the singularity. The center of a black hole would not really be a hole at all, but an infinitely dense point.<br>

Anything that crosses the black hole is pulled in by its great gravity.<br>

Although black holes do exist, they are difficult to observe. These are the reasons.<br>

No light or anything else comes out of black holes. As a result, they are invisible to a telescope.<br>

In astronomical terms, black holes are truly. For example, a black hole formed by the collapse of a giant star would have an event horizon (视界) only 18 miles across.<br>

The nearest black holes would be dozens of light years away from Earth. One light year is about 6 trillion (万亿) miles. Even the most powerful telescopes could not pick out an object so small at such a great distance.<br>

In 1994 the Hubble Space Telescope provided evidence that black holes exist. There are still answers to be found, however, so black holes remain one of the mysteries of the universe.<

Black holes are part of space. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

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