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A、completed fermented




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Harlem Renaissance—A Brief Introduction

Important Features

1. Harlem Renaissance(HR) is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the middle of the 1930s Depression, during which a group of talented African-American writers produced a sizable body of literature in the four prominent genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.

2. The notion of "twoness", a divided awareness of one's identity, was introduced by W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP). and the author of the influential book The Souls of Black Folks(1903): "One ever feels his two-ness—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled stirrings: two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being tom asunder."

3. Common themes: alienation, marginality, the use of folk material, the use of the blues tradition, the problems of writing for an Mite audience.

4. HR was more than just a literary movement: it included racial consciousness, "the back to Africa" movement led by Marcus Garvey, racial integration, the explosion of music particularly jazz, spirituals and blues, painting, dramatic revues, and others.

A Chronology of Important Events and Publications


- 369th Regiment marched up Fifth Avenue to Harlem, February 17.

- First Pan African Congress organized by W.E.B. Du Bois, Paris, February.

- Race riots in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Charleston, Knoxville, Omaha, and elsewhere, June to September.

- Race Relations Commission founded, September.

- Benjamin Brawley published The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States.


- Universal Negro Improvement Association(UNIA) Convention held at Madison Square Garden, August.

- Charles Gilpin starred in Eugene O'Neill, The Emperor Jones, November.

- James Johnson Johnson, first black officer(secretary) of NAACP appointed.

- Claude MeKay published Spring in New Hampshire.

- Du Bois's Durkwater is published.


- Marcus Garvey founded African Orthodox Church, September.

- Second Pan African Congress.

- Colored Players Guild of New York founded.

- Benjamin Brawley published Social History of the American Negro.


- First Anti-Lynching legislation approved by House of Representatives.

- Publications of The Book of American Negro Poetry edited by James Weldon Johnson; Claude McKay, Harlem Shadows.


- Claude McKay spoke at the Fourth Congress of the Third International in Moscow, June.

- Marcus Garvey arrested for mail fraud and sentenced to five years in prison.

- Third Pan African Congress.


- Civic Club Dinner, bringing black writers and white publishers together, March 21. This event is considered the formal launching of the New Negro movement.


- American Negro Labor Congress held in Chicago, October.


- Marcus Garvey deported.

- Louis Armstrong in Chicago and Duke Ellington in New York began their careers.

- Publications of Hughes, Fine Clothes to the Jew.


- Publications of Wallace Thurman, Harlem: A Forum of Negro Life; Du Bois, The Dark Princess.


- Negro Experimental Theatre founded, February; Negro art Theatre founded, June;

- Wallace Thurman's play Harlem, opens at the Apollo Theater on Broadway and becomes hugely successful.

- Black Thursday, October 29, Stock Exchange crash.







Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

So now you may be asking what is the difference between green tea and the black tea you are used to drinking. Both teas come from the same plant; the difference is the way the different teas are processed. The green tea is not fermented (发酵) before it has been dried. Because of the shorter processing time the green tea has a lighter flavor than the black tea. Green tea is good for you because the processing keeps all the beneficial elements left in the tea.

Green tea doesn't taste anything like the tea you usually drink. Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar, but you can ff you like. Green tea has been described as having a light, fresh, green flavor. Some of the various green teas have just a little sweetness taste to them. Others are a little more astringent(涩味的). There are several different varieties of green tea each with its own flavor; however they all seem to have one flavor quality in common.

To try really good green tea you will want to look in a gourmet(美食家) tea store rather than a grocery store. The grocery store doesn't have the selection you will find in a gourmet tea store. You will find a good selection of green teas in your local Asian food store. Some of the types you will want to look for are: Sencha, Gunpowder, or Dragon Well.

Green tea is brewed just like yon would brew the tea you normally drink, except you will not want the water to boil. You will want to brew you tea when the water is on the verge of boiling. Green tea is a more delicate tea so you want to the water to be a little cooler.

Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.

To date, the only negative side effect reported from drinking green tea is insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine. However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee : there are approximately thirty to sixty mg. of caffeine in six-eight ounces of tea, compared to over one-hundred mg. in eight ounces of coffee.

Different from the black tea, the green tea ______.

A.is too hard to be produced

B.doesn't need to be dried

C.is much heavy in weight

D.is much natural and beneficial



My entry into Black women’s history was unexpected but agreeable . In the preface to Black Women in America : An Historical Encyclopedia , I recount the story of exactly how Shirley Herd(who,in addition to teaching in the local school system , was also president of the Indianapolis chapter of the National Council of Negro Women) successfully provoked me into changing my research and writing focus . Although I dedicate this volume to her and to her best friend,fellow club woman and retired primary school teacher Virtea Downey,Istill blush at the fact that I went to graduate school to become a historian In order to contribute to the Black Struggle for social justice and yet met her request to write a history of Black women in Indiana with reluctance.I had neever even thought about Black women as historical subjects with their own relations to a state’s history,and I thought her invitation and phone call extraordinarily intrusive. Only later did I concede how straightforward and reasonable had been her request to redress a historical omission.Black women were conspicuous by their absence.None of the social studies texts or state histories that Herd and Downey had used to teach their students made mention of the contributions of Black women . Since historians had left them out , Herd reasoned , only a“real”historian could pue them in,and since I was the only tenured Black women historian in the state of Indiana at that time,the task was mine. Herd rejected my reservations and completely ignored my admonitions that she could not call up a historian and order a book the way you drive up to a fast - food restaurant and order a hamburger.In spite of my assertions of ignorance about the history of Black women in Indiana and my confession of habing never studied the subject in any history course or examined any manuscript sources pertaining to their lives,Herd persevered.Black women,as historical subjects and agents, were as invisiable to me as they had been toschool textbook writers. Undaunted by my response, Herd demanded that I connect (thankfully without perfect symmerty)my biology and autobiography,my race and gender,my being a Black women,to my skill as a historian,and write for her and for the local chapter members of the National Council a history of Black Women in Indiana.I relented and wrote the book,When the Truth Is Told:Black Women’s Culture and Community in Indiana,1875-1950,as requested,In the process,I was both humbled and astouned by the array of rich primary sorce materials Herd,Downey,and the other club women had spent two years collecting. There were diaries,club notes,church souvenir booklets,photographs, club minutes,brith,death,and marriage certificates,letters,and handwritten county and local histories.Collectively this material revealed a universe I never knew existed in spite of having lived with Black women all of my life…and being one myself.Or perhaps more accurately,I knew a universe of Black women existed.I simply had not envisioned its historical meaning.1 . The primary purpose of the passage is to show how the author______. A.discovered Black women’s history when she was in graduate school B.became a historian to help Black people in America achieve social justice C.developed her research skills by undertaking a challenging project D.came to view Black women as a worthy subject for historical analysis 2.Why did the author initially respond to Herd’s request “with reluctance”? A.Because she knew that historians should avoid controversial subjects. B. Because there were too many other projects requiring her attention. C. Because she viewed Herd’s request as irrelevant and presumptuous. D. Because she knew that Herd had not been to graduate school.3.The author compared Herd’s demanding a history book to ______to indicate that she did not generally undertake projects on request. 4. The author believed that historians should conduct research in areas in which they had expertise so she asserted that she was ______about the project. 5.Herd and the other club women spent two years collecting______to prove that Black women contributed to society historically.



People. in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, , you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change. the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays.

People in different parts of the word also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugger in their coffee. But in the United States , many people drink their coffee "black" that is without cream or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other Oriental(东方的) countries. In the Orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea.

People in different parts of the world______ .

A.cook the same food in different ways

B.like the same kinds of food

C.have the same ideas about foods

D.know how to prepare the same food



People, in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change, the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays.

People in different parts of the world also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United States, many people drink their coffee "black" that is without cream or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other Oriental(东方的) countries. In the Orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea.

People in different parts of the world______.

A.cook the same food in different ways

B.like the same kinds of food

C.have the same ideas about foods

D.know how to prepare the same food



听力原文: In todays class, well discuss Toni Morrisons novel Beloved. As Im sure you all know, Morrison is both a popular and highly respected author and its not easy to be both. Born in 1931, Morrison has written some of the most touching and intelligent works on the African-American experience ever written by anyone. And yet to call her an African-American writer doesnt seem to do her justice. In many ways, shes simply an American writer and certainly one of the best. Beloved is a truly remarkable work. It was recommended for nearly every nature literary class, including the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, and it in fact won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988. Morrison herself is distinguished for having won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993. What makes Beloved unique is the skillful sure way in which Morrison blends intensely personal storytelling and American history, racial themes and gender themes, the experience of blacks with the experience of all people everywhere, the down-to-earth reality of slavery with the sense of mysterious spirituality. We will be paying special attention to these themes as we discuss this work and Im particularly interested in your views on the relative importance of grace and gender in this book. Is it more important that Sethe, the main character, is black, or that she is a woman? Which contributes more to her being? What does Morrison tell us about both? 23. What do we learn about Toni Morrison? 24. What honor did Toni Morrison receive in 1993? 25. What does the speaker tell us about Sethe, the main character, in Morrisons novel Beloved?24.

A.The Book Critics Circle Award.

B.The Nobel Prize for literature.

C.The Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

D.The National Book Award.



听力原文: Lecturer: Welcome to this presentation on Prairie Dogs. You can see a picture of these rather cute animals on this slide. As you can see, they are about the size of a rabbit and they have a brown or clay-coloured coat with black-tipped hairs and a black-tipped tail. The underside of the prairie dog is a light tan colour. They have short legs and sharp claws to help them dig their homes. Their bodies are 12-15 inches long with a 3-4 inch tail and they weigh 2-4 pounds.

I've been interested in these animals for a long time and would like to talk about a remarkable discovery. The barks of prairie dogs have distinct, individual meanings. Prairie dogs have different "words" for tall human in yellow shirt, short human in green shirt, coyote, deer, red-tailed hawk and many other creatures. They can even coin new terms for things they've never seen before, independently coming up with the same calls or words, according to research done over two decades by a professor from Arizona University, who can now not only call himself a biology professor, but also a prairie dog linguist.

Prairie dogs of the Gunnison's species, which were studied intensely, actually speak different dialects in Arizona and in Colorado, but they would probably understand one another, research indicates. So far, this is believed to be...or prairie dogs appear to be demonstrating, the most sophisticated communication system that anyone has shown in animals. Prairie dog chatter is variously described by observers as a series of yips, high-pitched barks or eeks. And most scientists think prairie dogs simply make Sounds that reflect their inner condition. That means all they're saying are things like "ouch" or "hungry" or "eek." But we now know that prairie dogs are communicating detailed information to one another about what animals are showing up in their colonies, and maybe even gossiping.

Linguists have set five criteria that must be met for something to qualify as language: It must contain words with abstract meanings; possess syntax in which the order of words is part of their meaning; have the ability to coin new words; be composed of smaller elements; and use words separated in space and time from what they represent. The American researchers focussed their efforts on these five criteria to see if prairie dogs use a language, as defined by human linguists, or not. Work was done in the field and in a laboratory. With digital recorders, they recorded the calls prairie dogs make as they see different people, dogs and other animals of different sizes and with different coat colours, such as hawks and elk. They then analysed the sounds using a computer that dissects the underlying structure and creates a sonogram, or visual representation of the sound. Computer analysis later identifies the similarities and differences.

The prairie dogs have calls for various predators but also for elk, deer, antelope and cows. It's as if they're trying to inform. one another what's out there. So far, the researchers have recorded at least twenty different "words." Some of those words or calls were created by the prairie dogs when they saw something for the first time. Four prairie dogs in the lab were shown a great-horned owl and European ferret, two animals they had almost certainly not seen before, if only because the owls are mostly nocturnal and this kind of ferret is foreign. The prairie dogs independently came up with the same new calls. In the field, black plywood cut-outs showing the silhouette of a coyote, a skunk and a circular shape were randomly run along a wire through the prairie dog colony. Now, there are no black ovals running around out there and yet they all had the same word for black circle. The researchers believe that prairie dogs are genetically programmed with some vocabulary and the ability to describe things.

The researchers then played back a recorded prairie dog a

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