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下面代码的输出结果是()for s in "HelloWorld": if s=="W": continue print(s,end="")





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听力原文:M: I want to do something tonight for a change; let's go to the movies.

W: In this heat? Are you joking?

M: We can go to an outdoor movie. Do you think I'd suggest an indoor one in the middle of the summer in San Diego?

W: I'd rather go out for a meal. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.

M: Why don't we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.

W: That sounds like fun. But they never show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones. All you get is the old classics. It's just what we've seen half a dozen times.

M: But that's why they're classics. They're worth seeing again and again.

W: Another objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.

M: Well, we can find a foreign film with printed translation at the bottom of the screen, then you don't need to hear the sound. I think it would be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.

W: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in. It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval when I found it had melted in my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.

M: Well, we don't go and see a horror film, darling t and take-away meals don't melt.


A.Their favorite movies

B.Jokes for entertainment.

C.Pastime for the night.

D.Their eating habits.



听力原文:M: For Posey's crime, the court will punish him with two years in prison.

W: How do you know? I don't think it will be that long.

What is the response of the woman?

A.She doesn't believe Posey's crime.

B.She doesn't think it long enough.

C.She assumes it can be shorter.

D.She believes a two-year imprisonment is enough.



While human achievements in mathematics continue to reach new levels of complexity, many of us who aren't mathematicians at heart (or engineers by trade) may struggle to remember the last time we used calculus (微积分).

It's a fact not lost on American educators, who amid rising math failure rates are debating how math can better meet the real-life needs of students. Should we change the way math is taught in schools, or eliminate some courses entirely?

Andrew Hacker, Queens College political science professor, thinks that advanced algebra and other higher-level math should be cut from curricula in favor of courses with more routine usefulness, like statistics.

"We hear on all sides that we're not teaching enough mathematics, and the Chinese are running rings around us," Hacker says. "I'm suggesting we're teaching too much mathematics to too many people. . . not everybody has to know calculus. If you're going to become an aeronautical (航空的)engineer, fine. But most of us aren't."

Instead, Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College: Numeracy 101. There, his students of "citizen statistics" learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports. Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable to calculate the price of, say, a carpet by area.

Hacker's argument has met with opposition from other math educators who say what's needed is to help students develop a better relationship with math earlier, rather than teaching them less math altogether.

Maria Droujkova is a founder of Natural Math, and has taught basic calculus concepts to 5-year-olds. For Droujkova, high-level math is important, and what it could use in American classrooms is an injection of childlike wonder.

"Make mathematics more available," Droujkova says. "Redesign it so it's more accessible to more kinds of people: young children, adults who worry about it, adults who may have had bad experiences. "

Pamela Harris, a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, has a similar perspective. Harris says that American education is suffering from an epidemic of "fake math"一an emphasis on rote memorization (死记硬背)of formulas and steps, rather than an understanding of how math can influence the ways we see the world.

Andrew Hacker, for the record, remains skeptical.

"I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says. "All that I ask is that alternatives be offered instead of putting all of us on the road to calculus. "

46. What does the author say about ordinary Americans?

A) They struggle to solve math problems.

B) They think math is a complex subject.

C) They find high-level math of little use.

D) They work hard to learn high-level math.

47. What is the general complaint about America's math education according to Hacker?

A) America is not doing as well as China.

B) Math professors are not doing a good job.

C) It doesn't help students develop their literacy.

D) There has hardly been any innovation for years.

48. What does Andrew Hacker's Numeracy 101 aim to do?

A) Allow students to learn high-level math step by step.

B) Enable students to make practical use of basic math.

C) Lay a solid foundation for advanced math studies.

D) Help students to develop their analytical abilities.

49. What does Maria Droujkova suggest math teachers do in class?

A) Make complex concepts easy to understand.

B) Start teaching children math at an early age.

C) Help children work wonders with calculus.

D) Try to arouse students' curiosity in math.

50. What does Pamela Harris think should be the goal of math education?

A) To enable learners to understand the world better.

B) To help learners to tell fake math from real math.

C) To broaden Americans' perspectives on math.

D) To exert influence on world development.



听力原文:W: We haven't gone out for over a month. Let's go somewhere this evening.

M: Fine, where shall we go?

W: Look in the newspaper to see what's on at the cinema or the theater.

M: I see a new play opened this week.

W: I enjoy a concert.

M: According to the newspaper there aren't any tonight.

W: Aren't there any good films in town?

M: How about "Titanic"? That should be interesting.

W: Good. Let's go.

What are they discussing about?

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.



听力原文:W: We haven't gone out for over a month. Let's go somewhere this evening.

M: Fine, Where shall we go?

W: Look in the newspaper to see what's on at the cinema or the theater.

M: I see a new play opened this week.

W: I enjoy a concert.

M: According to the newspaper there arch't any tonight.

W: Aren't there any good films in town?

M: How about "Dancing in the Dark"? That should be interesting.

W: Good. Let's go.

What are they discussing about?

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.Where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.



There was a big demand for accountants in the 1980s, and many graduates entered the ______ at this time.







There was a big demand for accountants in the 1980s, and many graduates entered the ______ at this time.







听力原文:W: Good morning. I'm Miss Brown. I answered your ad for an experienced advertising executive.

M: Oh, yes, Miss Brown. Won't you have a seat? The manager will see you shortly.

Why is Miss Brown in that office?

A.She is the office manager.

B.She is looking for a new job.

C.She will interview the man.

D.She is learning about advertising.




For every 1,000 married couples in the UK, 13 end up divorced according to statistics. Divorce is often a complicated and messy process, and throws up many pitfalls.

Divorce issues

Such thorny issues as whether to sell your home, which parent will look after your children, and how it will affect any loans you- may have, will all have to be resolved. And if you are divorcing your partner in Scotland rather than in England and Wales then another set of laws will apply.

For many couples, obtaining a divorce has never been easier. The old-fashioned concept of establishing that "one party is at fault" has been consigned to history and the important fact to establish now is that the relationship has "irretrievably broken down".

In court or online?

It is even possible to divorce your partner online, allowing you to save on legal costs — and according to online experts, this can save you about £700 from the average £800. However, this method is only suitable for very straightforward and uncontested divorces.

Alternatively, you can apply for divorce at a county court in England and Wales, but todo this, couples must have been married for at least a year.

The first stage of divorce is obtaining what is known as a "Decree nisi (日后才生效的离婚判决书)". This is granted if the court is satisfied the marriage has "irretrievably broken down", and this is proven by showing one of five things: adultery (通奸行为); unreasonable behaviour; desertion on the part of one partner for at least two years; that the couple have been separated for two years and both spouses consent to divorce; or that the couple have been separated for five yearn.

Your spouse's "unreasonable behaviour" must be so intolerable that nobody could reasonably expect you to carry on living with him or her. It could include, for example, financial recklessness, drinking, gambling, or lack of emotional support. You cannot base your divorce on this if you then live together for a period of more than six months afterwards. This rule also applies to desertion, and the discovery that adultery has taken place.

The second and final stage is obtaining a "Decree absolute" (绝对判决). The divorce can be stopped at any time until this is granted, so it is advisable to sort out all the financial and practical details first.

Using a divorce lawyer

If, as in the vast majority of cases, your relationship is complicated, it is advisable to seek legal advice from a reputable family law solicitor, who will be able to properly advise you about your fights and responsibilities.

If you are unsure how to go about choosing a solicitor then it might be a good idea to consult the Law Society or the Family Law Solicitors Association, who keep a list of accredited lawyers. Alternatively visit the Citizen's Advice Bureau who has a great deal of information regarding such matters.

What are the alternatives?

Mediation is a voluntary service that allows you and your partner to meet with a trained and impartial negotiator (the mediator) to clarify the issues, discuss the available options, and reach decisions acceptable to you both. While the mediator will manage the process of negotiation, he or she is not there to promote either person's interests. The decisions are ultimately yours.

You will still require the services of a solicitor to put your decisions on property or financial matters into legal form. The government is keen for people to attend mediation, and the number of people offering this service has vastly increased in the last few years. You may be required to attend mediation sessions if your divorce is funded by legal aid. For more information visit our feature on Mediation.

What about the children?

Divorce can be especially confusing for children, who are likely to feel bewildered by events and m






Next time you bring your kids in for a checkup, don't be surprised if the doctor asks about their tastes and entertainment. The American Academy of Medicine suggested last week that doctors work with parents to evaluate how much TV kids watch and what they see, what video and computer games they play, which websites they visit on the internet, whether they play website they visit on the Internet, whether they view R-rated videos with the company of their parents, what music they like and what books they read. Doctors are worried that kids who spend too much time in front of the tube don't get enough exercise and can become over-weighted. The Academy is also concerned that the message the kids get from entertainment media can make them more violent and sexually active. The Academy recommends that children under age two not watch any TV. "Children need activities to stimulate the brain during the first two years, of life," says Doctor Marien Barren, who chair the Academy's Committee on public education. "They need feedback and socialization. Older children," she says, "(should watch TV in a common area. Their bedrooms should be electronic media free zones where they could have a quiet place to read, study, play or just relax."

What unusual question may doctors ask when giving kids a checkup next time?

A.How much exercise they get every day.

B.What they are most worried about.

C.How long their parents accompany them daily.

D.What entertainment they are interested in.

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