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设 s = ”Happy New Year”, 则 s[3:8]的值为: 设 s = ”Happy New Year”, 则 s[3:8]的值为: 设s="Happy New Year",则s[2:7]为[ ]

A.'ppy Ne'

B.'py Ne'

C.'ppy N'

D.'appy N'

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更多“设 s = ”Happy New Year”, 则 s[3:…”相关的问题


设 s= ‘Happy New Year’,则s[3:8]的值为 ( )

A、‘ppy Ne’

B、‘py Ne’

C、‘ppy N’

D、‘py New’



New Year Traditions

"Happy New Year!", that greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year's Day in modem America was not always January 1.

Ancient New Years

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring) .

The beginning of spring is a logical time to start a new year. After all, it is the season of rebirth, of planting new crops, and of blossoming. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical or agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary.

The Babylonian New Year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year's Eve festivities pale in comparison.

The Romans continued to observe the New Year in late March, but their calendar was continually tampered with by various, emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun.

In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate, in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be (the beginning of the New Year. But tampering continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as The Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the New Year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days.

The Church's View of New Year Celebration

Although in the first centuries A. D. the Romans continued celebrating the New Year, the early Catholic Church condemned the festivities as paganism. But as Christianity became more widespread, the early church began having its own religious observances concurrently with many of the pagan celebrations, and New Year's Day was no different. New Year is still observed as the Feast of Christ's Circumcision by some denominations.

During the Middle Ages, the Church remained opposed to celebrating New Years. January 1 has been celebrated as a holiday by Western nations for only about the past 400 years.

New Year Traditions

Other traditions of the season include the making of New Year's resolutions. That tradition also dates back to the early Babylonians. Popular modern resolutions might include the promise to lose weight or quit smoking. The early Babylonian's most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment.

The Tournament of Roses Parade dates back to 1886. In that year, members of the Valley Hunt Club decorated their carriages with flowers. It celebrated the ripening of the orange crop in California.

Although the Rose Bowl football game was first played as a part of the Tournament of Roses in 1902, it was replaced by Roman chariot races the following year. In 1916, the football game returned as the sports centerpiece of the festival.

The tradition of using a baby to signify the New Year was begun in Greece around 600 t3. C. It was their tradition at that time to celebrate their god of wine, Dionysus, by parading a baby in a basket, representing the annual rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility. Early Egyptians also used a baby as a symbol of rebirth.

Although the early Christians criticized the practice as pagan, the popularity of the baby as a symbol of rebirth forced the Church to reconsider its position. The Church finally allowed its members to celebrate the New Year with a baby, which was to symbolize the birth of the baby Jesus.

The use of an image of a baby with a New Year's banner as a symbolic representation of the New Year was brought to early America by the Germans. They had used the imag

A.It was first celebrated in Babylon.

B.It was first celebrated about 4,000 years ago.

C.It was the oldest of all holidays.

D.It has always been celebrated on January 1st.



A.It's a nice day.

B.Nice to meet you, too.

C.I'm glad to hear that.

D.Happy New Year!



第二节 对话应答


听力原文:Happy New Year!


A.Happy New year!

B.It's New Year.

C.It's raining.



请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹proj3下的工程文件proj3。本题创建一个小型字符串类,字符串长度不超过l00。程序文件包括pmj3.h、proj3.cpp、writeToFile.obj。补充完成重载赋值运算符函数,完成深复制功能。 屏幕上输出的正确结果应该是: Hello! Happy new year! 补充编制的内容写在“//**********333**********”与“//**********666**********”两行之间。 不得修改程序的其他部分。 注意: 程序最后调用writeToFil。函数,使用另一组不同的测试数据,将不同的运行结果输出到文件0ut?dat中。 输出函数writeToFile已经编译为obj文件。 //proj3.h include<iostream> include<iomanip> using namespace std; class MiniString { pubhc: friend。8tream&operator<<(oatream&output,const MiniString&s)//重载流插入运算符 { output<<s.sPtr;return output; } friend istream&operator>>(istream&input,MiniString&8)//重载流提取运算符 { char temp[100];//用于输入的临时数组 temp[0]=’\0’://初始为空字符串 input>>setw(100)>>temp; int inLen=strlen(temp);//输入字符串长度 if(inLen!=0) } s.1ength=inLen;//赋长度 if(s.sPtr!=0)delete[]s.sPtr;//避免内存泄漏 s.sPtr=Hew char[s.1ength+1]; strcpy(s.sPtr,temp);//如果8不是空指针,则复制内容 } else s.sPtr[0]=’\0’;//如果s是空指针,则为空字符串 retum input; } void modString(const char}string2)//更改字符串内容 { if(strin92 1=0)//如果strin92不是空指针,则复制内容 { if(strlen(strin92)!=length) { length=strlen(strin92); delete[]sPtr; sPtr=new char[1ength+1];//分配内存 } strcpy(sPtr,strin92); } else sPtr[0]=’\0’;//如果string2是空指针,则为空字符串 } MiniString&operator=f const MiniString&otherString); MiniString(corot char*s=""):lengtll((s!=0)?strlen(s):0)//构造函数 { sPtT=0: if(1ength[=0) setString(S); } ~MiniString//析构函数 {delete[]sPtr;} private: int length;//字符串长度 char*sPtr;//指向字符串起始位置 void setString(const char*string2)//辅助函数 { sPtr=Dew char[str|en(string2)+1];//分配内存 if(stnIl92!=0)strcpy(sPtr,string2);//如果string2不是空指针,则复制内容 else slur[0]=\0;//如果string2是空指针,则为空字符串 } }; //pwj3.cpp include<iostream> include<iomanip> using namespace std; include”proj3.h” MiniString&MiniStrin9::0perator=(const MiniString&otherString) {//重载赋值运算符函数。提示:可以调用辅助函数setString //*************333**********

//*************666********** }

int main { MiniSuing strl(”Heuo!”),str2; void writeToFile(const char*); sir2=strl;//使用重载的赋值运算符 str2.modString("Happy new year!"); cout<<strl<<\n: cout<<str2<<\n: writeToFile(""); return 0; }

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