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Which of the following statements would most logically conclude the last paragraph of the


A.All human activity is ultimately a product of the organization of our brains, and subject to its laws.

B.In art, something must always be left over for the imagination to perform.

C.Art has been a creative refuge for other unsatisfied ideals created by the brain through its abstractive process.

D.The future branch of aesthetics will study the neural basis of artistic creativity and achievement.

E.Art's richness lies in the fact that its power to disturb and arouse varies between individuals.

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更多“Which of the following stateme…”相关的问题


According to the passage, Michelangelo was unable to finish three-fifths of his artworks f

or which of the following reasons?

A.He possessed a deep sense of ambiguity toward his own ideas that caused him to lose confidence in them.

B.He displayed a tendency to work quickly on one project and then abandon it in haste for another.

C.He generally felt a dissatisfaction with the ideals that served as the model for his art works.

D.He frequently felt unable to express his general ideals through a particular art work.

E.A heavy price was exacted upon him as an artist by the process of continual abstraction.



The author regards the idea of ambiguity in a work of art as a feature that isA.invariably

The author regards the idea of ambiguity in a work of art as a feature that is

A.invariably unfortunate

B.universally mandatory

C.overly complicated

D.generally unnecessary

E.scientifically revealing



The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPTA.How

The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT

A.How is the law of constancy linked to the law of abstraction?

B.What is the physiological process by which the brain's tends to form. abstractions?

C.Does the process of forming abstractions ever go beyond its physiological processes?

D.What artistic goal led Picasso and Braque to adapt their work's sense of perspective?

E.What effect, positive or negative, does abstraction often have upon the artistic individual?



According to the passage, which of the following is true concerning the ability to create


A.The ability stems from the anatomical center of human's visual brain, whose location has yet to be identified.

B.The ability steadily develops in humans with the gradual acquisition of knowledge.

C.The ability is best categorized as an innate, and therefore unlearned, ability that is rarely improved on over time.

D.The ability to create abstractions is predicated on an enslavement to the particulars of those abstractions.

E.The ability most likely has developed as a response to the limitations of the human memory.



The author implies that the work of Picasso and Braque shifted over the course of their ye

ars in that it later came to

A.render unseen objects in a visible manner, thus permitting access to the subconscious of the visual brain

B.portray a variety of visual perspectives simultaneously, displaying many sides of an object

C.abandon and forswear the use of all techniques of lighting and distance in their artwork

D.consciously apply the law of abstraction to their paintings to illustrate an understanding of the visual brain

E.critique the brain's ability to mimic by demonstrating the limits of visual representation



It has been argued that art does not reproduce the visible-it makes things visible-but thi

It has been argued that art does not reproduce the visible-it makes things

visible-but this does not go far enough. In fact, visual art explores and reveals

the brain's perceptual capabilities and the laws governing it, among which two

Line stand supreme: law of constancy and law of abstraction. According to the law of

(5) constancy, the visual brain's function is to seek knowledge of the constant

properties of objects and surfaces: the distance, the viewing point, and the

illumination conditions change continually, yet the brain is able to discard these

changes in categorizing an object. It was an unacknowledged attempt to mimic

the perceptual abilities of the brain that led the founders of Cubism, Picasso and

(10) Braque, to alter the point of view, the distance and the lighting conditions in

their early, analytic period.

The second law is that of abstraction, the process in which the particular is

subordinated to the general, so that the representation is applicable to many

particulars. This second law has strong affinities with the first, because without

(15) it, the brain would be enslaved to the particular; the capacity to abstract is also

probably imposed on the brain by the limitations of its memory system, because

it eliminates the need to recall every detail. Art, too, abstracts and thus

externalizes the inner workings of the brain, so that its primordial function is a

reflection of the function of the brain.

(20) Through a process that has yet to be physiologically charted, cells in the

brain seem to be able to recognize objects in a view-invariant manner after brief

exposure to several distinct views synthesized by them. The artist, too, forms

abstractions, through a process that may share similarities with the

physiological processes now being unraveled but certainly goes beyond them, in

(25) that the abstract idea itself mutates with the artist's development. But

abstraction, a key feature of an efficient knowledge-acquiring system, also

exacts a heavy price on the individual, for which art may be a refuge and the

abstract "ideal" can lead to a deep discontent, because the daily experience is

that of particulars. Michelangelo left three-fifths of his sculptures unfinished,

(30) but he had not abandoned them in haste: he often worked on them for years,

because time and again the sublimity of his ideas lay beyond the reach of his

hands, impressing on him the hopelessness of translating into a single work or a

series of sculptures the synthetic ideals formed in his brain. Critics have written

in emotional and lyrical terms about these unfinished works, perhaps because,

(35) being unfinished, the spectator can finish them and thus satisfy the ideals of his

or her brain. This is only qualitatively different from finished works with the

inestimable quality of ambiguity-a characteristic of all great art-that allows

the brain of the viewer to interpret the work in a number of ways, all of them

equally valid.

The author argues that aesthetic creation is useful to an understanding of the visual brain because it

A.allows abstract ideas to mutate into new and hitherto untested forms

B.helps scientists synthesize several distinct views of the operation of the brain

C.manifests in an observable form. the laws by which the brain functions

D.subordinates the particular to the general, streamlining the artistic process

E.establishes the constant and essential properties of objects and surfaces



Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?A.A description of a

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.A description of a problem in one area of economics, followed by a revision of the description for two other areas.

B.A description of a problem in one area economics, followed by a successful counter-example, then the description of a problem in a second area.

C.A description of the successful application of economics to one subject, followed by a description of its limitations in two other areas.

D.A description of one area of economics, whose problems are compared with those of two other areas of economics.

E.A critical distinction between problems in two separate areas of economics.



According to the passage, the dynamics of small group economies differ from those of large

group economies in that

A.the members of small groups tend to have a greater degree of social regularity than the members of large groups

B.people in small groups carry an advantage in the arena of exchange because they are tied by social obligation

C.the manufacturer of a commodity in a small group economy is more likely to be known by the members of the group

D.the people who contribute to the production of a gift are less essential to small groups than those who exchange commodities are in large groups

E.a system of social obligation diminishes the number of parties necessary to a gift-giving transaction



It can be inferred from the passage that economic theory as it presently stands would most

likely apply to which of the following situations?

A.A parliamentary system, where senior members vote by secret ballot.

B.An arts guild, where voting authority is determined by the level of skill at a craft.

C.A fan club, where a president elects other members of the club.

D.A board of trustees group, where all members vote to make company decisions.

E.A monarchy, where a king consults his vassal lords before making decisions.



Economics can render service in the area of exchange, but its tools find less purpose when

Economics can render service in the area of exchange, but its tools find less

purpose when applied to paradigms dominated by alternative models of

transactions and social relationships. In small groups gift-giving is substituted

Line for the role of exchange, which entails obligation: people receiving gifts are

(5) expected to reciprocate in the future and this reciprocity binds small groups

together, whereas exchange rarely does so. Two people exchange only when

both benefit, neither incurring a social obligation as a result, and where social

obligations exist, exchange may not work well. Exchange nevertheless allows

for extremely complex interactions among strangers: when employing a

(10) product, a consumer benefits from the efforts of hundreds of anonymous people

who have contributed to that commodity. Such analysis also has its limits in the

case of an area such as government, for economics seeks regularities in social

life, which are more likely to occur when no one individual has an appreciable

effect on the group.

Which of the following might serve as the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.Small Groups and Governments, A Comparison of Two Economic Methods

B.Social Obligation and the Consumer: A Case Study

C.Regular vs. Irregular Systems in Economics

D.The Comparative Strength of Economics in Various Areas

E.The Triumph of Analysis in Economic Theory

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