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What is a vale chain and what is value chain management? What is the goal of value ch

ain management?

What are the benefits of value chain management?

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Each symbol (triangle, square, diamond and circle) in this table has a value. The total of these values in each row and column is written at the end of the corresponding row or column.

Now write down the value of each symbol.



What is the substance called which can readily be converted from a liquid into a vapor, and also from a vapor into liquid with a reasonably narrow range of pressure?



C.Cooling medium




The long and progressive reign of Queen Victoria came to a climax at a time of peace and plenty when the British Empire seemed to be at the summit of its power and security. Of the discord that soon followed we shall here note only two factors which had large influence on contemporary English literature. The first disturbing factor was imperialism, the reawakening of a dominating spirit which had seemingly been put to sleep by the proclamation of an Imperial Federation. (46)Its coming was heralded by the Boer War in South Africa, through which Britain blundered to what was hoped to be an era of peace and good will. Other nations promptly made such hope a vain whistling in the wind. Japanese War Lords began a career of conquest which aimed to make Japan master of Asia and East Indies. Pacific islands that had for ages slept peacefully were turned into frowning naval stations. (47)Even the United States, aroused by an easy triumph in the Spanish War, started on an imperialistic adventure by taking control of the Philippines, thus making an implacable enemy of Japan. Only a nation that enters on a dangerous course with eyes wide open has any chance of a safe way out, and the imperialistic nations were all alike blind. (48)An inevitable result was the First War and the great horror of a Second World War, the two disasters being different acts of the same tragedy of imperialism, separated only by a breathing spell. Another factor that influenced literature for the worse was a widespread demand for social reform. of every kind; not slow and orderly reform, which is progress, but immediate and uncontrolled reform, which breeds a spirit of rebellion and despair. Before the Victorian age had come to an end, English literature appeared to have lost touch with healthy English life. Many writers echoed the sorrowful cry of James Thomson in his City of Dreadful Night, or babbled of "art for arts sake" with Oscar Wilde. (49)Groom, in his survey of the period, notes that writers had mostly a critical attitude toward morals and religion, Church and State, as relics from "the dead hand of traditional beliefs." (50)Small wonder that German and Japanese war-advocates regarded Englishmen as a decadent race when the same or a worse opinion was daily read in the novels of Samuel Butler and nightly heard in the plays of Bernard Shaw.



What is subduction?

A.The eruption of rock from the earth in molten form

B.The formation of the deep sea floor by rising lava

C.The process of rock being forced into the earth's mantle

D.The continuous drift of continents toward the northwest



A chemist claimed that in Experiment 2, the pH of the sample solution was greater at a value of 0.2 mL of titrant added than at a value of 1.8 mL of titrant added.Do the results of Experiment 2 support this claim?

A.No; at a value of 0.2 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was yellow, and at a value of 1.8 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was blue.

B.No; at a value of 0.2 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was blue, and at a value of 1.8 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was yellow.

C.Yes; at a value of 0.2 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was yellow, and at a value of 1.8 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was blue.

D.Yes; at a value of 0.2 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was blue, and at a value of 1.8 mL of titrant added, the sample solution was yellow.



Many of us have a vague feeling that things are moving faster. Doctors and executives of ten complain that they can't keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Hardly a meeting or conference takes place today without some talk about "the challenge of change". Among many there is an uneasy mood—a suspicion that change is out of control.

Not everyone, however, shares this anxiety. Millions sleepwalk their way through their lives as if nothing had changed since the 1930's, and as if nothing ever will. Living in what is certainly one of the most exciting periods in human history, they attempt to withdraw from it, to block it out, as if it were possible to make it go away by ignoring it.

One sees them everywhere. Old people, resigned to live out their years, attempting to avoid, at any cost, the intrusion(扰乱,侵犯) of the new. People of thirty-five and forty five, nervous about student riots, sex, L.S.D, or miniskirts, feverishly attempting to persuade themselves that, after ail, youth was always rebellious, and that what is happening to day is no different from the past. Even among the young we find an incomprehension of change: students so ignorant of the past that they see nothing unusual about the present.

The disturbing fact is that the vast majority of people find the idea of change so threatening that they attempt to deny its existence. Even many people who understand intellectually that change is accelerating, do not take this critical social fact into account in planning their own personal lives.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Things are moving faster.

B.Change is out of control.

C.People react differently to changes.

D.Young students are ignorant of changes.



The Board of OAP Co has decided to limit investment funds to $10 million for the next year and is preparing its capital budget. The company is considering five projects, as follows:

All five projects have a project life of four years. Projects A, B, C and D are divisible, and Projects B and D are mutually exclusive. All net present values are in nominal, after-tax terms.

Project E

This is a strategically important project which the Board of OAP Co have decided must be undertaken in order for the company to remain competitive, regardless of its financial acceptability. Information relating to the future cash flows of this project is as follows:

These forecasts are before taking account of selling price inflation of 5·0% per year, variable cost inflation of 6·0% per year and fixed cost inflation of 3·5% per year. The fixed costs are incremental fixed costs which are associated with Project E. At the end of four years, machinery from the project will be sold for scrap with a value of $400,000. Tax allowable depreciation on the initial investment cost of Project E is available on a 25% reducing balance basis and OAP Co pays corporation tax of 28% per year, one year in arrears. A balancing charge or allowance is available at the end of the fourth year of operation.

OAP Co has a nominal after-tax cost of capital of 13% per year.


(a) Calculate the nominal after-tax net present value of Project E and comment on the financial acceptability of this project. (14 marks)

(b) Calculate the maximum net present value which can be obtained from investing the fund of $10 million, assuming here that the nominal after-tax NPV of Project E is zero. (5 marks)

(c) Discuss the reasons why the Board of OAP Co may have decided to limit investment funds for the next year. (6 marks)



A common result of being frustrated is an act of aggression, sometimes violent. To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it — anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If somebody or something blocks the goal, we begin to feel pent up and thwarted. Then we get mad. The blocked goal, the sense of frustration, aggressive action —this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.

Everyone has encountered frustration on the highways. You are driving along a two-lane road behind a big trailer-truck. You're in a hurry, while the truck driver seems to be enjoying the scenery. After miles of increasing frustration you grow to hate him. Finally you step on the gas and pass him defiantly, regardless of the chance you may be taking. This kind of frustration must cause thousands of accidents a year. Yet, if you realized what was going on in your nervous system, you could curb such dangerous impulses.

The aggressive act that frustration produces may take a number of forms. It may be turned inward against oneself, with suicide as the extreme example. It may hit back directly at the person or thing causing the frustration. Or it may be transferred to another object — what psychologists call displacement. Displacement can be directed against the dog, the parlor furniture, the family or even total strangers.

A man rushed out of his front door in Brooklyn one fine spring morning and punched a passerby on the nose. In court he testified that he had had a quarrel with his wife. Instead of punching her he had the bad luck to punch a police detective.

Aggression is not always sudden and violent; it may be devious and calculated. The spreading of rumors, malicious gossip, a deliberate plot to discredit, are some of the roundabout forms. In some cases, frustration leads to the opposite of aggression, a complete retreat from life.

The classic pattern of frustration and aggression is nowhere better demonstrated than in military life. GIs studied by the noted American sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer in the last war were found to be full of frustrations due to their sudden loss of civilian liberty. They took it out verbally on the brass, often most unjustly. But in combat, soldiers felt far more friendly toward their officers. Why? Because they could discharge their aggression directly against the enemy.

Dr. Karl Menninger, of the famous Menninger Foundation at Topeka, pointed out that children in all societies are necessarily frustrated, practically from birth, as they are broken into the customs of the tribe. A baby's first major decision is "whether to holler or swaler" —when it discovers that the two acts cannot be done simultaneously. Children have to be taught habits of cleanliness, toilet behavior, regular feeding, punctuality; habits that too often are hammered in.

Grownups with low boiling points, said Dr. Menninger, probably got that way because of excessive frustrations in childhood. We can make growing up a less difficult period by giving children more love and understanding. Parents in less civilized societies, Menninger observes, often do this. He quotes a Mohave Indian, discussing his small son: "Why should I strike him? He is small, I am big. He cannot hurt me."

When we do experience frustration, there are several things We can do to channel off aggression. First, we can try to remove the cause which is blocking our goal. An individual may be able to change his foreman, even his job or his residence, if the frustration is a continuing one.

If this cannot be done, then we can seek harmless displacements. Physical outlets are the most immediately helpful. Go out in the garden and dig like fury. Or take a long Walk, punch a bag in the gym, make the pins fly in a bowling alley, cut down



C.hitting back directly




A common result of being frustrated is an act of aggression, sometimes violent. To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it—anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If somebody or something blocks the goal, we begin to feel pent up and thwarted. Then we get mad. The blocked goal, the sense of frustration, aggressive action—this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.

Everyone has encountered frustration on the highways. You are driving along a two-lane road behind a big trailer-truck. You're in a hurry, while the truck driver seems to be enjoying the scenery. After miles of increasing frustration you grow to hate him. Finally you step on the gas and pass him defiantly, regardless of the chance you may be taking. This kind of frustration must cause thousands of accidents a year. Yet, if you realized what was going on in your nervous system, you could curb such dangerous impulses.

The aggressive act that frustration produces may take a number of forms. It may be turned inward against oneself, with suicide as the extreme example. It may hit back directly at the person or thing causing the frustration. Or it may be transferred to another object— what psychologists call displacement. Displacement can be directed against the dog, the parlor furniture, the family or even total strangers.

A man rushed out of his front door in Brooklyn one fine spring morning and punched a passerby on the nose. In court he testified that he had had a quarrel with his wife. Instead of punching her he had the bad luck to punch a police detective.

Aggression is not always sudden and violent; it may be devious and calculated. The spreading of rumors, malicious gossip, a deliberate plot to discredit, are some of the roundabout forms. In some cases, frustration leads to the opposite of aggression, a complete retreat from life.

The classic pattern of frustration and aggression is nowhere better demonstrated than in military life. GIs studied by the noted American sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer in the last war were found to be .full of frustrations due to their sudden loss of civilian liberty. They took it out verbally on the brass, often most unjustly. But in combat, soldiers felt far more friendly toward their officers. Why? Because they could discharge their aggression directly against the enemy.

Dr. Karl Menninger, of the famous Menninger Foundation at Topeka, pointed out that children in all societies are necessarily frustrated, practically from birth, as they are broken into the customs of the tribe. A baby's first major decision is "whether to holler or swaller"—when it discovers that the two acts cannot be done simultaneously. Children have to be taught habits of cleanliness, toilet behavior, regular feeding, punctuality; habits that too often are hammered in.

Grownups with low boiling points, said Dr. Menninger, probably got that way because of excessive frustrations in childhood. We can make growing up a less difficult period by giving children more love and understanding. Parents in less civilized societies, Menninger observes, often do this. He quotes a Mohave Indian, discussing his small son: "Why should I strike him? He is small, I am big. He cannot hurt me."

When we do experience frustration, there are several things we can do to channel off aggression. First, we can try to remove the cause which is blocking our goal. An individual may be able to change his foreman, even his job or his residence, if the frustration is a continuing one.

If this cannot be done, then we can seek harmless displacements. Physical outlets are the most immediately helpful. Go out in the garden and dig like fury. Or take a long walk, punch a bag in the gym, make the pins fly in a bowling alley, c



C.hitting back directly


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