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A.To display rare animals.B.To prevent rare animals from extinction.C.To provide weeke

A.To display rare animals.

B.To prevent rare animals from extinction.

C.To provide weekend amusement for children.

D.To improve the environment.

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更多“A.To display rare animals.B.To…”相关的问题


听力原文:WOMAN: Well, it's pretty well laid out, I admit, and it's sort of attractive, but

in the end I still fred it a pretty depressing place.

MAN: Do you? Why?

WOMAN: Well, you know, the animals are out of their natural environment. They're just here for humans to look at. There's nothing natural about it.

MAN: Yeah, but, if we didn't have any zoos, a lot of species would just, well, they'd face extinction.

WOMAN: Do you really believe that?

MAN: Well, don't you? I mean they have good breeding projects for some species that are dying out. Um, anyway, I think, there's a trend towards developing zoos to become um... education centers, you know, stimulating information for kids and displays, and that kind of thing.

WOMAN: Yeah, I know they've got lots of ideas, but these ideas are just because in the end, zoos axe outdated, aren't they? Animals just don't really want to breed in captivity. What we need to do is to take care of the natural environment, make sure that they've still got a place where they can live in the wild.

MAN: Well, yeah, OK. But it's just not happening, is it? I think in reality you've got to have zoos.

WOMAN: Well, I just can't agree with that. I mean, what is the pleasure in watching animals pacing uP and down in cages?

MAN: Well, look, I mean, zoos are changing. OK. Some older zoos put animals in cages, but what about safari parks? You know, the animals are fine there. They've got a lot of Space and people see them in a much more natural setting. Um... I think people learn about them and they learn to respect animals. It's probably, in the end, much better for animals that humans respect them in that way.

WOMAN: Well, maybe you're right.


19.What are the man and woman talking about?

20.Why does the mart think we still need zoos?

21.Where does the woman think is the right place for animal?

22.What kind of function does the man think that zoos and safari parks should serve?


A.About the construction of the zoo.

B.About the lay-out of the zoo.

C.About the function of the zoo.

D.About the attractiveness of the zoo.



A.With soap and hot water for more than fifteen seconds.B.With soap and hot water for

A.With soap and hot water for more than fifteen seconds.

B.With soap and hot water for at least fifty seconds.

C.With soap and water for more than fifteen seconds.

D.With soap and hot running water for more than fifteen seconds.



A.By touching surfaces that have harmful organisms on them;B.By shaking hands with ano

A.By touching surfaces that have harmful organisms on them;

B.By shaking hands with another person.

C.By touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

D.By drinking fresh water.










听力原文: Health experts say washing your hands reduces the spread of viruses and other or

ganisms that cause disease. This advice may sound simple. However, experts say a lot of people do not follow it.

A recent study found that many Americans fail to wash their hands after using public toilets. About thirty percent of the people left public restrooms without stopping to wash their hands.

In the study, researchers asked 1,000 adults how often they washed their hands. The researchers observed almost 8,000 people at public toilets in five major American cities. Remits of the study were compared to a similar study clone in 1996.

More than ninety-five percent of Americans questioned said they always wash their hands after using public restrooms. However, the study found that only seventy percent of them actually do so.

The study also found that American men arc less likely than women to wash their hands after using a public restroom.

The American Society for Microbiology announced the findings. Judy Daly works for the group. She admits that hand washing may seem an unusual subject to study. But she says hand washing is a very serious issue. Experts say hand washing is the simplest and most effective way to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

Infections can spread by touching surfaces that have harmful organisms on them. Shaking hands with another person also can spread infection. Harmful bacteria may enter your body if you touch your mouth, nose or eyes.

Among the most common infections spread by hand are colds, influenza, and throat and ear infections. In addition, millions of food poisoning cases each year are blamed on people who prepare food but do not wash their hands. More serious diseases like cholera and hepatitis are spread this way, too.

Many patients in hospitals also get infections. Some die from them. The spread of infections often is blamed on health workers who do not wash their hand after treating patients.

The American Society of Microbiology has launched a public information campaign to get more people to wash their hands. Experts say following the correct method is important. You should wash your hand with soap and hot running water for at least fifteen seconds.


15.Among the Americans questioned, how many of them don't actually wash their hands after using public restrooms?

16.In the study, how many people were observed at public toilets in five major cities?

17.How do harmful bacteria enter your body?

18.How should you wash your hands?








A.They enjoy their holiday very much.B.Their holiday was spoiled by French food.C.They

A.They enjoy their holiday very much.

B.Their holiday was spoiled by French food.

C.They traveled to many countries.

D.They didn't like bacon and eggs.



A.Bacon and eggs.B.Fat and bacon.C.Fish and chips.D.Snails.

A.Bacon and eggs.

B.Fat and bacon.

C.Fish and chips.




A.They were too excited to sleep last night.B.They could find no place to sleep last n

A.They were too excited to sleep last night.

B.They could find no place to sleep last night.

C.They had not got their breakfast yet.

D.They'd been up most of the night being seasick.



Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short t

Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

听力原文:MAN: Yeah, I think the worst food I ever had was in France.

WOMAN: Really? That's odd. I thought the French were supposed to be really good cooks.

MAN: Yes. that's right. I suppose it's Eke anywhere else though really. You know, some places are good. some are bad. Anyway, this was all our own fault really.

WOMAN: Oh, what do you mean?

MAN: Well, it was the first time I'd been to France—years ago this was when I was at school. I was in a coach party, actually, with some people—friends of my parents. My father's a teacher you know, and these were all people from the school—they'd hired this coach to take them to Switzerland.

WOMAN: A sort of school trip.

MAN: That's right. Safety in numbers I think, because most of them had never been abroad before. Anyway, I'd just started learning French at school, and I thought, great, you know, French is real. It's a real place, real people. Anyway we'd crossed the Channel at night and we set off through France and at breakfast time we arrived and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little cafe. We were absolutely exhausted, most of us—well, we'd been up most of the night being sea-sick. (WOMAN: Ugh!) Anyway, there we all were, tired and hungry and then we found out, the great discovery.

WOMAN: What was that?

MAN: The breakfast the coach driver had ordered was bacon and eggs.

WOMAN: Oh fantastic! English tourists, My God! The real English breakfast.

MAN: Yes, anyway we didn't know any better—so we had it, and ugh...!

WOMAN: What was it like? I think it's pretty disgusting anyway, 1 must say.

MAN: Oh, it was incredible. They just got a bowl and put some fat in it, I think. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes.

WOMAN: In the oven? You're joking. You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven!

MAN: Well. they must have done. It was hot, but it wasn't cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon. Delicious!

WOMAN: Did you actually eat it?

MAN: No, nobody did. They all wanted to turn round and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You can't blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign specialty.

WOMAN: What was that?

MAN: Snails—that really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was!


11.Where did the coach patty want to go?

12.Why were most tourists exhausted when they arrived in France the next morning?

13.What breakfast did the coach driver order for them?

14.What does the conversation imply?








听力原文:Despite the better sound effect and delicious popcorn, to pay to see that movie w

ould be foolish when you can see it on television for nothing.


A.It is foolish to watch that movie on TV.

B.If you can see the movie on TV, why pay for it?

C.You will affect others while having popcorn in the cinema.

D.It sounds great to enjoy that movie on TV.

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