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Listening to the radio is something I really like to do. 1 () it’s to listen to my fav

Listening to the radio is something I really like to do. 1 () it’s to listen to my favorite songs, catch up on the latest news or 2 () listen to something to help me chill out and relax, the radio is always there for me! The radio can also be very 3 () for me as it often has 4 () updates which tell me whether the road I want to use has a traffic jam 5 () it. I’m surprised when talking to my students in school, to 6 () that many of them hardly ever listen to the radio because they think it’s 7 () . There is a song 8 () “Video Killed the Radio Star” which I 9 () listen to a lot and now it makes more sense to me. Has TV and video (more recently DVD) and the internet 10 () the place of the radio for many people?


A. No matter

B. Although

C. Since

D. Whether


A. just

B. only

C. also

D. yet


A. useful

B. accessible

C. available

D. boring


A. news

B. traffic

C. weather

D. music


A. in

B. on

C. to

D. through


A. seek out

B. look

C. find out

D. pick out


A. outdate

B. old

C. born

D. boring


A. calling

B. called

C. call

D. caller


A. used to

B. get used to

C. usually

D. did


A. taken up

B. taken place

C. taken over

D. taken away

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Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time, right here, right now. The

main benefit of knowing your values is that you will gain tremendous clarity and focus, but ultimately you must use that newfound clarity to make consistent decisions and take committed action. So the whole point of discovering your values is to improve the results you get in those areas that are truly most important to you. Once you know and understand your personal values, you can consult them whenever you need to make a key decision. Should you accept the new job you’ve been offered? Should you pursue a new relationship now? How much time should you spend with your family? These can be tough decisions without a clear right or wrong answer. You may choose to answer them differently at different points in your life. Your values list provides a shortcut for making these decisions intelligently. When you're confronted with such a decision, you pull out your list and check the prioritization of values. Then ask yourself, “What would a person with these values choose to do in this situation?” It’s usually the prioritization of your values that will answer the question. For example, if you’re offered a job promotion that will shift your work weeks from 40 hours to 60 hours but double your salary, should you take it? If values like success and achievement are at the top of your list, you’ll probably say yes. If freedom and family are at the top, you'll likely decline the promotion. By clarifying your values, you've already done the hard thinking required to discover what’s most important to you. So now when you're confronted with such decisions, you're able to reduce them to a values comparison, and the final decision falls into place. If the promotion equates to increased success but reduced peace in your mind, then you can compare those values to learn whether it's a good idea or not. Your goal is to increase your fulfillment of your highest values without sacrificing them to lower values. Remember that this is only one of many paradigms for making decisions. As such it has limitations, but you should find that it brings clarity to your decision-making.

(1)What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time.

B. Values help one decline a job promotion.

C. The values list helps one make clear and consistent decisions.

D. Values have limitations when making decisions.

(2)What is NOT TRUE about the benefit of understanding your own values?

A. You can spend more time with your family.

B. You will gain tremendous clarity and focus.

C. It improves the results you get in those truly important areas.

D. You can consult them whenever you need to make a key decision.

(3)Under what circumstance one may need to make a key decision?

A. Where can you have your dinner with your family?

B. When will you have an appointment with a friend?

C. How can you get a seat in a concert?

D. Should you accept the new job you've been offered?

(4)How can you know what is most important to you when making a key decision?

A. By consulting your best friend.

B. By checking the prioritization of values.

C. By finding some useful books in a library.

D. By searching what other people do online.

(5)What is the goal one should keep in mind when making a decision?

A. To get more money.

B. To have more time with family.

C. To fulfill the highest values.

D. To get promoted quickly.



What’s the secret to being confident? Some people believe it’s having a positive menta

l attitude, while others claim it’s being wealthy. But according to one researcher, the answer may in fact lie in what we’re wearing. Professor Karen Pine from the University of Hertfordshire said that specific clothing—including even superhero T-shirts—can make people more confident in all sorts of situations. The research is outlined in her new book Mind What You Wear. In the book she claims clothing affects a person's mental processes and perceptions. Putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes. “My book aims to make people more aware of this, to understand how their clothes can change their mood and their thoughts.” In the study, she gathered a group of students and asked some to wear a superman T-shirt. She wanted to know if heroic clothing would change how students thought. Surprisingly, she found that not only did it make them more confident, but it also made them actually think they were physically stronger. "When wearing a Superman T-shirt the students rated themselves as more likable and superior to other students," she explained. "When asked to estimate how much they could physically lift, those in a Superman T-shirt thought they were stronger than students in a plain T-shirt, or in their own clothing." It wasn’t just superhero clothing that affected a person's state of mind, though. In another test, women were asked to do a maths test in a swimsuit or wearing a sweater, with the latter group performing better. Wearing a white coat, meanwhile, was found to improve a person's mental agility. And in the book she claims when women are stressed, they neglect 90 percent of their wardrobe, choosing to dress up only to feel confident. In addition to scientific research, Professor Pine said she also has "tips on how to feel happier and more confident with the right clothes, explaining not only that we are what we wear, but that we become what we wear.

(1)According to Professor Karen Pine, specific clothing can make people more confident only in some situations.

(2)According to Professor Karen Pine, putting on different clothes creates different thoughts and mental processes.

(3)Professor Karen Pine’s new book Mind What You Wear aims to make people stronger.

(4)In Professor Karen Pine’s study, she found that when wearing a Superman T-shirt the students rated themselves as more likable and superior to other students.

(5)In another test, women were asked to do a maths test in a swimsuit or wearing a sweater, the group wearing sweaters performing better.



You might think that the topic of “taking the bus” is a weird one to choose for this b

log. And you might be right but taking the bus in Latin America is always a fascinating experience. In the UK, bus journeys are just boring and, more often than not, a necessity. Public transport is often convenient when you live or work in the city centre, as you can avoid traffic jams by whizzing down the bus lanes, and do not have to pay to park the car. At the end of the day, though, taking the bus is just a necessary and tedious part of life: you board the bus, pay the driver and sit down (or find a place to stand). Very boring. In Latin America, however, bus trips can be very lively. For a start, intercity buses put on films so that you have entertainment for at least some of the journey. Naturally local transport does not show films but drivers usually switch on the radio and that can be a great way to hear new songs and new styles of music. (Disappointingly there is not much salsa music back home). Even better than films or music are the sights and sounds on the buses. Local buses always go to parts of town that you would not otherwise visit. There you see shops that you never knew existed. Visitors travelling on buses can see new aspects of a culture from the window seat of the bus. Passengers’ “luggage” is also interesting. It is not uncommon for a cheerful dog’s head to be poking out of somebody’s bag and for someone else to carry a chicken under their arm. Once on a bus in Peru, a farmer tied what looked like a dead sheep to the roof. I was quite shocked and even more so when the farmer got off the bus and, on taking the sheep off the roof, it trotted off very happily. On top of the same bus, another passenger had put his chainsaw. The sheep and power tool combination had me very nervous. There are really many things for visitors to do in Latin America. Taking the bus doesn’t sound like fun but it is much more exciting and unpredictable than any UK bus journey.

(1)In the UK, taking the bus is fascinating.

(2)In Latin America, when taking the bus, you can listen to music and see new aspects of a culture.

(3)Public transport in the UK is convenient because a variety of means of public transportation are available.

(4)As for bus trips in Latin America, passengers’ luggage can be interesting.

(5)Bus journeys are unpredictable in Latin America.



Now identity theft is one of the biggest threats to the American citizen. Frank Abagna

le, who was a consultant for the FBI, and had a major motion picture about his life called Catch Me If You Can, said "Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States". People use skimmers and other electronic devices to steal credit card numbers, and your personal information. With new advancements in technology, like the internet, it has become even easier to steal someone's personal information. The internet has underground websites that sell thousands of credit card numbers and their pin numbers for very little money. Linda Foley, of the Identity Theft Resource Center in San Diego, says "You cannot protect a person from identity theft. It is impossible. All we can do is minimize our risk." There are many things that we can do to minimize the risk of identity theft. You should shred all documents with any personal, credit card, or banking information on them. Also people should be very careful how they use social media, like Facebook or Twitter. Whatever you put out there might be used against you somehow later. We need to set up a better way to catch these criminals who are destroying innocent lives. There needs to be some kind of global agency working together to stop these people before they can do too much damage. What we do not want to do is outsource the job of catching these people, because there is a lot of money involved. These identity thieves can make huge amounts of money with very little effort, so corruption could be a major concern. We would also need a huge amount of accountants who understand how these fraudsters operate. Identity theft is no longer a small problem. It has gone global, and affects all the major economies of the world. People cannot spend their hard earned money when these identity thieves are stealing it. This fraud could end up becoming one of the major factors that could collapse a country's economy. Identity theft could turn a rich man poor, and a poor man rich within a very short period.

(1)Identity theft is a huge social problem only in the U.S.

(2)Progress in technology has made identity theft easier.

(3)Personal information security and privacy are utterly important.

(4)In Linda Foley's eyes, it is impossible to minimize the risk of identity theft.

(5)Good habits in people's daily life, global cooperation and an anti-corruption campaign are all helpful in the fighting against identity theft.



Throughout their history, Americans have been people on the move. The early immigrants

had to travel to get to the New World. Once they arrived, they settled 1 () the East Coast. 2 () they weren’t content to stay there. Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western territories. Later, settlers moved west to 3 () these new areas. As a result of this westward 4 () , Americans 5 () occupied the whole continent—from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Even today, Americans seem unable to stay put. Research says that the average American moves every five years. 6 () their habit of changing addresses, Americans 7 () traveling. Some people make long-distance commutes to work daily. Their jobs may even 8 () them to take frequent business trips. Some people just visit friends or relatives in distant states. 9 () go on low-budget weekend excursions and stay in economy motels. Those 10 () more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types.


A. up

B. along

C. for

D. with


A. But

B. So

C. And

D. Or


A. live

B. settle

C. develop

D. leave


A. destruction

B. evolution

C. introduction

D. migration


A. constantly

B. lastly

C. eventually

D. generally


A. Besides

B. Except

C. Except for

D. Beside


A. used to

B. use to

C. are used to

D. would


A. acquire

B. inquire

C. require

D. request


A. Other

B. Others

C. Another

D. The other


A. for

B. in

C. at

D. with



Many people speak about living a harmonious life. Some of those people offer guidance

that amounts 1 () trying to help hearers align their lives to the life of the 2 () . And many hearers actually listen 3 () a specific set of steps that will create harmony in their lives. I'm not presuming that the way I structure my life will be the way you need to structure your life. 4 () I can offer is some guidance about the kinds of things that often create disharmony in people's lives and nine generalized 5 () to help you create harmony in your life. Let's first stop and think about 6 () a harmonious life is. When we think about harmony in music, it is easy to hear and feel the harmony of the notes. Harmonious notes in music produce a 7 () and comfortable sound. The 8 () is true of living a harmonious life: it produces a 9 () of pleasure and peace and it is comfortable because it has everything in an appropriate proportion. A harmonious life will also produce a pleasing connection between beliefs, feelings and interests and the way you 10 () your life.


A. to

B. at

C. upon

D. for


A. speaker

B. hearer

C. writer

D. teacher


A. to

B. for

C. with

D. without


A. That

B. As

C. Although

D. What


A. advices

B. prescriptions

C. tools

D. tips


A. where

B. what

C. \

D. that


A. pleasing

B. continuous

C. loud

D. popping


A. same

B. difference

C. reason

D. logic


A. taste

B. feeling

C. sense

D. mind


A. start

B. consider

C. live

D. comment



Informed conversations about self-driving cars no longer are about feasibility. New ke

Informed conversations about self-driving cars no longer are about feasibility. New key talking points are “When?” and “Which automakers first?” and “Who will be responsible when an accident happens?” Nissan has said it will sell a driverless car by 2020. IHS forecast several models available by 2025. Both of these are guesses—but they indicate how fast the technology is progressing. What seemed unimaginable a decade ago becomes more practical, comprehensible, and real by the day. Google's (GOOG) self-driving Toyota Prius (TM) has logged hundreds of thousands of miles without incident on California roads. Most automakers are testing self-driving cars on tracks and —lately, as I experienced earlier this week in Las Vegas — in traffic. The Audi A7 equipped with “traffic jam assist” was programmed to drive itself slowly in heavy traffic at no more than 40 miles per hour. (Dr. Bjorn Giesler, head of Audi's project team, was behind the wheel.) The car was loaded with cameras, sensors, and a special device that monitors a driver's eyes to ensure he or she doesn't fall asleep at the wheel. In that event, the car will safely slow down, stop, and call for help. Think of a driverless car as a robot. For Audi and other automakers, a key question is how much of the driving should be done by the robot, how much by the driver. The driver decides. Executives at Audi and other automakers say the driver, in any case, must remain engaged and attentive, ready to take over in the event of the unexpected: a car travelling the wrong way or out of control, for example. Audi executives won't use the word “driverless;” instead they speak about “piloted” driving. Other auto executives talk about “autonomous” or “assisted” driving. Only Google is adamant that it wants a driverless car, one that can help the elderly and the blind, as well as anyone who would rather be reading a book.

(1)When it comes to self-driving car, which of the following is NOT the frequent topic?

A. When it is put into use.

B. Which automakers will first produce self-driving car.

C. Whether it is feasible.

D. Who will be responsible when an accident happens.

(2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. IHS claimed that there would be several models in 2025.

B. Google's (GOOG) self-driving Toyota Prius (TM) has been tested.

C. Audi A7 can monitor a driver's eyes to ensure he or she doesn't fall asleep at the wheel.

D. Self-driving car has been in use.

(3)As for driverless car, decide(s) how much of the driving should be done by the car.

A. drivers

B. automakers

C. executives

D. nobody

(4)According to the passage, drivers must even in driverless driving.

A. sleep

B. be attentive

C. take photos

D. do reading

(5)According to Audi executives, which word is NOT proper for self-driving?

A. driverless

B. piloted

C. assisted

D. autonomous



On the morning of September 11, 2002, Americans everywhere paused. Throughout the coun

try, citizens shared a moment of 1 () at 8:46 A.M., exactly one year after the first hijacked airliner 2 () into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. Family members of the 3 () gathered near the area now known as Ground Zero. Similar ceremonies were held at the Pentagon in Washington and in Pennsylvania, where the 4 () two hijacked planes had crashed during the attacks. Powerful events like the September 11 attacks have a way of bringing 5 () similar reactions in people. 6 () if we look a little more closely, even in this situation, we can see that not everyone 7 () in the same way to the tragedy. In the days 8 () the attack, many Americans were glued to their television sets, 9 () following each new development. But others turned their sets off, 10 () to watch the unsettling images any longer. The closer we look, the more we begin to see characteristic differences between people. They are part of what we call Personality.


A. silence

B. silent

C. calmness

D. peace


A. crashed

B. beat

C. moved

D. pushed


A. injured

B. victims

C. wounded

D. citizen


A. other

B. another

C. others

D. additional


A. on

B. in

C. up

D. out


A. Then

B. And

C. Yet

D. Furthermore


A. answered

B. acted

C. reacted

D. replied


A. followed

B. following

C. before

D. ago


A. urgently

B. eager

C. emergent

D. urgent


A. capable

B. able

C. ready

D. unable



Home is a place that one never forgets. A place which has that 1 () familiarity (熟悉)

that nowhere else does and a connection that can never 2 () . I began to realize how important home was when I left my small town 3 () the French university two years ago. I always knew that it was important to understand French background and heritage(遗产) but nothing prepared me for the way I would feel when living abroad. I’ve visited all kinds of museums of French history 4 () being here and I have enjoyed 5 () my first glimpses into certain periods of their past but these visits just don’t quite 6 () for me. I pondered 7 () why this was so for the first few weeks and then came to realize that it was because I wasn’t from here, I was a foreigner 8 () . I had not been taught about it at primary school, I had not grown up with that nostalgia(怀恋) and I did not have that 9 () to the country. 10 () much I wanted to enjoy it, there is no history like the history of my home.


A. warmth

B. warming

C. warm

D. warmed


A. be broken

B. be breaking

C. break

D. breaks


A. from

B. in

C. for

D. off


A. because

B. since

C. thus

D. if


A. to get

B. of getting

C. getting

D. get


A. make it

B. work out

C. work it

D. make up


A. about

B. on

C. over

D. to


A. look on

B. looking at

C. looking on

D. look at


A. land

B. bond

C. band

D. fond


A. How

B. Whatever

C. What

D. However



The 21st century has seen a new step forward in film technology: the 3-D revolution. J

The 21st century has seen a new step forward in film technology: the 3-D revolution. Just five years ago it was very rare to see a 3-D film at a mainstream cinema, but in 2010, 50% of the ten highest grossing films of the year were 3-D. 3-D films are obviously very popular. The technology truly immerses you in the film and makes you feel like you’re part of the action. It can make you believe that you’re on Avatar’s planet Pandora when in fact you’re actually just sat in the cinema on a wet Tuesday afternoon. 3-D films reach out to the audience in a way that perhaps normal 2-D films do not. Audiences worldwide have shown they enjoy being more involved in a film and the popularity of 3-D films has helped improve box-office sales during the economic crisis, when people don’t usually spend extra money on entertainment. However, what’s good for film studios isn’t always good for audiences. 3-D film tickets do cost more than normal cinema tickets, and you must decide if seeing a film in 3-D is worth the extra money. Some people say that 3-D technology makes films more involving, and surely that’s the purpose of the script, acting and direction. If a film’s budget is being spent on 3-D then less is being spent on these three things, which used to be all a film needed to make it involving. What’s more, several films are being turned into 3-D after they have been made in 2-D, rather than being made in 3-D from the start. This produces a weaker effect and can be seen as a way of studios cashing in on the popularity of 3-D whilst actually creating an inferior product. For example, why did Disney need to re-release The Lion King in 3-D? How much new technology was added to a film that was already fantastic? Not only are some studios charging higher prices for lower quality films, but many people get headaches from wearing 3-D glasses. It’s possible that the new, popular technology is still not advanced enough to be more than a passing craze, and film-makers that misuse the technology and produce weak films will lessen the popularity of 3-D.

(1)In 2010, of the ten top-grossing movies of the year were 3-D.

A. less than 50%

B. more than 50%

C. 10%

D. half

(2)According to paragraph 2, 3-D technology indeed the audience in the film.

A. involves

B. dips

C. submerses

D. puts

(3)Which advantage could 3-D films bring to the studios?

A. The studios could charge the audience higher prices.

B. The studios could produce higher-quality films.

C. The studios could master more perfect and advanced techniques.

D. Script, acting and direction of films could become better.

(4)For the audience, which one is the disadvantage of 3-D films?

A. They feel like they are part of the action in the film.

B. They pay less money for 3-D film.

C. 3-D technology makes films less attractive.

D. 3-D glasses are uncomfortable for them.

(5)What is the author’s attitude toward 3-D films?

A. Neutral.

B. Supportive.

C. Scornful.

D. opposed

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