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Wht does the womn men The mn hs to hnd in his homework tody.B.The mn cn hnd inWht does the

womn men The mn hs to hnd in his homework tody. B.The mn cn hnd in his homework next dy. C.The mn cn hnd in his homework few dys lter.

A.The man has to hand in his homework today.

B.The man can hand in his homework next day.

C.The man can hand in his homework a few days later.

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更多“Wht does the womn men The mn h…”相关的问题


Wht does Mry men She mens tht her mother is better.B.She thinks her mother is veryWht does Mry men She mens tht her mother is better. B.She thinks her mother is very well. C.She thinks tht her mother is very ill.

A.She means that her mother is better.

B.She thinks her mother is very well.

C.She thinks that her mother is very ill.



听力原文:M: I’ m not surprised you didn’t like tht movie. I found it relly frightening m听力原文:M: I’ m not surprised you didn’t like tht movie. I found it relly frightening myself. W: I did too. I don’ t cre much for horror moviess rule. Wht does the womn men She wsn’t relly very frightened. B.She generlly dislikes horror movies. C.She is very fond of horror movies. D.She doesn’ t cre how horror movies end.

A.She wasn’t really very frighteneD

B.She generally dislikes horror movies.

C.She is very fond of horror movies.

D.She doesn’ t care how horror movies en




听力原文:W: I suppose the traffic in the city is heavy at the end of the day when people are leaving the city for homes.

M: Yes. The worst time is between six and seven. It sometimes takes me forty minutes to drive home. That's twice the time it does when there isn't much traffic.

Q: How long does it take the man to drive from the city to his home when there isn't much traffic?


A.Forty minutes.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.Eighty minutes.

D.Seventy minutes.



Wht does Prgrph 4 minly describe The chllenges the person fced.B.The person’ s grWht does Prgrph 4 minly describe The chllenges the person fced. B.The person’ s grtitude to the mster. C.The chnges experienced by the person. D.The person’ s understnding of the tsk.

A.The challenges the person faceD

B.The person’ s gratitude to the master.

C.The changes experienced by the person.

D.The person’ s understanding of the task.



Womn: I’m tired of drivingll the wy to worknd bck every dy, If only crs could driWomn: I’m tired of drivingll the wy to worknd bck every dy, If only crs could drive themselves ! Mn: Well, some cr mnufcturersre working on them. I guess you’ll soon buy one if you cnfford it. Question: Wht does the mn imply The womn will beble to buyn intelligent cr. B.Crs tht drive themselves my be very expensive. C.He is working with cr producer on intelligent crs. D.Driving to work is relly hedch

A.The woman will be able to buy an intelligent car.

B.Cars that drive themselves may be very expensive

C.He is working with a car producer on intelligent cars.

D.Driving to work is really a headach



听力原文:M: British Englishndmericn Englishre relly the sme,ren’t they W: I don听力原文:M: British Englishndmericn Englishre relly the sme,ren’t they W: I don’t think so. It seems tht some of the spellingsre different. M: You’re fight, Nin. Words like ’theter’nd ’center, end in ’re’ in Englnd insted of in ’er’ like we spell them. Cn you think ofny more exmples W: The word ’color’ M: Good.ctully, mny words which end in ’or’ inmericn Englishre spelled ’our’ in British English. W: OK. Therere some differences in pronuncitionnd mening. M:nywy, we bothgree tht British Englishndmericn Englishre different. Right W: Sure. I quitegree with you. Wht do both of the spekersgree on British Englishndmericn Englishre the sme in mening. B.Notll the spellings in British Englishndmericn Englishre the sme. C.British English is esier thnmericn English.

A.British English and American English are the same in meaning.

B.Not all the spellings in British English and American English are the same

C.British English is easier than American English.



Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work, especially when you are a thin 14 year-old. That was me in 1940 -- the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City's Pennsylvania Railway Station.

After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers. I'd like to join them, thinking," Everyone else is doing it."

When I got home that night, I told my father what I wanted to do. "You give an honest day's work," he said, looking at me straight in my eyes. "They are paying you. If they want to do that, you let them do that."

I followed my father's advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since.

Of all my jobs I've had, it was my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that struck with me. Now I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possessions. Being a member of a team is a totally shared experience. If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can put up with many things, but not with the people who steals. If one of my players was caught stealing, he’d be gone.

Whether you are on a sports team. in an office or a member of a family, if you can't trust one another, there's going to be trouble.

What can be inferred about the baggage boys?

A.They could earn much, but they must work hard.

B.Many of them earned their money in a dishonest way.

C.They were all from poor families.

D.They were all thin, young boys.



Why does Anna say this?

A.To indicate that she does not agree with the man.

B.To assure that the man is addressing his point of view.

C.To indicate that she is a little surprised at his view.

D.To encourage the man to explain why he holds that opinion.



Why does Anna say this?

A.To indicate that she does not agree with the man.

B.To assure that the man is addressing his point of view.

C.To indicate that she is a little surprised at his view.

D.To encourage the man to explain why he holds that opinion.

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